I Belong To You ( man x boy )

By natsume1988

974K 36K 3.5K

Louis Caine Lexus is the most eligible bachelor in town. Tall, dark and handsome. Not to mention a total geni... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Author's Note
Chapter 47
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 10

24.4K 865 31
By natsume1988


I hug Lo tightly, enjoying his touch on my skin while I keep him calm. A moment later, I felt his breathing become more even. Pulling away a little, I saw him already asleep. Gently moving his body, I let him lay on the bed and pull the blanket and covered his body.

Watching him like this, I can't help but feel my cheeks blush profusely when I remember what happened earlier. And even though he's cheeks are full of tears when he cried from a nightmare I can't help to feel entrance by his beauty. Bringing my fingers through his face I wipe his tears away, and begin tracing every part of it while I gaze at him tenderly. My fingers move towards his lips but I stopped moving before it touched him.

Did he wanted to kiss me earlier? I thought suddenly. If so, does this mean that he like me too. A warm feeling blossom inside me chest as I move my fingers again and finally reached his sinfully soft lips.

And like I thought it would be, its really soft. Desire shoot through me, wanting to feel his lips into mine.

My hearts beat more faster as I gulp, while I look at his closed eyes. Leaning down I slowly move my face over him. Beads of sweat start to form on my forehead as I wait for the moment that his lips will touch mine.

It seems forever, when finally I felt my lips touch his. My eyes are closed but I can almost see the sparks ignite between us, making me move away abruptly away from him. I gasp and stood up, as my body starts to shake, and before I can even think of anything I'm already running out of his room.

Panting, I slump on my back when I came in my own room and locked the door.

God, did I really kissed him? Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!

My mind swirl as I start to panic.

Damn, now I've done it! What if he's still awake?

Ugh, I don't know anymore....


I'm internally panicking when I came down the next morning. Not knowing what I might do once he'd learned what I've done.

But it seems the Gods are on my side when I heard that Lo have gone to work earlier than usual. I readied myself and go to school with the triplets.

More than a week of school work greeted me. A lot of reports, assignment and projects that I need to finished. And its hell, I tell you! God, why do I have to be so stubborn and come back! Ugh, if I just knew that it'd going to be like this I would have took Lo's offer and take homeschooling.

Beside that, nothing really change at school. Well, aside of learning that Davie's group and him had been expelled and Lexie's abrupt transfer to another school everything are just the same as always.

Actually, I have a hunch that Jess and Darrel knew why Davie and his gang had been expelled, when I saw the hidden malicious glint on their faces when they told me about it. But Lexie's situation is kind of strange....hmm? Why did she transfer anyway?

''Masha, can you ride the bus..'' Jess suddenly exclaim when he came over me while panting from so much running. As I came out from my my last subject.

''Why? Are you going somewhere?'' I ask.

''Yeah, the guys wanted to go to the mall and meet with some college girls.. Darrel and Kia are still at practice.. And Mom is expecting you at 4 right?''

I grimaced when I remember that her mother invited me to go and shop with her. ''Yeah..''

He chuckle, and pat my back. ''Don't worry, you'll survive!'' I just huff at him, and wave my hand when he walk over his friends.

Well, they have their own friends and they also need to go with them. Shrugging my shoulders, I start to walk at the bus stop. Walking quietly at the deserted street, I suddenly felt a stinging pain in my head.


My knees buckled, while my vision become blurred as dark spots start to dance around my eyes. ''Is he the kid?'' I heard someone ask, but his voice is unfamiliar.

''Tsk, that woman is really crazy! Why does she want to kidnap this kid, anyway?'' Someone ask.

I wanted to move my mouth and call for help or even move my body. But it felt so heavy as my consciousness is on the verge of collapsing.

''We can't do about it, he's just a job for us.. so forgive us kid, eh!'' A bulky man with black clothe on his head state when he haul my body and shove me inside the trunk of the car.

Fear gripe through me and for once I'm scared that I'm going to die.. I wanted to fight the darkness that slowly creeping in my mind but I can't anymore as my consciousness finally slipped away...



"So there's still no news about Masha's father?" I ask.

Rey huff and lean on his chair with exasperated look. "No, there is nothing on the man. No record of birth, bank account, legal papers, as in nothing. And my sources are all international specialist so its really impossible the we can't even find a single data about this guy. And that's highly suspicious Alpha.."

I sighed heavily and look at the papers in front of me.

How can that be possible?

There's no way that Masha is lying... But why I can't find anything about the man who he claimed to be his father..


Looking back at Rey, I took the other folder and open it. "And how about Masha? Did you find anything?"

Rey, shook his hand and look at me seriously. "That's something I want to asked you about, where did you find that kid?"

I shrugged my shoulders an lean on my sit. "In Egypt, why?"

He suddenly grew wary as he move more closer, and whisper. "I didn't find anything sketchy about the kid, yes he has records and some legal papers about him but the most strangest thing happened to the guy I ask to do the investigation about him."

I become stiff and look at his eyes, which is now filled with undeniable fear. I gulp, "What happened to him?"

"He suddenly resign when he finished investigating about him, but after two days he ended up dead. And the most unusual thing is he died from heart attack, even though he's healthy as a cow."

I lift my brows at him, and move away totally disappointed. "Rey, lots of people are dying because of heart attack. Its not unusual.."

"Its unusual, if he's body showed up in ashes.."

A shiver run through my veins, when he said those words.

"It seems that you got a mate who have a lot of hidden secrets, Alpha."

I glare at him, wanting him to take back his words but my phone suddenly ring.

Huffing with an annoyed expression, I open my phone without looking who is on the other line as my mind is swirling with so much information that I've gathered from Rey.

"Hello Lo," a preppy annoying voice said.

"Shanna, what is it? I already told you that I won't to talk to you anymore." I answer back, moving my fingers to click the end button.

But I stopped when she suddenly screech. "No don't hang up! I know that you won't like me call you anymore but what if I told you that I have you dearest mate..eh Lo.."

I tightened my hold on my phone as my blood starts to boil while my eyes swirl with so much anger making Rey flinch from so much fear. "Don't you dare hurt him you stupid bitch!"

But she just laugh evily at me. "If you marry me then I will bring him back to you.. But you should hurry Lo, I don't know what I might do to him..." Then she hung up.

I let out a thunderous scream making the glass wall around my office to shattered into tiny pieces.

How dare her! I should have killed her!!

She will pay...without a doubt I will painfully torture her with my own bare hands...

Standing up, I start to walk over the door but turn when I remember Rey. "Continue your investigation Rey..and find everything you can find about them! "

"Where are you going?" He ask, looking at me worriedly.

"It's time to put an end to this madness.."


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