Transcendent Thirst

Von YOLOwriting101

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"What I was going to say was selfish..." He mumbled. I edge closer to him until my hand slowly cradled his ch... Mehr

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Von YOLOwriting101

I rush for Achille, seeing him wait for me to make a strike. When my foot kicks right at him he dodges it swiftly, watching him wrap his arm around it. Holding it tightly, he sends his foot flying towards my face. Only for me to dodge it and I wrap my arm around his.

The both of us look at one another and he soon smirks, releasing my leg. I release his and the both of us just chuckle.

"You get better and better with your reflexes. They were always good, but they're ten times better now. You've grown more muscle too." I grip his arms, feeling the muscle that was forming.

"I need to grow more muscle to show that bully who he's up against!" Achille flexes his arms, causing me to smile at him.

"He will definitely be threatened by you. I don't really remember his name...but he has the kind of face that isn't easy to forget." I state to him as I glance off. "He's kind of the reason why I met you, so do you think that means I should thank him?"

"O-Of course not!" He gasps even though I was teasing completely. I loved how he looked at me like I was crazy for even suggesting that.

I wouldn't thank that guy...ever.

He took advantage of the fact that I didn't stick up for myself. I had too much fear that I'd frighten someone...there wasn't any worth put into it. Now...I no longer hold that fear, that desire to stay silent is now nonexistent.


Achille and I look, seeing Damon rushing into the room. He had drops of blood on his shirt and I immediately saw the fear flash before Achille's eyes.

Suddenly being right before him, he cradled his face in his hands.

"Damon what happened? Why is there blood on-?"

"Mommy, Damon is bad!" Aurelie shrieks as she was suddenly right before us. She shoved Damon's shoulder and caused him to stagger back a bit.

I saw the bite mark on her shoulder and I frown at Damon, seeing him glare at her.

"Aurelie what happened?"

"Damon bit me!" She shouts in his face, causing him to hiss at her. "You a bad boy!"

"I not bad!" He shouts at her, and before Achille and I could interject they were gone.

Achille and I look at one another, smiling because as we left we come upon Norris. He had his jacket on tightly and he looked a little out of it.

"Are you having fun...babysitting?" I tease him, and he just stays silent. Just grins awkwardly as he rushes past me.

That's when the doorbell went off on cue. My whole heart stopping as the thought of Tyrone came to my head...

"He's here."

I look at Achille, seeing him look at me nervously. I knew he wasn't nervous of Tyrone...he was nervous for me. When I called, I didn't call him. I messaged him to come here and sent my address. He probably - no, he does think I am a jerk.

I know he believes I abandoned him.

Going to the door, I open it. I make eye contact with an angry-eyed person. I could see the evident disdain because we both knew the truth.

I did abandon him.

I move aside, letting him walk in. He just walks right in and continues to go until he was in the living room. We follow until I see him face me again, a clear...and obvious expression of disappointment.

"Tyrone..." I stood before him, and he looks at me with narrowed eyes.

"What is it? You want to just come back out of nowhere when I'm just like you too, I have no one. You just go and find yourself somebody...then forgot all about me. I see that you never really cared about our friendship - it was out of convenience until you found something better. Which you have...this is proof-."

"That's definitely not it - Tyrone!" I exclaim his name as he tries to go around me. Had to control my speed because I almost could've just blocked him off.

I rush around him and stand before him, shaking my head.

"'re right. I did abandon you and completely left you behind. We're supposed to be best friends for life, but I didn't do such a good job keeping it that way. I am sorry, but I had my reasons." I tell him adamantly, and I see Achille start to make his way towards us.

I shake my head, hoping he'd get the hint; but it was too late as he rounded around him. Standing by my side, and the evident betrayal crossed his features.

"Tyrone, we promise that there's more to it than what you think-."

"I don't care what you have to say," Tyrone interrupts him harshly, causing Achille to look away awkwardly, "I was nice to you."

"But...Darius is my husband, the father of my kids. He can't just cling to you and you expecting things to be the same. You're grown adults, this was bound to happen anyway-."

"It didn't have to be that way. I honestly think you're keeping him from his friends. You're trying to be controlling - and you are controlling." Tyrone interrupts him harshly, and I shake my head at that.

"Achille is far from controlling. Tyrone you need to let me explain-."

"I don't care about the explanation. Real friends don't do this to their friends. You abandoned me and you of all people are very well-equipped to what that's like. I don't want to hear any excuses." Tyrone shook his head. "There's could tell me that would make me change my mind or understand this situation better. There is just no good excuse as to why you dropped me like that...all for what? To feel worth it?"

I fold my arms now, trying not to start anything else with him. Except I saw Achille's fingers grip his nose bridge and I immediately knew what that meant.

"Achilles..." I chuckle awkwardly for Tyrone when I see Achille's eyes become blue. Achilles now was glaring at Tyrone and I knew he had a big issue.

"You're lucky he's even here. Why are you trying to push him away when he's right here? Let him explain, you don't even know or understand the circumstances. If you did you'd be much more understanding, I am positive of that." Achilles snaps at him, and Tyrone just glared at him.

Except I saw Norris rush right past our room and I hoped the kids weren't giving him a hard time. was looking to be that way.

"Oh yeah? Then what is it, huh? Amuse me with this one." He folds his arms, glaring at us.

That's when I glance Achilles, and he just looks at me calmly.

"Are you sure?" He questions me one last time, and I nod.

"Are you sure about what-?"

I suddenly see Aurelie rush into the room and just slam into Achilles. Tyrone gasped by such a thing only for us to see Damon rush in too.

"Mommy, he is being very annoying!" She exclaims, causing Damon to shake his head.

"I am not! Aurelie you not let me play with you! Why?!" He cries at her. I look and see Norris at the door worriedly.

I walk around Tyrone calmly, going to Norris quickly. That's when I stand before him and he looked very nervous.

"What happened with them?"

"Damon wanted to play with Aurelie and she said no since he bit her earlier. That made him upset so he started running all over her room and making a big mess. She got upset and started to chase after him...I tried catching those two, but they're on a whole different time scale than me. I can't catch them, and now they ran into here - I'm sorry. I am a horrible babysitter and kind of bad...when it comes to kids in general. I am better with babies...they're calmer." He rubs the back of his neck shyly.

I saw that he had his jacket off and he always wears it. That's how I know he's stressed out.

"It's fine..." I look over at them now, and I saw Achilles scolding them both. Tyrone didn't look amused in the slightest so I'm assuming he didn't see how fast they really were.

"Are you really...going to tell your friend we're vampires? worried. Not everyone is as nonchalant and calm about it like you were. You're just a...special case." Norris chuckles awkwardly, sighing shakily. "If he doesn't react well I'll have to clear his mind."

"How will you do that?"

"You all have your special little tricks. You thought I didn't have one either? Gosh!" He gasps dramatically, making me snort. "I have the ability to clear people's minds if I look at them for long enough in a certain state. It's all in the eyes."

I see his eyes flash amber, just to turn back to a light red.

"Ooh~, so fancy." I snicker and out of nowhere Tyrone groaned.

"You're all just wasting my time! You're not telling me anything!" He exclaims angrily as he turns around.

Only for him to look and he froze. I end up sighing as I go to him and rest my hand on his shoulder.

"Tyrone...the reason why I disappeared is because I'm not...I'm not human anymore. None us in here are humans...except you." I tell him calmly.

Tyrone's eyes divert onto me, only to immediately move off.

"Don't continue to waste my time-."

"He is not wasting time!" Damon shouts at him, and we all end up looking down. He had his hands balled up into fists and his eyes were a dark red. "Daddy not lie, ever."

"Oh yeah?" Tyrone snorts, and Damon looked like he was getting angrier by the second. "Since we all seem to be playing games, I'll play along too. I'm not human either. I'm...a dragon."

He starts to laugh and Damon started to whine. When he lunged at Tyrone I saw this fear fill his eyes. Except I was quick enough to catch him as I place my hand over his mouth.

I already knew his fangs were showing.

"We're vampires, Tyrone." Achille says, and I see him look away. "When you first met me I was a vampire already, Darius was not. Our daughter turned him into one because he was...almost going to die. We aren't lying."

"Prove it."

We all just rush right at him, his back slamming into the wall. My hand pressed to his shoulder while Achille had his hand on his arm. When I look Norris' hand was on his chest.

I saw his eyes on him were slightly hinted with orange. I just snicker as I face back forward to see Tyrone's eyes widened with shock. I wasn't actually sure what the expression was, but I know it wasn't one that was common.

"You - you have to be shitting me-."

"We are not," Achille interrupts him firmly, soon shaking his head, "And watch your mouth, there's kids present."

"'re telling me that you're all vampires?" He sneers at us, shoving Achille's hand off of him first. "Vampires...that's the best thing you could tell-."

I suddenly see Achille's eyes turn red and I haven't seen that in a long time. His fangs began to show, Tyrone falling still. Achilles ran his tongue over his teeth and smirked.

We waited for Tyrone to speak, but he just looked at a loss for words. As if no life was within him and he looked...fearful.

"You were talking a lot before, what happened with that?" Achilles hisses, and I hear Damon squeal with excitement. He always thought it was cool to see Achilles like this.

I thought it was cool too.

I chuckle, stepping back and Tyrone looked back at me.

"Can that too?"

"No, Achille and Achilles are more cooler than me."


Achilles rolled his eyes, stepping back as he stretched some.

"This is boring to me. Why can't people be more like you when it comes to these things?" Achilles sighed in disappointment.

"Not everyone can be as cool as me." I tease, causing Achilles to nod in agreement. "I'm kidding."

"I'm not." Achilles whispers to me even though everyone else could still here us.

When I look back at Tyrone he had his eyes closed, and we all moved back. Slowly...watching his back slump down the wall.

Achilles began to laugh his butt off as he walks away from us. Damon following right behind him without any hesitation. It was just Norris, Aurelie, and me with him now.

"Am I surprised, no." I shake my head, snickering as I look back at Norris. Except I frown when I see how...detached he looked.

I know he didn't realize I noticed as he continued to look at him. Wasn't sure what there was, but I could tell there was something.

"Do you like Tyrone?"

Norris flinches, and I look at Aurelie. She asked that question so outright and without any shame.

I look back at Norris and he grabs my arm, pulling me closer towards him. The look in his eyes told me he had something important to tell me. I couldn't even guess what it was.

"Aurelie, watch Tyrone for a little bit. We'll be right back." I tell her, and she nods.

That's when Norris and I are abruptly at the back of the house, and I see him take a deep breath. I saw his eyes going in-and-out of red-orange and amber, confusing me.

"Norris what is it?"

I see him stand quietly, his eyes diverting off of mine. I wait for him to speak, but he just seemed to be at a loss for words.

"I haven't...told you enough about me." He croaks, and I see him stagger back. I am able to grab his arm to keep him from staggering completely back.

"What do you mean?"

"I...I..." Norris inhaled sharply, and I see him grip my shoulders tightly. He looked up at me very nervously and I was becoming nervous too.

What was it?

"I've met Tyrone before...five years ago, nineteen was it..." Norris drifts, and I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Are you sure? Tyrone never once spoke of meeting anybody-."

"I cleared his mind, that's why. How do you think...I know so much about babies...? About Hybrid babies, at that?" He croaks, and I still wasn't catching on.

I didn't...want to assume.

"I had a baby, a Hybrid child...with Tyrone. That's why when I first saw you with Achille, you specifically in that gas station - I was startled. How small the world really is for me to meet you...when all I did was see you from the sidelines-."

"What?! Where's the baby and why doesn't Ty-."

Norris presses his hand to my mouth, and he shakes his head at me. Except I yank his hand off and shake my head at him.

"No! Where is the baby?"

Before I could get an answer I see Tyrone rushing back outside. Aurelie right behind him and she looked very amused.

"Darius I...I need a breather for a bit, okay? I don't know what this whole thing is and I don't know what to believe-."

"You're not going anywhere." I interrupt him, and he frowns when I grab his arm tightly. "I'm sorry...Tyrone for this, but for abandoning you. I am sorry."


I look into his eyes as I calm him down, beginning to see his expression soften. He immediately started to fall back, but I catch him in time.

The look on Tyrone's face was complete relaxation, he looked...completely out of it.

When I look at Norris now, he looked away from me immediately.

"Explain, now. Where is that baby? Because as of right now, I don't...I don't believe you. That's just too convenient." I hiss, and Norris shrugs.

"I've never lied before...why would I start now?" Norris mumbles and he was right...

It's also on us...we never asked him questions. That's on us, but he could've told us that at least I think he should've.

It makes a little bit more to how he knows so much; but at the same time it just seemed like he was smart. Like someone who was just very knowledgeable and desired to learn more. 

I would've never thought he'd...

"You have...a lot of explaining to do," I tell him firmly, a scowl growing upon my face as Norris sighs, "A lot of explaining."


surprise. 🥴

ooh...what will come now...? 😗

I'll let you guess. 🙇🏽‍♀️

That's all I have to say. ✋😌

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~ YOLO❤️‍🔥


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