Chapter 2: The Alpha

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(Siren's POV)

It's been 5 days since I ran into that wolf who disturbed my drinking time and ever since then, I've had to be careful. Several wolf groups have tried to catch me off-guard and tackle me to the ground. But every time, I always won. Most of them were Omegas and I had training behind me so I was able to beat them easily. Of course, I never killed one. They may be pesky but nothing I couldn't handle. My 'wolf' was annoyed that we weren't getting the peace we wanted and needed.

I was on a rock that was on a slight incline, pointing towards the sun. The trees were spread apart far enough to let a large patch of sunlight shine on the rock, allowing me to sunbathe as I lay in a relaxed ball. My black fur was warm and my skin underneath felt amazing. I smiled slightly in my wolf form, feeling at peace for once in a long time. That is until I heard a twig snap nearby.

My head snapped up, my ears pricked straight up, searching for another sound. When I didn't hear anything, I sniffed the air to smell the scent of Omegas but there was a new scent with them. I sighed in annoyance as I stood. I shook my head, trying to wake myself from the sleepy comfort under the sun's rays. I barely took a step before I felt a weight crash into my side, knocking me off my feet and pinning me under them. Fuck! They noticed my tiredness and used it against me! I opened my eyes to see the glowing eyes of the wolf who saw me at the creek.

I knew he was an Alpha by the way he carried his head high and the way he looked at me like he wanted my obedience. I growled and tried to get out from under him, but by the time I was able to stand on my own, the Omegas surrounded us in a tight circle making it impossible to escape. The Omegas stared at me, their eyes glowing different colors for each Omega. One Omega with brown fur had a soft orange glow to its eyes. Another with a darker brown had an emerald green glow.

All these colors represented a wolf's primary instinct of feeling. The orange glow meant that they were the type to protect just about everyone but mainly stuck to their friends or family. The green glow meant that they were the type to attack first and ask questions later. The Alpha's golden glow meant he was caring and respectful of those around him. I knew my eyes were crimson and I knew they meant hatred but hey! I didn't care. I just wanted to be left alone.

The Alpha stepped forward and turned human. His eyes were still gold but they weren't glowing like his wolf form. I was able to see the canine slits werewolves normally had for pupils. His hair was a dark brown and his wolf ears had patches of grey on his black ears, his tail behind him patched with grey as well. He stood face to face with me which meant he was the same height as my wolf. He held his head high with authority and it was starting to piss me off. My ears went back as I growled in the back of my throat. He seemed more confused than agitated.

"Why are you like this?" he asked. "Most rogues are submissive." That last sentence set me off and I turned human. I was dressed in a dark blue tank top with grey jeans to match. I lost the idea of shoes long ago so I wasn't wearing any. My long pitch-black hair was up in a ponytail, showing off my piercing silver eyes that were narrowed with anger. My black ears were pinning to my head as I glared at him, my jaw clenched.

"Look here! I don't know what it is with you and your pack hunting me down but I didn't do anything! I'm just passing through! AND IF YOU EVER CALL ME SUBMISSIVE AGAIN, I WILL PERSONALLY KILL YOU!!!" I yelled. The Omegas instantly backed away at my loud voice. The Alpha, however, was not happy. He narrowed his eyes at me, glaring into my soul.

"You're a rogue. Your supposed t-" He never finished the sentence. My fist made sure of that. I punched him square in the gut, causing him to clench his stomach and kneel before me. I knelt down in front of him, ignoring the growls from the Omegas, and brought his face up to look at me. I made sure my eyes told him I was serious when I spoke.

"Never judge a book by its cover." I stood back up and looked at the nearest Omega.

"Move!" I demanded. The Omega's ears went down and they did as I asked. Before I left the circle of Omegas, I was tackled from behind. My head was shoved to the ground and I felt someone sitting on top of me. My hands scrambled for an object to hit them with but before I could find something, an Omega walked up beside me and held a rag to my nose. It had a horrid smell to it but as he held it to my nose, my sight began to fade. I realized that the rag had a drug that put people to sleep.

I struggled to push the Omega away but the person on my back moved so that my arms were pinned between my sides and their legs. My head was held in place so that I couldn't move away and slowly, my vision went black. 

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