๐’˜๐’‚๐’๐’๐’‡๐’๐’๐’˜๐’†๐’“ | wheesa...

By wheeinight

20.5K 1.3K 789

โ๐˜๐จ๐ฎ'๐ซ๐ž ๐ฆ๐ฒ ๐š๐ง๐ ๐ž๐ฅ, ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ ๐ค๐ง๐จ๐ฐ?โž โ”€โ”€โ”€โ”€ in which the wallflower falls for the sch... More

01 | she
02 | she's the eyes in solitude
03 | she's the silence of a thousand words
04 | she's the stitch to her heart
05 | she's the unsolved mystery
06 | she's an angel without wings
07 | she's like the colour yellow
08 | she's in oblivion
09 | she's a wallflower
10 | she's falling in fear
11 | she's the special one
12 | she's shrouded in peace
13 | she's incapable
15 | she's a different kind of happy
16 | she's a somebody
17 | she's tracing flowers
18 | she's the magnet of her heart
19 | she's the key to these chains
20 | she's the one who can tear these walls
21 | she's a whirlwind of emotions
22 | she's the claimer of her heart
23 | she's the one who loses control
24 | she's shrouded in suspicion
25 | she's lost herself in anger
26 | she's falling in love
27 | she's mine
28 | she's slowly forgiving
29 | she's in the arms of comfort
30 | she's trying
31 | she's free

14 | she's the reason

541 41 21
By wheeinight

hi! quick update again?

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

It was at that moment,
where she felt that hint of peace
settle in her heart,
from the certain warmth that does not belong to her
wrapped around her sensitive body,
grazing amongst her skin
and creating the safest of havens.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

Wheein's eyes slowly flutter open. For a moment, she thought her eyes were somehow glued together, a slight stinging sensation in her lids. But as she is able to open them, her vision hazy with the world outside still in its sleepy state, a low-registered yawn leaves her mouth as she aggressively rubs at her eyes with her sleeves like a whiny child whose sleep had been interrupted. After a few moments, her head and body relaxes back onto the pillow and sheets, a soft sigh escaping her lips.

Usually when she would wake up𑁋if successful in acquiring a somewhat good amount of sleep𑁋she would have the urge to just melt into her pillow, dreading for whatever comes next in the day for her. However this time, she didn't exactly feel the way at all. And although she wanted to drift back to sleep for a few more hours of slumber, it was quite possibly for a better reason than before. How does she describe it? In this morning, she felt more awake than usual, and it was rather strange. This morning, the atmosphere around her felt more peaceful, and scared her slightly.

She finds herself listening to the mere silence around her, though interrupted by the annoyance of a single branch tapping against her window from time to time. She listens to her own steady and quiet breathing, the somewhat cold air in her room making her shiver. However as she begins to relax once more, the air in her room turns warm, now making her fully attentive as she lifts up a curious brow.

That is, until she could feel something shift a bit from right behind her𑁋the shivers of paranoia now fully answered to her wake. And as she didn't notice before, Wheein could feel that the sweater she was wearing had shifted up slightly, making the skin on her stomach slightly exposed. Yet as she was supposed to feel cold, she could feel something warmly laying flat on her exposed skin.

Wheein attempts to move her legs slightly, but completely unsuccessful as she could feel something intertwined with hers. Frowning, the heavy urge to try to turn her small body around to see what was behind her, but at the same time, this could be just an unusually calming nightmare and she was somehow in a state of sleep paralysis and was wrapped into the arms of some sleepy being𑁋she wouldn't be surprised if she actually was, to be honest.

But as she lifts her head up from the pillow, it completely dismisses the assumption of sleep paralysis.

After a few moments, a familiar, flowery scent surrounds her𑁋that is when Wheein could feel her heart pounding once more. She attempts to glance down to where she knew her stomach was exposed, being able to make out the shape of a hand that definitely wasn't her own. She tries to calm herself down, breaths becoming shaky once more. Wheein knew there surely wasn't anyone else in the room but her...

...and Hyejin.

A state of panic rushes through Wheein, with the growing urge to shove Hyejin off the bed unconsciously. She didn't even know what to do or what to even think at that moment, hoping that her panicky condition wouldn't be able to wake the girl up. Her thoughts begin to race𑁋why was Hyejin sleeping in the same bed as her? How did that even happen? And the feeling of Hyejin's hand on top of her stomach makes her seize, since perhaps at some point during the night her sweater just had to roll upwards.

Wheein scoots back just a tiny bit, feeling Hyejin's body pressed against hers with her neck seemingly bumping the sleeping girl's nose. Wheein bites at her lip nervously, chest loosening from an incredibly long exhale. There was something about the position she was laying that made her long for some comfort again, but she couldn't at all get rid of the fact that Ahn Hyejin was literally right behind her, so it wasn't at all easy to make herself relax.

So she tries to listen to Hyejin's soft breathing to make herself calm down, the warmth coming from the sleeping girl washing over her like a comfortable blanket. Surprisingly, it was working, and a smile makes its way onto the small girl's face. There was no doubt in a long time she had ever felt this comfortable, the safety and security of Hyejin's arms making her feel like she's in a haven, and her heart easing into a state of peace.

However the thought of school makes Wheein sigh. She glances back down at Hyejin's hand on her stomach, seeing that it hadn't moved at all. Holding in a breath, Wheein slowly peels herself away from Hyejin's grasp, leisurely untangling her legs under the sheets. The feeling of Hyejin's touch leaving her makes her chest tighten, but as she is finally able to stand up, her eyes could only cast back down to the sleeping girl.

Strands of semi-wavy dark hair covered Hyejin's face, making the view slightly more amusing to Wheein. Wheein adjusts her sweater back down to cover her stomach before leaning down to Hyejin's level and pulling back some strands of hair away from the sleeping girl's face. Wheein couldn't help but admire the girl's bare face𑁋half buried in the pillow yet in a placid nature that makes the smaller girl's cheeks heat up. She was generally surprised at how much of a heavy sleeper Hyejin could be.

Her eyes trail over the girl's stance for a moment𑁋admiring the girl's sleeping face then to her exposed arms. She wasn't trying to control the blush in her cheeks at that point.

For a moment, Wheein's eyes take a glimpse at the girl's soft-looking lips, and the smile fades off her face. She could feel her chest tighten more inside of her, heart slowly coming to a stop like a sign of defeat. As she manages to get herself to look away, she kneels herself down once more and drapes the sheets over the sleeping girl's body before stepping away to quietly head out of the room.

Everybody has feelings, Wheein thinks. But why is it just so hard for her to accept them? The answer was this: she's scared𑁋she's scared of the fact she may not be enough for somebody, enough for her grandmother and Hyoyeon, and perhaps even enough for Hyejin. There was a kick in her stomach telling her that one day, Hyejin would leave her, thinking that she won't be enough anymore and dusting their friendship away. Wheein didn't know why she expected for a day like that to happen, because frankly if it were to occur, she'd only blame herself.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

Wheein mindlessly stirs the bowl of cereal in front of her, the metal spoon in her hands occasionally hitting against the sides of the bowl and making a loud ring echo across the entire room. As she eats a few scoops of her breakfast, her eyes continue to stare at the untouched, equally similar bowl of cereal in front of her. It was out of habit to prepare breakfast for someone than just herself as she had her grandmother to take care of𑁋who she already made a bowl of oatmeal for𑁋yet she forgot to think about how cereal would become soggy after some time.

She looks down at her side, seeing that she was almost finished with her cereal. She frowns slightly, letting go of the spoon in her hands and sitting back in her seat with her legs crossed together on top. Wheein gazes out the semi-closed windows, the morning becoming brighter by each passing moment. Gosh, she would just do anything to not go to school today; she'd rather stay home and draw, but the thing is, what about Hyejin?

Her mind continuously thinks about the countless reasons as to why Hyejin stayed overnight in her home. It may seem as if she didn't want the girl there; she was just curious as she tries to puzzle the pieces of events from last night together. The only thing she could remember was eating dinner with Hyoyeon, her grandmother, and Hyejin, before having to prepare her grandmother a bath, then going into her room and seeing Hyejin.

Then she remembers just listening to Hyejin, and the next thing she knew, her face was hidden away in the girl's neck in a crying fit.

Pursing her lips in thought, Wheein furrows her brows together while finishing up the rest of her cereal. Once she does, she stands up to head into the kitchen, setting the bowl inside of the sink to prepare to wash. She turns the faucet on to a weak setting, pumping some soap into a sponge before scrubbing over the bowl.

"There you are," a voice makes Wheein abruptly freeze, still letting the water run inside the sink. Wheein turns around slowly, eyes adjusting to the darkness of the room as she sees Hyejin not that far away from her. The girl had her arms crossed with her body leaning against the refrigerator. "Good morning to you." The girl's morning voice was surprisingly raspier than usual.

Wheein tries to contain the small smile on her face. She nods down slightly as an acknowledgement before turning back around to continue washing the bowl. Hyejin didn't seem to say anything else as she finished, turning the water off and drying her hands on a towel.

Looking back, she could see Hyejin was curiously glancing towards the untouched bowl of cereal on the table, which was probably soggier than it was just a few minutes ago.

"Is this for me?" Hyejin asks, looking up towards Wheein while motioning down towards the bowl.

Wheein simply just nods while placing the damp towel back on top of the counter. She slowly makes her way in the direction of the dining table, seeing Hyejin place herself down in the seat. The small girl hesitates for a moment, before sitting down in the seat across from Hyejin.

Hyejin looks down at the bowl, picking up the spoon and putting her long hair behind her shoulders, looking as if she was preparing to eat a full-course meal.

Gosh, just say something! Wheein urges in her head.

"It's..." She finds herself beginning to form a sentence, making Hyejin look back up at her with a dark gaze and curious eyes. Wheein just swallows shyly. "...soggy."

"Soggy?" Hyejin questions with a brow raised, glancing back down at the bowl and chuckling quietly. "That's okay with me, I can still eat it," She scoops some of the cereal into the spoon. "Thank you for preparing breakfast, Wheein-ah."

Wheein, for a moment, felt a slap of proudness for saying something. Hyejin on the other hand, hearing Wheein's voice makes her think back to the time where she first heard the girl speak𑁋back in Hyoyeon's classroom, when she had asked about why she held her hand that very same day. Hyejin knew it would be something she wouldn't forget for a very long time.

Long minutes of silence pass between the two. Wheein's hands were nervously drumming against the material of the sweatpants she was wearing under the table, eyes trying to avoid any sort of eye contact. She couldn't exactly the describe the kind of emotions she was surrounded by, but she allows herself to be encapsulated by it. Hyejin could only stare in the small girl's directions as she continued to eat, sensing the tenseness in the girl once more𑁋the same kind of tenseness that she had the night before when she had first entered her home.

An exhale leaves her mouth. "I... I'm sure you're wondering why I stayed the night, right?"

Wheein gazes up at the girl, bobbing her head as a nod. Hyejin meets the girl's puppy-like eyes, smiling to herself.

"You... um, you fell asleep in my arms last night," she explains, the image of Wheein in her arms coming back to her. "You looked very comfortable and I didn't want to wake you, so I figured I might as well stay the night to keep you company. Hyoyeon-unnie even came by to wish you a good night, but you fell asleep."

She eyes the small girl curiously, trying to figure out the expression on her face.

"You're okay with that, right?"

The question makes Wheein flinch slightly, looking up to meet Hyejin's serious gaze towards her. She shrinks in her seat a bit, nodding in response. Hyejin travels her gaze back down to the near-empty bowl of cereal that was mostly filled with milk.

"Okay," she declares, voice barely above a whisper, still unsure if Wheein was being truthful or not. So she decides to ask, "Did you sleep well at least?"

Wheein thinks for a moment. If she could say it out loud, it was quite easy to say that she did in fact sleep well. She slept way better than previous nights, and it only makes her wonder if it was because of Hyejin's company beside her𑁋if she's the reason why she felt so safe, so comfortable with the feeling of her arms wrapped around her. She hasn't experienced that kind of comfort in years𑁋having been from her mother and grandmother before. She could feel the flutters in her stomach from thinking about how easily she was able to fall asleep in Hyejin's arms, and she could only hope for it to happen again.

So, to respond to that, she just nods.

Hyejin faintly smiles, "That's good."

Another round of silence replenishes the room as Hyejin finishes drinking the milk from the bowl. Once she does, she glances down at the bowl, unsure of what to do with it. However when an idea pops in her head, she finds herself standing up to head to the kitchen to wash it.

Wheein had the sudden urge to call out to her, wanting to say that she could do it herself. It was too late though, the sounds of the faucet loudly deafening the entire room for a moment after Hyejin had turned it to a very strong setting by mistake. She quickly turns it down, making Wheein release a fit of lighthearted laughter.

Hyejin smirks, hearing the sounds of Wheein's laugh makes her heart race. She felt like she would do anything to hear that sound again.

Once she finishes washing the bowl, she turns back around to see Wheein pushing in the seats to the table. She observes quietly, watching as Wheein wipes down the table after that to rid of any spots that may have been spilled upon. Hyejin knew how hard the girl worked in order to care for herself and her grandmother, even if it was just by the tiniest effort. If only she could get Wheein to know how strong she is and how caring she is for others.

No one else seemed to show that kind of care towards her though, because Wheein would always deny, yet something inside Hyejin made her determined to be able to show that same kind of care towards the small girl. This friendship with Wheein... she wanted it to last, she wanted it to make it meaningful, mostly for Wheein.

So she decides to step up, "Angel?"

Wheein turns back around to see Hyejin walking over towards her, making her straighten up her posture from how close she was. Their bodies were just a few inches apart, but Wheein wanted to be closer. Hyejin gazes towards her, biting the inside of her cheek as she looks down to meet eyes with Wheein's puppy-like expression.

"You do know that if you ever have trouble sleeping..." she begins, trying to find the confidence to continue. "...that you could tell me, right? I wouldn't mind at all. I... I don't like seeing you exhausted or seeing you sad or seeing you alone. It's just that I𑁋"

Hyejin's words were quickly interrupted from the feeling of a pair of arms wrapping around her torso. It catches her off-guard, but she could feel Wheein's chest pressed against hers. They embrace each other so softly, with Wheein cradling her head down on the younger girl's shoulders, trying her best to express her gratefulness towards Hyejin.

Hyejin only brings the girl closer to her, trying not too squeeze her too tightly, hands soothingly roaming all over the girl's back as she feels herself melting into Wheein's embrace. And if hugs were able to heal all wounds, she would hold the girl until the very end of the night. They both hug long enough to listen to each other's breathing, warmth combining into one.

Wheein releases herself a bit, but still continues to allow the comfort of Hyejin takeover her.

She lifts her head up in order to whisper into her ears, "Th-Thank you..."

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚

it's kinda short, soft and fluffy. soft wheesa is the best wheesa, anyone else agree?

promise more plot soon, for now just enjoy the amount of softness i've been writing because i've been in that mood

purple kiss debut is chefs kiss !!!

will proofread later


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