The rogue Alpha

By HowlingSiren

416 56 23

She just wanted to be alone...she didn't want the responsibility...not after everything her father went throu... More

Chapter 1: The scent
Chapter 2: The Alpha
Chapter 3: Dominance
Chapter 4: A deal is struck
Chapter 5: Even demons like to tease
Chapter 6: Eavesdropping
Chapter 7: The last hours of the night...
Chapter 8: ...before the nightmares begin
Chapter 9: A secret revealed
Chapter 10: Returning
Chapter 11: Telling Hunter
Chapter 12: Something to think about
Chapter 13: The last night
Chapter 14: Payback
Chapter 15: Meeting the rest of the pack
Chapter 16: Let the meeting commence.
Chapter 17: The shadows in the woods
Chapter 18: Wings
Chapter 19: Attack from the shadows
Chapter 20: One down, 3 to go
Chapter 21: Story time for the past
Chapter 23: The loud claim
Chapter 24: A meeting with a twist
Chapter 25: Some new allies
Chapter 26: The little one
Chapter 27: Battle plan
Chapter 28: The battle
Chapter 29: The interrogation
Chapter 30: Thoughts
The End!

Chapter 22: A sad confession

10 1 2
By HowlingSiren

(Siren's POV)

After I finished talking to my sister, she told me that she had to go report back to her Alpha. However, when I was following her to bid her farewell at the front door, she took a turn into a hallway where some of the more higher ranking wolves slept. I looked at her confused when she knocked on a door near the end of the hallway, sensing happiness from her. My eyes widened as Lilith, Hunter's Beta, opened the door and smiled up at my sister, due to her being a few inches shorter than Lupa. My sister smiled back down at her and to my surprise, she leaned down and kissed Lilith. I sensed love from them both as Lilith kissed back, both their tails wagging slightly. Lupa pulled away, her smile wider than before.

"Be sure to visit soon, shortie." she said, her smile turning into a slight smirk. Lilith blushed faintly as she pouted.

"I'm only a few inches shorter than you!" she said, causing Lupa to laugh.

"Key word is shorter, babe." she said before pulling Lilith into a hug. She smiled and hugged back.

"I'll see if my Alpha will let me have at least a few days days off. I mean, he has your sister to keep him busy." Lupa chuckled and pulled away slightly, her arms still wrapped around her waist, as she kissed her forehead.

"You have no idea." she replied before completely pulling away and looking at me.

"Ok, now I'm ready to go." she said, walking past me, leaving me standing there in confusion. Lilith noticed my shocked state and giggled slightly before returning to her room. I turned and ran after my sister, rambling my questions. Lupa just chuckled until we reached the front door. She turned to me, a somewhat smug grin on her face.

"I'm guessing you don't associate yourself with my mate?" she asked. My jaw dropped.

"YOU COULD HAVE TOLD ME YOU HAD A MATE!" I said, shocked at such an unexpected news. She chuckled.

"Yea, she was with me when Hunter got around to looking for you. In a way, I saved you from harm. If my little Lily had gonna instead, she would have attacked you." she said, her smile growing. I blushed a little as I crossed my arms.

"I'm not thanking you." I said stubbornly, causing her to laugh.

"Of course your not. I expected as much." Her face softened with slight worry as she stepped closer to me and hugged me. I immediately hugged back, burying my head into the crook of her neck.

"Don't be too hard on Hunter." she said quietly. "He really does love you. Please don't do anything rash." I was surprised by her words but nodded. She kissed me on the forehead before completely pulling away from me to turn into her wolf. It was around the same size as mine and was pure white, unlike my pure black coat. Her golden eyes were beautiful against her fur. She nodded in farewell and bolted into the forest. I watched her until I couldn't see her anymore. As I turned to head back inside, I saw Hunter leaning against the door frame, smiling. I blushed a little when I noticed how the sun made his golden eyes look like they were glowing.

"I would have bid her farewell but I thought you needed the space." he said as he walked up to me. I smiled.

"Thanks. I appreciate it." I said as he wrapped his strong arms around my waist and pulled me into a kiss. I kissed back and I noticed how much passion he put into the kiss. He pulled away and I felt my blush grow.

"What was that for?" I asked. He smiled.

"I just wanted to say I love you." he said. I felt myself blush even more as I buried my head in his chest, refusing to let him see the kind of hold he had on me. I felt and heard him chuckle as he started stroking my hair, his chest beating as he laughed. I tried to keep my tail from wagging but, of course, that's not how the body works. I felt happiness flow from him as my tail started wagging. Now that I think about it, I also felt a bit of protection from him as he held me close. I looked up at him.

"Are you ok?" I asked with concern. He looked me in the eyes and smiled.

"I'm fine, Si." I knew he was lying but I decided not to push the matter. I nodded and buried my face in his chest again, not to hide anything, but to have his calming scent fill me. It was a mixture of lemon and something sweet but I couldn't put my finger on it. Whatever it was, it smelled amazing and I found it hard to pull away from his chest to look up at him.

"So when were you going to tell me Lilith was my sister's mate and my technical sister-in-law?" I asked, causing him to chuckle.

"I didn't know you were related to Lupa. To be honest, you two look nothing alike." he said. I had to give him that, me and my siblings looked nothing alike.

"Well, my mother had a genetic mutation where her offspring could come in many different colors, be it about coat color, hair color, or eye color, so I can understand. "He looked at me, curiosity coming from him as his face showed it.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Well, you know what my eldest sister, Lupa, looks like but I have two more sisters and a brother. One of my sisters has brown hair and dark blue eyes while my other sister has red hair and amber eyes. My brother has gray hair and emerald green eyes so we range in all sorts of colors." His eyes widened in surprised and I laughed. He smiled and chuckled with me.

"That's strange but then again, isn't everyone in their own special way?" I smiled and nodded. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and we walked inside. We guessed the chef had finished dinner early because the smell of cooked pork chops filled our noses as we stepped in. We smiled at each other and made our way to the cafeteria, where we eat until our stomachs were nice and filled. We put the dishes away and thanked the chef for the delicious meal before heading off to bed. I had been getting used to sharing a bed with Hunter but I still got jumpy when I felt him make any kind of movement under the covers.

When I came out the bathroom from changing, still uneasy at the thought of changing in front of him. He sat in the middle of the bed, staring at me. I looked at him confused before he patted his lap. I blushed but inside, I was nervous. Hesitantly, I crawled into bed and sat in his lap, my back to his chest since he refused to have me facing him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I felt him rest his forehead on my shoulder, his ears down.

"I'm sorry...for everything you went through." he said quietly. His words sent a jolt of electricity up my spine as I straightened. I stared ahead of me, feeling my body shake slightly.

"W-What d-d-do y-you m-mean?" I stuttered. He didn't move as he paused.

"I hate to say this...but I heard what you told Lupa when she wanted me to leave. But what I hate even more is that you had to go through something traumatizing and disgusting. I wish I could wash away everything that happened to you. I really do." he said, keeping his voice at the same volume. I felt my eyes tear up as his words sunk in and I felt my love for him deepen. This man had done everything he could to help and protect me, never once raising his voice at me and always thinking about what I wanted or thought before doing something. I felt the tears fall as I moved one of my hands to his arms, clinging slightly to them as I started crying. He held me close as I did, staying quiet and kissing my shoulder.

I cried for a few minutes before I turned and cupped his face, pulling him into a passionate kiss. He kissed back, letting me do as I pleased. I pulled away after a few, needing air. We stared into each others eyes and I could sense the love from him as the same emotion built inside me. I smiled, happy that he was there for me the whole time I was here. He smiled softly before he put his hand on the back of my neck to pull me into another deep kiss.

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