Suddenly A Monster

By MHJRunner

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Drexler Round, his life changed on his eighth birthday. The day he experienced the change for the first time... More

Chapter One: Changing
Chapter Two: First Encounter
Chapter Three: Smidgens
Chapter Four: Second Encounter
Chapter Five:Inkling
Chapter Seven: Identity
Chapter Eight: Reunion
Chapter Nine: The Hunt
Chapter Ten: The Deep and the Dark
Chapter Eleven: Hear Me
Chapter 12: Love Bite
Chapter Thirteen: Roughing Feathers
Chapter Fourteen: The Hunter
Draconian Vs Draconian

Chapter Six: Renovation

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By MHJRunner

Drexler drove to the address that Mia gave him from a text message she got from Kevin. He shakes his head as it all just felt very complicated. He wondered though. Somewhere in the shadows of his mind there is a hopeful voice. A feeling that wants to fill him with happiness and the all encompassing love he once remembered. He knew that tiny thought was all because of Mia. Even now with their arms closely touching, both of their elbows resting on the arm rests.

"I can't figure it out but you really feel like someone I know. I'm wondering if maybe I met you in passing somewhere. I travel a bit so I mean, it's reasonable." Mia says like a hounddog unwilling to let the small chunk of meat go, hoping to tear it free and gobble it down. He felt very hot all of a sudden.

"Probably. I travel a bit too. Most likely." He says. Mia looked off to the side. Her fingers drumming on her legs, her knees drawn up to her chest. Her hair hung over her shoulders. Her usual ball cap firmly on her head.

Her hair looked soft. He knew it was soft, but looking at it now he wanted nothing more than to bury his fingers in her hair again. "I was wondering. What were you planning on doing after this? You know after you finish helping out Kevin."

He also didn't want to mention how Kevin was interested in her. That's a can of worms he isn't in a position of asking her much about. He didn't want to be that type of guy. With Mia he wanted to do everything right. Even if that means in the end he has to walk away.

"I'm not sure. I'd still be on vacation." She paused. "Maybe I'll head somewhere tropical. It's nice here but I'd really just want a change of scenery. My parent's have been urging me to take a break. "

"Your parents sound like they care a lot."

"They do. They just want the best but sometimes their best isn't what I want. We butt heads but they only mean well. Always telling me to take a break or take a trip, go sightseeing." Mia stretches her legs out.

Their destination came into view. A neighborhood was being built. As we entered the neighborhood, he noticed that most of the buildings were still in the building stage. Many still were missing the outside walls but there were a few houses that looked complete, most likely having the remaining work left inside.

Drexler was amazed at the sheer sizes of some of the homes. "Why are the houses so large? People in this town don't like this shit." Drexler caught Mia's glance.

"Tell me about your parents. What were they like?" Mia asks. The question was almost startling to Drexler but then he also knew that eventually her questions would divert back to him once more. She has a tendency to change topics and bring the focus fully back on him.

"Not much to tell. They were wonderful." He says. Construction trucks and vehicles were parked along the road with some stationed on the grass. "My Mother always had a bright smile. I'd say the one thing I missed the most were their smiles. The way their eyes would light up. The love they once had for me was intoxicating and the minute it vanished I was left wanting, scratching belligerent for more."

"What do you mean, 'the love they once had'? Parents always love us no matter what we do." Mia says with a bit of cheer. Her view of things isn't as rosy as she has pictured. Drexler's fingers coiled around the steering wheel tighter, his knuckles draining of color.

"Well, let's just say that in my case, the love was abandoned. It made me question what 'Love' was or is. They weren't malicious or anything like that." He adds when he saw the concern on Mia's face.

"They just couldn't find acceptance and instead found..." His voice broke off. "They found disgust, hate, and fear." His words were hardly audible. Mia strained to hear him.

"Welp, it seems we're here. So, about this Kevin guy, what possible use could he have for me? I know nothing about building homes, only how to tear them down." Which is partially true. He did work in demolition and spent plenty of time smashing buildings to pieces. Drexler parks next to the curb in one of the few empty spots left.

"Don't worry about him. He's harmless. We've been friends for a long time and well, we have history. It's the type of history you can't just erase or pretend wasn't ever there. He's a great guy and all that but that all. He's really good at what he does though. You've seen his work around town. I agree with you that some of the taste is lacking, but maybe that's what this entire thing is about." Mia jumps from the truck and waits for him on the grass.

"Fuck, Drexler. What the hell am I thinking." He whispers to himself once he was alone in the truck. Drexler watched as construction workers moved around like a swarm of bees.

"Let me be the first to tell you this, Mia. I am not skillful in knowing what looks best. I doubt you'd get much help from me." He gives her a heated wink which got him the desired effect he was seeking; Mia's cheeks flamed.

"I won't tell, Kevin. That'll be our little secret." She says coyly.

Drexler came around the truck and brought his hand up between them, his pinky extended. "Pinky promise. Pinky promise, you won't give away my nefarious plans."

Her smaller finger coiled around his. His eyes were mesmerized by her. Caught in her allure, her brightening shine that constantly grew was almost blinding. "Your secret is safe with me!" She mimes zipping up her lips and tossing the key over her shoulder.

"Haha. Good. If you didn't, I'd have to tickle attack you. I'm relentless." Mia crosses her arms immediately, preparing in case he attempts to tickle her. She stares at him viciously but with a hidden smirk riding her lips.

"I'll give you one fair warning. You tickle me and you'll regret it." Though she says it with a smile, Drexler still felt a cold chill run down his spine.

"Now I'm wondering what sort of repercussions will come about." He teases. He honestly was wondering what she would do, it had his mind flailing in all sorts of directions. His cock twitched beneath the denim of his jeans.

"Coming through!" A man yells from the side. Mia and Drexler both jump back as two men carry a large A/C unit.

"Seems busy. Maybe we should come back later?" She asked, even though she's more like talking to herself.

"It'll be fine. Let's find your friend and get this show on the road." Drexler places his hands on her shoulders and guides her around the yard and towards the front door.

Kevin comes waltzing out of the house with a clipboard and a pair of black shades to cover his eyes from the beating sun. It wasn't searing hot, not with the cool wind to taper it all off. His button shirt had the top few buttons undone, his corded neck craned as he looked at Drexler and Mia. His eyebrows shoot up but Drex couldn't decipher any other emotion on his face, not while he hides behind the sunglasses.

"Glad you could finally make it! I was starting to think that maybe you'd have left already." He reaches out for a handshake. Kevin took Drexler's hand and squeezed. Kevin's arm shook as he attempted to hurt Drexler but squeezing his hand off but all it did was give Drexler a warm hand. Drexler playfully squeezed back and watched Kevin wince in satisfaction.

"Well, let's got to a section of the house that is less crowded. Come back this way." Kevin turned around. Kevin stops a passing worker and whispers in his ear. The worker nods before setting off. Kevin turns and waves for them to follow.

"The house is large. Nothing like the pre existing homes here. Do you think the houses flow?" Mia nudges Drexler's elbow. He wasn't sure why she was asking him. He already told her he knows nothing about this sort of stuff and yet here she is, asking his opinion like it mattered.

Is this what having sex does? It doesn't seem to have changed anything between them. From Mia's point of view it was a simple one nightstand. Nothing more and nothing less. He wished for it to be the 'less', but he wanted 'more'.

"All the houses I assure you have been selected with the most elegant and graceful designs this town has ever seen. Hell, if it wasn't for me, this place would be a rotting hill right now." Kevin says through a chuckle. Clearly he finds it amusing. Mia and Drexler share a look.

"Doesn't it bother you that the homes you're building are two times larger than the other houses in the neighborhoods? Is that not a concern that the town won't like the new, larger houses you've got going on?"

"From somebody who doesn't know much about housing and development it seems you have quite a lot to say." Drexler flexed his fists. He has to remember that hitting Kevin would be bad. A tiny voice squeaked in the back of his mind, 'but would it really?'

"That's the problem. The town can't keep hanging on and living in the past. It's time for it to get a major overhaul and that means bigger and better homes. The town folk will simply get over it and they'll come around. Besides, who doesn't want bigger and better."

"That's fine and all until they can't afford it." Mia says into his side.

They followed Kevin to the back of the house. Workers were placing paneling on the outside wall, some roofers were installing shingles up top. Scaffolds and a staging area took up most of the front and side of the house. A patio was built along the back of the house that slopes down to a large lake surrounded by flowers and bushes. The landscaping in the area is remarkable, Drexler thought.

Kevin sweeps his arm out across the lake. "This is the view we're hoping to sell. And it will. Always does." Kevin laughs at something, then turns and walks up to the back door.

"Turn this space into a grill pit. The trees provide good cover for the area. Add a bit more bushes and greenery and this place would have a very private yard." Drexler thought out loud. Let's be honest, Drexler would never be able to afford anything like this. All he can do is squat in locations or live far away removed. Neither sound very appealing but for now, the squatting method has been working.

He watches Mia from the corner of his eye. What would it be like to have a place to call home, to live there with a woman he loved. All of it is a fairytale but a fairytale that he wants to believe in. Gives him momentary hope and relief from the stark absence of the truth.

"See, I knew you had an eye for these things." Kevin ushered us both inside. The patio door leads into the kitchen that has an open concept.

'Wow this floor is huge! There's so much space in here to do anything! Could even add a pool!" Mia pushed away from them and into the main room. She twirled around taking in the large interior of the house.

With an open kitchen, the ceiling was vaulted with low hanging chandeliers. The front door was visible from the kitchen as well as a hallway that probably heads to the garage. A bathroom hung off a hallway that connected to the kitchen. A door sat in the middle of the living room that most likely went down into the basement.

Some workers are currently laying down some flooring. Kevin beckons us over to the kitchen island. He puts the clipboard down and lifts his sunglasses to the top of his head. "So what do you think, Mia? Pretty big, huh? What do you think you can do with this place?"

'Well, for one, it seems you've already had a plan in mind. I don't see how I can help here. If I was to make any changes it would set you back in materials and labor. I couldn't do that."

"How about this instead then. Seeing as this house is very similar to the others that we're building. Why don't you use this house to help me with the others." Kevin says smoothly. He reaches across the counter and places his hand on top of hers.

"What do you say?" Mia's eyes quickly glance at Drexler. The only reaction from Drexler, Mia got was his furrowed brows and the scowl dragging down his face. She pulled her hand away, skirting around the kitchen.

"This kitchen is perfect for hosting!"

"Or for someone who loves to cook." Drexler adds in.

"Hey, Boss man!! We need some help!" A cry for help called from the staircase.

Drexler and Mia followed Kevin to the stairs. At the top of the landing three large muscular men were holding a large A/C unit. The small spacing on the stairs made it difficult for them to keep a finger hold on the large heavy unit and to maintain a foothold.

"Shit this thing is fucking heavy!" One man shouted.

"Just keep a hold on it!"

"I'm starting to lose my grip!" The man on the bottom says. Most of the unit's weight resides on him as he supports it from below and the other two at the top.

"Keep a grip on it guys! Don't let it go! That's expensive as hell and I don't want to buy another one!" Kevin roughly pushes past Drexler and Mia and shoulders his way up the stairs and grabs the unit.

"Push! Let's get this thing up the stairs!" All four men grunt as they struggle to continue to lift the Unit up the stairs. Pain mirrored each grunt, step by slow step, they moved up the steps. Taking deep breaths before each lift.

"How heavy is that? And don't they normally place the A/C units on the ground floor?" Mia asked. "It is a large house but I don't think it's that big to warrant two Units, do you?" She asks without taking her eyes off the dark gleaming side of the A/C unit.

"Looks ugly. We never used to have anything like that." He nods his head towards the scene. "Just nothing as high-tech as that." They both continue to watch the scene unfold from the bottom of the stairs.

It was like watching 4 overgrown yeti's try and fit a giant watermelon through a keyhole. They grunt and heave, the stairs creaking under the stress. "Come on! Lift! I Didn't spend all this goddamn money for you to drop this fucker! Now, lift!" Kevin reprimands the workers. They pushed even harder.

"Walter, watch the heat pump!" Kevin calls out.

"Kevin, do you really need another unit? Folks around here love to just put their windows down. You know that."

"Don't give me that, Mia. You know that his damn shit hole needs an uplift. This town can't live under the shadow of a monster. I'm getting our town out of the rut it's in."

"Extravagance isn't what people want..." Mia's voice closed up when she noticed Kevin wasn't even paying attention. His attention was back on the heavy obstacle before him, that was now pushing against the banister threatening to break it under it's sheer weight. Drexler could hear splinters crack along banisters unlacquered surfaces.

"Watch out below!" One of the men on the staircase yells out.

Drexler had less than a second to react. The banister snapped under the intense weight and the large A/C Unit came crashing towards Mia and Drexler. Drexler reacted on instinct. His muscles exploded into action. He shoves Mia out of harm's way, getting clipped in the side in the process hard enough to throw him through the drywall. The unit smashed into the ground with a loud crash kicking dust up into the air in a cloudy explosion.

"Drexler!!" Mia's shout rises above the deafening sound of ringing in his ears.

Drexler starts to sit up. He looks through the hole he came crashing through, Mia's head popping out from the sides along the splintered wood. She comes running around landing next to his side.

Drexler's head vibrated like a pebble in a can. His left side flared with pain but dissolved quickly into a dull ache. Looking at his arm you saw a long gash cutting into his skin. Blood droplets splashed against the debri covered floor.

"Oh, no! We need to get you to the hospital! I'll drive!" Mia grabs him by the arm and helps Drexler stand. Drexler couldn't tell her that he can walk just fine, that he had no problem and he really isn't that badly hurt, but feeling her slide under his arm had him melt into her.

Kevin comes racing around the corner. "Thank goodness you're ok. We don't need to file anything of the sort. Do we?" Kevin slaps Drexler on the shoulder like they were buddies.

They were not buddies. Once, but that ended a long time ago. Shaking off his hand he shoulders past Kevin. Drexler's mind reeled. Part of him wondered if maybe Kevin had something to do with the accident or if Drexler's dislike for the guy was beginning to make him think crazy scenarios.

"Get in the truck. I'll drive us to the hospital." Mia thrusts her hand into his front pocket. Feeling her fingers tease him like that sent jolts of lightning arcing through his spine.

Pulling her hand free she dangled the keys and helped Drexler into the truck. She had them on the road and heading towards the town center. "I can't believe what happened. Are you ok? Anything else hurt? Can you see straight?" Mia was worried and that warmed Drexler's heart.

"I'll be fine." He said.

"What the hell do you mean you'll be fine? You just go hit by a big giant fucking furnace and you think you'll just be 'ok'?" She mocks him at the end. Rolling his eyes he ignored her frantic arguments. If he could just go and transform he'll be bright as new. He can't go to the hospital. If they drew his blood they could find out who he really is and that would be bad. He can't take that chance. He needed an excuse, something that will make her listen to him.

"I will really be ok. If you want you can stay with me tonight. I promise no hinky dinks and I swear I'm not terribly hurt. Just a scratch." He speaks to her calmly.

Drexler noticed that when in his human form he can sustain injuries, his skin is tougher than normally but not as tough as his grotesque monster form. If he can transform his wound on his arm will close up as well as any other injuries such as bone realignments.

"I--No, you're really hurt. You need stitches." She shakes her head, her nose scrunched. "Nope. Not taking that chance."

Drexler gently reaches over and places his hand on her shoulder. She glances over quickly before focusing back on the road. Blue skies and clear roads, the drive won't be long if he doesn't do something quickly.

"Please. I-I can't go to the hospital. This is my first time I've been injured and won't be the last. I can take care of it back at the hotel." He needs to make it convincing, he thought. 'They have what I need in the gift shop." Mia raises a curious eyebrow.

"You were in the gift shop? What were you looking for?"

"Not sure to be honest." He was really wondering if they had flowers. He had an urge to grab some for Mia, but left empty handed instead.

A few hours later Drexler finished tearing off the end of the thread on the needle. The final stitch in place even though it won't be there in a few more hours but for Mia's sake he had to act like it mattered.

"See." He holds his arm out. "All better. Can't even tell that I was injured."

"Except for the large white gauze bandage that coats your forearm now."

Mia was sitting at the small round table. Her hand resting in her hands, her fingers tapping away on the table top. Drexler looked around the room and realized he didn't have anything to offer her.

Drexler stoof from his chair and hopped the bed, grabbing the phone on the bounce down he dialed room service. He catches Mia's intoxicating eyes. "Care for some lunch-dinner?"

"Famished! I'd love to." She says rather quickly like she was eager to be asked.

Drexler laid down on the bed and patted the spot next to him. He knew they had a one night stand and that technically the extent of their relationship is over but he couldn't resist. He patted the spot next to him hoping she would sit with him. To his astonishment she came bouncing on the balls of her feet. The bed shakes as she jumps, finally coming to a rest on the third bounce.

"These beds are rather bouncy aren't they?" She laughs as she looks up at the ceiling. She looked like she was far away in her thoughts.

"I'm so sorry for what happened today. I can talk to Kevin tomorrow and get an accident report filed for insurance purposes. That way you don't have to pay for anything. Let me talk to him tomorrow."

"No, Mia. That's not necessary. Like I said, I'll be fine. This is merely a scratch, barely below a sliver." Mia jabs him in the side.

"Hey!" He groaned.

"You think a sliver is worse than that large gash on your forearm? What is with men and thinking everything is so small compared to them.Ugh! Stubborn headed! Idiot!"

Drexler pulled her into his arms and held her tight. Her rantings died. Her rapid breathing evened out. She pulls his shirt, her fingers hooking into the fabric as she pulls herself closer. The solid presence of her, snuggly against his side felt peaceful.

Drexler picked up the phone and both he and Mia ordered some food. Mia and Drexler stayed inside the hotel for the rest of the day. Mia was too concerned with him and wouldn't leave his side. Numerous times he's tried to leave but she was worried that he was going to suddenly just keep over.

He smiles at the thought. She's sleeping peacefully against his side on the bed. Her soft snores were delicate. Her hair was loose and no longer held in a ponytail that she usually sports. Tangled and free, it fans out around her like a pillow of hair. Her fingers were back to being coiled in his shirt. Glancing at the clock and the moonlight piercing through the break in the curtains, now was the perfect time to head for the hills.

Drexler carefully pried each finger loose and gently slid out from the bed. Mia cuddled into the pillow he replaced himself with.

"Drex..." Drexler froze mid step like a thief in the night. He waited until he was certain she was talking in her sleep. As adorable as it is, he couldn't stay and indulge his heart.

Drexler was beginning to think Mia wanted more, or maybe that was his wishful thinking. She was the one who said it was only a one night stand. He shouldn't have been bothered by that but now he was. Drexler left the hotel behind him and ran into the forest behind the hotel and towards the hills.

He had to find a secluded spot to change. He brought his backpack with a change of clothes. His clothes are ruined each time he changes, not ideal for keeping a healthy wardrobe. The woods were dark and covered with trees. The moonlight gave off a light blue hue that colored the forest through the breaks in the leaves above.

The rustling of the leaves and the guiding moonlight helped Drexler find a secluded spot far enough away from the hotel and town. Shouldn't be any risk either being so far out, less likely to be spotted and late enough that there shouldn't be anybody lurking around in the night.

A twig snapped in the distance. Halting his movements he listened. Nothing but the leaves in the wind. The trees groaning in the night, small critters scampering along in the dark. Hearing nothing out of the ordinary he decided to wait a few more minutes. When he heard nothing else he changed.

The transformation was complete within seconds. His hot breath came out in wispy waves. His horn jutted from his forehead, catching the Moon's glow. His scales reflected the moonlight like small crystals. His fangs came from his lips, his long tongue snaking out from his face to swipe across the surface of his teeth. His clawed feet dig into the soft earth below. Feeling the wind against his scales was like a caress. Closing his eyes he lost himself, his senses overloaded with euphoria. 

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