Chapter 1: The scent

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(A/N: This story is completely separate from another story I have. The main character is already in this story and is my personal OC so I won't tolerate people taking her design or backstory and marking it as their own! Warning for gore/blood and demons/demonic stuff. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy it.)

(??? POV)

I growled as I searched my surroundings. Last night, my Beta had told me about how a rumor, told to her by some of the Omegas, of a rogue wolf that had come into our territory. I would have sent her to check it out but she wanted some time off with her mate. I may not have liked it but who was I keep mates apart. If I did, I would have been chewed out by my mom.

Anyway, I was in my wolf form, my fur a mixture of grey and black (picture) and my eyes glowed gold, showing my strength and power as Alpha. I stood 6'5 feet off the ground which showed the rank of Alpha. It was about 5:30 or 6:00 in the morning. The forest was starting to waking up, and a thick fog hung in the air, making visibility low. It was the middle of fall so most of the leaves had already turned red and orange and had fallen to the forest floor. I hated the fall season because it meant that winter was coming and I wasn't a big fan of the snow. Other than that, I loved how the forest looked like a piece of art all on its own. And the wind when I ran?! I loved it! It felt amazing when it blew through my fur. That was my favorite part of fall.

I was admiring the scenery around me when I stopped and sniffed the air. My ears went back as I lowered my head and followed the scent I had caught. I was hoping this rogue didn't give me a hard time. When the scent was close, I raised my guard, and as the fog cleared, it revealed a small clearing with a little creek running through it. At first, I didn't see anything, but as my eyes adjusted to the area, they widened as a she-wolf came into view, drinking at the creek. Her back was turned to me, her fur was pitch black which explained why I wasn't able to notice her right away. I stared at her as my mind went nuts. My wolf instant was to tackle her and pin her to the ground but my human side refused to let that happen.

All I could think was how beautiful my mate was.

She finished drinking and her head rose from the water. At full height, she was probably a few inches shorter than my wolf but that didn't bother me. Nothing about her did. Her wolf form looked lean and fit, which was unnatural for most rogues. They were normally thin and weak looking. I was about to walk to her when her ears flipped back and her head snapped straight at me. Her eyes...They glowed a beautiful crimson red but they were filled with hatred and anger. She bared her long, sharp canines as she growled at me, her hackles slowly rising the longer she stared at me.

"Leave!" she said, using her body language. I growled back, stepping towards her to try and assert my dominance. I wasn't used to being ordered around and now she was telling me to back off when she was unaware of our bond. However, when I stepped forward, she didn't back down even a centimetre! She re-positioned her body so that she was facing me and ready for combat. Her growling increased in aggression as she once again told me to leave her alone. I needed to bring her back to the pack house but how? She was a rogue, a lone wolf, someone who didn't want to be around others. I was about to tell her to turn human and walk back with me, but when I took another step forward, she took it as a threat.

Quickly and without warning, her claws flew at my face. I felt her claws dig into the flesh on my cheek and I backed up in surprise, my eyes closed as I growl slightly in pain. I heard a splash of water and when I turned my attention back to where she was, she was gone. I sniffed the air, trying to catch her scent again but it was weak. I looked at the creek and realized that it was big enough for her to take a quick dip and cover her scent before running off through the trees, away from me. I growl in frustration before I turn back and run to the pack house. I needed to find her before she left my territory.

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