Green Lantern (Young Justice...

By maricwrites

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It has been two years since Marie Jordan also known as Spirit has left Earth 16 to go find her home universe... More

Jenna Hanning
The Hero Life, In General, Is Behind Me
I Will Fry Your Brains
How Do You Like Your Eggs!?
What I'm Hearing Is Stay Single
Stop Leaving Me On Read!
I Mean I'm Not Mad Either
It's Going To Be A Long Year
But You Guys Are My OTP
I Swear I Didn't Teach Her That
What's That Supposed To Mean?
Effective But Horrifying
I Could Have Saved Her
So, We Can Put That Crazy Fruit Loop In Jail
You Know This Is Child Labor
Then I'm Sorry- ...I Have To Do This
She's A Fleshy... Motherbox? Biological Motherbox?"
You Should Be Honored, Dude
Today's the Day
Well, That Was Anticlimactic
She's Four Years Older Than You
I'm Not A Meta-Human
I Don't Know What To Do!
You Failed!
I Swear I Was Kidding
Why Am I Getting All The Hate?
If Not Us, Then Who?
Once, It Would Be Nice If I Never Lose Children
It Just Gets Worse
I Don't Trust You Anymore
Still Hate Fake Words
Then You Must Be Overdramatic
Yes, I Am
She Almost Blew Away Portland
I Need To Go

I'm The Only One

21 1 0
By maricwrites


December 12; 14:01 EDT

Alya, James, Dylan, Sam, and Aidan were sitting in the quad, surrounded by books. Alya and Dylan were the only ones reading while James, Sam, and Aidan were on the phone. The five teens sat in silence as they did their own things. James and Alya sat together, holding each other hands, under the table. Alya was reading another alien text, but not to learn the language to learn of the culture and the people of the planet; it was a book of Uni and Ugi. She didn't want to hide from the two planets' history, though she knew a little from Eleanor told them, but she wanted to know more.

Dylan was reading a book on the business since he plans on studying business and education when he goes to college to be able to really take control of the school. James swipes between two photos, one photo of Georgetown; where he, Dylan, and Alya decided that they were going spend their college years and we're waiting to hear back from any day, and then the other being of the Hollywood sign, where he has already signed a deal with DW. James was conflicted on his next chapter, Georgetown, becoming a scientist with Alya, or fulfilling a dream of being an actor in Hollywood. Aidan and Sam were on 1K Wordsworth, scrolling through their feeds.

"Hello." Sarah More greeted the group, and the five teens looked up, narrowing their eyes at the girl. The More mother and daughter duo have been leaving the group alone for a while now, allowing the five teens to go about their lives in peace, but apparently, it wasn't last long.

"What do you want More?" Dylan questioned the girl. "We're kind of busy."

Sarah smirked, "I just wanted to let you know that Dr. Lance has just quit."

"We know." Alya raised a brow at her former foster sister.

"Yeah, she told us that she got a better and higher-paying one somewhere in D.C.," Sam tells her. "I guess you're mother's plan on lowering her paycheck worked on getting her to quit."

"You're not a little upset that she quit?" Sarah asked the five. They shook their heads.

"Why would we be?" James questioned her. "We have been trying to get her to quit and go to S.T.A.R. Labs since last year."

Sarah narrowed her eyes at them, but before she could reply to them, there was a loud explosion, causing many people to duck their heads as smoke and fog fill the area. Screams filled the air as panic arose in everyone's chest. Alya's eyes dart around, trying to see the cause. Armored men and women entered the campus with guns. Alya stood up, letting go of James' hand, as the smoke clears.

Guns shot fired into the air, causing more screams. Alya looked around to see if anyone was harmed, but everyone was hiding under tables. The only two students that were standing were James and Alya.

"Alya." Dylan's voice whispered to her. "Get down."

Alya ignored her cousin as the armor guards parted, and a man wearing a lab coat walked in view. Alya clenched her fist as she glares at the man; James gently pulled Alya down under the table they sat at. They didn't need her to get shot at; even if she could teleport quick enough, it would reveal her secret identity along with her uncle's and sister's.

"Alright," The man spoke. Alya narrowed her eyes at the man as she recognized the man. His name is Dr. Jamal Allen. He was a scientist from Marit Labs, the lab that named Dylan, James, and Alya the smartest known teens in the country. "Now that we have the kiddies' attention, I have been given the job of completing Eleanor Brook's mission of killing the Six Warriors of Uni."

Aidan, Sam, Dylan, James, and Alya send each other worried glances once the man spoke those words. Alya clenches her fist as the student body looks in the direction of them. Alya's heart dropped to her stomach, knowing that her secret identity was about to be outed.

"So, I don't see them anywhere," Dr. Allen spoke as his eyes scan the area. "So if they don't want any of their classmates to be shot and killed, they will come out and just take the bullets for them." 

Alya's muscles clenched as she looks back at her friends. She could see in the corner of her eye that Sarah was looking at them. Dylan shook her head at Alya, but James gave her a nod. Alya turned to Aidan and Sam, who looked panicked. She closed her eyes slightly, and she turned to James, shaking her head at him, before gesturing to Aidan and Sam. Alya pulled out her phone, pressing a bottom that sent a distress signal to Marie, Jenna, the Premiere building, and the Watchtower. Alya hoped that they could wait it out, that Jamal Allen was all talk and no action.

Jamal let out a dark chuckled as he shook his head. He nodded his head at one of the guards. The man grabbed one of the Brookdale students; the five of them recognized the girl as Mindy Cartwright, a girl in Aidan's grade. Mindy screamed and struggled against the man's grip. James tried to move forward, but he was held back by both Alya and Dylan placing their hands on his shoulders. He looked at them with disbelief.

"If you six don't come out now, I will order my men to kill this innocent girl." Jamal threatens. He waited a few moments before he nodded at the armed man. The guard raised the gun to the girl, head as tears fall down her eyes. Alya's heart pounded against her chest as she sees Mindy struggle against the man. "Kill her."

"No!" Alya instantly stands up. Everyone's eyes dart over to Alya, who stood up on her table. "Let her go!"

"Finally, The warrior reveals herself," Jamal speaks up, looking at Alya. Alya's chest became heavy as she stares down at the man.

"Let her go," Alya growled, not admitting anything. "She has nothing to do with what you want. None of them do..." Alya closed her eyes for a moment. "I'm the only one that does."

Jamal laughed evilly, "You think me an idiot? I know that the crystals come in a set of six. When there's one of you, there's five more."

"There may be six of us." Alya jumps off the table, moving closer to the man and the armed men. She didn't look back at anyone, her eyes only on Mindy and Jamal. "But not here. The other members of the Six Warriors or whatever, they're not here."

"I was told that the six of you are here," Jamal stresses as he looks around at the students.

"Well, whoever told you that, is a boldface liar. Because I'm the only one." Alya lies as her hands shake slightly. "The others didn't want their powers after Eleanor came after us. They gave it up."

"You can't just give it up!" Jamal shouted. "That's not possible!"

"Well, it happened. I saw it?" Alya crossed her arms. "So I will just take what you have."

"You're lying." Jamal narrowed his eyes at her. "There's at least two of you still around, Blue and Red. Fire and Lightning. Spark and Angi; you both wore the crystals."

Alya's eyes lit up with electricity as he calls out Spark and Angi, her fist tighten. Alya's eyes, for a moment, look away from Mindy as she sees people filming the whole thing. She knew then and there that she was done. Her identity was down the drain. Everyone was going to figure out that Alya Jordan and Spark were one and the same. And not long after that, they were going to figure out Hal and Marie.

"I'm here." She growled. "No one else. Take it or leave it. I'm going to say this once more, let Mindy go."

"I will when the other Warriors show up," Jamal ordered.

"I'm the only one here," Alya told him as she hears the gun click. Alya hoped that James wasn't going to do anything. That would be himself at risk. She hoped that none of them would. She hoped she had everything handle.

"Kill her," Jamal ordered his man.

"NO!" Alya shot lightning at the gun, and every student gasps as the gun flings out of the man's hand. But the gun doesn't drop to the ground; no, it's caught in the air by a green hand.

"Wow," Jenna, as Green Lantern floats overhead with arms crossed as the green hand comes out of her ring. "Nice trick, person I've never met."Alya gives Green Lantern an unimpressed look as everyone looks up at Green Lantern with awe. "Yeah," Green Lantern gave her an awkward nod before she cleared her throat. The guards quickly pointed their guns at Green Lantern, and before they could shot at her, a blur passed them, and then guns were taken out of their hands.

"Look at that." Kid Flash appeared with the guns in his hands. "No more guns."

"You see, I'm left speechless." Green Lantern places her feet down on the ground as she keeps her ring raise. "You guys are just a bunch of losers without the guns, aren't you? Just guards against a speedster and a Green Lantern. You're doomed."

"Uh, Green Lantern. Kid Flash" Alya crossed her arms at her friend.

Green Lantern and Kid Flash looked at Alya, who was glaring at them. "Yeah, meta-teen I've never met before."

"Green Lantern, I've never met before." Alya rolls her eyes. "The bad guy is getting away." Alya gestures in the direction that Jamal Allen was literally running away in. Kid Flash's eyes widen before he speeds in the direction that Jamal went in.


December 12; 13:01 PST

"I'm so dead." Marie paced back and forth as she watches the news play on her screen. Marie rubbed her forehead as looks at her phone, seeing that she had multiple missed calls from several people. Alya, Jenna, Dick, Annabelle, Kaldur, Rydel, and finally Sara Cruz.

Marie just watched on the news, Alya revealing her powers to the whole world. She wasn't upset as she saw it was Jamal calling her out. There was nothing she could do besides revealing herself and saving that girl, or allowing that girl to die, and keep her identity a secret. People were already connecting the dots to Spark and Alya Jordan. They haven't gotten as far as connecting Hal to Green Lantern, but she wouldn't put it past the people who know them well. But it wasn't that a concern as everyone that Hal knows closely knows he's Green Lantern. Marie scrolled through the missed calls as she hovers Alya's contact. She quickly presses the contact and moves the phone to her ear as she listens as it rings.

"Marie." Alya picks up. Her voice sounds rushed and panic. "Marie, I'm freaking out right now. Did you see? They know it's me... they're going to find out that Hal's..."

"Are you okay?" Marie cuts her off. "Don't worry about Hal at the moment. The question is, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah," Alya answered. "Um... Kid Flash and GL were there; they took care of the bad guys."

"And what about James, Aidan, Sam, and Dylan? Are they okay?" Marie asked as she runs her finger through her hair. "Why didn't James do anything to help you?"

"Because I would have killed him," Alya tells her sister truthfully. "I was not about to put my butt on the line so that he could ruin it. And the others, they're okay, pissed, but okay. The people at school are not buying that they're not the other Crystal holders since Eleanor was obviously trying to kill the six of us. But I convinced most of the public it was just this other dude that Jamal named dropped as Angi and me."

"How did Jamal know about Angi?" Marie asked.

"I don't know. The same way that Veronica did."

"And how did she know?" Marie questioned.

"Maybe Eleanor told her."


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