Chapter 14: Payback

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(Hunter's POV)

The next morning when I woke up, I saw my beautiful mate sleeping peacefully beside me. She had removed the pillow from her face during her sleep and I could see the faint hint of red on her cheeks. Her black ears twitched occasionally but other than that, she looked relaxed and I could even see the faint smile on her face. I smiled to myself, happy that I was able to see her beside me like this. I had the urge to kiss the side of her head but I felt like that would wake her. I wanted to see her like this for as long as I would.

After about 15 minutes, I noticed her the eyes underneath her eyelids were starting to move more, meaning that she was starting to wake up. I smiled as she yawned, baring her sharp canines as she did, and stretched. When she stretched, one of her hands touched my chest and she instantly jumped up, growling but the way she jumped back felt more like she was panicked. I had noticed her eyes shot open wide before she had jumped. I sat up, holding my hands up to should I wasn't a threat.

"It's just me, Siren. You're ok. Calm down." I said in a soothing voice. My voice seemed process through her head because she slowly stopped growling and relaxed. She looked around and the slight blush that was on her brightened. She must have forgotten she had slept in my room last night.

"I-I'm so sorry about last night!" she said, clearly embarrassed. "M-My demon-"

"It's fine, Siren. I let you in and I'm happy you trusted me enough to come to me. Besides, it felt nice having you by my side." I said, interrupting her before she started getting more embarrassed. As much as I liked seeing her blush, I knew she didn't like to be embarrassed and I wanted her to feel comfortable around me. She looked at me and smiled.

"T-Thanks." she said. I smiled.

"Of course. I know we past the deal time so I will live up to my end by allowing you to leave if you want and you won't have to worry about my wolves chasing you but before you go, I wish to ask you a question." She looked at me, her head tilting to the side.

"What is it?" she asked. I smiled softly.

"Now, I know that our deal is now over and that you are free to leave if you wish, but I ask that you come with me to town. You've been stuck in the pack house for a while and I know how much you love your freedom, so if you want to, I'd be willing to take you out. I have a meeting with some other pack Alphas later today so we can spend time with the locals beforehand. Whether you decide to leave completely or go with me, you still get your freedom to roam. Any place is open to you in the town and if you're with me, you get special treatment to things you would like." Her eyes widened, shining so beautifully, they looked like the metal they mimicked.

"Really?!" she asked, clearly excited. I chuckled.

"Of course! Why would I lie to you?" Her eyes widened in surprise and I wondered why she was. She paused for a moment before rushing me into a hug. I felt my heart stop and my stomach fill with butterflies. She hated it when I touched her, even if it was on accident. Now what she was hugging me, I felt like I was about to explode with happiness! I hugged her back, not daring to pass the opportunity she gave me. Her head nuzzled into my chest and I felt my tail wag. When I looked at her tail, I saw it doing the same.

"Thank you." she whispered into my chest. I pulled away enough to look at her in the eyes.

"For what?" I asked.

"Nothing." she said. She smiled and my tail wagged faster. Her smile was like the sun finally shining from behind the clouds after a strong storm. She looked me in the eyes and we stayed like this for a while before she grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me down, slamming her lips into mine. It felt like I was being electrocuted with a thousands volts. I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her as close as I could, kissing her back. We stayed like this for a second until she finally pulled away from me for air. She blushed and looked away from me, her ears back with embarrassment.

"D-Don't saying anything ab-bout this, ok? I-It's just payback f-from before!" she said. I smirked and chuckled.

"Sure it was~" I said in a teasing voice. She growled as she glared at me and I put my hands up.

"Ok, ok. Calm down, I was just joking." Her growling stopped but she kept glaring at me before she turned and walked to the door. She opened the door and looked at me.

"I think I'll stay a bit longer but the rules remain the same!" she said before turning and leaving, closing the door behind her. I looked at the door before everything that happened hit me and I felt my face heat up and my tail wag. What was she doing to me?

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