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By evieflower

1.5M 50K 114K

โdamnit rory, you got him gigglingโž ๐˜ข ๐˜ฌ๐˜ฐ๐˜ญ ๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜ฌ๐˜ข๐˜ฆ๐˜ญ๐˜ด๐˜ฐ๐˜ฏ ๐˜ญ๐˜ฐ๐˜ท๐˜ฆ ๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜บ More

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23.8K 937 1K
By evieflower



"No, Kol, you're doing it all wrong," said an irritable Rory, her face falling into the palm of her hand for what felt like the millionth time that day.

The girl had been trying with everything in her to help him work a phone. Of all things an original vampire needs help with, of all the things that this supernatural powerful creature needed, it was to work a phone.

"Well you do it then, if it is so simple," Kol offered, his shoulders held up high, scared to bruise his own ego from simply not being able to work a small square of wires. Rory sighed, and gently took the phone out of his hands once more. And in a few simple taps, she had entered into the messages app and sent a simple text.

"You see?" Rory told him, raising her brows, handing the phone back to him, "Easy."

Kol stared at her for a moment, rather scrutinizingly, almost as if she had just done the most offensive thing one could even think of. Rory just looked back, giving an awkward smile, not sure of what she had done.

The two of them were sitting on the couch side by side, their shoulders touching as Rebekah sat in the chair opposite of them, on her own phone.

"What is even the point of this useless technology?" Kol asked in distaste as he held it in his hands, silently trying to remember what Rory had previously done, copying her actions, silently praising himself when he was successful in doing so.

"It's how people these days work," Rebekah told him, looking up from her own device, "Keeps them occupied from their other horrors in their lives."

Kol turned to look at Rory once more, almost as if he were looking for confirmation of Rebekah's answer, and when she shrugged her shoulders and nodded her head silently telling him that his sister's response was absolutely accurate, he looked back down at his phone.

People these days were rather weird.

Rory herself would continuously look over an steal glances at Kol. She felt weird when she did that. Like a little knot in her stomach would form every time she watched the way his nose would move in the cutest way possible when he spoke, or the way he would fidget with his own fingers at the most random of times. Sometimes she would find herself subconsciously grabbing his hand to hold in her own, somehow making sure that he was actually there. With her. 

A smile would even grow on her face when she would feel Kol hold back onto her hand.

Never once in either of their lives have they felt the way about another person than they do with each other. Both growing up with troubled lives, lacking love anyone really, they have found a hospice in each other.

Elijah stood on the opposite end of the room, inspecting a roll of sage that seemingly had been burned. Finn had yet to tell them of the official reasoning behind stopping them from drinking the champagne last night. And Klaus sat on the opposite end of the couch, a pad of paper in his lap as he continued to draw.

Everyone's attention was immediately pulled away from each other when another vampire stumbled into the living room. Katherine looked as though she had a very long night. Her hair was knotted and going in different directions, her dress that she wore the night previous was disheveled and out of place, and her makeup was smeared.

Although Rory tried to stop him, Kol couldn't help but walk up to her with a smug look on his face.

"Well, well, well, there's our favorite doppelganger," he said, his voice antagonizing, blocking her from walking further.

"Aw, your favorite, you say?" Katherine responded with a fake pout, "That really does warm my cold little heart."

"Out all night? That truly is a scandal!"

Everyone else sat down, watching in amusement at the two of them bickering. But then, everyone immediately went still and silent when someone else walked in, looking the same as Katherine did.

It was Rose.

The silence was still thick in the room, everyone processing the information. Using this to her advantage, a smirk grew on Katherine's face as she shrugged her shoulders and then grabbed Rose's hand, dragging her up the stairs, seemingly unphased.

"Who would have thought?" said Klaus, not even looking up from his drawing.

"She looked happy though!" Rory added on, moving over to sit right beside the hybrid, admiring his artwork.

"Hey! You're not done helping me out here, Rora," Kol protested, sitting back down in his spot, grabbing a fistful of Rory's shirt, pulling her back to sit beside him. And even after several minutes of the girl trying to explain even the smallest of things to him, Kol just wouldn't pay attention.

"I'm bored," he would complain, falling down rather dramatically onto Rory's lap, putting a hand over his forehead as if he were about to faint. "We need some real entertainment."

"Then go do something," Rory told him as if it were the most obvious thing ever.

"Why don't you come with me?" Kol pouted up at Rory, who in returned was trying her hardest to hold in a laugh at him, "What is it you exactly want to do?" She asked him, resting her hands on top of his chest.

Kol just stared at her hands, grabbing onto them and messing around with the rings she wore, "Oh you know, wreak havoc and I don't know... murder the whole town? It may be slightly messy, but, hey! At least we'll have fun!"

"Why would we do that? Don't you think that's a little mean?" Rory asked with furrowed brows, clearly unable to tell if it he was joking or not.

"Well it won't matter if it's mean or not," Kol responded, bringing a finger up to his temple and tapping twice.

"How come?"

"Because they will be dead."

Rory groaned and let her head fall over, resting her forehead on top of their hands. "You're impossible, you know that?" She mumbled under her breath, her voice being muffled by Kol's shirt.

"Any, if we are killing anyone, you surely wouldn't be doing it without me," Rebekah added in, sending Kol an appointed look, "I have a decent sized list of those who are rather annoying."

Rory nodded her head at the last statement, clearly agreeing that there were some who were quite bothersome.

"How about you, Nik?" Kol asked, sitting up and turning to his brother before putting up an overly upset facade, "It's the least you could do, you know, after you drove a dagger through my heart."

"Alright, fine," said Klaus, setting down his book before turning to look over at the witch, "But I'm only coming with you if Aurora comes with."

"Wha-  you-- ugh, alright fine."

Both Kol and Klaus seemed very delighted at that notion.


When Klaus, Kol, and Rory made it to the Mystic Grill, it seemed as though they were in a much brighter mood, though Kol seemed a little upset.

He was forced to sit in the back.

"Now, Nik, you better not be taking my girl," warned Kol as they got out of the car, walking towards the front doors.

Both Klaus and Rory turned to each other and looked in disgust. That was one of the last things either of them would want to do. But when they entered, Rory's attention was immediately pulled towards the bar where a certain Alaric Saltzman sat, talking to a dark haired woman.

Without even thinking, Rory made her way towards him, and in return, Ric turned around and smiled once he saw the girl.

"Hey, kid," he greeted with a warm smile before he looked over her shoulder, seeing both Klaus and Kol Mikaelson smirking at him, making his own smile drop.

"Don't mind us," said Kol with another fake pout, "We are just here to enjoy ourselves. Do go on."

Rory sent Ric a small, apologetic smile before she moved over and sat in between Kol and Klaus a few seats down from them. All three of them ordered their own drinks of choice, soon getting it brought to them.

Even after several of their drinks, Klaus seemed to be impressed with how well both Kol and Rory seemed to be holding up on their own. Very talkative with one another.

"Do you think that Katherine and Rose are going to get married?" Rory asked Kol, leaning her head down onto her arms, looking sideways to him.

"Well- I mean... sure?" responded Kol, sounding as if he were unsure of his answer, "We have only figured out they were-- together, only this morning."

"Well if they do, you and I will plan it," she decided right then and there, sounding very sure of her answer, but quickly, Kol shook his head, "If anything, I am not going to be planning anyone's wedding."

"Yes you are."

"No I-"

"Yes you are."

Kol narrowed his eyes on Rory, but the girl just shrugged her shoulders with a shrug.

"Do you even know anything about how to plan a wedding?" He asked.

In return, Rory just shook her head and set her glass down. "Not at all. But I'm sure you've got some ideas in that maniac little brain of yours," she said, reaching a hand out and patting the side of his head rather lightly.

All the while, Rebekah was alongside Elena Gilbert, Elijah was a few steps closer to finding out their mother's plan, as well as Stefan and Damon putting into preparation to kill the originals. Although, unknown to them, that none of the Mikaelsons were tethered to each other. 

Without having drank the liquid the night previous to connect them all, they were now one in their own.

Each was going to have to fight for themselves. Although separately, it was going to be done together as a family.


hey guys how are you?

it is official we have a pair of lesbians.

oml pls it's also so bad when i go through and read my older chapters, like i physically cannot read them. like it's embarrassing.

and i know that my updating times are all over the place, it's just difficult to deal around with senior year, and my job, but i promise that i will continue writing this book until it's finished, there is no way in hell that i a going to stop.

side note; this one is a little more of a filler chapter, but i am also going to try and post another chapter tomorrow as well :)

have a wonderful day

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