𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 �...

By The_CringeShow

58.1K 1.8K 1K


✒️ONE: What could go wrong?
✒️TWO: Within the studio
✒️THREE: We'll meet again...
✒️FOUR: The cry of a kitten
FIVE: A different perspective
SIX: The Shepherd's sorrow
SEVEN: Trigger words
EIGHT: The Ink Demon's Prisoner
NINE: Just like the rest of us
TEN: Running with the past
ELEVEN: Some time with Mika
TWELVE: The demon's sympathy
THIRTEEN: Bonding time with the Ink demon
FOURTEEN: Understanding things
SIXTEEN: Showers
SEVENTEEN: Trouble sleeping
EIGHTEEN: Encountering Sammy once more
NINETEEN: Level 14
19.5: Norman's origin
TWENTY: Lazy Day
TWENTY-TWO: Hide n' seek
TWENTY-THREE: Thanks Maxx [Thanksgiving special]
TWENTY-FOUR: Bendy land
TWENTY-SIX: The meeting
26.5: Sammy's origin
TWENTY-EIGHT: Confession
THIRTY-ONE: The fool
THIRTY-TWO: Sickness
THIRTY-THREE: Lost and Found
34.5: Susie's origin
THIRTY-FIVE: The truth
THIRTY-SIX: Resurfacing memories
36.5: Mika's origin
THIRTY-NINE: A Life for a Life
FOURTY: Waves of grief
FOURTY-TWO: Vow to an old friend
FOURTY-THREE: Immortal cat


1.4K 53 40
By The_CringeShow

As soon as I woke up, the smell of bacon soup filled my nose. My eyes fluttered open as I sat up in bed; Bendy's bed. I was still in his room, wrapped in a thin yet big and fluffy blanket. Bendy wasn't anywhere in sight. He's probably the one making soup then. Stretching a little and blinking off sleep, I got out of bed, walking out of Bendy's room. The smell of bacon soup grew stronger and stronger as I headed into the kitchen. On the stove was a pot of boiling soup that was almost ready to serve. And right beside it was Bendy, waiting patiently- well, kinda. His tail twitched with anticipation. He let out a soft, bored sigh, then checked his black claws and scoffed.
Quietly, I walked up beside him, leaning back on the stove and watched the soup slowly cook. Bendy looked up from his claws to glance at me but did not say a thing. Just.. stared. He stared at me for what felt like an  hour, even though it was a minute. It started to creep me out.
I cleared my throat, glaring at him. He snapped out of his thoughts, "Hm!! Oh, Hey (Y/n)." He mumbled my name tiredly. At least, I think—
Shaking off my uneasiness, I waved at him, "Heya Bends!" He probably wasn't trying to creep me out when he stared at me like that, I told myself. It comforted me and helped me brush off my uneasiness. It was an innocent stare and I just overreacted about it.

The smell of the soup began to overfill my nose, making me break out of my thoughts. I watched Bendy as he grabbed the pot full of now-done soup. He glanced towards me; "You hungry?"
I gave a nod as a response.

He turned his gaze back to the pot and grabbed two bowls, pouring some soup in each of the bowls. My belly began to growl harshly. I winced in response to my hunger. I didn't realize that I was so hungry until now. It doesn't matter though; I'm about to get food anyway. Still, my stomach hurt from being empty.

Bendy grabbed two spoons, put them each in a bowl, then handed me one of the bowls. My stomach growled once more.
"Here, breakfast! Be careful with it, it's still hot." He said, then grabbed his bowl of soup.
"Thank you Bends!" I replied.

I headed to my room with the soup. There wasn't really much of a table, seems how Bendy never ate that much before I came to the studio. So usually, I stay in my room or sit on the floor near the throne depending on Bendy's mood.
As soon as I opened the door, Nightfall ran out and spun around in the middle of the room. I chuckled softly. I'm so glad to see my kitty in a happy mood! It brings back the old days, before the studio. The days I thought were dull when they really weren't. I wish I could've had more time to cherish them. No! No depressing thoughts! All that matters is that Nightfall is happy because he's finally warming up to the studio. That's why those memories were brought up. Because Nightfall's being his usual self.

Bendy came walking over to us, only once whimpering. That wound the projectionist gave him is healing. I began to smile to myself. That's good!
He looked down at Nightfall, who was now bouncing around his feet.

"Is he always like this?" The ink demon asked.
"Yeah," I replied, smiling, "He warmed up to the studio!"
"Ah." Bendy kneeled down and let his hand out for Nightfall to sniff. At first, Nightfall was hesitant. He let out a low growl from his throat.
"Hey, it's okay boy," I chimed, "He won't hurt you." Nightfall calmed down when I said that. His fur fluffed up though, as he slowly padded closer to Bendy and put his pink nose to his palm. Suddenly, he winced back. Probably because he thought that Bendy was going to hurt him; but the ink demon didn't move, so Nightfall put his nose back onto his palm. He remained there for a few minutes.

"See Nightfall, he's not going to hurt you." I kneeled down like Bendy. Nightfall lifted his nose from Bendy's palm and turned to me as I gave him a couple of head pats. He then began to purr, putting his paws on my knees. I sat down and Nightfall laid in my lap.
Bendy stood up and watched us, smiling ever so softly.

It began to grow silent. I stroked my cat's back for a bit, then grabbed my soup that I put down to pet Nightfall and began eating it. It was nice and cooled down, but not too cold. It was just right. And holy shit, it was fucking good. Maybe it was because I was starving and didn't know it? Or maybe because Bendy had a magical touch that made the soup more delicious? I don't know. All I knew was that it was tasty and I ate it all.
After I was done, Nightfall jumped out of my lap, letting me stand up and take my bowl to the sink.
Bendy remained in the room we were in.

After I put my bowl into the sink, I headed back to Bendy, "Do we have any plans for today?"
He shook his head.
"Okay then," I said, "Do you think we can head to the music department today?" Before he could reply, I interrupted, "No wait! Can we explore the art department? I haven't really seen it yet."
Which is true, I haven't seen it. All Bendy did was tell me about it a while back ago when I first came here.
Bendy hesitated before replying, "Fine." He muttered. I gave a soft smile, though felt a little down. The tone of his voice was harsh and cold, which shouldn't surprise me. It was always like that. Still, it's just so.. disappointing when you're finally happy after a long time.

"You coming (Y/n)?" The inky demon asked, snapping me back to reality. He already had an ink portal open.
"Yeah, I'm coming!" I replied to him, walking to his side. Nightfall meowed and padded up to me, putting his paws on my leg. I glanced down at him. He meowed again. His amber eyes were round and looking at me, as if begging to tag along.
I smiled, "You wanna come too, boy?" His fluffy tail began to wag, "Awwwe you do wanna come!" I picked him up as he let out a purr of happiness.

"We ready now?" Bendy's rough, cold deep voice startled me. I snapped my attention back to him, "Huh! Oh, yes! We're ready!"
"Good." With that, he walked through the portal, not even checking if I was behind him or not. I rolled my eyes, "jackass..." I mumbled to myself. Nightfall gave a small mew of agreement.
I walked through the portal, Nightfall in my arms. The grip I had on him began to tighten as my whole body tensed up. I should always be cautious in Bendy's ink portals. You never know what could happen. And with my luck, when I'm happy something bad will happen to bring me at rock bottom again.

My pace was quick as I walked out of the portal. The dim lights of the studio came back into my gaze. My grasp on Nightfall calmed as I let out a deep breath I was holding in. Thank god that was over. I don't know why, but today the portal really scared me. I think it's because I have Nightfall with me and I don't want him to get hurt by it. Whereas, if I get hurt, it's not that much of a big deal.
Bendy turned his gaze to me and smirked, "Scared?"
"What?! No!! I'm just being cautious because Nightfall's with me!" I huffed.
"Mhm sure." He said teasingly. I walked up beside him and we began to explore the art department. I put Nightfall down so that way he can explore too.
"Scaredy-cat." Bendy whispered to me.
"Hush it." I scowled playfully. He only gave a soft chuckle, "Make me."

I rolled my eyes at the inky demon, then began to look around the art department. For being the room covered in the most ink, it was pretty nice. Rows and rows of desks covered the entire room. Most of those desks had drawings and empty pieces of paper.
Dad's co-workers used to sit at these desks; The realization stabbed me hard. I gave a soft sigh and looked at a couple of drawings on one of the desks. It was of Bendy and Boris, going on some weird adventure they had. He used to spend all his time here, drawing Bendy like everyone else in this department. A large pang of sorrow also began stabbing me. Dad spent his time here. That's all I could think of now. All his days working here were spent in this room. This is where I hung out when he would bring Jake and I to work with him when we had no babysitter.
"(Y/n) you okay?" Bendy popped up behind me. His voice was filled with worry.
I didn't reply for a while. I was too lost in my own sorrow.
"This is where my dad used to work..." I murmured, turning to him, tears began to swell up in my eyes.
Bendy shifted uncomfortably, "Yeah.. that's why I hate this place."
I didn't respond.
"Erm.. do you need a hug?" He asked. I nodded.
He pulled me in for a hug.
I wish I could've been more happy in that moment, because honestly, Bendy showing affection- That's something to cherish.

Nightfall rubbed against my leg as Bendy rubbed my back. We remained like that for a while. A soft smile formed on my face. He continued comforting me, now humming a soft tune. I nuzzled his chest. He was so warm.
We stayed like that for a little longer before Bendy asked, "What was Henry like?"
I hesitated before replying, "I don't know much about what he was like. He died as soon as I turned seven, and I didn't realize much back then until mom died as well," I paused, "But I know that he was a kind and loving man and done all he could to be there for his family."
"....He sounds like a good man.." Before I could reply, he whispered in my ear, "He's lucky to have you as a daughter." He began to stroke my hair. I couldn't reply. I was shocked to hear him say that. Why would he say that? He's never given me a compliment before. At least I think that was a compliment. Whatever; it's at least close to one. He would never give me a compliment, Unless....
Bendy's arms began to slowly move to his side. Though, he stared at me with a longing gaze. Has he always looked at me like that? Why am I just realizing this?

Nightfall hissed, snapping all my attention to him. Nightfall's amber gaze glared at something ahead of us. His fur was bristling as he hissed again at whatever he was looking at. Slowly, my gaze turned what he was looking at. My heart began to pound. Someone else was in here besides me and Bendy.

I didn't have any time to see what it was doing, or even see what the thing was. As soon as Bendy saw it, he growled demonically and pounced onto it. The thing yowled in pain and surprise. Bendy's claws dug into the poor thing, ink-like blood splattering onto the floor and onto the inky demon. The two then wrestled for awhile, the creature fighting for its life with all its might.
I watched the whole thing in shock. I couldn't move at all, yet my legs were shaking like crazy. Is he.. really going to kill it? He's showing it no mercy at all, attacking it nonstop. What should I do? I don't even know what the creature is! They're moving too fast for me to focus!
All I see is a dark gray blur that I assume is the creature. It let out a pitiful cry of help, fighting Bendy back. This time, it actually got a hit on him. Bendy screeched demonically, "YOU MOTHER FUCKER!!!!!!!!" A small drop of ink-like blood dripped onto the floor with the puddle of blood there was already on the floor.

Bendy charged toward the creature pinning it down. A loud slam echoed in the room when he did so, making me flinch.
Everything seemed to pause right then and there. I let out a small gasp of horror, taking a step back, away from the scene in front of me. Right there in Bendy's grasp was nothing threatening, it was a small fluffy cartoon cat. It looked at Bendy with a pleading gaze. And when I looked closely, I saw tears in its eyes.
Bendy's demonic claws were on its throat with a tight grip. Bendy panted, a huge smirk beginning to form on his face as it begged for its life, "P-please-! D-d-don't hurt me! I-I'll leave!! J-just d-don't kill me! Please-!" They began to sob. Bendy cackled insanely, "You're a fool if you think I'm just going to let go unharmed.."
Their eyes widened in horror, "No no no!! I don't want to die!!!!!" Their pleas continued as Bendy lifted up his other claw and aimed it for their eyes.

I couldn't take it. I just.. couldn't see someone die. I had to do something. Anything! Enough standing around (Y/n); I yelled at myself. Do something! "BENDY STOP IT PLEASE!!!!!" I screamed. It was the best thing I could do.


Slowly and hesitantly, Bendy let the poor toon cat go. The inky demon glanced at them one last time before stumbling to my side, muttering to himself.
The toon cat looked at me in surprise, frozen up with fear. They then snapped out of their trance and ran out of the department as fast as they could, almost tripping on their tail.

We stood there for awhile longer in the silence. My mind began to digest what just happened. Bendy broke into a fight with this toon cat that was minding their own business. Why? Because Nightfall simply hissed at them. Anger began to boil up inside of me. I glared at Bendy, tempted to bitchslap him across the face. I didn't though. I didn't want to end up in the same scenario that toon cat was in. Pinned down by Bendy, just waiting for death.

"What is wrong with you?!?!?!!" I snapped, "That poor toon did nothing to you!!"
Bendy scoffed, smirking, "Oh please (Y/n), live a little." I glared at him, mouth wide open with shock and anger, "Live a little? You call that living?!? You almost KILLED that innocent creature!!"
"What? What do you mean by so? I explained everything!!!"
"It doesn't matter if I kill, just means there's one less stupid soul down here."
I groaned in frustration, but said nothing more other than; "Come on let's just go home.. I'm ready to leave."
"Fine toots-"

He opened a portal and went inside it. I followed after him, picking up Nightfall before I did.


A day has passed since the whole art department scenario happened; I'm sitting on my bed right now, lost in my thoughts. My anger towards Bendy is gone now, but I still don't want to interact with him at all today. If he needs me, he can come and get me. I'm staying right here on my ass. I won't deal with his shit.

Nightfall laid by my feet which were covered in blankets, fast asleep and snoring ever so softly. I gave a soft smile and stroked his back. He purred in response to this.
My eyes closed as I fell deeper and deeper into my thoughts. The begs of the cartoon cat from yesterday began to fill my head. "No no no!! I don't want to die!!!!!" I shivered. Not because I was cold, but the memory was so bone-chilling to me. Why would Bendy do that?  That poor toon did nothing to us! And yet, Bendy almost tore it apart with no mercy at all. I don't understand it! Without even realizing, I let out a groan of frustration.
Thank goodness I was able to stop Bendy.. I don't want to imagine what would've happened if I didn't. That poor toon kitty...

Speaking of the toon cat, I have no idea who they are!! I've never seen them drawn by dad or his Co-workers nearby his desk. It must've been a character made when dad left the animation studio. Or they were a background character forgotten over time. Curiosity started to bubble up inside me. Who was that toon I saw? I want to find out so fucking bad!!

I could ask Bendy if he knew who they were. They could've had some tension before the incident yesterday; Maybe they're rivals. But I don't want to ask Bendy anything! I don't want to deal with his bullshit today!
I let out a loud frustrated groan, which caught Nightfall's attention. The small black cat lifted up his head from my lap to look at me, making sure I was okay. I gave him a reassured smile, "Sorry, boy, I am okay..just frustrated about what Bendy did to that toon we saw yesterday." He purred in understandment, licking my hand reassuringly. I giggled.

There was a knock at my door, making Nightfall and I flinch. A frown came to my face when I realized who it was. Bendy. Who else could it be? Most likely, No one else but Bendy. Hesitantly, I got up and opened the door, looking unamused toward the tall inky demon in front of me. Bendy gave me a nervous smile, "Hey (Y/n)..."
"What do you need?" I asked coldly.
Bendy's nervous smile turned to a frown, "You're pissed with me, aren't you..?"
"A little."

Silence crept up between us.
"I..Look (Y/n), I'm sorry you had to see that.. I could help myself, okay. Please just... don't hate me.." He let out a soft whimper, like a kitten who lost its mother. Or like a child whose parents hated them.
Guilt for being angry at Bendy swelled up inside, as did pity, "Hate you?? Why would I hate you? You're a demon-" A soft sigh left my lip, "It's what you do..."
Bendy winced but still nonetheless, gave me a soft smile when I said these words; "I forgive you, Bendy."
I couldn't help but smile as well. It was nice seeing Bendy calm. Usually in these scenarios, he snaps at me or something stupid like that. But this time. This time we made up without any bumps in our apologies. And that, that was amazing. Amazing indeed.

"I'm heading to my throne room, do you need anything before I go?" Bendy's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. His tail wavered around behind him
"Huh! Oh! No, I don't need anything.."
Bendy nodded and began to walk away.

Then it hit me.
"Wait! Bendy!"
He snapped all his attention to me, coming to a stop, "Yes?"

"Who was that toon? I've never seen them on your show."
"How could I know? He was a background character that never made it on the big screen. All I know is that he now roams around the studio and scavenges items for his collection; wherever that is.."
"Did he do anything offensive to you to make you want to kill him so bad.."
He shrugged, "He's spied on me a couple of times. And stole my shit." Bendy crossed his arms, "The reason I attacked him was my demon instincts, which I can't control."
Well, that makes a lot of sense. I'll have to keep that in mind.

"Is that all you wanted to hear?" I nodded my head, "Alright then." He headed into the throne room. I shut my room door and plopped onto my bed. Bendy's really changed since I came here. He's now more calm and reasonable, doesn't snap at me often anymore, and I can't ask him questions and he'll actually answer them instead of leaving me clueless. All are things I thought he would never become. And he's also hands- I immediately blushed, sitting straight up. No!!!! Don't think like that, (Y/n)! You know better!!
He's a demon for crying out loud! He'll never love some puny girl like me!

He at least deserves someone a little better than me.. I groaned. Great, now the depressing thoughts! At least it's better than accidentally calling the ink demon handsome-

I laid down on my bed once more. Nightfall immediately jumped into my lap, meowing and then purring. His amber eyes gleamed as they looked at me. He meowed once more, as if asking me what that was about, "Don't worry, boy.. he just came to apologize to me about yesterday." Nightfall sniffed, narrowing his eyes.
"I know, he probably should apologize to that toon we saw, but at least he did apologize for his actions and explained why he did what he did." I pet Nightfall's head. Nightfall laid his head down in my lap.

A few long minutes ticked by, I began to grow bored. There was nothing to do. It was just me and my thoughts. Maybe Bendy and I can go somewhere without finding trouble. No! that's impossible! This studio is full of nothing but trouble. Then again, It would be at least something to do. Just sitting here on my bed isn't going to keep me occupied forever. But I don't want to bump into anyone and watch Bendy tear them apart. I've had enough with our crazy adventures here and I just want to explore without anybody stopping me! That's understandable, right?

What if we find that toon again though? Maybe I could talk to the toon and find out who they are. Orrrrrrr...
Projectionist's office had a bunch of papers. Papers of cartoon characters from Bendy's cartoon! There could be something about that toon! Going back to level 14 could be a huge risk. The projectionist is still down there, and there's no way in hell he won't be hostile. But it could be worth it!

After debating whether I should ask Bendy if we could go to level 14 or not, I decide to ask him, whether he gets angry or not. Whatever is better than sitting in here all day. Slowly, I got out of bed. Nightfall jumped out of my lap and onto the floor, heading to the door and waiting for me. I smiled, opening the door and heading to the throne room. Bendy should still be there. And I was correct. The ink demon sat on his throne, staring blankly at one of the TVs that were playing his cartoon. The episode was of Bendy having a picnic. A soft smile was on the demon's lips.

"Heya, Bends," I walked up beside his throne. Bendy snapped his attention towards me, startled, "Hey (Y/n). Do you need something?"

"Well I was wondering..." I began to mumble, looking down. Anxiety was beginning to get the better of me, again. I'm just worried about making him angry. He's been in such a good mood today and I don't want to be the one to ruin it.
"Go on." He snarled impatiently.
Well, in the end, I don't think it matters; I'm going to piss him off anyways. He's too impatient with my stopping in mid-sentence when I'm nervous.

"Could we go down to level 14..?"
"Huh?!? Why would you you wanna go there?! The projectionist is down there!!"
"I want to explore. Besides, I could figure out who that toon cat was."
Bendy glared at me for a long time.
"You really wanna find out who they are, huh?"
Hesitantly I nodded. Bendy continued to glare at me for awhile longer. "Fine. Let's go."

I began to get excited, "Wait! Really?"
"Mhm." I was about to reach out and give him a hug. Before I could, he began to speak again, "But with a twist."
He kneeled down to be at eye level. He spoke in a low voice, smirking, "Tomorrow we're doing what I want." His words gave me chills; I don't know why though. Maybe it was the way his tone was, or the fact that he was looking at me menacingly, or both. Like I said, I don't know. I just.. had chills.

"A-Alright Bendy." After a long time of silence I spoke. Bendy stood up straight, "Great, then let's go!"
The ink demon opened one of his portals to the elevator. I followed behind him. Before I left, I said my goodbyes to Nightfall, and told him that I'll be back. Nightfall meowed and headed to my room, squeezing into the room through the crack of the door. I didn't close it all the way when I headed to Bendy's throne room.
"You coming, toots?" Bendy poked his head out of the portal to make sure I was coming or not.

"Yeah I am! Just had to say goodbye to Nightfall."
"Of course."
I went inside the ink portal with Bendy, and just like that, we were at the elevators.
Bendy went inside the elevator, with me following behind. He pressed the '14' button to go down.
We sat patiently in the elevator as it went down to level 14. Well, sorta patiently. Bendy crossed his arms and tapped his foot, his tail waving from side to side. I giggled softly.

His attention snapped to me, "What's so funny?" He snarled.
"You're cute when you're impatient." It took awhile for myself to even realize what I said. It just slipped out of my mouth. As soon as I realized what I said, I desperately tried to correct it, "I-I mean I-it's cute l-like if Nightfall was uhhhhhh- doing it-?" I was blushing like crazy. God, this is so embarrassing!!!

Bendy stared at me, chuckling, "Well, I erm- didn't expect that." He chuckled once more.
"Uhm yeah- I don't know what's gotten into me lately.." I looked down at the ground to hide my blushing face. Bendy smirked at me, "You know, it's cute when you're embarrassed." He chuckled at me as I blush even harder.
My heart began to pound in my chest. I was blushing so hard that I think my shoulders were red too.

The elevator croaked as it finally came to a stop. The doors slowly opened, squeaking loudly. Bendy perked up, "We're here~" He chimed, then quickly turned to me, "Now remember, the projectionist is still down here. If he finds out we're here, you're dead."
"What about you?"
"I'm immortal (Y/n) I can't die." He sounded slightly disappointed. I looked at him with sympathy.

"Anyways- the office you're looking for is not far away. It's right beside Norman's office. I'm pretty sure the toon's character info sheet is in there somewhere. If not, then I have a couple places where I think I would be."
I nodded, and softly smiled, "Alright, thank you Bendy."
"It's not a problem toots. I'll be right behind you."

With that, we quietly walked around Level 14. Memories of the projectionist filled my head; memories how I got the Joey's book and.. what I did to the projectionist. He could be dead because of me!
"Huh, weird. I don't hear the projectionist at all." I didn't respond to Bendy's comment. I killed him!!
I froze in place, the realization hitting me hard. Bendy stopped dead in his tracks and turned to me as soon as he realized I wasn't following him, "(Y/n). Are you okay?"
I began to sob uncontrollably, "I killed someone!!!!!!" Bendy shifted uncomfortably. Still, he kneeled down and gave me a hug. He ran his fingers through my hair comforting me, "Shhh. It's okay.. if it makes you feel better, I killed him too, when he was human."
I looked up at him, sniffing, "You did."
"Yeah.. I was the one who threw that projection on his head."
"How come?"
"It's a long story... I can tell you about it later."
I gave a soft smile, "Okay, Bends."

Bendy turned his head away. I looked at him confused. Perhaps the memory of the projectionist's death was too emotional for him. Maybe he didn't mean what he did. He did tell me that sometimes he kills because of his demon instincts.
Bendy let go of me, standing up, "Wait here. I'll get what you came here for."
"Bendy, you don't have to do that."
"No, I want to. The projectionist is definitely around here somewhere; you can't kill a dead guy that easily. If he sees you he'll be really pissed. I...I don't want you to get hurt." He turned to me, "You're my only friend, (Y/n)..."
I didn't know what to say to him. I'm his only friend... I let that soak up into my mind. I'm his only friend..

"Besides, you got me that book when I didn't tell you to; this is payback." I smiled softly, "O-okay I'll wait by the elevator." Bendy nodded, then turned around, heading deeper into level 14 while I headed back the way we came to get to the elevator.

Minutes ticked by and I began to grow worried for Bendy. I had to tell myself that Bendy was alright. The offices were deep inside level 14. It took me 10 minutes to get to the projectionist's office when I was getting the book. So, Bendy will be alright. I hope..
A faint screech filled my ears. It was quiet because it was far away, but if I was any closer to it, it'd be deafening. Looks like Bendy got caught. Anxiety began to swell up inside me as I thought about what could happen to Bendy by the hands of the projectionist. He could get seriously hurt!!! My anxiety grew worse and worse by the second screech I heard. It was much closer and much louder. I plugged my ears when the projectionist screeched once more. Does that mean Bendy is also close? My anxiety faded slightly. As soon as Bendy comes, we can get the fuck out of here!!!!

Bendy came running around the corner and straight to the elevator, avoiding pipes on the way. The projectionist was right on his tail, chasing after him and screeching loudly. I took a closer look at the projectionist. His light bulb on the projection that I cracked was all bandaged up. Someone must've took care of him when he was badly injured. Fortunate for the projectionist; unfortunate for us.
Bendy rushed into the elevator, quickly turning to me, "Quick press the button!!!" He said, his voice full of panic
"Which button!?"
"Any! I'll make a portal back on whatever floor!"
I listened to Bendy and pressed a random button. The elevator doors closed, just in time as the projectionist neared it. A loud creak came from the elevator as it went further and further up, away from level 14. I let out a breath of relief.

It stayed quiet for awhile, before Bendy finally turned to me and said; "I got the papers you want." He handed me a folder. I took it with excitement, "Thank you so much Bends!"
"It's whatever." Bendy crossed his arms, trying hard not to smile.
The folder was very fragile and dirty. I made sure I was careful as I opened it and looked at what was inside of it. There it was! The cartoon cat's reference, I believe. It was a drawing of the cartoon cat just chilling with his name in bold.
That was his name.
Maxx. It's a cute name.

"What was in there? Was it about that toon cat?" I turned my gaze to Bendy and nodded, "I found out his name! His name is Maxx."
"Hmm. Sounds familiar. Was that all?"
I nodded.
"Damn.. well, I guess that's a start on finding out who the hell Maxx is."
"Yeah! It is!" I smiled. The mystery about Maxx has yet to be solved! But maybe one day, I'll solve it!

Inside the walls of the studio was Maxx's hide out. He lurks inside of the walls, because 1 it's safer and 2 it's faster to travel through different departments if you're traveling inside the wall.
Today, Maxx lurked inside the walls of level 14, watching this young woman that was waiting inside the elevator. Why was he watching this lady? Because she was the one who saved them from the hands of the Ink Demon. He couldn't take his mind off of her. He had to pay her back for her generosity! What could he do for her though? He sat there watching her curiously, thinking about what she would like as a present. Perhaps I should give her some jewelry. He looked at her closely. She didn't seem like that one girl who wants tons of jewelry to wear. No no, jewelry won't work!!
He listed possible things to give to her, but none of them he felt like she would like.
Perhaps I should scavenge through my collection.. or better yet! I shall find the perfect present in the lost one town! They know where some good stuff is!!!
A demonic screech from the projectionist let Maxx know that it was time for him to go. He glanced at the young woman one more time, Good luck...

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