Just Say The Word

By Brianna_Alexis

21.7K 593 128

Mackenzie Davis is quiet and shy. She doesn't concern herself with typical teenage girl things, like boys, sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Sequel Update
Bonus Chapter: Liam's POV Chapter 1

Chapter 15

1K 16 14
By Brianna_Alexis

I'm excited! I have 250 reads and a new commenter! Lol. I LOVE comments in case you didn't notice. It makes me update faster. Hence why this one is gonna be up so early. Lol. Just dropping hints if you want more chapters faster. Lol.

Before we start though....Mackenzie has something to get off of her chest.

"Ahem. Lance knows all about Liam..kind of sort of. I'm not a.." Struggles to hold back fake tears. Whimpers, "Bad person me."

O..KAy. AkWaRd. Lol. Mackenzie, you faker. Get out yo feelinz!

Ah, geez. She's looking over my shoulder as I write this chapter to make sure I don't "Ruin her reputation." I hate when people look over my shoulder. -_-

Also! Last chapter before they go to school! This was supposed to happen ages ago, but I messed up and got caught up in the story myself. So...the real plot begins soon. She says a quarter to halfway through the book.

This isn't in anyway looked over or edited because I just finished writing at 1:30 in the morning and it's too long to be looking through right now so bear with me.

Pick's of Macenzie at the beach.

Chapter 15

"Just try to be back here by ten. okay?" Miguel was trying to be a sort of father-figure, I guess. Lately he had been talking to me and trying to actually get to know me. I was currently on my way out of the door to go meet up with Liam and a couple of his friends at the beach. After hanging out with them for a few hours, I was going to meet up with Lance for a little while. Maybe play some video games and relax. I had been trying to balance my time out between the two of them lately. They weren't exactly happy knowing that I was leaving one to go spend time with the other, but they for the most part accepted it. Not without complaints though. They were such chicks!

"Yeah, sure. Bye Miguel!" I rushed to my car and drove off for the beach. I parked in the beache's parking lot and took off towards the main area of the beach where I could see Liam goofing off with his friends in the distance. As I approached them, a few of the guys made cat calls. Automatically, red tinged my cheeks. There really wasn't any reason for cat calls. I mean, all I was wearing were ripped shorts and an orange beater with a see through white shirt on over it. It was really nothing to write home about.

Liam turned at the sound of his friends whistling and a smile grew on his face. It was the only thing that kept me from just turning around and heading home. I was not going to fit in with his friends. "Hey, Kenz. What took so long?" He wrapped me in a hug and I leaned into him, absorbing his scent and warmth.

"Miguel all but gave me the sex talk," I chuckled quietly.

When he pulled away from me, just enough to look me in my face, not removing his arms from around me, his eyebrow was raised. "So that means.."

My cheeks grew hot. I hoped no one had heard that. No such luck, of course. A few of his friends shouted over some vulgar things. "Not like that!" I shoved him away with my now healed arm.

He chuckled, cooing non-sincere apologies in my ear as he wrapped his arm around my waist, leading me to sit on a log amongst many that had been placed in a circle around one of those fire pit things that I figured was for a bonfire.

When we sat, a blonde girl who had been sitting on the log next to ours got up and walked away, joining some of the others. I thought I recognized her. She might've been that same blonde that was all over Liam that day at the gas station.

He rolled his eyes and leaned in to whisper in my ear. "Don't mind her. We all ignore her when she gets an attitude."

I nodded, already feeling as if I was intruding on his friendships.

"You want to go catch some waves with the rest of them?"

Me and surfing? Yeah right. "No..I think I'll pass on that one. But you can. I don't want to be a burden."

When I looked up to meet his eyes, he was staring at me weird. Before I could ask what he was staring at, he interrupted me. "Stop acting like I don't want you here. You're someone I'm interested in. My friends will leave you alone, trust me." I hid the fact that I was hurt by him not calling me his girlfriend. I mean, I knew i wasn't, but it still sting a little. He must've misinterpretted my silence as me not believing him because he flexed his muscles and smiled sweetly at me. "And if they give you any trouble, they'll have to deal with me."

I laughed at him and leaned into him. "I don't know how to surf, Liam," I sighed.

His eyes went wide as if I'd just said I have a third boob on my back.-Don't ask. "What?! No girl that I'm dating can not know how to surf. It's a crime against nature!"

I chuckled a bit at his his reaction. "It's not a national requirement, Liam."

"No," he whined. "But it's a Liam requirement." I shook my head at his girly behavior. He grabbed my hand, tugging me up from my seat. "Come on, girly. Up."

"Liam!" He ignored me and dragged me toward the group. They all quieted down once we reached them. I tried to hide behind Liam. These were the popular kids, These were people that teased and bullied people like me. I went to push my glasses up, but realized I didn't have them on. I had went with my contacts today.

He smiled. "Guys, this is Mackenzie."

The three guys and two girls all muttered some kind of greeting to me, but most didn't seem happy I was here. Liam was either completely oblivious, or ignoring the awkwardness.

He motioned towards a buff guy with short dark brown hair. "That's Riley." Riley nodded my way. Next, Liam pointed to a skinny guy with long black hair. I couldn't see how he was so popular what with not being on any sports teams or anything, but maybe it was because of his beautiful grey eyes. They were inviting. Plus, I'd heard about his amazing musical talents that had the girls swooning and throwing their underwear at him. Not literally, but you get what I;m saying. "That's my best friend, Clark." Best friend that absolutley needs to like me. Got it. Next up was a light blonde headed guy. He looked a little younger than the rest. Probably an upcoming sophomore or freshman. He had his arms around the waist of a brunette. They were pretty cuddled up."That's Kace and the cougar there he's holding is Macey." She rolled her eyes.

"I'm not a cougar."

The first guy, Riley, I believe, scoffed. "Well that's what it's called when you prey on innocent children, right?"

"Riley," she growled. "He's only two years younger than me." So he was an upcoming sophomore.

"You realize that this relationship will be officially illegal in a month, right?"

The girl, Macey, seemed like she was about to jump down Riley's throat and tear his tonsils out, but Kace stopped her with a restraining arm and kissed her neck, whispering something in her ear. She seemed to cool down after that.

"And what am I, chicken shit?"

Liam and I turned around to meet the raging green eyes of the girl who had been all over him at the gas station. Listening to her whine, I could already tell that that was definitely her.

Liam sighed. "Kenz, that's Tracy."

She glared at me and I subconsciously leaned into Liam, hiding myself from her ferocity. "Ex-girlfriend?" I whispered so only he and I could hear.

"Something like that," he grumbled.

So she was one of the plastics his mom was so accustomed to seeing. Interesting.

After sending me a few more glares, she grabbed a hold of Macey and they stormed off to the logs. I made a mental note to make friends with the guys because it was clear that the girls were a lost cause. "Um.." I shifted from foot to foot. "Can someone teach me how to surf?" I had whispered it, so only Liam heard me.

"Of course." He smiled down at me and walked me toward his friends. "Hey, anyone up for some surfing lessons for Mackenzie here?"

Riley and Clark turned away and I felt my stomach drop. I was always going to be an outsider.


I looked up to see that the voice belonged to the younger guy..Kace, I think. He was sending me a warm smile, which was all I could really ask for. I sent one back, silently thanking him for not shunning me like the other guys. That really stung. "Thanks, Kace."

He smiled. "No problem."

I started to walk off towards Kace, but Liam grabbed my arm and spun me into him, taking advantage of my newly healed arm. I thought he was going for a hug until I felt his lips press against mine. The kiss was sweet and gentle at first, but quickly turned heated-much too fast for my liking. I had a sick feeling he was just showing me off, but then the proud side kicked in. He wants to claim you in front of his friends, it said. I couldn't help the immediate blush and smile that stayed plastered across my face when he pulled away. "What was that for?" I whispered this to him, still a little out of breath.

He smirked. "Marking my territory. That pup over there likes the older bitches."

I didn't know whether to laugh or slap him for reffering to me as a bitch in any way. "Hey," I muttered playfully. There was no reason to pick a fight. It was just a joke.

Liam shrugged his shoulders with a laugh and walked over to Riley and Clark, leaving me alone with Kace. I turned to him. He was facing me, smile playing on his lips.

"This pup doesn't need that flea-bitten dog to 'mark his territory.' I get all the bitches I need."

I couldn't help but burst into laughter at that. I could tell me and Kace were going to get along just fine..even if he did seem a tad bit obnoxious.

Liam's P.O.V.

After kissing Kenz, I left her with Kace, walking over to Clark and Riley. I knew Kace wouldn't bother her much; he was a good kid. I just wanted an excuse to kiss her without making her feel like I was dying to kiss her. It seemed like it had worked. I didn't want Kenz to feel like I needed her, especially not when she was running back and forth to see that Lance guy. It irritated me a bit..a lot. I couldn't even lie to myself about my dislike of that guy.  But there was no way to talk her out of seeing him. Afterall, he was her 'bestfriend.' Bullcrap. He liked her and she should be able to see it. He was pretty open about it when we spoke. Well look who has her now, pretty boy.

Clark noticed my thinking face as soon ans I reached them. They were fooling around in the water, trying to tackle and drown eachother. He stopped when he saw me. "Dude, the hell's got you so down? I know you're not upset about that nerd." Before I could answer him, Riley tackled him down and shoved his head under water. I shook my head at the dorks I called my bestfriends and threw a glance over at Mackenzie. She was stripping out of her shorts and shirt, revealing a light and dark pink bikini. It was hot. Hell she was half naked so anything she was wearing would've been hot to me. I mean what can I say? I'm a guy. The thing that killed me was that Kace was helping her onto her board, holding her waist. I guess I shouldn't be jealous because I had chosen for someone else to teach her to save myself the trouble, but it still bothered me a bit.

Something wet and plastic hit my face. It really hurt. It was round..

"Hey dumbass," I looked up at the mention of my apparent newfound nick name. "Get in the water so we can talk. You need to be a little bit closer."

I laughed. "Get in there? With you fags? Um, no. My booty is mine, it belongs to me. You cannot take my boo-oo-ty," I sung, quoting an episode of the Boondocks and running away from the water.

I heard Riley give a war cry and shout "GET HIM!" before I heard the water splashing around as they tried to do the impossible and run across the water. I didn't really try to run fast until I heard footsteps hitting the sand. That's when I really kicked into overdrive. But Riley ran track Freshman year and had actually kept up with his daily work outs. He tackled me down in almost no time.

"Damn man, get off!"

Riley rolled off of me, laughing. "You should really hit the gym man."

I looked down at my six-pack. Hit the gym? Right. Although I should start using my equipment at home again. "Whatever man," I muttered, sitting up in the sand.

Clark joined us and plopped down in the sand a foot or two away from me. "So what's on your mind?"

I shook some sand out of my hair. "Honest opinions on Mackenzie."

Riley chuckled to himself. "Your chick's not gonna fit in with us. She's a nerd. Once a nerd, always a nerd. I bet you can't even get her to sleep with you. She's a goody-two-shoes."

I held back the urge to glare at him and turned to Clark, daring him to say something as stupid as Riley. He shook his head and I knew he was going to give me his honest opinion.

"Riley's right. You're taking her out of her element. You know how they say you cant turn a hoe into a housewife?" I nodded. "You cant turn a housewife into a popular hoe. It just doesn't work out." I was starting to tune him out and he noticed. "Hey man," he ordered, slapping me on my chest to get my attention. "If you really care about her, you wont date her when school starts. Those girls are gonna tear her apart."

I shrugged my shoulders. I knew what they were saying was right, but..I liked Mackenzie. She wasn't plastic and she liked me for me. That was more than I could say about Tracy or any of those other girls. I stood up. "You guys are right," I sighed.

Riley's grin grew. "So she's getting the boot? She's fair game?"

I slapped the back of his head. "I never said that."

Clark shook his head. "You're signing her social suicide note."

I glared at him. "Well that's my choice now isn't it?" Clark rolled his eyes at me and I sighed. "Sorry. While we're at it, though, there's something else about her I want to talk about."

Riley grinned again. "Secret turn-ons? Oh God, you did get her into bed, didn't you?"

I whacked him again. "Shut up! That's not what this is about." Clark motioned with his hands as if to say 'go ahead.' "She's got this best friend.."

"Is she hot?" This time Clark was the one to whack Riley in the back of his head. You would think Riley's head would hurt, but I don't think the pain could get through his thick skull. "And he," I added with a look to Riley. "Is like madly in love with her. She's freakin' oblivious to it too. Divides her time equally among the both of us."

Clark's face stayed straight, void of all emotions until I was done. Then he used his hand to shake his hair out. Thinking back on it, I'm pretty sure I developed that habit from him. "Well," he sighed. "Maybe tell her what the best friend feels?"

Riley's face tore up. "The hell? No man. You either go tell that ass to back up off your girl and give him a few bruisess to remind him of what will happen if he doesn't, or you make sure she stops hanging around with the asswipe."

Clark's idea made more since, but my pride made me choose Riley's idea. Mission keep her as far away from Lance as possible is a go.

Mackenzie's P.O.V.

My surfing lesson failed miserably. I stood up on the board once...only to face plant in the water two seconds later. After almost drowning twice and swallowing enough salt water to choke a bear, I was ready to quit. Liam's "perfect surfing girl" was non-existent and I wasn't going to keep putting my life on the line trying to learn.

"You sure you done? Liam won't be too happy." Kace was looking at me, amusement written all over his face. Throughout my lesson, I had learned that I actually like Kace. He was funny and easy to talk to. I could see us actually becoming friends.

"Screw Liam," I muttered, climbing off of my board and wading to the shore. I heard Kace traveling behind me, chuckling.

"You're really something, Kenzie."

"Yeah, I know," I growled. When we reached the sand, I fell into it, kissing the ground and screaming "Land!"

Kace fell down next to me, laughing his head off. "Best movie ever!"

I smiled to myself, thinking about one of my all time favorite movies, The Pacifier. "I know, right? Vin Diesel is so hot!"

He choked. "Er..that's not where I was going with that thought," he coughed.

I shoved him playfully. "Puhlease. You know you cant resist his amazingly good looks."

He scoffed and reached over to ruffle my hair. I winced and quickly smoothed it back down. "I think I can resist his amazing looks."

I raised my eye-brow. "So you admit he's hot?"

His face twisted up. "Wait. What? No, I didn't mean it like- Gah!" He face palmed and I laughed at his reaction.

I reached over and patted his hand. "It's okay if you have feelings for Vin Diesel. He's hot." Then in a hushed tone, I whispered "Your secret's safe with me." and winked.

He just groaned and knocked my hand down. "Not funny, Kenzie."

"That's because trashy is never funny."

I jumped before looking up to meet Macey's eyes. Kace seemed to melt under the pressure of her eyes. "Hey babe," he muttered.

She scowled down at him. "I thought you came here with me to spend time with my friends."

He sighed, sitting up. "I did. Isn't Mackenzie a part of your group now? I mean, Liam asked me to do him a favor."

She sent death glares at me before turning back to him. "Mackenzie's Liam's lap dog, not my friend. And you don't owe him anything so don't do him anymore 'favors' okay?"

I swear on everything that is good and holy that right then and there, Kace's manhood was gone. It was hard for me to stifle my laugh. He noticed though and shot daggers at me. I shrugged my shoulders innocently as Macey dragged him away by his wrist like a little kid. Maybe she was a cougar. After all, she was treating him like he was her kid. Kace needed a girlfriend, not a mother figure.

"Wow that guy's whipped."

This time when I looked up, I was staring into the eyes of Liam. They were a little strained, but other than that, happy. "I know, right." He offered me a hand and I grabbed it, using it to pull me up. "Just when I thought I made a new friend.."

He chuckled a little. "You don't want to be friends with the underclassmen anyway."

I nodded. "Uh huh. Kace is really cool. He's only two years younger. He could be like a kid brother."

He sighed, shaking his head. "I invite her to the beach to befriend my friends and she befriends the baby. Hey Kenz, are you by any chance a cougar? Maybe you and Mace could be friends afterall."

I whacked his arm. "Oh shut up, Liam."

We laughed as we approached the logs where Clark and Riley had already started to make a fire. Liam and I cuddled up on one of the logs, receiving death glares from Tracy and occasionally Macey. Whenever she turned her back, Kace would make a face at me and the group would wonder why I was laughing. I'd just shake my head and say I was thinking about something funny.

After about an hour of pointless chit chat, it started to get dark and apparently "the real fun" began.

Clark started passing around cans of beer. Everyone took one and I was trying to make a good impression, so I took one too even though I don't drink. I hate the taste of beer. It's bitter. At least the sweeter liquors sometimes taste candy-like.

"To old friendships," Clark cheered as he lifted up his can.

"To new bangs," Riley shouted, raising his can and emitting a few laughs.

"To old habits. May they die hard," Tracy added quietly, raising her can.

"To our old ways. May they stay the same," Macey added, raising her can and letting her eyes wander over to me.

Kace was next. He stood up. "To new traditions. Live long and prosper," he added. smirking, while raising his can.

I stifled a laugh at Macey's annoyed expression.

Liam was next. "To new relationships," he added simply before raising his can.

Save the best for last, I guess. I raised my can. "To new friendships." I couldn't really look at the others, so I just skimmed over them and let my eyes land on Kace. He gave me a reassuring smile so I returned it. Then, everyone took their first swig. I fought the urge to spit it back out.

After the ritual drink, everyone relaxed a little. They were more cheerful, joking around about old times.After about another hour of this, I realized it was almost eight o'clock. I stood up, every intention of leaving. Liam sent me a questoning look. "I'm supposed to meet Lance," I muttered, knowing he wasn't okay with that.

He tugged on my arm till I was sitting on his lap and buried his face in my hair. "Why?"

I sighed, pushing him away. "He's my best friend, Liam."

He pulled me closer. "But I'm your boyfriend," he whined.

My..my boyfriend? That was the first time he had confirmed our relationship was more than just a couple of dates. I didn't know how to respond and I could feel the stares of some of the rest of them on my back. I refused to face them, knowing the blush on my cheeks would be really noticeable.

"Kenz," he whispered, kissing my neck.

I sighed. "Liam.."

He started trailing kisses up my neck, to my cheek, almost to my mouth, "Stay," he whispered while kissing the side of my mouth. My breath caught. "With your boyfriend," he whispered.

I nodded, defeated. How could I think straight while he was doing that? Then his lips were on mine, erasing all uneasy thoughts about abandoning Lance. Lance could wait. He wasn't my first priority anymore. I had a boyfriend. I kissed him back with all I had, hoping to convey how much I cared about him. Enough to ditch your best friend.

"Oh for the love of God, get a room!"

Liam pulled away from me, ending the kiss and laughing at Riley. "Awwh, are you jealous?"

Riley smirked. "As if."

I focused on slowing my heart beat down and trying to slide off of Liam's lap. He wasn't going for it though. So I just sat there, trying not to look too uncomfortable.

They started up a game of Truth or Dare a little later, which I refused to participate in. I did not need more trouble on my hands. Fortunately, I wasn't the only one. Kace decided to sit out too. We sat off to the side, talking and watching the others.

"Who's Lance?"

My head shot to the side to look at him. "What?"

He bumped my shoulder with his and took and took another swig of beer. "Lance. Who is he?" He waved my phone in my face.

There was a text from Lance. "How did you get that?" I demanded, trying to grab the phone from him. He just held it away from my grasp.

"I was adding my number to your contacts when this popped up. Who is he?" I didn't answer. "Secret boyfriend? I wont tell, Kenzie, you can trust me."

I sighed. "He;s not my boyfriend, he's my best friend. Liam doesn't like for me to hang out with him because he's deluded himself into believing that our friendship is anything more than a friendship. Now give me back my goddamn phone, Kace!"

Kace laughed a little at what I assumed was a fierce expression on my face. "Okay Mackenzie, don't kill me." He handed over the phone.

I eagerly took it and opened the message, trying to ignore Kace reading over my shoulder.

From Lance:

Mack, where are you? Thought I was teaching you how 2 play COD???

I sighed, replying.

Srry Lancy. Smthing came up. Catch u anther time?

His reply was almost instant.

It's him, isnt it?

Kace looked at me expectantly. "I cant reply. I can't tell him the truth. It'll just make him hate Liam more."

Kace just shook his head and grabbed my phone, typing something in and sending it. I snatched my phone and read through my sent box.

Yea. At a bonfire. Srry. Make plans anther day? Just me n u?

I glared at Kace. He just shrugged.

Of course it is. Sure. Next time I get the WHOLE day. Got it?

I texted back, glad he wasn't too mad.


Kace just grinned smugly. "Well?" I glared at him. "Shouldn't you be thanking me or something normal girls do?"

"I'm not normal girls," I muttered.

He smiled at me. "Which is why I like you. I'm pretty sure it's why Liam likes you. And that Lance guy probably loves you because of it."

"That's no reason to like me. And Lance isn't in love with me. He's like a brother."

Kace held his heart. "Ouch. Friend-zoned hard." He laughed. "And I'm sure he does. Plus, it helps that your beautiful Mackenzie."

I rolled my eyes. He had to be kidding. "Right."

"It's true, Kenzie. Give yourself some credit. You hooked one of the most popular guys in school."

I shook my head. "I'm still not sure that's forreal," I whispered.

Kace heard me. "Shut up and stop doubting yourself. I hate girls who beg for compliments. You sure as hell aren't getting any more out of me," he said, folding his arms like a five-year-old.

I  giggled a bit. "Yet you date Macey. I imagine she just begs for attention."

He glared at me. "We have an understandment in our relationship."

I laughed, "Yeah, I bet."

I hadn't realized how much time had passed by until Kace said it was time for him to go.

"You're leaving this early?"

He smirked down at me. "Can't bare to be away from me?"

I smirked. "In your dreams, kid."

He glared a little at the mention of his age before responding. "All night, every night."

I laughed and swatted at his chest as he helped me up. "Party pooper."

He shook his head. "Kenzie, it's after twelve."

"What?!" I checked my phone. 12:07. "I'm so grounded!"

Kace just laughed and joined the others to say goodbye. I followed, but only to announce my departure to Liam so he didn't come looking for me. "I was supposed to be hom two hours ago, Liam."

His smile dropped a little. "You're leaving?"

I sighed, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him closer to me. "Sorry," I muttered before bringing his lips down to mine. This kiss was short and sweet. "Got to go," I called out before running to my car. I drove full speed to my house. Got there in five minutes instead of ten.

When I walked into the house, the living room lights clicked on. "I thought I said ten, Mackenzie."

I met Miguel's eyes and relaxed a little. "Sorry. I lost track of time. I was only at the beach though. Ask anybody."

He just sat in the living room chair, face hard. "Thought you said you were hanging out with Lance."

I shrugged, backing up towards the stairs. "Change of plans."

Miguel stood up, taking a few steps toward me, anger clearly on his face. You'd think he was my dad or something. "Didn't your mom ever tell you to call home when your plans change?"

I backed up the first few stairs, not liking his posture. He could attack me. "No. She's not strict like that."

He took a few more steps.

"Look, I'm sorry. Next time I'll call. I'm really tired. I'm just going to head up to bed."

His eyes flared. "You'll go to bed when I say you go to bed!" It was then that I could fully see his face. His eyes were bloodshot. This SOB was drunk.

"Look, it's obvious you're not in your right mind. Talk to me in the morning."

He moved faster than I thought he would because almost as soon as the last word left my mouth, he had my wrist trapped in his hand. "You're not going anywhere!"

I tried to pull away. "Miguel! Miguel let me go!"

He tugged on my arm and I stumbled back down the few stairs I'd managed to climb."Shut up, Bitch!"

I screamed and used my other hand to try and wrench myself free.

"What's going on?" The stair lights came on and I looked up to see Melody, hair in a bun, glasses on, Hello Kitty robe wrapped tightly around her. She was far from looking her best, but at that moment, she looked like an angel to me.

Miguel released me and muttered "Nothing" before pushing past the both of us to get upstairs to my mom's room. 

I sighed and took the stairs two at a time.


"I don't want to talk about it!" With that, I slammed the door on my sister and slid down it, holding on to my slightly bruised wrist. It would be purple come morning.

That night, I wept. Wept for my father who had abandoned us, wept for my mother who was blissfully ignorant, wept for my innocent little sister who was so much different from me, wept for my estranged best friend, wept for my newfound popular boyfriend, wept for my drunken stepdad. I wept for the world. After all, every girl needs a good cry every once in a while...right?

Thought I'd be like one of those amazing authors that upload more than once in one week for once. Lol. It feels nice. I introduced some new characters, made Mack a new friend, and fit in a little bit of Lance even if it was just a little. So I am officially on task. The next chapter should be the begining of the school year. Yayyy! Lol.

So what'd you think? Constructive criticism is always accepted.

Team Liam or Team Lance?

For the hell of it, anyone Team Kace cusz he's flipping awesome?

Lol. Anywho.... Vote? Comment? Maybe even fan if you've read this far and still like what you see? There'll be more to come after i finish this book, I promise. ;D

Thanks guys.


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