Danganronpa : A certain Anti...

By latheef34

8.1K 146 66

A Young Man is offered to join hope's peak academy as an SHSL mathematician. He is full of mystery and he is... More

Prologue-3 (Killing game)
Kenta's past and meeting Chihiro (before the game)
stats of danganronpa cast including kenta
Facts and Faqs
revised kentas's bio
Chapter:2-A new hell
Chapter :3-A talk with monokuma
Extra : love hotel event-1
Chapter-4 Dealing with common folks
Chapter-5 free time
Free time 2
Chapter 6 : The change of pace
Chapter 7: Real game starts now
Chapter-8 :Investigation (Deadly life part-2)
Chapter-9 :Charmer (Deadly life part-3)
Chapter-10:Class trail-1 part-1
Chapter-11 :Class trail-1 part-2
Chapter-12 :Deadly life :Part-3
chapter-13:Class trail-1Deadly life part-4
Chapter-14:Class trial-1 part-5
Chapter-15: Class trial-1 part-6
Chapter 16 :Class trial-1 part-7
Chapter-17: Class trial-1 final
Chapter-18: Night interruption (r-18)

Chapter 1

401 6 1
By latheef34

Chihiro: Where should we go  Kenta

Kenta: Let's pick up Toko

Then we moved towards toko to talk to her

Toko:w-what do you w-want? you ca-came to tell how ugly I was

Kenta: No We came to pick you for investgation

Toko: Don't l-lie to me you are trying to trick me, I won't b-belive you

Kenta: Are you coming or not

Toko: Fine, at l-least you asked me (n-no asked me before)

Kenta: Now all is settled,let's investigate 

Chihiro:Why did you invite me to come with you Kenta,I'm not all that useful outside of computer knowledge..."

Kenta:"You might not have realized it..."  but the moment Mondo hit Makoto, you're face exploded with tears of fright..."

O-Oh...I'm sorry..." Chihiro sobbed, wiping her eyes.

"Nah, don't be..." Kenta said "I just...I knew if I left you there and didn't console you, you'd probably curl up into a ball and lay there for an hour...

Chihiro wanted to refute this, but he couldn't.

"Here we are! Welcome to the student dorms!" Monokuma announced when they arrived "You see down this hallway? Chihiro Fujisaki, your dorm is 5th one to the right, between Asahina and Fukawa's. Junko, yours is between Celeste's and Togami's, 4th on the left. This one is Makoto's... And kenta your room is the other corner"

Monokuma opened a door on the right. Letting Chihiro and Fukuawa inside, he indicated to the rooms bed, which Sakura plopped Makoto down on.

"I was planning on handing these out to everyone eventually, but here!" Monokuma handed Chihiro and Junko their own room keys "I've told you where your rooms are, so that's all from me! Toodloo!

"I was planning on handing these out to everyone eventually, but here!" Monokuma handed Chihiro and Fukawa and me their own room keys "I've told you where your rooms are, so that's all from me! Toodloo!"

He vanished just like he'd arrived. Chihiro was shaking.

"W-We really...have to stay here? Overnight?" she asked "I...I don't know if I can...

Chihiro was cut off as Kenta suddenly embraced her and patted her head.

" no matter what, we can't let that dumb bear get the better of us. It's just like Leon said, we have to look for our own way out, ok?"kenta said

Fukuwa: You know i'm here too,i-is my p-presence so disgusting that you ignore my w-whole e-existence

Kenta : I can say the same for you too

"O...Ok...!" Chihiro smacked herself and pumped her arms to recover from her slump. Kenta smiled and held out his hand for a fist bump, which Chihiro anxiously returned.

Toko : You a-all p-pretend to be all mushy mushy about the whole situation,you what are you trying

"Well then, since we're all here...how about we all investigate together?" kenta asked "like, may as well, right?"

Toko : n-not like i have b-better things to do anyway

"C'mon kid, you gotta catch up!" Kenta called, as Chihiro began to trail behind.

"Wh-Where are...we even going?" Kenta panted, not having much energy to follow him.

"To the classrooms," Kenta told her "I wanna take another look at those iron plates. Say, did you try to pull one off

"I didn't," Chihiro explained "I already knew just by looking at them, it would be pointless...I'm not that strong..."

Kenta didn't even respond as he opened a door to one of the classrooms. Inside, Leon and Yasuhiro were already examining the windows. Clearly, they'd had the same idea as Kenta had.

"Oh, hey guys," Kenta called "got it to budge?"

What do you think?" Leon asked sarcastically, indicating to the very much unremoved iron plates.

"Well, move over smartass! Give me a try!" Kenta pushed past Leon and attempted to pry the window open herself. Unfortunately, he couldn't get it to budge either. After that, Leon and Kenta attempted to pry the window open together.

"Hey, Chihiro! Lend us a hand!" she said.

D-Didn't you hear me?" Chihiro asked "I won't add any sort of strength to the effort!"

Idiot have some faith in yourself

"Ugh...then...Hiro! Help us out!" Kenta turned to Hiro, who had been lazing off this whole time. Hiro turned to Junko with his eyebrow raised.

"Huh? Why?" he asked.

"The hell do you mean "why!?"" Leon exclaimed "we're trapped in here, we need to get out! Pull your weight man!"

"Why're you panicking?" he asked "don't you get it? This is all just some big prank the guys behind the scenes are pulling on us. You don't gotta scream and break your way out. They've just locked us in to get used to it, they'll let us out soon..."

 Foolishness Hiro Foolishnes,just attempt to escape, Weren't you listening to anything Monokuma said!?" Kenta snapped "he said the only way out is to kill someone!"

"And you believe him? Psh..." Hiro sat at a desk and leaned back in the chair with his arms behind his head "get real dude. It's all just some big show, I'm telling ya..."

"You're still saying that...?" Kenta frowned. Leon sighed

"To be honest man...I really hope he's right...But hey! If you're watching this, whoever you are, this really isn't funny! I'm gonna kick your ass for this!"

Toko : we are t-trapped h-here f-forever,s-stupid h-haired guy

The group spent another hour or so trying to pry off the iron plates on the windows. After several minutes of consultation, Kenta was able to convince Chihiro to help them pull, but like Chihiro already pointed out, it didn't help at all. Leon then shook Hiro around and forced him to help as well, but that still didn't help.

"Fuck it! I'm done!" Leon frustratingly punched the iron plate with his fist, and then shook off the pain "this fucking plate won't budge a damn inch!"

"Now what?" Kenta asked "what, we think about our place in the universe?"

"Can I make a suggestion?" Hiro asked, "Monokuma said there were dorms, am I right? and Fuji-bean and ken already went there?"

Ken?" Kenta looked at Hiro with a raised eyebrow at the name.

"Mind showing Leon and I where they are? I wanna check them out" Hiro said ignoring her. For once, the group agreed that Hiro had a good idea in mind.

By the time the group got back to the dorm area, Kiyotaka Ishimaru was already looking around the area. He acknowledged the group's presence but did not speak to them initially. Junko recalled Monokuma's instructions and found her room, with Chihiro doing the same. Leon and Hiro's rooms were farther down the back of the hallway. Chihiro took out the key Monokuma had given her, with "C.Fujisaki" drawn on it, and opened the door. Surprisingly, Kenta came in after her.

"Do you mind if I went with you look at these places," he said "Of course toko is included."

Toko : a-alright

"N-No, I understand...It's fine." Chihiro smiled. When she entered, Chihiro noticed on the bedroom wall was a piece of paper sellotaped to it. She took it down from the wall and read it. "An important message from your dear headmaster. Room locks have been equipped with mechanisms that make them unpickable. The key's are a bit of a pain to make, so please, don't lose them. Every room comes with a shower, but just so you're aware, the water is turned off at nighttime, between 10pm and 7am as a reminder. Furthermore, only the showers in the girls rooms lock at night. Lastly, I have prepared a gift for all of you. In the girls room drawers, you will find a ladylike sewing kit, which inside includes a diagram of human pressure pointsIn the men's, a masculine tool box. I'd recommend the hammer personally. Remember to live your lives peacefully, and let's all have a killer time!"

As soon as Chihiro was done reading, Kenta snatched the letter from her and threw it straight in the bin in the corner. After forcing herself not to cry again, Chihiro looked around the room. The windows had iron plates in this room too. The bed looked mostly comfortable and there was a room that branched off, which was probably the shower room.

Hey..." Kenta said "mind coming to my room for a second? There's something I wanna test..."

"What's that?" Chihiro asked

"Just come on..." Kenta said.

After arriving at her room, Kenta went inside and told Chihiro and toko to wait outside. 2 minutes went by and nothing happened.


 After those two minutes were up, Kenta returned, clutching her throat.

"Did you hear anything?" Kenta asked.

"Huh?" Chihiro thought aloud "what was I meant to hear?"

So you didn't, huh?" Kenta coughed "to be honest, I just went in the room, closed the door and screamed with all my lung energy.

"What!? Why!?" Chihiro exclaimed.Kenta indicated to the dorm room again.

"Just wanted to test something..." he said "seems the rooms are totally soundproof..."

"Oh...Oh dear..." Chihiro trembled...

"Yeah, that's right..." Kenta sighed "I know you don't wanna picture it, but someone could be dying in the next room over, and you'd never hear it..."

Chihiro was just about ready to cry again, when suddenly, the conversation was cut short, as Taka abruptly cut in.

Kenta! Chihiro!" he exclaimed "we are all meeting up in the dining hall to detail our findings! Be there on time! And by that I mean come now!"

He took off as soon as he'd arrived. They Mathematician and the programmer both turned to each other. Kenta shrugged and placed his hand on Chihiro's shoulder. he then guided the tiny ultimate to the dining hall.

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