Ultimate scapegoat (DanganRo...

By Kakirihazuri

175K 3.7K 1.7K

Y/n is the average high school kid with a talent unlike most other. He is called the ultimate scapegoat for h... More

Invite to Hopes Peak
The new teacher
Chaos and Class Rep
The Project and The'Ultimate' Little Sister
Ultimate Replacement
The Exams/ Enter Kamukura
Baby Gangsta's Little Sis.
Fall Festivities, Part 1: School festival announcement
Fall Festivities, Part 2: Preparation and Procrastination
Fall Festivities part 3: School festival problems
The ultimate hope meets the warriors of hope
Protecting Hope part 1
Protecting Hope Part 2
Protecting Hope Part 3
Protecting Hope Part 4
A Little Ultimate Chaos
Seasons change festival date
Chiaki's Christmas Party
New years events
The New Students
Helping out the Student Council
The Despair Sisters
Speaking with Mukuro and Missing student
The end of the beginning
Trial and Terror
Second Floor, Second Motive
Trail 2
To Another Motive
An Upset Brother
A Filler Chapter
The end of the killing game
Future Foundation
Towa City
Gathering the Party: Part 1
Gathering the Party: Part 2
Gathering the Party: Part 3
Towa Tower
An Emergency Signal
Picking Up What Remains
Neo World program
Beef or Chicken?
We're Doing A Sequal
Leaders and Bombshells
Spending a bit of free time
Motive Seems Redundant
More Free Time Before We get This Party Started.
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody...
Investigation Thyme
Cooking Up a Trial


3.5K 73 89
By Kakirihazuri

Izuru's Pov 

After 2 days, things at this place seem to be settling down among the students. No one had come to even try killing me in my sleep, which I don't know if it counts as lucky or unlucky since I have to live through the constant harassment of the two toned bear. Last night, Monokuma finally gave a regular dorm room to me, however there were way too many Monokuma themed items for me to want to sleep in there. The other students had created some kind of rules system to make sure no one could kill. First thing was that no one was allowed out of their rooms at night. They attempted to force me into following the rule, but they couldn't do anything about me since I was very clear about my opposition in regards to my room. 

Like usual, everyone had went to the cafeteria to get breakfast, they figured that breakfast would be a time to discuss whatever plans they had to get out. I never participated in their talk since it was pretty pointless for them to keep trying to escape at this point. 'Junko' had decided to sit with me at the separate table, however she didn't say anything, only watching me while doing things to keep herself busy like filing her her nails. However, after everyone had finished eating, the intercom turned on and Monokuma's voice echoed in the room "All students, Report to the gymnasium for an announcement. OR ELSE!" Everyone looked at each other silently before heading to the gym to find out what Monokuma wanted now. 

Once there, we could see Monokuma standing in the middle of the gym, looking angry. Monokuma threw up his arms in anger and shouted "Why haven't any of you bastards killed another person already! I am getting bored here! This is the perfect environment to kill someone!" Everyone seemed to stare silently at the bear until 'Junko' walked up to it, hands on her hips "We aren't just gonna kill each other just because you say so! stupid bear!" Monokuma looked up at her in anger "It's MONOKUMA! And you will do as I say" 'Junko' kicked the bear down, holding it down with her foot. "Like hell we are!" My vision suddenly got distorted as I could see a girl with dark blue hair with spears sent through her. Once the vision disappeared I immediately started moving towards 'Junko' as the bears eye glowed "Violence against the headmaster is against the rules!" I pushed 'Junko' off the bear right before a bunch of spears shot out of the ground, but instead of hitting 'Junko' like intended, they speared through my arm. I stared at my arm as it bled onto the spears, for some reason I felt no pain. The room around me seemed to fade out as I stared at the blood running down my arm. I heard a voice calling out my name, a soft concerned voice that sounded strained from yelling or crying. The room faded back into my senses as I looked down at 'Junko' then at Monokuma, saying the first thing that came to my mind. "how boring." 

The spears retracted into wherever they came from. I allowed my arm to drop limply to my side before I walked over to 'Junko' "get up idiot." She looked up at me, a scared and heartbroken look in her eyes. Tears were running down her face before she looked at my arm and the scared looked faded into worry and shock. "y-your arm. I-it's wounded" I stared blankly at her "I noticed. Now get up." She nodded slowly and moved shakily. I held out my uninjured arm and she grabbed onto it, allowing me to pull her upright. I looked back over at Monokuma, who seemed to be frozen in place on the floor. "get up and finish your whole speech." Monokuma looked over at me. "I wont unless you help me up." I sighed and walked over to it, lifting it up and dropping it on it's feet. "there." Monokuma let out a weird laugh "I love it when you're rough with me~" I tipped it back over onto it's back and walked away from it. Monokuma immediately jumped back up "You're no fun!" I glared at it "Finish your damn speech." "yes daddy." 

Monokuma jumped onto the podium and spoke again "Ahem. Since you bastards refuse to start killing each other, I've set up a little motive for you all to help get things spiced up! You will find it waiting for you in the A/V room. Upuppupupupupu!" Monokuma jumped down into the stage, disappearing to wherever it goes when it's not bothering anyone. A few people walked up to me; Large buff lady, Tan aloof girl, Moral compass guy, a trap, and the bland looking kid. They were saying something about me needing to go to the infirmary. Eventually, 'Junko' had agreed to take me to the infirmary while others would check out what the supposed motive was. 

'Junko' was quiet as we walked to the infirmary, looking over at me every few seconds until we actually got there and went into the room. She ushered me over to the bed and searched around for bandages and hydrogen peroxide. While she did that, I removed my shirt in order to get a proper look at the wounds. I sighed and while 'Junko' was still searching, grabbed other supplies to properly seal the wounds so they could heal. I Sat down on the bed and first cleaned the area around the wounds to get rid of the pink liquid that was getting everywhere on it. after that, I grabbed a needle and began heating it while grabbing a rag and opening a drawer, immediately finding some disinfectant to use. After disinfecting the wounds I took the needle and sewed the wounds shut, making sure that it wouldn't be able to disrupt any movement with the arm to much. Once I finished, I looked over at 'Junko', who managed to find bandages. She turned towards me "I found some bandages but cant fin-" She stopped and stared at me, her face red. I sighed and took the bandages out of her hand and wrapped my arm with them, placing gauze over the stitching, the wounds may be sealed, but there is still a chance that they start bleeding again. 

Junko hadn't spoken a word in a while, just standing silently with a red face and staring. The door to the infirmary suddenly opened as Mondo, Chihiro, and Toko walked in. Mondo spoke up first "hey, they found the motive shit they were looking for, lets get going" The other 2 just stood in the doorway, staring at me since I hadn't gotten a shirt on yet. Mondo looked at me and spoke again "Damn dude, where the hell did you get all those scars. they are cool as fuck." I looked down at my chest, it had a lot of scars that I didn't really remember how I had gotten so I just shrugged "I don't remember. Doesn't matter though." I stood up and looked at my torn up suit shirt "I'm gonna need a new suit, that's a shame." Mondo laughed and slapped my back "I'll let you borrow one of my shirts, then we should go check out this shit" I nodded and followed him to the his dorm, leaving behind the 3 stunned classmates. 

Once I had gotten the shirt, we headed to the A/V room, where everyone else was waiting. Mr. betterthanthou spoke up, pushing his glasses up "What took you so long. You've wasted so much of my time getting here" I ignored him and walked passed, over to a box of discs with names on them "I suppose these are the motives then?" The lavender hair girl spoke up "it would seem so, there is one with each of our names." I nodded and looked over each one, until I saw one with my name one it, accompanied by horribly drawn heart symbols. I picked it up and walked over to one of the computers in the room, putting the disc in. I picked up the headphones, but was interrupted by someone speaking "Wait, isn't it a bad idea to look at these? I mean, they are supposed to be motives for us to kill each other" I sighed and shook my head "Surely Monokuma would have a plan, or punishment, in store for if we don't watch whatever is on these discs. It's better to get it over with and figure out something later." I put the headphones over my ears and sat down, turning on the screen to find out what was supposed to 'motivate' me into killing. 

The first thing I saw was green. Then the camera pulled back to show a small girl with green hair and yellow eyes, wearing a skeleton hoodie and a red hairband. The girl was sitting in a fancy room on a throne, something you would expect a princess to be sitting on. The girl was looking down at the floor, a sad look on her face with empty eyes. For some reason, it hurt my heart to be staring at this. The girl started crying and curled up in a ball, muttering 'big brother' over and over. My vision started getting blurry suddenly until I felt something roll down my face. I lifted my hand to my cheek and wiped whatever it was off, looking down only to see water on my hand. I put my hand up to my face and felt water running down from my eyes. I frowned and took the headphones off, turning off the video. "i don't.... understand.... " I looked around the room only to see the others having despair filled faces as they watched the videos. Suddenly, one girl screamed and ran out of the room crying, which caused the bland boy to stand up, worried. I sighed and got up, wiping the water off my face before walking out of the room. I went over to the incinerator room and laid down on the makeshift bed that I made using whatever non-monokuma themed items I could find in the dorm I was given. I laid there for a while before closing my eyes and slowly falling asleep. 

In my dream, I am sitting up in bed, in a room that had looked familiar to me, yet foreign. A fox mask on the wall, a hand held gaming console on the nightstand, a cup of hot cocoa sitting on another nightstand, and many worktables covered in tools. There was a tug on the blankets and I looked over to see the small girl with green hair staring up at me. "what is it?" She looked down a bit and spoke "Monaca was having bad dreams, can...can Monaca sleep with big brother tonight?" I nodded and she crawled up into the bed next to me, hugging onto my side. "Thank you big brother....you are the best." my hand moved to pat her head, causing her to smile and close her eyes. "Don't worry Monaca. Big brother will be here for you no matter what" She nodded laying down properly. After she had fallen asleep, the room began to change. She disappeared along with the beds, leaving me sitting in a chair, with someone sitting in front of me, wearing a suit just like mine. The person smiled and spoke "you may not be me entirely, but you still have fond memories hidden of them. You need to remember more, it's the only way we can save them" I stared at them "Who..are you" "I suppose I am you. or what we were before our memories were locked away." I frowned and nodded "what should I do then?" They looked up in thought "I guess just keep going on, and doing what your feelings tell you to... speaking of that. It's time for you to wake up, lets see if you are a good enough scapegoat" "What?" I stood up and reached towards them, but everything disappeared as my eyes shot open.

I sat up and saw someone walking down the hall angrily muttering 'that bitch' over and over. I watched them enter their dorm before coming out with a tool kit and heading over to another room. I got up and walked over to them frowning "hey, what are you doing." They turned towards me glaring, it was Leon, the baseball star or something "Stay out of this!" I saw that he was holding a knife in his other hand. I sighed and shook my head "I can't do that if you are going to kill someone" "She tried to kill me!" I stared blankly at him "So you are going to return the favor hmm? Kill her, then walk away, thinking that your just gonna be let go?" He growled and faced me completely. "SHUT UP!" "No, I need to talk some sense into you before you do something you regret." He charged at me and stabbed the knife into my shoulder, glaring intensely at me. I stared into his eyes blankly as he let go of the knife and stepped back, his hands shaking. I stepped closer to him, causing him to back into the wall. "how boring." He kept shaking muttering things. I slapped him with my good arm, causing him to stop shaking and look at me "you done? good. Get your fucking head straight or I will slap you again. You're just going to kill someone without a plan just because you're angry. You haven't even thought shit through. It's in the rules. Kill without getting caught. Even if you kill someone you have to get away with it. it would be you against everyone else. and even if you got out you wouldn't make it long out there." He stared at me shakily, nodding slowly. "I.." "don't talk. Just listen. Go back to your room, get your head straight, and sleep. I'll talk to her." He nodded slowly and walked to his room. 

I sighed and looked at the room he was going to enter. The nameplate showed Sayaka, however it was the dorm that the plain boy Makoto was given. I sighed and opened the door, figuring out what was actually happening here. I walked over to the bathroom since that was where she was likely to be hiding. I turned the doorknob and tried opening the door, however it wouldn't open. that was probably why Leon brought the tool kit, however boys dorms don't have locks. Meaning the door was stuck, not locked. I knocked on the door, hearing a squeak from the other side. After a while, Sayaka's voice came from the other side of the door "I'm sorry. . . please don't hurt me. I wont...I wont do it again. Please" I could hear that she was crying from her shaking voice and light sobbing. "I'm not Leon. You can open the door, I'm not going to hurt you" I watched the knob turn slowly and the door lifting up before opening slightly, Sayaka looking out and staring at me, noticing the knife in my shoulder "y-you.." I sighed "Don't get any ideas, I'm not going to kill you, and you aren't gonna kill me" She kept staring at the knife "why..is it" "Leon stabbed me when I stopped him from coming here." She looked down "w-we have to get him back.. before he" "stop talking. I already know what was going to happen here" She looked at me "wh-what do you mean?" "you were going to kill Leon, and blame it on Makoto. But you messed up so Leon was going to kill you" She clenched her fist "So..why are you here" "to talk some sense into you as well" "Huh" I slapped her hard "I don't care what motive you got, but attempting to murder someone over a possibility isn't good. Being a manipulative bitch will only get you hurt, especially when you mess with the wrong people." She looked down, crying. "but..." I slapped her again "No buts. calm your murder happy ass down, and get some fucking sleep. understand?" she nodded slowly, crying more. I sighed and walked out "I suggest washing your face when the water comes back on, you look horrible right now" 

I walked back out to my bed in the incinerator room and sat down on it. I sighed and waited for morning time, since I couldn't get to sleep with a knife in my shoulder and the Infirmary would be locked until morning time comes. I watched the hallways, making sure no one else got any ideas during the night. After a while, the morning announcement rang and people started heading to the cafeteria. I walked up to the cafeteria doors and heard someone speaking from inside. "It seems almost everyone is here. we are only missing Sayaka, and Izuru" Another voice spoke out "do you think someone finally did it?" I sighed and went to the room Sayaka is staying in and opened the door, looking in to see Sayaka on the bed, holding onto a pillow while curled up in a ball. She looked at me, bags under her eyes. "wh-what do you want" I stared blankly "Get up, everyone else is waiting for us in the cafeteria" She nodded slowly and got up just as slowly. 

We eventually made our way over to the cafeteria and heard the conversations still going on "Maybe we should send someone to go check on them, Makoto you're close with Sayaka right?" I opened the door which caused everyone to look over, seeing Sayaka walk in and then me. Everyone seemed to stare at us until Mondo spoke up "Dude, you got a knife in your shoulder!" I sighed and spoke sarcastically "really? I hadn't noticed." The room was silent for a while longer until Monokuma appeared out of the ground "Gooood morning!" Monokuma looked over at the group "Why the long faces? It's a wonderful day!" Monokuma looked over at me and let out a shriek "WHO DID IT! Who hurt my precious Kamukura! I will kill them!" I groaned "I'm not yours" Monokuma sulked in the corner "Rejected again....." After a while Monokuma stood up straight again "Alright you bastards! Since there was an attempted murder, we are going to hold a class trial to find out which one of you bastards hurt my prince!" Everyone stood silently until 'Junko' spoke "a what?" Monokuma let out it's strange laugh "A class trial! you all have a period of time to investigate the crime and gather evidence, then you will present your evidence in order to find out whodunnit! You will all be given a Monokuma file with the current information about the crime. Now get going! You'll find the crime scene at Makoto Naegi's dorm room!" 



Finally, a normal sized chapter! I'm getting back into the flow of writing or something like that I guess. I'm hoping the killing game chapters here aren't too boring. It definitely isn't slice of life genre anymore. Only leaves me to wonder, can everyone be saved? I mean, it is class trial time now. I guess it depends on how I'm feeling when I write next. Oh well. Thanks for reading whoever is reading this still. 

Until next chapter. 

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