By Darraneica

4.3M 88.1K 221K

After Kohen "Kain" Valdez decides that he wants to quit the game and start being a family man, something trag... More

Copyright 2016


25.3K 1.1K 1.7K
By Darraneica

months later

"Oh my God." Moonie beamed, placing her hand on her chest. She looked at her daughter, who was busy posing for her photos.

Both Moonie and Kain decided to get some professional pictures of their children taken. They felt like it was only right to get some while their children were little.

Both children were dressed in white and denim. It was classic yet straightforward for their first set of pictures. Kirsten wore a gold teddy bear necklace over her white shirt. Her long hair was in plaits that curled at the end. Bows and berets decorated her head.

Moonie assumed her daughter would be frightened by the stranger taking the photos. However, she didn't seem afraid at all. She posed and gave the camerawoman, Casey, a big smile, giving her all.

Kai wasn't too photogenic. His mom had to make him smile with her silliness and talking. Casey quickly captured the photos of him. She received approval on them afterward.

"Look at your daughter." Moonie nudged Kain, who was busy feeding Kai. He held his son in the crook of his arms. The short glass bottle was tilted, allowing the baby to drink at his own pace. He touched his dad's wrist as if he would pull away.

Kain shook his head and pulled a slight smirk on his face. He loved Kirsten so much. She was his first baby, the first tiny human to make him a father. Seeing her grow into her personality was beautiful.

Kirsten was growing up, and her parents were noticing the sudden changes. She talked more with her words and expressed her opinions on a range of things. She also liked to dress herself. Like a parent, Moonie allowed her to dress herself sometimes. Of course, she didn't let her leave the house with tacky clothes. Instead, she would give her daughter an alternate swap--whether it's a shirt, pair of pants, or shoes.

"I see her," Kain responded, placing his eyes on his wife. She looked good in her white blouse and flared denim jeans. Her hair was in box braids that reached the top of her butt. Like Kirsten, she wore a gold necklace. Only hers displayed her government name.


"She acts like you," Moonie informed him as she scanned through her voice messages. Her long, manicured nails tapped away. They were ballerina-shaped and painted in orange.

"No shit." He replied sarcastically, glancing over at Kirsten. "And she's my twin."

"And this one is mine." Moonie pointed out, grabbing her son's chubby foot that was covered by a sock. He didn't pull away since he was busy eating.

Kain looked down at his baby boy, examining him thoroughly. He had dark brown skin that was smooth, and it smelled like a mixture of fruit with a hint of vanilla. Kai had a head full of black curls; they were thick and moisturized.

He locked eyes with his son, appreciating his wife's genes. He loved Moonie's big brown eyes and didn't mind telling her; Kai managed to inherit them as well.

"No way..." Moonie trailed off, holding her phone up to her ear. "I have a voicemail from the mayor's assistant."

"What...you serious?"

"Yes." She replied with emphasis. "The mayor wants to schedule a meeting with me."

"You need to get on that," Kain instructed her. "It's serious."

"As soon as we leave here." She remarked. "Maybe I can step outside now and schedule the meeting."

Kain nodded and said, "Go ahead. I'll take over until you come back."

"Thank you, baby."

Kain watched as she walked away, showing off her shapely body. A smirk etched across his face. His wife was fine, and she was looking healthy. Moonie healed after being grazed by a bullet. Now, she was working out and trying to eat better. She'd slimmed down a lot and was now showing off her new size.


After a few attempts, it finally happened. Kareem became a father to a healthy baby boy. India's eight-hour labor went smoothly, thanks to the friendly staff and epidural. She didn't push long since her baby was way past crowning. Kareem watched as his son popped out in amazement. He was able to cut his umbilical cord and watch his son get cleaned.

He held India's hand the whole time, making sure she was okay. As soon as the baby was delivered and laid on her chest, he leaned over and gave her a big kiss on the lips. Kareem was excited to see his healthy son, and he was thankful for India, who brought him into the world.

"Kareem Jr.," India pushed out tiredly as she held her son. "KJ..."

KJ's eyes were shut tight as he sucked on his bottom lip. He was quiet, not crying at all. The baby was pale with reddish-pinkish lips. His features were to be determined since he was just born.

"My son."

"You can hold him," India called out. "I'm tired...hungry."

"We're going to get you straight, baby," Kareem whispered, taking his son into his arms. "Oh, shit. He's tiny."

"Seven pounds, ten ounces." The nurse commented with a smirk. "He's at a pretty average weight. You're just a tall guy, so of course, he's tiny to you."

"Yeah..." Kareem smirked as happiness rained on him. He was finally satisfied with his life. He looked over at India and nodded his head.

He was ready to get married.


The room was dimmed, creating an arousing vibe. Moonie was saddled on top of Kain, riding him expertly. He seemed to be enjoying it. His facial expressions and increasing moans seemed to motivate her to continue.

Kain grasped her breasts with both of his hands. He studied her intensely, causing his dick to turn steel. Her stomach was tight due to her new workout routine. The way she fluidly moved, making sure she caught most of his dick, had him slowly moving his lower half.

Suddenly, the mood changed. Moonie let out a soft moan, and Kain followed. Both felt their orgasm coming at the same time. She rode him harder, and he felt the need to maneuver his hands down to her hips. Kain gripped both sides firmly, racing to his climax.

The couple finished together, creating a hot and passionate chord of moans. They tried to catch their breaths, both hot and sweaty, from the mind-blowing sex they endured.

After they calmed down, Moonie hopped up and immediately went to the bathroom. She walked inside and slipped on her robe while Kain searched the bed for his boxers.

"I see your knees didn't give out this time." He commented.

"We've been doing a lot of practicing, and I've been working on my legs." She replied as she waltzed over and wrapped her arms around his neck. Moonie leaned over and pressed her lips against his. He allowed her to do so, feeling a certain flutter in his belly.

"You done started something, again," Kain whispered, glancing down at his dick.

"So." Moonie pushed out with a grin on her face. "I can handle it."

Kain watched her brown nipple peek through her silk robe as she grabbed ahold of his penis. Expertly, she stroked him in her tiny hands.

Ring, ring, ring.

"Shit." Kain cursed. "Who the fuck is this?"

"Really?" Moonie narrowed her brows as she watched her husband. "You're going to answer it?"

"It might be important."

"I'm about to suck your dick, and you want to answer your phone? At three in the morning?"

"It's Kareem, see." He turned the phone around for her to see and immediately answered it, bringing the phone up to his ear.

"For real. Oh shit, so everything is good?"

"What happened?" Moonie whispered, taking a seat on the bed.

"India had the baby."

"She what?" Moonie crawled over to her side of the bed and grabbed her phone. She had a few notifications; two were from India.

"Kareem said she sent you a picture of him."

"I see it. Hold on." Moonie's heart raced as she used her face ID to unlock her phone. Immediately, the picture was pulled up through her iMessage.

"He's so handsome." Moonie complimented the baby while leaning over to show her husband. "Baby, look at him."

"I see him..." Kain trailed off. He placed his attention on his phone and said, "Congrats, man. I'm happy for you."


Moonie sat on the recliner with a paperback book in her hand. She looked over at Winne, who was busy playing with Kai. He laughed hard as she blew on his stomach.

"You think you can deal with Kirsten and Kai while we're gone?"

Winnie settled the baby on her lap and placed her eyes on Moonie, who held a smirk on her face. She shrugged her shoulders and looked over at Kirsten, who was busy tapping away on her iPad.

"I could manage them."

"No, nevermind." Moonie shook her head. "They're coming with us. My babies need to get out of New York. They have never been out of the country."

Moonie needed a vacation, so she mentioned Turks and Caicos to her husband. Immediately, he rejected the idea. Kain claimed he had important business to handle in New York. Moonie knew he was only making up excuses, so she called him out. It didn't take him long to get on board.

Moonie was beyond prepared for the trip. She and her family had updated passports. She also made sure everything was booked and prepared for their arrival. The vacation wasn't cheap, but it didn't bother Moonie. She wasn't forking over twenty thousand dollars. When Kain saw the price of the vacation, he lost his breath. He never spent that much money on vacation before.

After going through the bookings and reservations, he realized Moonie chose every expensive option. He wanted to bump the selections down to something budget-friendly, but he didn't want to hear his wife's mouth.

"Where are you guys going again?"

"Turks and Caicos."

"No way." Winnie scooted on the couch while balancing Kai. "Take me with you. I'll be the nanny."

Moonie laughed, but she never accepted Winnie's request.

"I'm just playing..." Winnie trailed off. "It's pretty expensive, though. I went two years ago. You are going to love it."

"I hope so," Moonie replied. "Can you recommend some hotspots?"

"That depends on where you are staying."

"Comfort Palms...It's near Parrot Cay," Moonie answered with a smile on her face. "We rented a beach house for four whole days."

"Wow." Winnie's eyes bugged. "Comfort Palms. That's freaking expensive. I wouldn't be surprised if you run into any celebrities."

"I could..." She shrugged her shoulders.

"I didn't stay near Parrot Cay...it was near Kew," Winnie remarked. "But you should be able to find some hotspots. Google won't let you down."

Moonie leaned her head back and said, "Let's hope it doesn't."


Moonie sat on the passenger side of Kain's truck. Her fingertips were drenched in lemon pepper sauce. Kain glanced over at her and furrowed his brows.

His wife wasn't playing any games with her food.

"Are you supposed to be eating that?" He questioned her suspiciously. "Wings aren't exactly on your meal plan."

"It's my cheat day." She muttered, chewing on her food.

"Cheat day, huh?" He teased her. " Yo, watch that sauce," Kain warned her as he continued to steal glances. "I just cleaned out my truck. Kirsten wasted ketchup in the back. I had to shampoo my seats."

Purposely, she pushed her middle finger in her mouth and sucked on it. Kain looked over, not expecting to see his wife sucking the sauce off her fingertips so seductively.

He scoffed and bit down on his bottom lip. Kain adjusted his lower half, feeling the rapid growth, and said, "I see you. Don't start no shit."

Moonie laughed and said, "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just cleaning my fingers."

"Oh, you know exactly what you're doing."

The couple continued to go back and forth until they ended up at Kareem's house. Kain parked across the street when Moonie pulled out a pack of hand sanitizer wipes. She wiped her hands clean and made sure to tidy up.

When Kain got out of his truck, he opened the back door and grabbed a large gift bag. Moonie made a call and ordered some items for Kareem and India's baby boy, Kareem Jr.

When Kain met with his wife, he grabbed her hand and walked across the street. The couple walked up the stairs and knocked on the door of the house. It didn't take long for Kareem to answer.

Kain could tell that Kareem was still high on having a new baby in the house. He looked clean, but he was exhausted from barely getting enough sleep. His hair was neatly braided to the back with a fresh fade.

"So, you a dad now?" Kain teased him as soon as the door was closed behind him.

Kareem smiled, loving that new title.

"Hell yeah, man. And I love every bit of it."

"Oh, I can tell," Moonie replied as she grabbed the gift bag from her husband. "Where's India?"

"She's in the backroom with KJ."

"I'll be back there." She announced. "I know you two have a lot to catch up on."

"Alright." Kain got a good view of his wife from behind. Her body was appealing to him. She didn't hold much ass, and that was fine with him. However, he still loved her toned body. She worked hard on it, and he appreciated it.

Moonie walked through Kareem's pristine home until she was in the master bedroom. India was busy walking around the room, folding up towels. She was dressed in an all-black t-shirt with some leggings. Her hair was also braided, like Moonie's. However, her hair pulled into a bun while Moonie wore half of hers up with the back hanging.

"Hey..." She trailed off softly while stepping into the bedroom. "Where's the baby?"

India seemed surprised by her cousin's visit. Her eyes bugged, and they were quickly relieved. "Hey, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see KJ."

"I wasn't expecting you to come this soon," India remarked as she traveled near the bassinet that was inside the bedroom. "He's right here in his bassinet."

"Great." Moonie walked inside the room with the large gift bag in her hand. "Kain and I brought KJ some gifts."

India accepted the bag and wasted no time inspecting the gifts. There was a silver spoon with a teddy bear engraved at the top, a custom-made quilt with Kareem Jr.'s name, and expensive baby clothing made especially for him.

"This is so nice." India looked at the items as her eyes grew watery. Moonie didn't have time to look at the baby since her attention went on her cousin.


"No, I'm not trying to be a crybaby," India stated. "It's just that I wasn't expecting to receive a gift from you. I didn't receive many. My mom bought some stuff, and your mom and auntie Audrey did as well. It's just that.... this is so thoughtful." She looked over at Moonie and said, "Thank you."

"Aww..." Moonie softly trailed off, walking over. Gently, she wrapped her arms around her cousin and kissed her on the cheek. "You're welcome."

The women hugged for a while but eventually pulled apart.

"You can hold him if you want to," India replied, wiping her tears away.

"I want to." Moonie blurted out before she could take away the opportunity. "I'll go and wash my hands now. Get me a blanket."

While Moonie thoroughly washed her hands, India fished around the drawer for a clean baby blanket. When she noticed Moonie walking out of the bathroom with clean hands, she laid the blanket across her chest, and Moonie took a peek inside the bassinet.

"He's so handsome..." She trailed off, examining his yumminess. "I don't want to disturb him."

"He'll be alright. Pick him up." India urged her.

Moonie leaned over and kindly picked him up. He made little noises, which caused her to pacify him with soft words.

It was still too early to see his features. KJ's skin complexion was pale, and his jet-black hair was straight. He was an average size baby, but he had large hands and feet.

"Look at these feet," Moonie commented as she held his right foot in her hand. She lifted it and placed a soft kiss on it.

"Big as hell, I know. Like his daddy."

"But they smell so good." Moonie held his naked foot up to her nostrils.

Moonie continued to love the baby while India examined the custom-made quilt.

"I can't believe you bought my baby a silver spoon."

Moonie didn't reply. She just gave her a smirk.

India set the quilt down and placed her attention on her cousin. "Moonie, can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead."

"Why are you so nice to me all of a sudden?"

Moonie shrugged her shoulders and said, "I guess the birth of KJ softened my heart."


"We may not get along all the time, but we are cousins," Moonie added.

"I'm glad you said that because I have no friends," India admitted. "I was under Kareem throughout my whole pregnancy. I had no one to talk to, and...I was miserable."

"But you told me you were happy the last time we talked in-person."

"I'm happy to be financially stabled, yes. When it comes to relationships.... I'm not sure." India continued. "Kareem does make me happy, sometimes, and there are days I just want to get away from him."

"What are you talking about?" Moonie looked at her cousin suspiciously.

India shook her head and took a deep breath. She looked at Moonie and batted her eyes a few times, dropping tears.

"What happened?" Moonie whispered.

"I never had to question our relationship until now. Of course, you know, and I know that he does have a problem with keeping his hands to himself. That's not happening anymore-he hasn't put his hands on me in a long time. But...there is something else that's bothering me."

"What's bothering you?"

"He...he fucked that young ass girl." India spilled with anger in her eyes. She doubled her lips as she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Young ass girl..." Moonie trailed off as she looked around the room in total shock.

"Lucky's little sister, Briana."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute..." Moonie trailed off as she continued to hold the baby in her arms. She moved him to a comfortable position and proceeded with the conversation. "He had sex with her. How did you find out?"

"He left his phone on the bed. I heard it vibrating, so I decided to see what was going on. It's a text from her. She texted him first and told him that he left something, and it eventually moved over to a different conversation."

"But...did they mention anything about sex?" Moonie asked.

"They didn't say much, but I read between the lines..." India answered. "They had sex, and I know they did. He was gone for a long time, and when he made it back here, he went straight to the shower."

"When like, how long ago was this?"

"Yesterday." India cried as she wiped her face.

"Ind..." Moonie trailed off, feeling sorry for her cousin.

She'd been there many times. Kain wasn't a saint at all. He had his share of women-before and during their marriage.

"This hurts, and I know because Kain has not been faithful to me," Moonie explained.

India nodded her head and said, "How do you get through this?"

"I'm not even sure how I got through the infidelities. I'm like, how can you cheat on someone you love? It doesn't make any sense to me."

"I love him...I'm in love with him," Moonie continued while wrinkling her nose. "The good does outweigh the bad, so maybe that was my reason for staying with him."

India just stood there wiping her tears away.

"Kain has one chance," Moonie stated, looking her cousin in the eyes. "One chance to do right by my kids and me. If he fucks up again, I'm divorcing his ass, and I'm taking my kids. I've given him so many chances, and I feel like if he messes this one up, he's just looking for a way out."

"What about the kids?"

"What about them? They'll still have both parents." Moonie shook her head and said, "We did split up, I'm sure you know that. To be honest, I didn't want to take him back. I stayed separated from him for a while because I didn't know if I wanted him back. This was the worst betrayal because we're married. It's like he didn't give a fuck about the vows we made to each other."

"I knew you two were going through a separation and possible divorce," India spoke up. "He's been on a straight path ever since. Kain comes home early, and he doesn't hang at the club much."

"He knows not to," Moonie assured her. "So, what are you going to do about this situation?"

India stayed quiet and looked down at her manicured nails.

"You're not going to say anything?"

"It'll ruin everything."

"Like what?"

"We're getting married," India replied. "In four days and...I don't want to mess that up."

"You're getting married in four days?" Moonie reiterated. "But your six weeks aren't up yet. Are you sure it's okay to go out this early?"

"It's fine, and besides, we're going to the justice of the peace."

"Ind..." Moonie shook her head. "You're going to marry Kareem knowing that he slept with a what-sixteen, seventeen-year-old girl?"

"I'm not going to let her win." India retorted with sass. "I want stability, Moon. My son deserves to grow up in a home with two parents."

Moonie wanted to say something back, but she decided to hold her tongue. After all, she was still with Kain. However, India and Kareem's situation was a little different. It involved a teenaged girl.

"You could easily leave Kain and not look back. You have a business that pays well. But what do I have to fall back on? Nothing." India continued. "I need him...and I do love him."

Moonie just nodded her head stiffly. She didn't say much, fearing the woman would push her away again.

"Do what you believe is right, Ind. You're a grown woman."

There was silence for a while until Moonie spoke up. She couldn't hold her tongue anymore.

"I just can't believe that Kareem had the audacity to sleep with someone else and you just gave birth to his son."

India shook her head while frowning.

"It's like I did something wrong."

"Don't use that excuse. He cheated because he wanted to."


When the women calmed down and sorted out their issues, they made their way to the front. Moonie found Kain, who was busy checking out KJ. He smiled, excited that his brother was finally a dad.

"He looks like you, man."

"Yeah." Kareem agreed while holding his son in his arms. "My lil twin."

Moonie pursed her lips as she narrowed her eyes. She saw Kareem in a different light. It was the same light Kain was in.

Fucking dogs.

India took a seat beside her and passed her a small bottle of water. Moonie accepted it and wasted no time opening the water and chugging it down.

The knocks on the door halted everyone. Kain looked over at Kareem while Moonie and India eyed each other in suspense.

"I'll get it," Kain announced, heading toward the door.

"Be careful, idiot," Moonie muttered.

Kain caught her witty remark and tossed her a glare. He proceeded to answer the door. When he noticed the person on the opposite side, his eyes bugged.
"What's the problem?" Kareem asked.

"Shit, it's your moms."

Kareem looked at him as if he was joking. He figured his boy was since he always pulled the yo mama jokes often.

"I'm serious, bruh. It's Christie."

"The fuck she wants," Kareem mumbled. "Answer it for me."

Kain did as instructed and answered the door while Kareem handed KJ over to his mom.

"Where is my son?" Christie asked Kain.

"Right here," Kareem answered. "What do you want?"

Christie's hair was pulled into a bun. She wore a coat over her clothes and looked to have a slender build. Moonie examined her and realized how nice her clothes were.

Christie looked her son up and down and said, "I don't hear from your ass in over six months and that's how you greet me?"

Kareem looked off, he didn't want to deal with his mom.


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