Chapter 25: Some new allies

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The Alphas stared at me in surprise and fear as the sound of my voice mixed with Daemon's processed in their heads, not to mention the sight of the wings on my back. It didn't take long for Hunter to jump out of his seat.

"You never told me this!" he exclaimed. We looked at him, anger and worry coming from him.

"We knew this for a while, Hunter. Telling you wouldn't have changed anything. Besides, it would have caused you too much stress. You hide it well but we know you stress about our safety. It got worse when we got attacked and you know it." we said, our face blank as we spoke. Hunter stared at us in surprise before looking away, his ears going down. The air felt a little tense but not for long. Jason stepped up to us, grabbed our collar, and lifted us a few inches off the floor.

"What the hell is going on?! Who are you and why are those things after you?!" he yelled. We just stared down at him, our face blank. I let Daemon take over my voice so he could speak for himself.

"My name is Daemon and I am the rightful heir to the throne of hell and twin brother of the current king. The shadow demons are after us because my brother wants my power of himself. The reason I reside in Siren is because he trapped me in her while she was still an embryo in her mother. At the time, my brother either didn't have enough power to absorb my own or didn't have the right spell to work with but now he has both. He sent the shadow demons after us so he could kill off Siren's body and absorb my power and probably my soul. Now put us down. We'd like to stand on our own, thank you." he said calmly the entire time. Jason just looked up at him wide-eyed before finally putting him down. When we touched the ground, Daemon lessened his voice so that we could return to sharing the same voice. Everyone was silent before Hunter took a step towards us.

"Does your sister know about this?" he asked.

"Lupa has her own demon to help her keep tabs on the politics of hell so there was no need." I heard Noah gasp.

"You're related?!" I turned to him and nodded.

"Yes. She is my eldest sister." I said. Noah looked at us like we hit him between the eyes.

"You two look nothing alike!" he spat, surprise and anger in his voice. Daemon and I sighed together.

"We have no time for this. The shadow demons are looking for us so we either need a plan or-"

"Absolutely not!" Hunter said. "I will not allow either of you to leave!" The other Alphas seemed to back down. After all, this was something out of the normal for them and this was a decision between Daemon, Hunter, and I. That is, until Daemon decided to chicken out and fade into the deeper part of my mind to let me handle Hunter on my own. The reddish tint to my sight faded away and my wings disappeared. I mentally cursed at Daemon as I looked at Hunter.

"I never said I wanted to. I was just giving options on how to deal with the shadows." Hunter sighed and relaxed a little. Alpha Piper took a cautious step towards me, like I was about to bite her head off.

"W-What do you suppose we do?" she asked nervously. I looked at her.

"First, I need you to relax. I'm not here to kill anyone nor cause harm. I don't want the shadows around the packs as much you do and I want to help but that means there has to be trust between us. I know most in this room doesn't trust me right now and I understand why, but I ask that you learn to. I've lost too much in my life to see anyone else suffer the same." The Alphas studied me carefully as I spoke, trying to find anything wrong with my words. The thing was, I meant every single one of them. I wanted to work with them and to build a proper relationship so that the wolves and pups they served to protect and lead would thrive and live peaceful, happy lives with their loved ones.

Alpha Jason slowly began to smile and howled. The other Alphas looked at him before howling with him. Hunter looked at me and smiled before joining. It was a howl that held so many emotions that I started to feel tears form in the corners of my eyes. They were making it clear that I was considered one of them and that they saw me as an ally. I smiled and howled with them, feeling the tears roll down my cheeks. 

The rogue AlphaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant