Reach For The Stars (Tommyinn...

By SunflowerNotFound

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Y/n is popular 16 year old streamer. What happened whens she gets a very special invite that could change he... More

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A/n random
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Things they got
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Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52 (:
chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chappter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter ?
Sequel is out NOW

ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕑π•₯𝕖𝕣 𝟜𝟝

5K 152 166
By SunflowerNotFound

TW/ under get drinking that's about it. Wait theres Swearing as well. Also didn't proff read it sooooooooo yep.

" Nick. Piggy back. Ride"I quickly jumped on his back and he carried me.  " Warring next time please" He laughed with everyone else. I saw Ranboo hit Tommy on the back if the head. Maybe it was just a joke. We get back to the hotel and all head to our rooms. I use the bathroom first.

I take a nice hot showers and dry my hair with a towel. I put on a black crop top with our matching hoodies over it. Along with some black spandex like shorts. Next was Tommy's turn. I waited patiently for him to come out. When I got a text from unknown number

Hey it's Jackson, you seem like a nice friend. I'm throwing a party tonight wanna come bring a friend if you want 

User changed unknown to Jackson 🌠

I'll have to see. I'll definitely bring a friend if I go. 

Tommy walked out in a shirt and sweats. His hair was a light brown color from being wet. " What do you wanna do?" He asked, sitting next to me. " I don't know I mean it Is our last night in your new why not enjoy it. That really nice boy I got his number said I was invited to his party. Wanna live one night as party people even though its out of our comfort zones" I asked he smiled.

" Let's have some fun" He cheered. I ran to the bathroom and changed from shorts to a black skirt . I swapped with Tommy so he could change. He wore a dark red shirt with a weird but cool looking design and some jeans.  I quickly throw together my make up. It looked okay. Tommy was waiting for me. I put on thigh high heels. I grab my purse and wallet along with my phone. Tommy does the same. I quickly text Jackson asking for the address and he replies. I also tell him I'm bringing a friend. 

"Oh ground rules No hard drugs. That's about it other than somehow driving. If you do drink, stay close to me. I don't wanna lose you in a huge crowd. But even if you don't drink please don't leave me. " I asked and he nodded. "I won't leave your side. I promise that. " As soon as we get out of the lobby  call us and Uber and tell them the address. 

Tommy grabs onto my hand. " Ever been to a party toms" I asked. "Does a birthday party count?" He joked. "Nope now come on let's have some fun. Remember only do things you want to if you feel uncomfortable at any time tell me and we will leave" I gave him a soft look. " Same for you" He held up his pinky. We linked ours and shook them.

He held onto my hand as we walked into the house. It wasn't that big of a party but in some rooms it was shoulder to shoulder. At least a hundred people. We walked to find Jackson. "Hi y/n glad you could come who might be here" He created me with a hug. 

"This is Tommy'' I smiled and Tommy held out his hand to greet him. "Nice to meet you. Drinks in the kitchen just have fun. Oh and I know everyone one here they won't do any harm to you. " He smiled walking away handing me the bottle of vodka he was drinking. It was half empty. Tommy and I explored and found out there was a backyard. It wasn't that crowded out here so we chilled here. I took about a shot of vodka then stopped. Tommy did the same. 

"Will gonna be pissed " He laughed. " They all will. Maybe not tubs or Rambo " I smiled. 
We continued to pass the bottle back and forth. " I think Tubbo will be disappointed he's kinda like a older brother to us same with Rambo" We both agreed. 

" Yepp we're so  fucking grounded when we get back it won't even be funny" He laughed. " They can't really do anything with me. My parents are dead what they gonna do call there ghosts and tell them to haunt me" We both laughed. " No but they call mine I'm screwed " He smiled. " Let's just enjoy it. Wanna dance" I held out my hand. We were both very drunk and it showed. Tommy was a bit less drunk than I was. 

"Always" He smiled and I led us to the house that's filled with music and people. We dance for what felt like hours. Tommy stopped drinking because he wanted to. I was now concerned about a bit more Alcohol than he had. We both decided on going back to the hotel as it's 2am." Damn why do we have a streak of doing dumb thing in the middle of the night. " We decided to call an Uber.

Since were underage we had to act like we weren't drunk at all. This went well. We got back to the hotel and entered the lobby. We walked Quietly into our room.  Will was sleeping on the couch. I quietly pointed in wills direction. We Quietly made our way over to our luggage. We both still drunk but it's not that bad.  We were both so quiet until the light turned on. We both froze In place. 

We both in the sink look over at the lights switch was to see Will standing there with his arms crossed. Fuck were so busted. 
" I've been worried sick. Were the fuck have to been"I looked over at Tommy  and we both shrugged. " A park I asked her to come to the park with me" Tommy said quickly his words were kinda a mess and sloppy.  "Yep we watched the stars'' I backed him up. 
" Are you both drunk" Anger raised in his voice. 

" Nooooo '' My brain said sarcastically. I didn't mean to do that. " I agree with her, '' Tommy pointed and smiled, holding back his Laughter. Nope, still  drunk. " I want a full explanation on what happened now" Will demand and clay walked through the doors. 
"Look it's pissbaby" I laughed.  Clay looked confused. Then at will who was pissed. 
" What's got you in a twist?" He asked. 

"Oh right I didn't tell you that two snuck out four hours ago. I came in on them and they weren't there. I assumed they went to get a snack or some shirt. Until 2  hours had passed. It's now 2:38 in the morning as they just come back drunk" Will explained and Clay also became frustrated.  " Both of you explanation now" Clay raised his voice and we just laughed.  " Hiiiii I stream Minecraft. I also make people cry from a block game" I smiled.

" Hi, how much have you had to drink?" Will bent down to my level. " Like 6 shots of vodka. Tom Tom had a lot less than I did. Wilbys gonna be made at us" I smiled. My mind was so out of it. " Holy shit that's a lot" Clay smacked his forehead. 

" Go quickly change" He rolled his eyes. 
We changed into what we had in before we went to the party. I did change into a black spaghetti strap crop top. " To the Tubbo's room. we go. " Will knock on his room  and he answered wide awake.

" Bee BOY " I jumped up and down " What's wrong with her?" He asked and I frowned. " I'll explain later. Were moving Niki to there room and clay into mine so we can watch them." Tubbo looked saddened at us. Ranboo walked up to the door and I hid behind will.

" He's scary tall help me" I hid my face in Wills hip. He chuckled. "She drunk isn't she" Clay already took Tommy to their room. " Yeah you guys are closer to her than I am, help me pry an answer out of her" They nodded letting us in.  We sat down onto here couch. 

"Y/n care to explain why you're drunk," Tubbos asked. " What do you mean drunk I'm not drunk." I giggled. " You very much are'' They thought I was funny. " How much did she drink like holy shit she's plastered " Tubbo asked

" 6 shots of vodka and toms had a few sips'' I blurted out. " Don't tell Wilby he'll kill me. Also can't really do much other than that. I mean he can't really call my mom. She dead" I laughed " Aww she called you wilby. Is it just me or is her humor super dark when she's drunk" Ranboo scratched his neck. 

"Nah scary tall blond dude I can't remember it's called not wanting to feel with the fact of life. You push it away until you crack from the stress" I smiled and made hand movements. " Were not getting anything out of her, are we? '' Tubbo asked and they both shook their heads no. Next, Clay and Tommy walk through the door. " Good news tommy not even really that drunk '' Tommy looked sad though. 

" You must be dream. I kinda expect you to be green about yay high and a blob" I make hand motions towards my waist about how tall he would be to comply forgotten I've already met him tonight. They all laughed.  " Yep waisted" Clay Wheezed. "  Tommy did you. Consume anything other than alcohol " Will asked. "Nope" He smiled brightly. 

" At least there not dumb drunks" Ranboo laughed.  " I mean we went to a party and chilled out by ourselves in the backyard. We did dance though" I chuckled.  " Aww you should have invited me. It sounded like fun," Tubbo wined.

" It's okay bee boy next time" Wills jaw dropped. "No there will be no next time. The only time you are allowed to drink is if we're in the same room with you. 
I rather you guys be drunk with us than with strangers. " He snickered a bit. '' Haha Dad Ur pissed.

" I sat on the floor and giggled. "I'm not pissed I'm disappointed" He rolled his eyes and sighed. " I'm disappointed In me tooooo " I stretched the O. "Why is that'' Clay asked. " Nice try but you get no answer" I laid down and stared at the ceiling. 

"  I wanna know why too " Will walked closer and sat on the floor. " Tacenda" I frowned. " What does that mean?" Ranboo asked. " Tacenda, noun Things better to be left unsaid ; matters to be passed over in silence " I spoke confidently.

  " You just sounded like techno and his big words. I didn't know you were that smart" They all agreed. " Nah I like to hide it. Being smart is boring. " I smiled, they frowned.  " Hmm I don't think your boring" I looked up at Tommy. 

"  Mhm" I mumbled. "  I can't wait for big Q to join us on this trip" I smiled. "  He's coming too" Everyone got excited. "Yeep tomorrow since Phill leaves in two days. George also has to leave later tomorrow" I frowned. 

"NOO the Dream not found content" Tommy pouted. We all laughed. " It's okay Tomathy we still got our vlog content " I smiled " There not gonna remember this conversation. Which makes this ten times more funnier " Tubbo chuckled.

"Yep" Ranboo smiled. " Alright We're gonna make them sleep '' Will motioned us to follow and we did. "Byeeee Bee Boy and scarry tall blond dude named Ranbooo" I yelled leaving the door.  They brought us to Will's room. 

"Alright split and go to sleep. " Will pointed to the beds. I happily walked over to the bed in the right and. Jumped on it. " Y/n stop and go to sleep" Will scolded me. I stopped and went to sleep. 

A/n: LOL I read the comments on this story and there scary funny. You all make me laugh at 3am because of your comments.
My family probably thinks I'm crazy. The next chapters will be positive and fun. I know shocking right. You all decided on the name Bee can't wait to use it.

20011 words

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