Chapter 20: One down, 3 to go

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I awoke in Hunter's room with him in his wolf form curled around my body. I was laying on the side of his stomach, his soft fur being the perfect pillow and his tail was placed on top of me, keeping me warm. I blushed and tried to sit up before I heard a low growl from Hunter, causing me to jump. I had never heard him growl before. I heard his voice in my head.

"Sleep. You need it." I wanted to get up but when I tried to move away from him again he growled a little louder this time. I sighed and laid back down on his side. We stayed there for a little bit, enjoying we others touch when we heard the door to the bathroom open. The door had more squeaks compared to the door for the actual room so I was able to tell the difference without looking. I turned, growling slightly before I stopped, my eyes wide. I could feel them tear up as I looked at the female who had emerged from the bathroom. She had long white hair that was down with beautiful golden eyes like Hunter's. A black hat with white rings on the ends sat on top of her head. She was wearing a light blue hoodie that somehow complemented her hair with ripped jeans. She looked at me a smiled.

"Long time, no see, huh?." she said and I felt the tears begin fall. Before Hunter could growl again, I pushed his tail away and somewhat clumsily rushed out of the bed to run into her now open arms and cry into her shoulder. I felt her hand stroke my hair, which was still down. She was radiating happiness and relief as she pulled away slightly to cup my tear-stricken cheeks, smiling softly.

"It's ok now." she said softly. I pushed my head back into her, refusing to let go and having the chance of losing her again.

"I-I mis-ssed you s-s-so much, s-sister." I stuttered through my tears. I felt her smile and her grip tightened slightly. Hunter must have known who she was, because I never felt jealousy or surprise come from him. Then again, the emotions of my sister and my own may have been clouding my mind to where I couldn't sense his emotions. I felt Daemon force his voice through me.

"It's good to see you again, Lupa." he said. She pulled away from me and seemed to glare at me, though, I knew she was also glaring at Daemon.

"You need to let her rest. I'm surprised she's even able to stand right now. As for you Siren, you need to be sleeping. You used a good bit of Daemon's power so go." she said, pointing at the bed and Hunter for the last part of her sentence.

"B-But-" I started.

"No buts, Siren. You need rest and your mate is angered as it is. Now go cuddle with him and stay there." she ordered. I was about to argue again when she growled. I sighed before walking back to Hunter, who was now in his human form, and crawling into the bed, curling up slightly by his side. He blushed faintly but smiled down at me. I felt my face heat up before I buried my face into him in an attempt to hide my face. I heard Lupa and Hunter chuckle and it took everything I had to not flip them off. I heard Lupa walk closer to the bed and I looked to she that she was sitting on a chair backwards. I turn my body so I could face her.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked. She smiled.

"I was here to talk to Hunter but as I was coming, I saw your flames and thought someone had started a fire. I ran to see the damage when I saw you defending yourself and Hunter. I just came around when Daemon yelled at the demons. When you started falling, I knew Hunter was too shocked to do anything so I ran to you. You landed on my fur." I remembered the plain of white I saw before I passed out and smiled.

"Thanks, sis." She smiled and nodded before continuing.

"Anyway, when Hunter recovered, he asked who I was and I told him that I was the Beta of the Waning Night pack and that I needed to pass on a message to him. Eventually, I gave you both a ride back to his pack house and brought you to his room. To be honest, I was surprised you were his mate." She chuckles and I blush again before my ears fell back. My mind flashed to something that made my blush fade away.

"W-What happened to you?" I asked quietly. I felt confusion from Hunter and sadness from my eldest sister.

"I was...fine. I erm- 'found' a nice home though it had it's um...rough at" My mind flashed back to him and my ears fell back a little more.

"N-No." I said quietly. Lupa was looking at me with sorrow and sadness. Hunter now had concern mixed with his confusion. I felt his hand stroke my head and I flinched at his touch, not expecting it. I sensed a twinge of anger from Lupa.

"Hunter, can you please leave for a moment? I need to have a word with my sister." I guess he made a face so he could protest but she growled and I heard him sigh. I felt his weight on the bed shift as he leaned down to kiss my head, which I thankfully didn't flinch to.

"I'll be back, Si." I smiled softly at him, blushing slightly at my nickname. He got up and walked out of the room. I sat up and looked at Lupa.

"W-What's wrong, sister?"

"I don't know. Why don't you tell me? Why did you flinch?" My ears fell as I looked away.

"Si, I know you used to be a reserved pup but now, you seem a deer being hunted. So please, sister, tell me what happened to you." I looked at her before I took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, shivering at the memories that were running through my mind.

"My buyer is what happened to me."

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