Honey, Hold Me Tight || Compl...

By theayushijain

25.8K 1.1K 1.8K

"We can't tell anyone about our relationship, okay?" "okay." Dean and Keit have to hide their relationship fr... More

1) Ready For College
2) The Popular Ones
3) Hot Professor Incoming!
4) Scandalous Milkshake
5) An Interesting Coincidence
6) It's Complicated
7) Broken Hearts
8) A New Arrival
9) Show A Little Loving
10) New Bonds
11) Brewing Troubles
12) When Life Gives You Lemons
13) That Boy From Mechanical Engineering
14) The Cracks In Our Hearts
15) Love On The Line
16) Changing Dynamics
17) What Just Happened?
18) A Rough Path
19) Can't Take It Anymore
Author's Note
20) Reminiscing The Past- Part 1
Reminiscing the past- Part 2
21) Everything is falling apart
22) Salted Wounds
23) Let the game begin- Part 1
Let the game begin- Part 2
24) Painful realization
25) Jealousy Strikes!
26) Kiss Kiss Bang Bang!
27) The Light Of Truth
28) Exposed!
29) Damage control
30) Destined to be together
31.1) Pain and grief
31.2) Attack and repercussions
32.1) The rightful judgement
32.2) The cat is out of the bag
33) Hold me tight
Epilogue- Dean and Keit❤
Bonus Chapter- Scary Senior, I Hate You
Bonus Chapter- It has never been easy for us(1)
Bonus Chapter- It has never been easy for us(2)
Bonus Chapter- Boyfriends
Author's Note
Special Chapter(Announcement at the end)
ZenKai Anniversary Special

Epilogue- Zen and Kai❤

444 21 94
By theayushijain

1st January 2029

In the wee hours of the morning, Kai and Zen are peacefully sleeping in their bed, dead tired because of the party they attended last night. It was a huge celebration and friends and family were invited. There are so many great things going to happen this year and everyone was just so high on Adrenaline. They all chatted and danced and just enjoyed till almost 2 am and reached home an hour later.

Kai is awoken from his deep slumber when he feels a tug on his night clothes. He groans and turns away, hoping the tugging will stop but it doesn't.

"Papa, wake up!"


A small whisper reaches his ears as someone shakes his shoulders. He huffs and rubs his eyes. There is no winning here. He has to wake up. He slowly opens his eyes that meet with the sparkly silver ones which belongs to his baby daughter, Niyati.

Yes. Niyati Wongsuwan. Their first born. They decided to have a child by surrogacy and Zen is her biological father.

Kai smiles sleepily and holds the smiling baby's cheek who looks so much like Zen. The man really has dominant genes. The silver eyes, the beautiful, soft black hair, fair skin. She's a mini Zen.

"Happy Birthday, my princess." His baby turns 3 today.

"Thank you, Papa!" the little girl giggles and hugs him. Kai readily takes her in her arms and embraces her, in hopes that she will fall asleep comfortably and will let him sleep too but she is too hyperactive to stop.

"We have to make pudding. Wake up." she holds Kai's finger in her tiny hands and attempts to pull him up. His daughter is such a cutie.

Kai did promise her that they'll make pudding together today but not this early. He picks up his phone from the nightstand and checks the time. 5:30 am. What? Why is this child up so early?

"Baby, Papa is very sleepy and tired right now. We'll make the pudding in a few hours." Kai says or more like slurs as he's already falling asleep. His daughter is not having any of it as she pokes on his chest again.

"But I want to make it now!"

Oh god. Someone, save him!

"Ask you Dad." his eyes are closed so he can't see his daughter pouting which works in his advantage. He won't be able to deny her then.

"But Ashy is sleeping on his chest." She whines as she snuggles closer to her Papa Kai.

Ansh Wongsuwan is their second born and will be celebrating his first birthday this upcoming May 31st. Kai is his biological father. The baby inherited the warm brown eyes and the tan skin from his father though his skin tone is a shade lighter than Kai. He has dark brown hair. One can even mistake them for black. Zen always says when he grows up, he'll be a fine, handsome gentleman who will have everyone's heart.

Kai opens his eyes and looks at his sleeping husband who is holding Ansh protectively. The baby is sleeping peacefully over his chest and the sight makes Kai smile. Kai tugs the blanket down from his boy's nose. Or else he'll suffocate. He then looks at the princess who is snuggling him and starts caressing her hair. God has blessed him with such a beautiful family.

Baby Niya falls asleep, much to Kai's relief who then closes his eyes and travels to the dream land once again.


Kai finally wakes up, feeling refreshed. His body aches a little but nothing a warm shower can't heal. He checks his phone again and then sits up immediately. Holy shit, it's 11 am!

He is all alone in the room. It means the kids are already up and now Niya will sulk because he didn't help her with the puddings for the breakfast. Oh, dear lord.

The door opens and a very delicious looking Zen walks in. Why oh why is he sporting all black? He's wearing a slim fit, well-tailored black pants, black colored high neck and a long black lined blazer.

Zen notices Kai drooling over him and gives him a smirk.

"The birthday girl is very excited about the pudding and is waiting for her papa Kai." Zen sits next to a disheveled looking Kai, admiring his dorky looking bedhead look and takes him in his arms. Kai hugs him back and closes his eyes, taking in the amazing scent of his husband.

"They had breakfast?"

"Yes. With much difficulty of course. You know how Niya is."

Kai chuckles.

"Was she insisting on waking me up?"

"Yeah, but then I said if you don't get enough sleep then you'll most likely ruin the pudding and that convinced her very fast to let you sleep."

"I'll be downstairs soon then."

Zen places a kiss on Kai's neck and swings side to side. "I'll be downstairs." Zen unwraps his arms from around Kai and then walks out of the room. Kai hurriedly goes into the bathroom and freshens up. He takes a quick warm shower and dresses up. He picks out a cream-colored turtle neck and grey pants.

He hurries downwards and smiles when he sees Zen, Niya and Ansh together on the sofa and watching Tom and Jerry, giggling together.

Niya turns her head and squeals when she sees Kai.


Zen and baby Ansh also look back and smile at him. Ansh starts jumping on the sofa and Zen holds his waist supporting him so that he doesn't fall down.

"How are my babies?" Kai sits next to them and Ansh instantly jumps into his arms after Zen frees him, giggling and nuzzling.

"We'll make puddings!"

"After you Papa eats his breakfast." Zen announces and pinches his daughter's cheek.

A maid arrives and serves him the breakfast. Kai's eyes twinkle as he sees the bread omelet with the Indian green chutney. His favorite!

Zen pulls baby Ansh on his lap and Niya sits on his side as they allow Kai to eat peacefully.

After Kai is done, he takes Niya to the kitchen who forbids Zen and Ansh to enter until their pudding is prepared.

"Fine. Ashy and I will have fun together and will watch cartoon." Zen playfully huffs and looks at his son who enthusiastically nods. Kai chuckles as Zen walks away and him and Niya gets busy with their task.

They make chocolate bread pudding and Niya is so proud when her fathers taste it and cannot help but sing praises and tell her how talented she is. Even though Kai is the one who did most of the work as Niya helped the best a toddler can.

Kai feeds a small amount to his son who also seems to like it a lot and Niya claps her hands in happiness.

The decorators arrive at 3 pm and Kai takes the children in their separate room where all their toys are kept. They just play there and sleep with their parents.

Zen and Kai get busy as they instruct the decorators and supervise the kitchen, making sure that the feast is being prepared properly.

Everything gets done by 7 pm and the decorators leave. The guests will arrive within half an hour so Kai rushes upstairs to ready the kids as Zen follows soon after. He gave strict instructions to everyone that no one will call him today for any office related work as it is a very special day for his family. Kai also informed his Institute's staff to not disturb him.

Kai left Scientia college after completing his 4 years term there and opened his own coaching institute. He goes to the university as the guest lecturer sometimes though.

He opens the door to the children's room and smiles when he sees Kai lovingly holding a sleeping Niya in his arms.

He remembers how Kai cried like a baby when Niya was born. He sat on the floor and sobbed when he heard it's a girl. They decided to keep the gender a surprise so when they found out a baby daughter has arrived, everyone cried in joy.

That day, Zen also kneeled down beside his sobbing husband and hugged him, with tears in his eyes.


"It's a girl, Zen. Our princess has arrived. We're parents now." Kai sobs as he clutches Zen's jacket. He's a father now. He can't believe it.

"Yes, my love. Our daughter is here." Zen nuzzles his cheek as he himself holds on to Kai. The immense happiness that burst inside his chest is uncontainable.

His mother is standing in a corner, crying tears of happiness as his father holds her.

A few moments later they hear a crying voice. A nurse steps out of the room with their bundle of joy in their arms. The husbands stand up and Kai wipes his tears hurriedly, getting ready to take her in his arms. The nurse hands over their daughter to Kai who gently takes her in his arms and cradle her.

Kai is shaking so Zen gently leads him to the chair and makes him sit. Kai cries and cries as presses soft kisses all over his daughter who has now stopped crying and is staring directly at him.

"She's has your eyes, Zen." A whisper leaves Kai's lips as he looks at her silver eyes in admiration where as his heart is about to explode because of all the happiness and love he is feeling for her.

Zen just stares at his daughter who is looking at the love of his life.

Kai then hands over the baby to Zen and asks the nurse about the mother. She informs him that the mother is resting and is in perfect condition and Kai takes a sigh of relief.

Zen takes in the features of his daughter as his heart soars in joy. This beautiful creation that lies in his arms, this miracle, is a part of him. He presses a feather light kiss on her forehead, scared she might get hurt if he presses his lips too hard.

"My princess."

Nothing could stop her from coming in this world. Everyone was so worried about the heir of their family and gave up their hope when Zen married Kai but here she is, their baby daughter who brought immense happiness in everyone's lives with her arrival.

She's their destiny.

Narong and Boonsri hold their granddaughter in their arms and cry. They've always wanted to see the face of their grandchild before they die.


That day, they both held Niyati's birth mother's hand and cried, thanking her for giving them the greatest of joy.

Zen walks towards Kai and brings him closer and encloses his arms around him.

"We have to get the kids ready." He whispers.

"I know but they both were looking so cute. I just couldn't wake them up. here, see this." Kai takes his phone out and shows Zen the picture he clicked a few seconds ago. It's Niya and Ashy sleeping soundly with Niya protectively holding her brother.

Zen smiles looking at it and places a kiss on his sleeping daughter's head.

"Let them sleep for ten more minutes. I'm sure the guests won't arrive until and hour later."

Kai nods, agreeing with Zen and tucks Niya next to baby Ashy and covers them up with the blanket.

The husbands go into their room and Kai sits on their bed with a sigh which catches Zen's attention.

"What happened, honey?"

"I'm worried about Ansh"

Zen frowns and sits next to Kai. "Why? What happened?"

"You know how some of the relatives made Ashy cry that day." Zen understands where this is going.

A few months back, the whole Wongsuwan family decided to meet up and organized a get together. Every single one of them was present there. All the children were playing together and the adults were happily chatting. There were so many people that Zen never met in his whole life. It was a little awkward for Kai because he never met a single one of them and everyone was just looking at him.

It took a little while but Kai was comfortably talking with them afterwards. Everything was going fine until they heard loud wails of their son and ran towards his direction.


Zen immediately picks him up in his arms and wipes his tears.

"What happened, my little prince? Why are you crying?" Zen lightly bounces him in his arms to calm him down a little. The little boy doesn't reply his father and just hugs him as he continues to wail.

Kai caresses the crying boy's head and looks at him in worry. What happened to his son?

Kai picks Niya her up in his arms.

"Niya, why is Ashy crying?" Kai asks worriedly.

"Because Aunt said that Dad is only my dad and not Ashy's." the little girl replies. Zen glares at the woman who looks down guiltily. She's a distant relative. Zen wants nothing more than to slap the daylights out of her daring to say this to his child but his mother speaks up.

"How dare you say something like that to the child?" Boonsri glares at her.

"I'm sorr-"

"Take your husband and leave." Boonsri orders before the woman can even apologize. The woman's husband glares at his wife and drags her away, apologizing to everyone.

"Ashy, look at Dad."

The boy obediently does what his father asks him to do and stares at Zen with his teary eyes.

"My Dad."

Zen smiles and places a soft kiss on his son's forehead. "Yes. I am your Dad just like I am Niya's."


Zen chuckles and nods. "Yes. Promise. That Auntie was joking. She didn't know baby Ashy will cry."

Ansh cutely tilts his head and looks at his father, blinking his eyes. Zen wipes his tears and kisses his cheek and takes Niya from Kai's arms too.

"You both are our two lovely children. Papa and Dad love you." Zen kisses both their cheeks and Kai stands next to him, caressing Ashy's back who then eagerly hugs Kai and allows him to pick him up.


After that day, Zen has started giving Ashy special attention because he noticed his son hesitating whenever Zen comes near him. He won't let his son be scared of him.

"I just know that media will also give him a hard time because of this. My mind just instantly thinks of the worst. I'm worried that he'll have to face so many problems because of this. I just-"

Zen hugs Kai tightly, cutting of his worried rant. Kai instantly hugs him back and closes his eyes.

"Hon, I promise you that I won't let anyone bully our son. We will make our son strong enough that he will be able to fight back if anyone tries to mess with him. People talk all the time. There is no stopping them. we don't need to care what they think. It's our life and we're happy and content. Others and their opinions on us don't matter." Zen kisses the side of Kai's forehead in reassurance.

Kai's heart is a little at ease now that he told Zen what's been bothering him for a while.

Zen also knows the seriousness of the situation. These relatives never bothered to meet them even after their marriage announcement but then after Ashy's birth, they all contacted Narong. Boonsri Later informed Zen and Kai that they all were talking about the family inheritance. They wanted to know if Ashy will get anything that belongs to the family. They suggested to not give him anything because Niya is the actual heir of the family.

Zen and Kai just knew there is no stopping this family politics. Some of them will always see Ashy as an outsider like they see Kai. Even the ones who don't contribute anything in the business said Ashy doesn't deserve the family wealth. Zen was infuriated and wanted to contact them and put them in their place but Boonsri informed that Narong has already done that. He threatened to kick them out of the will if they ever dare to say anything about Ashy in the future and cause problems for him.

"I still am not comfortable enough to meet the whole family again. That woman said it directly to Ashy but I know many of them agreed with her. They think he is not a Wongsuwan because I am the biological father."

Zen pulls away from Kai and grabs his jaw, making him look directly in his eyes.

"Do you think like that about Niya? You think she's not your daughter because I'm the biological father?"

"No! She is my daughter. How can you even ask that, Zen?" Kai removes Zen's hand from his jaw and glares at him.

"See. It's the same when it comes to Ansh. No matter what anyone says. He is mine and you're also a Wongsuwan, Kai. Come on."

"I know. I know." Kai smiles and pecks Zen's lips who holds his waist tightly and deepens the kiss. His hands start roaming Kai's body so Kai pulls away from the kiss, stopping his husband's wandering hands.

"Stop. We can't do this know. we have to get the kids ready."

Zen scoffs and continues to kiss down Kai's neck despite his husband constantly trying to stop him.

"Honey, please. You can do anything tonight after the party. Please stop." Kai gasps out, breathing heavily as Zen continues to suck on his sweet spot.

"I can do anything tonight?"

Kai nods and breathes a sigh of relief when Zen's lips finally leave his neck and pulls up the high neck properly. Zen definitely left a hickey.

They both decide to wake up the kids and help them get dressed.

Baby Ansh looks the cutest in that tiny tux.

"Look at our boy. Perfect outfit for the prince." Kai coos and his son giggle, hiding his face in his neck.

"Niya pwetty!" Ashy says as he peeks at his sister who is dressed in a beautiful floral pastel pink frock. Zen is busy doing her hair and smiles when Niya cutely thanks her brother for the compliment.

"Dad, we will eat cake?" Niya asks and Zen nods, pinching her cheeks.

"Yes. You will have cake and will play games and have fun with everyone."

"Keio!" Ashy scream, throwing his hands up and starts jumping in Kai's hold.

"Deano!" Niya joins her brother and their parents burst out laughing.

"Yes, yes. Deano and Keito will also come." Kai laughs along with them.

The kids are very fond of Dean and Keit. The two drop by any chance they get to play with Niya and Ashy. Dean has started working in the headquarters under the CEO, Zen's supervision and Keit works for their company too.

Kai, Zen and Dean were equally shocked when they found out that Keit got a job in their company. That boy never told anyone that he applied for here. When Zen saw his exam scores and the interview process, he was impressed and was proud of him. He taught Keit for two months and he knows how terrified the boy was of programming and he was a little intimidated by Zen too.

Once, Zen was already pissed because of company matters and Keit was stuck in a topic and only God knows how Zen reigned in his anger, trying to not explode on Keit who looked ready to cry. This not the most awkward situation they've been in.

Once Keit came to their house, went inside the study room and started crying. Kai was not at home and boy was Zen panicking. Turned out that Keit had a big fight with Dean. Zen didn't know what to say so he just hugged Keit and let the boy cry and at night called Dean and scolded him for making Keit cry. Dean sulked on him too and accused him for playing favorites. Dean was so offended that Zen was taking Keit's side.

Zen then explained him that he just wants Dean to talk to Keit and not ignore him. He wants Dean to be happy and it won't be good for both of them to be mad at each other when they are miles apart. Dean understood pretty well and talked it out with his boyfriend. Ah, good old days.

It feels good to know that the two boys have come so far.

"I'm so excited for them!" Kai says happily and hugs Zen's arm.

"Me too."

"Where are my angels?" they hear a loud voice coming from downstairs and the kids starts screaming. Niya runs downstairs and Zen follows her, telling her to be careful and Kai walks down holding Ashy in his arms.

Artem and a heavily pregnant Maya have already made themselves at home. Artem stands up and hugs Niya, wishing her a happy birthday and takes her to his wife, who is sitting comfortably on the sofa.

Ashy also crawls towards his aunt and uncle and basks in all the attention. Zen and Kai both kiss Maya's forehead and take a seat as the maids serves them water.

"Maya still pissed about not being able to dance yesterday?" Zen whispers to Artem who chuckles. Kai just roles his eyes and Maya glares at them.

"I heard you!"

Zen puts his hands up in surrender.

"I'll not say anything to you because it's Niya's birthday so you get immunity today."

"Auntie, we made pudding!" Niya proudly announces.

"Really? I want to taste!"

Kai asks the maid to serve them the pudding. Maya and Artem praise the little girl who puffs her chest proudly.

A few minutes later, Dean and Keit arrive.

"Look who's here! The newly engaged couple!" Kai cheers and they all clap and holler. Dean laughs and shakes his head whereas Keit turns red and holds Dean's arm tightly.

As soon as the clock struck 12 am, Dean went down on one knee and proposed Keit in the presence of all their friends and family. Keit said yes and Dean excitedly put the ring on his finger and picked him up, swinging him in his arms. It marked the happiest moment of their life.

Zen pats Dean's back as the couple also sits in the living room after keeping their gifts aside.

"I'm so happy that Keit will soon be officially a Wongsuwan." Maya squeals.

"Yeah. You guys are the last one in your circle to get married, right?" Zen asks. Keit nods, glancing at Dean who just circles his arm around his waist and pulls him closer.

Dean got a lot busier when he returned back home after his post-graduation as he started his training for handling the family business. He wanted to settle in this business lifestyle before proposing Keit.

"Archie and Theo just got hitched last month." Dean informs.

"Ah, yes. I saw the photographs. They looked so cute." Kai smiles. He's happy to see his students living a happy and successful life.

Ohm also found love at his workplace and married her. Kriti is her name. She is a sweetheart and has become a good friend of Dean and Keit too.

Gina married Bryce whom she met on a social networking site and is very happy now. Jake and Amy did not come as a shock to anybody. They all knew it's gonna happen. Mitch and Flora did shock Keit. Their relationship has always been so strained but Mitch finally grew some balls and asked Flora to marry him.

"Keep our Keit happy, okay." Maya threatens Dean.

"Of course, I will. I want our love to be like this legendary couple here." Dean points at Zen and Kai who just chuckle at him.

"Married for 11 years and the romance is still alive." Keit says dreamily. Zen wiggles his eyebrows at Kai who just nuzzles closer to him and pecks his cheek. Keit picks up Ashy from Maya's lap when he sees her getting tired and starts playing with the child. Niya also walks towards them and climbs her uncle Dean's lap.

Zen and Kai's parents arrive soon after and the party starts.

"Papa, when will we cut the cake?" Niya asks, pouting slightly. She wants to have cake!

"Baby, just wait 5 more minutes. Uncle Korn is about to arrive." Niya nods and runs away to play with her brother and uncles.

Kai smiles when he sees Boonsri fussing over Ashy when he trips on the ground. Him and his mother-in-law have come closer over all these years but he had a little doubt that Ansh will not be accepted by Boonsri or he won't be as loved as his first born. He really was shocked when he saw Boonsri spoiling his son and loving just as she loves Niya.

The whole family adore these kids. What more can Kai ask for?

As promised, Korn arrives after 5 minutes with his husband August.

August is Korn's childhood sweetheart. Well, August says so. Korn used to refer to him as my realization. Realization that he's gay. Korn had a huge crush on August during his school days but the latter was a dîck as Korn likes to say. They had a one night stand on their graduation ceremony and August never looked back. Korn got over his crush pretty quickly and life went on until they both stumbled across each other once again that fateful day.

Korn was in a gift shop, wondering what to buy for Kai to give him on his farewell party and that's when the tall, muscular, fair skinned man with red dyed hair entered the shop, their eyes met and that cocky ass smile graced August's lips as he recognizes Korn.

He tried talking to Korn who wanted nothing more than to flee from there at that moment. Since then, August started chasing him. When he learned about Kai, he contacted him and asked for help to impress Korn. Kai happily played cupid and nearly cried when Korn accepted to be August's boyfriend after two years on intense courting and now, they're married. Man, Korn was a tough cookie to break.

"Uncle Korn! Uncle August!" Niya runs towards the new comers and jumps in excitement when they give her the gifts which she holds in her tiny hands.

Finally, the table is set up and they all gather around, ready for the cake cutting.

Niya jumps in excitement and Ashy wiggles in Kai's arms when they see it's their favorite chocolate cake. They both holds the knife and Zen and Kai make them cut the cake as everyone sings the birthday song for them, clapping loudly.

Everyone feeds the cake to the babies and then makes them sit on the sofa. Niya receives the gifts which she passes to her brother sitting beside her and then he gives it to Kai who keeps the gifts safely aside.

They all spend their time happily chatting and pampering the kids. Kai looks over at his happy family and sends a silent prayer to God to always protect them all. His heart feels so full, so content. He has his husband who loves him so much, his two kids whom he loves to the moon and back, Maya and Artem, his and Zen's parents, Dean and Keit and his friends Korn and August. All the people who will always have his back and he too can do anything for them.

He feels complete.

He feels happy.

He has everything he has ever wished in his life to have.

His heart is filled with love and gratitude.

Thank you, God for giving him such precious people in his life.

He will always love and cherish them all and will lead a happy life.

Zen walks towards him with a smile on his face and takes him in his arms as he looks over the scene in front of him, his emotions mirroring Kai's.

Full of happiness.

Full of gratitude.

Thank you!


The book is officially completed. Thank you all for reading it. I hope you enjoyed the story.
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