A Certain Scientific Shadow C...

By IlPrincipePapero

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After the Daihasei festival and the difficult challenge it brought to Misaka Mikoto and her friends, Gakuen T... More

Chapter 1: A new Judgment
Chapter 2: Dance class
Chapter 3: Trust Service Provider
Chapter 4: Cloudy Sky Part 1
Chapter 5: Cloudy Sky Part 2
Chapter 6: A lightning
Chapter 7: A normal day in Judgment
Chapter 8: Spiky hair Part 1
Chapter 9: Spiky hair part 2
Chapter 10: Black Rain
Chapter 11: Casual vs Pro Part 1
Chapter 12: Casual vs Pro Part 2
Chapter 13: Hear Me Out
Chapter 14: Twisted alleys
Chapter 15: Night Blue Starless Sky
Chapter 16: The Monster's Birth Part 1
Chapter 17: The Monster's Birth Part 2
Chapter 18: Common Cold
Chapter 19: Cut
Chapter 20: Meme
Chapter 21: Railgun squared
Chapter 22: Couple Counseling
Chapter 23: The last order
Chapter 24: Antibirth
Chapter 25: Rebirth 1⁄8
Chapter 27: Rebirth 1⁄2
Chapter 28: Rebirth
Chapter 29: Black Wings
Chapter 30: One more, one last wish
Collab Chapter: Beyond the malice wall

Chapter 26: Rebirth 1⁄4

320 13 65
By IlPrincipePapero


-This story is written on this time line: after the Railgun Daihasei festival (with everything canon happened before).

-Everything that happens in this story disregards what happens after the festival in the canon novel and is written without knowing it.

-I will post a new chapter as soon as I can (Usually from 3 weeks to one month from now on)

-Join our Shadow Crafter Discord Community to share art, memes and anime stuff! LINK IN BIO!

Chiara smiled hearing the arrogant Mikoto's words, she knew it would've ended up in a speech of this kind.

«You are exactly as I imagined... charismatic and proud. Always on the front line when it's about helping your friends, ready to face any adversity. But let me tell you, this time is different.» Chiara said satisfied.

«And what would make you different from the usual freak who exploits the irregularities of this city? The fact you are more colourful than the usual enemy?» Misaka asked sarcastically.

«Your truly and all the wolf marked are immune to esp powers and have amplified strength, stamina and speed. This sentence makes us stronger than all of you together. Even knowing this now, you still want to fight me back?» Chiara asked her, opening her arms towards Misaka.

«I'm not scared of you. Not a bit. If I can't electrocute you, then I'll kick you in the face! And if kicks don't do damage to you, I'll kick you stronger!» Mikoto exclaimed with grit, then turned to Elana. «And you... imagining we welcomed you as a new important friend... you were nothing more than a filthy liar!»

«Ehy... why so rough...? To me? I was taking care of your dear friends all this time, eheheheh...» Elana replied smirking.

«That bastard bit Uiharu and Saten... they are in very bad condition, sadly...» Kuroko added with regret.

«You really are an horrible person! What did they do to you to get involved in this?!» Mikoto asked furious.

«Bit them? Only? AHAHAHAHAHAH! Maybe you didn't understand me on the "taking care" part I said... your friends didn't help me only for the success of the plan, but also for my, well, own personal enjoyment...» Elana told delighted.

«You better stop moving that forked tongue and be quiet... or you'll pay the consequences!» Mikoto was flaming more and more.

«You are so rude... I just wanted to tell you your little friend Uiharu-san has such a cute tiny body. Though, anybody hasn't popped her cherry yet... that made me so glad. I'll deal with that once I'll have some spare time, eheheheh...» Elana passed the limit. Air started sparkling in electric shocks; Mikoto grabbed a coin and aimed it to Elana.

«Remove Uiharu's name... FROM YOUR MOUTH!» the electromaster shot a max power railgun, but the bullet vanished as soon as it reached Elana's face.

«AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! What a retard! Weren't you listening Chiara's words?! I'm immune to your useless attacks!» Elana sneered in excitement.

«Calm down, Misaka Mikoto... my partner here doesn't have the manners and likes to poke people. Your friends won't get hurt again, it's not necessary anymore. Focus on me now, I'm your opponent.» Chiara intervened cold and collected.

«Exactly! I'll deal with the leftovers! I'm already enjoying the moment my fangs will taste the infinite memory power's flavour!» Elana exclaimed, aiming to Index with her mouth watering.

«I'm counting on you Elana. That kid will be very useful. So, were we sayin-» Chiara couldn't finish her line in time, Mikoto already dashed towards Elana, ready to hit her in the face.

«I'm able to create defensive rainbows!» Chiara said immediately; a rainbow popped out of the ground and parried Mikoto's punch like an iron shield would've done. The girl didn't get hurt, but failed to hit Elana.

«The whole city shall be covered by candies and unicorns!» Chiara continued; many colourful candies and galloping unicorns appeared in the night sky.

«Let's try this.» Chiara said and one of the unicorn dashed against Mikoto; the level five easily dodged it thanks to her speed, but didn't notice many floating candies gathered around her while she was busy dodging. The spheres lightened up and this was enough to make Mikoto understand they were some kind of weird explosives.

The noise of the explosion echoed in the hospital's parking, but Mikoto managed to reduce the damage by trapping herself in an electromagnetic barrier of rubble.

«Wow... that did nothing at all. You look strong.» Chiara exclaimed chilling.

«You have an unlimited power and yet, your attacks are ridiculous...» Mikoto said with arrogance once getting out of the rubble around her.

«You're not wrong... me and Francy have one thing in common, indeed. We both have few creativity and imagination. He's always with his centipedes and I'm obsessed with rainbows and unicorns... anyways, the fact this is my first real fight doesn't mean I'm not prepared!» Chiara said, then took flight and stopped many metres away from the ground.

«Running to the sky won't make you safe! Even if I can't use my power to attack... I can still use it for mobility! Underestimating will be you demise!» Mikoto charged the electricity in her legs and rapidly jumped towards Chiara's direction, ready to land a strong right hook; the rainbow girl, though, easily parried it and grabbed Mikoto in a submission technique once again, strangling her.

«Biri-Biri! You should act more careful!» Touma yelled at her.


«Chiara managed to counterattack despite the high speed of charged Misaka with no problems...?» Misaki couldn't understand the inhuman reactivity of the enemy.

«Eheheheh... that painful look is the best...» In the meanwhile, Elana was really enjoying the scene.

«Damn you... even if you have amplified strength and speed... you still should not be able to reach the level of my electricity dashes...» Mikoto exclaimed as she tried to break free from Chiara's grasp.

«The truth is I never underestimated you, Railgun... I'll reveal you an important detail while we are here hugging, what do you think? Do you know why it is so easy for me to create absurd attacks and nullify your powers?» Chiara asked, waiting for an answer, but Mikoto wasn't really in the condition to waste more breath. «Oh, my bad. It seems you're too busy to answer right now. I'll tell you then. When it's about creating, negating or modifying something that already doesn't belong to reality, it turns out to be far easier to human mind to imagine these kind of scenarios. In those the esp powers are included, to me it's like drinking a glass of water now that I have the Sister's network ready to twist reality on my command. But what would happen if I try to remove from reality something that always existed and never changed? Well... I'd need so many people, so many not even whole Academy City would be enough. I'm not able to sentence thing like not taking any damage or not feeling pain, therefore, even if I boosted our bodies, both me and Elana are vulnerable in melee fights.» while Chiara was bragging about Mikoto's impotence, the electromaster managed to reach and pick up a second coin from her clothes and shot a railgun towards the sky to break free from the grasp thanks to the bullet's kickback; Misaka landed on the ground safely thanks to her powers and resumed her breath.

«Nice move... but you better not come back up here to fight me. There's a reason if I made myself flying, using so many brains to fulfil it... I know my weaknesses. As long as I remain here, you're electricity jump's speed will get decreased by the collision with the atmosphere and the drag will make you slow enough to make yourself predictable. On the other side, your ranged attacks have no effect on me. What will you do now, Misaka Mikoto? Will you finally admit your defeat and claim I'm just superior?» Chiara asked with solemn voice.

«The answer is actually really simple... if I can't beat you up, then I'll do it to your dear friend!» Mikoto dashed toward Elana but, as soon as she got near, a rainbow shield appeared once again and blocked her advance.

«You really are a stubborn child... I thought I was clear enough the moment we met back then at the parking. You will fight with me, not because you have a chance of winning and defeating me, but because I need to test my new powers. You all still are free and awake just because I want it and need it. If you want to fight Elana and help the rest of your friends, you're free to do it... but then I'll join the battle too and I'll start attacking your friends only... and I don't think every one of them has the right skills to defend themselves...» Chiara said with haughtiness, floating around her explosive candies; Mikoto clenched her fists and kicked the floor out of frustration, she was forced to submit to her opponent's condition and hope to find out a real solution while mid fight.

«We are fine by ourselves, Biri-Biri!» Touma intervened, the boy noticed the electromaster's anxiety and decided to take over the command. «We are four versus one, we won't have any problem! There's no need for you to get distracted by us!»

«But are you really sure that-»

«For once I agree with the ape, Onee-sama! Trust me! Trust us!» Kuroko added with determination, this was enough to convince her friend.

«Alright, then... let's win! Together! Listen here! If you defeat Elana, the mind control on the clones and the people of the city will cease and therefore Chiara will lose all her power!» Mikoto exclaimed, then turned to fight Chiara, but all she saw was a laser beam rainbow getting rapidly closer to her; the level five dodged by diving on the ground to her right, the laser cut the road and vanished in a contained explosion.

«Are you surprised, Misaka Mikoto? You still weren't arrived when I said that... but my rainbow beams can be actually very lethal. Would you like to play some Whack a Mole? Eheheh!» Chiara's hands lightened up in warm colours and the girl started shooting a barrage of laser attacks against Misaka; the Tokiwadai's Ace could've done nothing but dodge while watching her enemy enjoy and feast on her helplessness.

«The polite talks are finally over... the hunting season starts now!» Elana started walking towards the group, with her fangs wide opened, while they tried to back off as much as possible.

«Kamijou-san... our plan remains the same, okay?» Shokuhou whispered, moving to the backline alongside with Index.

«We can do it!» Touma replied, ready to punch.

«We won't let her even breath!» Kuroko went in battle stance too, putting away her needles and preparing her martial art moves; Elana stopped moving and made a disgusted face.

«Prey don't fight predators... they should run. You instead seem to have some hope still... OBNOXIOUS! What made you think you have a chance against me?! Was it the speech of Railgun...? Oh no... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!» Elana facepalmed and burst out laughing intensively. «What a company of losers... as Chiara said, the only one who can stop us is someone stronger than our boosted body in melee fights. But this is impossible... especially when the enemy is a group of powerless leftovers! Maybe Shirai Kuroko could've been more dangerous than the others, thanks to her Judgment training, but she's already wounded and I still doubt her full power would've been enough to defeat me now that I'm so strong!» Elana thought, feeling invincible.

«You find losing that funny? You seemed weird from the start but now you're going too far...» Kuroko exclaimed to trigger her; she didn't want to insult her only, but also try to get some new information on why that duo was so confident and sure to win.

«You really are desperate lambs... thanks to ALIBI I'm much stronger than you, your hits don't even scratch me and I have nearly unlimited stamina. Only by knowing this, you should've surrendered... but lets pretend you manage to defeat me and knock me out. This is what you want, right? You want to deactivate the mind control of Just in Herd...» Elana said, bragging about her boosted stats, as she showed the group how she could have crushed a rock under her bare fingers. «DELUSIONAL IDIOTS!» then she yelled wildly. «Even if I lose consciousness, the power of the mark will stay active until at least one bit people is still around.»

«We don't care if your power won't disappear completely! All we need is you to stop giving everybody orders so-»

«So you will be finally able to stop and control Chiara with your Mental Out?! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!» Elana interrupted Misaki and kept laughing in a more annoying and creepy way. «Your efforts are all in vain. I already transferred to Chiara the quality of Alpha and this means she is the one giving everybody else orders... and that's not all, your stupid plan would've not worked from the start... you forgot WE ALL ARE IMMUNE TO YOUR POWERS! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!» these words terrified Misaki who realized how useless she was in this situation; despair conquered her, so she came up with the ultimate possible choice, but Elana anticipated her once again.

«There's only one last thing you can try... kill me.» Elana exclaimed and everyone stopped breathing due to the tension. «Will you really do it...? And in the case you manage to kill me... will it really be of any use? Eheheheheh... do you know I was a lab guinea pig ever since I can remember? Well, my power was very requested among the researchers not only for the mind control ability... but also for its natural predisposition for Multi-Skill.»

«Multi-Skill?» Both Kuroko and Misaki already knew about that Academy City project that wanted to give to the same person the possibility of using more of one esper ability.

«I'm the origin of Just in Herd... but as you saw, if a person with the wolf mark bites another, they will get the mark too. All the bitten people share a portion of Just in Herd... so, what do you think will happen if I die...?»

«No, I can't believe it...» Shokuhou started cold sweating and backed off, terrorized by the things she imagined.

«AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That one, exactly that one! This is the look I want you to give me! Mental Out brat knows the way of the herd! Who cares if the Alpha dies, the group will keep surviving and choose a new leader. As long as at least one marked wolf will walk Gakuen Toshi's streets , my power will still exist... and especially in the case I die, Chiara will completely inherit Just in Herd and become the ultimate being! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!» Elana's revelation completely wiped out the group's hope, especially Shokuhou's who kneeled on the ground.

«That freak was right... it's over. Our objective was to punch her with Kamijou-san's right hand, but if even killing her doesn't stop the power... he will do even less. I'm frightened...» Misaki grabbed her shoulders and hugged her body, like she was freezing; the terror and impotence broke her.

«YES! YES! I mean... no, no... please stop acting like this... now I feel like I want to cut you open and eat your liver... I can't kill an esper with such a useful ability, eheheh... but if you keep it like this I may not control myself, you know! AAAAAAAAAAAH!» Elana's mouth was watering a lot and she was shaking for the excitement, the poor condition she made Misaki in caused her an orgasm she was failing to control.

«How revolting can you be...?» Kuroko exclaimed, truly disgusted.

Index was standing behind everybody, scared and intimidated by the clones who were blocking all the ways out of the parking.

«Misaki-san! What are you doing down there! Get up! We need you!» Touma exclaimed mad.

«Get up? Standing up or being on the ground makes no difference... without my powers I'm a no name. I have no other quality and I'm not even a nice person... I really am leftovers, like she says...» Misaki said tearing.

«How does it feel not having any ability, huh?! I wished Chiara wasn't busy with that tomboy so she could've enjoyed your pitiful show! Anyways... classes are over, now it's lunch break! Eheheheheh...» Elana's fangs sparkled.

«Are you alright...?» Index approached Misaki and tried to help her getting up, but Shokuhou had her stare lost in the void and was unmovable.

«You're not scary! This is for Uiharu!» Kuroko teleported in front of Elana and hit her with a roundhouse kick on the face, she took the blow without wavering; Kuroko teleported again, this time away from her and went on her knees. Her foot hurt, she already had a bruise on it; it was like she kicked a wall of bricks.

«Here she goes, one of the best Judgment resources of Academy City. Don't make me laugh...» Elana slowly advanced, tasting the moment she would've put an end to the last laments of her prey.

«Ehi, you... maybe you should start doing something and help me!» Kuroko exclaimed outraged, waiting Touma's support, but the boy was now immobile too, staring to the right sleeve of his trousers.




Although it was night, the light coming from the artificial stars was brighter than the sun and there was no dark whatsoever. The only darkness remaining was the one deep inside Fran's soul who, lost in his thoughts and petrified there where Mikoto left him before, had his gaze fixed on the sky; the strong wind, the gunshots, the screams of people running terrified from afar were the only background noises while regrets were crushing his heart and mind.

«You are not from here? Why have you come then? Asks Misaka impertinent.»

«I only had one duty... I decided to stay despite all the suffering and accepted the fact I could've not became a part of her life the way I wanted. I had to protect Mikoto and prevent Chiara from hurting her sisters... but it happened the exact opposite and it's my fault only...» Fran just finished crying in that moment, she was out of tears but his soul was shattered; he had not the strength to get up or talk. He managed to move his hand and bring it to his eyes, he was stating once again his body was shadowless.

«Worthless. Meaningless. Superfluous. And a liar too. She was right, eventually... these are the right words to describe me, but then why... why even if I feel so bad, even If I feel so helpless... the darkness doesn't come and claim me? Where is the shadow that devour me when I fail...? I want it to come and eat me along with everything surrounding me to end this nightmare! Chiara cancelled that one too...? She eliminated my feelings...? I'm nothing but an empty shell now...» Fran was finally able to get up again and walked to the lower floor of the parking; he was waiting the arrival of a possessed person to get bitten and fall into the ignorance of the hypnosis, so he would've stopped suffering this much.

«Instead, that's just it... but the time to eventually take my responsibility has come. Right because someone innocent is paying the consequences... I won't run anymore. Let's defeat Chiara, then I'll tell you everything.»

«Forgive me, Misaka-san... I made a promise I cannot keep. We can't defeat her together, and I can't leave my past behind... I'm no use anymor-Ouch!» focused on his anguish, Fran slipped on the stairs and rolled down them; he didn't feel any pain, something inside him was aching way more than a simple bruise or scratch. «This is how a worm deserve to end up... crawling on the floor. I lived and died just like the centipedes I like so much...»

«Fran-san... you're not a centipede...»

Yomikawa's words casually popped in Fran's mind, a memory as superfluous as decisive for what was going to happen; Fran stood up on his feet and saw that, between that rusty pair of vehicles parked in that isolated place, there was a scooter he didn't notice when he came here to meet Chiara.

«That sticker...?» on the scooter there was a skull impaled by two swords sticker; the keys were there and there was blood on the seat, probably its owner was attacked while Fran was on the second floor and then joined the rest of the herd. «This scooter... is it really the same of that one time?» This made Fran remember something.

«Fran-san?! You seized the scooter to a passerby and ran away without giving him explanations?!» Yomikawa asked angry.

«I'm allowed to do it since I'm from the security, right?» Fran replied with indifference.

«That's not the issue... you should've given it back after your operation! The scooter was found nearby the wind turbines square... what were you doing there?» the woman asked with curiosity.

«I went to help somebody who was in trouble.» Fran answered.


«Why are you that upset...?»

«Fran-san? Saving people? I thought you just liked punishing criminals.» Yomikawa affirmed surprised.

«She was someone very important to me... the rest is meaningless in comparison.» The boy exclaimed with his eyes filled with emotions, Yomikawa was moved but still not so easy to deceive.

«I'll let it pass for this time! But! Now go to give the owner his scooter back yourself and apologize!» the woman ordered.

«Tsk. Not even in your dreams, I don't give a damn about that. Just make him come here without expecting much courtesy, he fulfilled his duty as citizen by helping the law!»

«FRAN-SAN?! AAAAH! What should I do with you?!»

«This is a really absurd coincidence... but things are different now.» Fran came back into the present and rested his hand on the vehicle's handle. «I don't have the power to save anybody now... I don't have any chance to defeat ALIBI by myself...»

«When that moment will come, when you'll have to save a person you really care about and not because you must to, but because you need to... that moment you'll understand it doesn't matter how and who saved her, but only that she is safe... you'll be the first one breaking all type of schemes and rules just to save her.»

The memory of Touma's words during their fight made Fran shiver; the boy backed off frightened by all the memories and thought that was travelling his mind.

«It was such a long time... I haven't made a promise whatsoever. I told myself I would have never used Mental Out on you, understood?! For no reason! I'll never do it!»

«I need to apologize, disgusting maggot. Next time, maaaaaybe I will consider your secondary choice quality opinions on the case. See you later, prick! We work together from now on!»

«But... what the hell am I doing here...?» Fran grabbed his head with both his hands and pulled his hair to feel some pain. «Am I really alone against them? Even now, after all I built in this city? Everybody else is in my same situation, with their abilities turned useless and against an opponent they can't defeat... though, I'm the only one who gave up...? Misaka-san... I'm asking you to forgive me again. This time because I didn't immediately understood what you wanted to tell me few minutes ago... I may be helpless alone... but if we fight together and don't surrender... maybe we can do it.» Fran took his mobile from his pocket and stared at it deeply. «Chiara became invincible, that's true... but this is because I always thought at the situation like I had to defeat her with my only strength, for all this time... if only I asked your help since the very beginning, putting aside my embarrassment and fears... maybe I would've not ended up throwing you all in this bad situation. But what is done is done! If I really want to save my friends... I have to break all my schemes and rules!

«Ehi, you! Maybe... you should try giving me a hand!» Kuroko yelled, but Touma ignored her, picked up the mobile vibrating in his pocket and instinctively answered that unknown number's call.

«I need your help.» it was Fran's voice, Touma quivered and opened his eyes for the incredulity.

«Your friend prefers answering to his mommy rather than helping you! AHAHAHAHAH!» Elana dashed in front of Kuroko and punched her, the teleporter couldn't disappear in time due to the distraction caused by Touma's strange behaviour but, luckily, she went on guard in time and parried the hit with the healthy arm; the attack, though, was so powerful she got almost thrown on Index and Misaki and eventually ended up in a painful instant arm bruise.

«Is it the time to chit chat, you damn idiot ape?!» Kuroko asked furious.

«Listen carefully, Kamijou-san. The noises are telling me you are already on the frontline to fight and aganist Elana too, but I was expecting this know that I now you well. I'm the last person who can ask you a favour after what I've done to you... but I care about all of them and I think you do too. If you really want to accept to help me... then, with the next line, try to figure out something in a way I can understand who are you with and hide the meaning of this call... you don't need to mention Misaka-san, I already know she is there.» Fran's request left Touma speechless, but if he was hesitating it was not because he didn't want to help him; the level zero widely smiled and took a deep breath, he decided how he would've answered.

«TSUCHIMIKADO?! How could you call me while all this mess is happening outside?! You know how little I care that in your damn shoujo manga the ape started reading the forbidden grimoires?! Begone!» Touma shouted at the phone.

«Wow... you're smarter than I thought, Kamijou Touma. You're with Shirai Kuroko, Misaki Shokuhou and your nun friend. Confirm this.» Fran affirmed.

«You guessed it right! I dropped that manga since ages... but why are we still talking about it! Can you explain me why, please?!» Touma said, faking an angry voice.

«Perfect... the fact Misaki-san is there will make everything simpler. This call has to be quick or they will suspect. Listen me first... I think I have a plan to defeat them, but... it's really dangerous. For all of you. You will all obey my orders and take the risk to get killed... your Index friend too. What do you think, you still want to trust me or not?» Fran asked with determination, Touma didn't answer immediately.

«Kamijou-san... can we know what the heck are you doing?!» Misaki asked dismayed, that bizarre situation woke her up from her surrender.

«Touma! We don't need the ringy thingy now! Tell your perverted friend to leave you alone!» Index exclaimed.

«You know I don't like you a bit. But don't underestimate us, we'll show you.» Touma said resolute.

«Oh-Oh... the bad boy is getting mad. Are you arguing with your boyfriend? AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!» Elana asked with spiky irony, while she was easily dodging the poor Kuroko's attacks who went back on the offensive.

«Thank you, Kamijou Touma. Then there's only one thing left to do... listen every single one of my words. I'll talk very fast, but don't worry if you forget the details or you don't understand the meaning of something I say. All you need to do is listening. Thanks to her this will be all clear to you after.» Fran said, then explained the plan he made while Touma was reacting with random replies to deceive who was listening; that weird scene entertained Elana and creeped out the rest of the girls, worried that Touma went fully out of his mind.

«I got it.» Touma affirmed calm, then brought his mobile to his mouth and yelled in it. «I got that I'll never make you a promise while drinking cold tea with you! You can do that to me, but if you do that to him then you'd just break your promise!»

«I'm sorry, girls... he was a dumbass! So, what we decided to do?» Touma asked after putting away the phone, looking towards Misaki in particular.

«It was about time!» Kuroko exclaimed pissed; she was tired and out of breath, her attacks were useless and Elana was just having fun.

«You done saying goodbye to your friend? He'll join my army soon, and so you will! As you witnessed, I'm a generous Alpha... I let you a pitiful call of last will! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!» Elana said with contempt; Misaki, instead, was standing immobile watching on Touma. The last words he pronounced were really meaningful to her.

«Kamijou-san... you were in a call with Fran?!» She imagined. « They talked in code for the whole time... and this means that... I have to "break my promise" on Kamijou!»

«You can do that to me...»

Misaki thought, she understood what Fran's words wanted her to do. Shokuhou caressed her wrist and hid the remote's click noise with a cough; since that time she got her purse seized and then got saved by Fran, she always brings an hidden tiny remote in her gloves. Touma and Kuroko felt that uncomfortable feeling again.

«Fran-san was right! He know you would've understood, Misaki-san! Did you already read what you need?» Touma asked.

«What is happening?! Why am I hearing your voice in my head?!»

«Stay calm, both of you... trust him. He never disappointed me!» Shokuhou accessed to Touma's mind and read the conversation he had with Fran, then connected both mind with Kuroko's; the queen's will to fight was back.

«Thanks to Elana, Chiara possesses an unlimited source of power, but if we knock out Elana everything will end. Don't get deceive by their talks, all their assumptions and defences were coincided ignoring the existence of Kamijou-san's right hand. All he touches loses its powers... and we are going to use this not to cancel the effect of the wolf mark but to turn it against them!»

Fran ended the call and stored his mobile in the pocket; he dived on the scooter's seat and turned on the engine, testing the power of the gas.

«I won't deny this invitation, thanks again for this gift...» he exclaimed, patting the vehicle's sticker. «The wolf marked people look like lifeless undead... but they actually are normal mind controlled people whose goals are only two: answering to Chiara's imagination and bite the most people they can. They don't have amplified smell or hearing, unique features or something else... this means...» Fran jumped out of the parking with the scooter on max speed; the possessed herd saw him running away but did nothing to stop him, they didn't even walk towards him.

«Exactly as I thought... their duty is to increase the herd's number, therefore they won't waste their time and energy following an impossible to catch man on a vehicle. They aim the weak... numbers above all.» Fran was passing by groups of scared and running people, fighting for their life against the clones, but he couldn't stop helping them. «I'm sorry for them... but even if it's shameful to say, it's a necessary sacrifice. As soon as we'll defeat them, they'll all be free... come on, that way!» Fran saw and heard a huge thunder falling in that direction; he didn't know where they were fighting, but he knew Misaka was there and she was very angry too. He just had to follow the spectacular electric shocks to find all his friends.

Suddenly, the quantity of possessed people on the road greatly increased; they were all looking and going forward, without rest. Fran was forced to slow down a bit and doing a slalom between them in order to avoid to run them down but, as soon as he arrived half way, a wind gale tried to hit the boy. Fran dodged that by accelerating dangerously and then turned to look who did that: it was Kongou Mitsuko, she was bitten too.

«Dammit, a level four...!» Fran looked ahead: there was an army of elemental esper ready to attack him; the boy dodged all he could by hiding behind the abandoned cars and then ended up running on a straight road filled with mark owners. «If only I had my shadows this would've been so easy with all this light coming from the stars...» Fran got distracted for a moment; the scooter got stuck on the road and Fran was thrown forward, at the mercy of the hungry herd.

The boy noticed one esper was touching the ground, he probably changed the attrition of the asphalt to stop his escape and make him fall from the scooter; Fran got hurt by the fall and stood up in pain.

«Maybe there's something I missed in my previsions... my calculations from before may be right for common people... but the powerful espers won't let me go since they have those special abilities that can stop me... dammit... I was so close.» the herd surrounded Fran who kneeled tired and closed his eyes. «I understood what I had to do too late... I hope I was helpful, even if I'm this useless. I believe in you, guys... I'm sorry.» a girl approached Fran's neck to bite him but in that same instant a violent hit destroyed the ground around him, blowing away all the possessed aiming to Fran; the boy looked up and saw a white gym suit dressed person with an headband flying with his hair.

«Sogiita... Gunha?!» the man who saved him turned his gaze to him and looked at Fran with severity. Fran recognized him. «No, it's not him... I can't believe my eyes... Tanaka Ichizo?!»

«Weren't you in a hurry, Judgment? Come on, get lost.» Tanaka one hand lifted the scooter and put it near to Fran.

«Why...? Why did you help me...?» Fran asked aghast.

«Why, you ask? Isn't it obvious? We are saving people from these freaks! You're no exception...» the sun tattooed face boy answered; he looked different, his stare was still tough and wary, but it wasn't hungry of power and lust like the first time they met in that fight.

«We...?» Fran questioned; a roar was heard from the opposite side of the road, Tanaka pointed to that direction and smiled.

«Sogiita-Sensei is dealing with that zone... and I'm sure Elena-Senpai is helping somewhere too.» Tanaka said.

«Did you just say... Elena-Senpai...?»

«After you defeated me... I regretted everything I did in my life. I respected Sogiita Gunha and always wanted to become like him. I gathered enough courage and humility and apologized to him, asking a second chance to return an apprentice of him. He welcome me once again... anyways, he already had a new promising pupil. Being with Sogiita and Elena-Senpai made me realize having so much power means nothing without a dream to chase. I want to be the strongest of them all... but this doesn't mean I also have to act like an heartless douchebag. And now go... your face brings up bad memories...» Tanaka turned his back at Fran and prepared his diamond fists.

«I see...» Fran exclaimed, he settled the scooter and started the engine, but hesitating a bit. «Will you be fine...?» then he asked to Tanaka; the boy showed his neck, immediately turning into rock.

«Those guys aim for the neck and with my Rock Solid they have no chance to get through! Stop worrying for someone who's ten time stronger than you... AND JUST GET LOST!» Tanaka mightily punched the ground on Fran's direction; his strength destroyed the road and blew away all the possessed people occupying it, so giving to Fran the possibility to drive along a free straight road at max speed.

«Thanks... Tanaka Ichizo...» Fran took seat again and raced towards the visible lightning, while Tanaka disappeared behind his back, surrounded by the herd; Fran was now aware the fight was taking place at the seventh district hospital.

Mikoto was trying every single attack, from her iron sand swords to her max power Railguns. She was shifting from ineffective ranged attacks to melee ones because every time she charged Chiara, she ended up more and more weak and wounded so she had to take some distance to rest as much as she could.

«There will be no need to communicate with Misaka-san... if I know her well, I already know she is going all in even if she realized she has no chances. Still, we need her to keep fighting Chiara and keep her busy...!»

«I've had enough! I have no reason to fight this girl!» Touma exclaimed and all the girls around him remained astonished, including Elana. «If even killing her is no use... then I have to deal directly with Chiara! Also... if we leave Biri-Biri fight alone, who's the only strong one besides me, she could lose... I'm going to help her!» Touma ran to Mikoto, ignoring Index's cries.

«Kamijou-san?! I want to remind you I'm actually useless right now! I need a body guard! Come back here!» Misaki exclaimed mad, stomping her feet due to the frustration.

«Let that hairy imbecile go... we didn't need him from the start! I'll be enough to protect you... I hope he dies in that messy fight!» Kuroko affirmed with contempt; indeed, as soon as Touma reached the fighting area of Mikoto and Chiara, he got hit by a random laser and just luckily managed to cancel it.

«Idiot! What are you doing here?!» Mikoto asked worried.

«I'm helping you!» Touma answered collected.

«What do you mean?! I'm struggling to reach her myself, how do you want to do it?!» Mikoto wanted to keep insult him, but a new rainbow laser separated them.

«Come... come both of you. I still have plenty attacks to try!» Chiara exclaimed, ready to resume the offense.

«See? Maybe this is good time for goodbyes! I want him to disappear from my sight once and for all!» Kuroko affirmed cruel.

«Toumaaaaaaaaa! Why did you leave me?!» Index yelled crying while Misaki was stopping her to follow him.

«Imagine now I have to be the babysitter of a whiny brat I don't even know...» Shokuhou added.

«AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You're so, so funny! The same man who wanted to risk his life for you just went away once he saw the level five in trouble... Index-chan, let me bite you and you'll forget about that jerk! Ehehehe!» Elana said excited.

«Kamijou-san... find an excuse to leave the group and stay as much as far from Elana you can. The other three have to engage a fight alone with her. Fake how uncoordinated and hateful you are towards each other... this will make Elana even more confident and she'll feel in a great position of advantage. Then go to the second phase...»

«You'll pay for what you've done to my friends... for the shame you brought on Judgment's name... I'll crush those horrible fangs you're so much proud of! Get ready!» Kuroko went on fighting stance and threateningly advanced towards Elana.

«Oh... you're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right to me?» Elana asked, opening her arms wide to the teleporter.

«I can't beat that face of yours without getting closer!» Kuroko exclaimed, clenching her fists.

«Eheheheh... what are you waiting for then? Come as close as you like!» Elana said arrogant and Kuroko teleported next to her and hit her with a blow on her right cheek; Elana didn't feel anything and counterattacked, but Kuroko managed to dodge with her teleport. Even if Elana had boosted strength and speed, the teleport and Kuroko's fight experience when she was fully charged and focused were enough to win in the melee.

«Shirai-san... this is a thankless task and also the most dangerous, though, you're the only one who could do it. You have to face Elana directly in the fight, take as much time as you can, waiting for a specific moment I'm going to tell you about. I don't know how much could it last... you could end up mutilated, or probably dead... I don't know if telling you I'm down to get insulted and do everything you'll tell me would be enough to repay you, when everything will turn back to normal. Still, I need you to do it. Please, Kuroko.»

The teleporter tried to hit Elana but this time the girl, instead of taking the hit, grabbed Kuroko's arm and tightened the grasp; since esp powers were ineffective on Elana , Kuroko couldn't teleport away to break free. Elana twisted the healthy arm of Kuroko and fully broke it, eventually spinning the poor teleporter in the air and slamming her on the ground; As soon as Elana left the grab, Kuroko, bleeding a lot and crying of pain, teleported to a safe spot.

«That damned prick... look what do I have to do for you... this body had to remain pure and unharmed until my first night in bed with Onee-sama but, maybe I will not... no, wait, I was lucky, so lucky... for once!» Kuroko stood up trembling and looked up to the sky. «ONEE-SAMA!» she shouted, spitting blood and struggling to remain conscious.

Chiara's attacks almost destroyed the whole parking and Touma was gone; Mikoto was captured by Chiara who was using her as a punching bag. The electromaster burst out a powerful lighting to get free and managed to escape, but she hadn't enough strength to parry the decisive blow who threw her down on the ground.

«What were you expecting, leftover?! Chiara is obviously winning!» Elana bragged exalted.

«I have to go help her!» Kuroko teleported away from there, leaving Misaki and Index by themselves.

«AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Of course! Helping? You just ran away from me! Killing you or making you run makes no difference to me, you know? The real prize... is here in front of me!» Elana turned to Index and rapidly walked towards her.

«The moment you see Misaka in trouble, leave the fight with the excuse of wanting to help her. I hope you can leave all in one piece, Shirai-san... this way, Index and Misaki-san will be left behind. I suppose Elana's priority is to collect Mental Out's powers andshe knows that nun kid will never be strong enough to protect her... so...»

«That damn selfish kid left us too! Come on, everybody prefers going to Misaka-san instead of saving such a beautiful and awesome person like me... if they all think about themselves only... then I... I'll do it to.» Misaki moved to Index's back and grabbed her; the girl heisted for a moment, thinking about what Touma said during the mental meeting of before.

«I'm going to change  Fran's plan a bit in my way.» Touma affirmed.

«What?! But it looks perfect to me...» Shokuhou replied confused.

«He didn't make any mistakes, this is for sure... but he lacks the full awareness of the situation. Fran-san doesn't know Elana just wants Index and her unlimited memory now... we have to use this particular too if we want to win.» Touma explained.

«You want to switch the bait from the queen to your nun friend? I knew you were a disgusting man, but this is too far...» Kuroko exclaimed.

«I can't connect to your friend... for some reason my Mental Out doesn't work on her, I can't ask her to help us... are you sure you want to do this, even without her consent?» Misaki asked worried.

«You don't know her... don't underestimate Index. Elana really wants to bite her neck and possess her...»

«We know this already, so?» Kuroko asked.

«Her dress and headwear are long enough to cover her entire neck.» Touma answered.

«So what? Do you think that freak would care she has to bite that thin nun dress with her absurd fangs?! You really are braindead.» Kuroko affirmed clueless.

«Exactly because she won't care... this will end up in us winning! Index has also another ace in the hole... please, trust me, just like you did with Fran. Please!»

«I trust you, Kamijou-san... you saved my life more than once... I know you won't disappoint me!» Misaki thought with resolution.

«I'm sorry! But I want to be selfish too! I value my own life, bye bye!» Shokuhou strongly pushed Index towards Elana and ran away from there.

«AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Even if late, you made the right choice! YOU'RE MINE!» Elana recklessly dived on Index's neck.

«TOUMAAAAAAAAA! HEEEEEEEEELP!» Index was petrified by terror; Elana buried her fangs in her dress, but the defensive power of her Walking Church stopped her teeth from touching the flesh, destroying her dental implant in thousands of pieces.

«WHAT?!» Elana was so incredulous because of her failure that she didn't notice the new incoming threat upon her; Sphynx jumped out of the nun dress and scratched the enemies eyeballs, temporarily blinding her.

«AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!» Elana covered his face with her hands and threw the cat away that landed safely on the floor and went back to Index; meanwhile, Touma appeared from the mist and dust caused by the battle, ready to deliver his right fist to Elana's face. Misaki was back in the battlefield, wielding her remote next to Kuroko who teleported back to her.

«Once Elana will be distracted by the decoy... she won't expect Kamijou-san coming back who will hit her with his right hand and nullify momentarily her powers and all the power ups Chiara gifted her. In the moment Elana will not be immune to esp powers anymore, Misaki will take control of her mind. I know what you're thinking. Chiara detains the full powers of Just in Herd anyways so all of this will be useless... you're wrong. Even if Elana granted Chiara of the quality of giving orders, Elana still remains the original owner, the real Alpha. If we can't stop her powers by defeating or killing her... the only one who can is herself on her own will! Misaki will control her and turn this mess in our favour! I'm coming there too! When Misaki will finally order to all the possessed people to stop believing in Chiara by using Elana's authority as a vessel... my shadows will come back and I'll knock out them both once and for all!

Chiara was asking herself why Elana was suffering, incapable to understand how she got even damaged; she noticed Kuroko was in very bad conditions and that Misaki was with her remote in her hands. But especially that Touma was really close to her partner and ready to hit her with his right arm.

The noise of a scooter breached the silence after Elana's scream and Chiara turned to the direction it was coming from; Fran had passed the clone barrier blocking the entrance by flying over a ramp at max speed; the boy jumped out of the scooter before it fell down, crashing in pieces due to the height of the jump, and eventually ended up next to a wounded and drained out Mikoto.

«Francy?! Francy joining a lost game?! Impossible! What does it mean?! He would never!» Chiara exclaimed upset.

«Fran-san! You came!» Mikoto affirmed with her eyes shining in tears.

«It took me a while... forgive me.»

In that little instant when the right arm was going to collapse with the scratched cheek of Elana the destiny of Academy City would've been decided. 

Here's a little bonus from our masrter artsit: EHEH

We have to praise great Eleuphii to keep up with hew awesome works! Go give her your compliments to her Instagram and Twitter page! She ig gifting more doodle just for you!

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