Chapter 27: Battle plan

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(Hunter's POV)

For the last 3 months, everything's been relatively peaceful. We've had to deal with an attack of the shadows here and there. Lastly, I've noticed that everyone has had their guards up. I know I can't sense emotions like my mate, but I know each of my pack members well and can tell when something is bothering them. One night, I was having dinner with Siren like we usually did when an idea came to mind. Almost as soon as I got excited over this, Siren looked at me strangely with a hint of question.

"I just came up with a way to lighten up everyone's mood!" I said, my excitement increasing. She smiled one for her truly beautiful smiles as her eyes shone like sunlight reflecting of silver, her curiosity gleaming in them.

"Well, go on spill it." I smiled and laughed before nodding.

"We should talk to the other Alpha's to see if we can gather our pack together so we can throw some sort of party or festival." I said. She gasped slightly before wagging her tail quickly.

"I haven't been to something like that in forever!" she said excitedly. I smiled as my cheeks flushed a little at seeing her this happy. I've never her this excited or happy about anything before. I remember when I first met her, when she was so hostile and aggressive. She would have sooner rip my head off before even touching me. Now, she was kind, loving, and I will admit, a little clingy at times, but she was perfect just the way she was.

Just as we were getting up to put our plates up, an Omega border patrol burst through the doors in a frenzy.

"Alpha! You need to come here! Demons are invading our territory!" My eyes widened as panic could be practically smelt from everyone. Before I could get loud enough to try to calm everyone down, a loud howl sounded, making me cover my ears to the best of my abilities. When I turned to the source of the howl, I saw Siren when her wings out, trying to get everyone's attention. After she stopped howling, everyone looked in her in mostly shock but in wonder and amazement. In a loud voice, she spoke to the entire pack.

"If we lose our heads now, we will die! Stay calm and listen closely! I need every able bodied wolf aside for a few to get prepared for battle. The last few will watch over the young ones and anyone who is not able to defend themselves. For those who will fight, meet me in the commons. We don't have much time so get too it!" Her words echoed throughout the room, seeming to entrance everyone who heard her. After she had finished, everyone seemed to snap out of their frozen state and ran around to follow our her orders. I smiled at her.

"I've never seen you so demanding, Si. I like it." I noticed her small blush and smiled. "So I'm guessing your already prepared?"

"Of course. They are after me after all." she said, making my ears go back.

"I wish they weren't, you know?" I ask quietly. Her eyes softened as she puts a hand on my cheek, making my hand go up to gently grasp it.

"I know...I hate this too but there's no way to fix this. All we can do is defend ourselves and hope that whoever sent them after me gives up." she said softly. I looked her in the eyes and saw her doubt. I sighed slightly.

"You say that, yet your eyes tell a different story." She looked away.

"Just trust me on this, Hunter...I can defend myself." My ears went down as I took her other hand and pulled both of her hands together, placing them into my lips. She blushed a little and I pulled her close.

"Siren, that's all you've ever done...defend yourself...for once, let me be the thing that protects you from danger." I said softly. She looked up at me then slowly, but gently pushed me away from her.

"As much as I love you wanting to play the hero in my story...I can't let you. If you got hurt or worse because of me, I don't know what I would do...I'm sorry, Hunter, but I cannot allow you to risk yourself like that for me." I tried to pull her into my embrace again, but she backed up more, causing me to sigh.

"I understand, Siren, but I feel the same for you. If you got hurt, I would have the same issue of not knowing what to do. So why don't we just watch each others back instead of having one defend the other? There will be no hero and no 'damsel in destress'. Just equal defense. How does that sound?" I said as I offered my hand to her. She studies me for a moment before smiling one of those beautiful, trusting smiles and grasped my hand, giving it a good shake.

"Deal." I smirked slightly and pulled her hand to make her lips crash into mine. I held her close for moment before pulling her away from me, smiling.

"Good, now, let's go join our pack warriors." I said, smiling with pride when I said 'our' because now they weren't my faithful warriors. They were our loyal protectors, our pack, our family. We walked hand-in-hand to the commons to find most of the pack standing at attention, waiting for their orders. Half of the wolves had blades of different sorts, like swords, daggers, and other deadly weapons, while the other half held bows, quivers of arrows on their backs. Siren had hidden her wings while we were walking so when we entered, the wolves had a somewhat disappointed looks on their faces, which made me smile because their faces meant that they were fine with Siren being different than them.

"Alright, the plan is pretty simple." Siren started. "We hold off and defend the pack house for as long as possible...I will not lie to any of you and say that everyone will walk out of this alive or unscathed. I will go ahead and say that I am honored to fight by your sides. May the moon guide your blade and arrows." The wolves howled in response and I didn't need Siren's power to know that everyone was proud to fight with her. Siren smiled and howled with them, leaving me to join the howl.

(FINALLY!!! I'm so sorry I took so long to update, guys! I'll try to update again soon! Bye and see you in the next chapter!)

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