Dandelions - House of Anubis1...

By PevensieDreams

9.5K 135 7

"What's up with Mick? What did you do?" "Nothing! what makes you think I did something?" "Because it's you... More

EPIGRAPH(edited x2)
♡︎ONE ♡︎ - House of secrets
♡︎T W O ︎♡︎ - house of attiude
♡︎THREE ♡︎ - House of the blackbird
♡︎FOUR ♡︎- house of dares
♡︎FIVE♡︎ - house of locks/ house of eyes
꧁SIX -SEVEN ꧂- house of agendas / house of keys
꧁EIGHT꧂- House of discovery
꧁NINE ꧂ - House of hyper
꧁TEN ꧂ - House of cheats
꧁ELEVEN ꧂- House of intruders
꧁TWELVE꧂ -house of proof
꧁THIRTEEN ꧂- House of Confrontation
꧂FOURTEEN ꧂- house of Alarms
꧁FIVETEEN ꧂- House of flames
꧁SIXTEEN ꧂ - House of passages
꧁SEVENTEEN꧂ - house of kidnap
꧁EIGHTEEN ꧂- House of catnap
꧂NINTEEN꧂- house of cameras
꧁TWENTY ꧂ - house of numbers
꧁TWENTY-TWO ꧁- house of fakers
꧁T W E N T Y- T H R EE ꧂- house of identity
꧂T W E N T Y- F O U R꧂House of emergency
♡︎TWENTY-FIVE♡︎ - house of Reunion
♡︎TWENTY-SIX♡︎ - house of Memories
♡︎TWENTY-SEVEN ♡︎- House of drama/ house of codes part 1
♡︎TWENTY-EIGHT- ♡︎ -House of codes part 2/ house of risk
♡︎TWENTY NINE ♡︎ - House of Hazard/ house of Charades
♡︎THIRTY ♡︎ - House of rendezvous
☾THIRTY-ONE ☽- house of arrest
☾THIRTY-TWO☾ - House of time
☾THIRTY-THREE ☽- house of masks
☾THIRTY-FOUR ☽- House of pursuit
☾THIRTY-FIVE☽ - house of yesterday/ house of Victory
☾THIRTY-SIX ☽- house of Bribes/ venom
☆Thirty-seven☆- House of the stars/House of Harsh
☆THIRTY-EIGHT☆ - house of lights
☆THIRTY-NINE☆ - house of Allegiance
☆FORTY☆ -House of pests
☆FORTY-ONE☆ house of revalation/Heavy
☆𝙁𝙊𝙍𝙏𝙔-𝙏𝙒𝙊 ☆- "House of Finale" part 1 (Hush/ Spies)
☆𝙁𝙊𝙍𝙏𝙔-𝙏𝙃𝙍𝙀𝙀 -☆ "House of Finale" part 2 (Sting/Never/Forever)

꧁TWENTY-ONE ꧂ - house of scares

98 1 0
By PevensieDreams

surprise to wake up too. It looked like those builders were back but this time they were removing the cameras instead of installing more. Finishing off her last checkup of making sure her hair or uniform wasn't all messy, Rhianna soon left her bedroom and rushed off to meet up with Alfie and Jerome who were  approaching their housekeeper .. but he wasn't pleased that he was no longer not allowed to use his plan anymore.

"So Victor"
Jerome's voice echoed through the corridor."Back to the old fashioned bag searches and peering through keyholes, eh?" he'd entertainingly asked now that they could have their privacy again... well, with how much they'll need obviously.

"Don't you have classes to go to?" 
Victor replied yet had a hint of annoyance in voice. he didn't like the fact they could possibly be creeping around or causing chaos again, he truly thought his mischievous idea would continue working for couple more days.

Alfie Replied and then saw who they've been waiting for this entire time, the only way couldn't get bored was to annoy their grumpy strict housekeeper even more than they normally day.. luckily it had worked. "we're just waiting for Anna" he cheerfully confirmed.

Finally reaching the last step, Rhianna waved at the older man before she folded her arms feeling quit joyful at seeing cameras being taken down."Good morning!" she greeted them whilst she stood by their front door. "There's millions of things we could do today " she says as if it didn't seem clear enough.

"Hey Victor-"
Alfie called out when they began heading for their first early lesson. "Have a nice day!"  he added before they'd left the house not realising their other housemates were still inside but it didn't really matter to either of them at that moment.

once arriving at school , Rhianna had gone to her locker and departed from both boys now grumbling away at how her whole year will need bigger space next term if they're going to be taking more subjects for GSCES in year eleven. Shutting it's door she'd spotted her other group of friends and she walked towards the other side thus fiddled with her jumper since wasn't there yesterday when they were finding more clues.

"Guys! Guys!"
Fabian called them over after he'd finished packing his own textbooks as well. "I woke up early this morning and I went back under the stairs... and found this"he mentions with glee while showing them a small brown reading book, he turned it over inside a page, now they were looking at something else but he didn't say what.

"'H.G Wells the time machine'?"
Nina read the title yet sounded slightly unsure on whatever it is they were glancing at.

"Yeah! it's blethered like it says in the clue" Fabian tells them as he continued holding it on that one page. "And it's about time travel so, it could be the only place where yesterday always follows tomorrow" he explained a little further into their newest found clue.

"Okay what? listening to you talk felt like I was in a lesson with either Mrs Andrews or in science" Rhianna honestly admitted as she rose an eyebrow, she had stopped paying attention about midway and had no idea what he was explaining."We don't even have her today... at least I'm sure we don't" she shivered at the thought of having French first thing again which is totally off topic.

Ignoring her roommate's somewhat mini complaining (at this point she's learnt to just roll with it), Nina had a look which was sprinkling with proudness. "Yes! what did you find?" she asked him hoping there would've been something there that could help them understand these riddles they've been searching around the house.

"well, actually.. Nothing- yet. but if it's in there I will"Fabian remarked as he had closed the book before putting it inside his bag where it had originally been. they then changed subject soon as a certain goth remembered the picture they'd seen yesterday.

"Oh! Amber and Rhi want to see the photo of victor the everliving" Patricia quietly said when remembering her conversation she had last night around early morning when she received a message asking about if they'd seen anything important during their protest the other day. As for Millington, she'd gotten a question the minute the three (that being her Nina and Amber) entered school.

Fabian took out the black and white photo from his bag and showed to them once he looked around them because there was other students about, so they each had to be extremely careful with these things. First person taking a look at it was Amber who couldn't believe how old their house is but most of all their housekeeper.
"That is soo creepy"

Leaning just a bit to take a much better view, Rhianna defiantly got chills when seeing Victor from whatever year that was. ".... I've seen enough horror movies that would make me frightened for my whole life... however- this" she tapped onto the little pice of paper. "might escalate my nightmares up too two hundred percent" she finished her sentence while making faces.

"Wait- You still get nightmares? I thought those stopped last term" Patricia questioned with concern. "You told me they were just bad dreams, is that why you've been sleeping at like midnight or later?" she continued asking questions since she was not worried that this club might be too much for the girl.

Shaking her head; Rhianna suddenly regretted bring it up. "No?" she responded though her voice cracked as she did so "they are bad dreams ....don't worry about me Trisha I'm honestly fine" she lied while crossing her arms, she really wanted this conversation to be over already but she also knew that there's no way Patricia is letting it go.

"It gets even creepier" Fabian's voice made the girls glance away from one another.
"there are two or three other ones all from different years" he carried on speaking whilst getting more pictures and handed over to the others."And that same victor is on them all"  added Patricia as they looked at them.

"Do you think he's a ghost? or I don't know.. a vampire?"Amber asked though her question did seem a bit absurd. there's got to be another explanation for these pictures, because how is this man still alive if these were taking during sometime around the 190s before either of them were most likely born?.

"No Amber, I do not"
responded Fabian as the girls shared amused smiles with each other. "although I do think it's a confirmation of the existence of.."he trialed off slightly into thinking if he should say his theory or not"an elixir of life" he finished speaking whereas it became silent after he had spoken

"Okay, so now we've got proof can we go tell someone?" Amber Questioned in hope that they would find someone who'll believe them."Please? it's just getting too scary"

"We have got the phots to back it up" Nina informed them with a light shrug just as Fabian made an unsure expression deciding if they should or not, far as they know these could be edited despite it looking like a proper olden day Polaroid.

"Who do we show them too?" Amber wondered out loud which neither had any clue on which adult they'll get help from again since they've pretty much suspected  that there is something weird going on with their teachers so they're not people the teens could rush to within a second. 

"It's not enough proof. photos can be doctored" says the raven haired boy since he wasn't really sure about this.

"Fabian's right, we need to get our hands on the elixir it's self"
Nina commented whereas they each nodded in agreement , however no one noticed there was someone else listening into their next subject of their conversation round the corner

"..That means going back down into the cellar" Amber slowly spoke as she didn't approve of them heading back down into where those strange bottles were stored along with the now stuffed cat is, she still wasn't over seeing the animal there.. who knows what other weird things their housekeeper is doing?

"If it means going to the cellar again then that's what we'll do" Fabian instructed before continuing his plan."we'll go back, we'll steal some of the stuff. bring it back and get it analysed"
he explained, soon getting some nods meaning they understood it. "don't worry- I'll do it myself"

"No.we stick together, I'm coming with you" Nina denied his request of heading there alone- especially when they have no idea of what might happen.

"I'm coming too"
Patricia confirmed in agreement . so far they had three votes out of five all they needed was Amber and Rhianna who both had similar facial expressions reading 'fear'. it went silent for a while until her voice brought their attention again after sharing small glances with each other. "sibuna guys?"

"Come on, you started this club. you named it and everything" Nina tried to reinsure her blonde roommate considering they were out numbered on voting. she then glanced between them both."it's not the same without either of you" she says whilst her tone was more soft and calm.

Taking a few seconds to debate inside her head about joining them, the brunette eventually gave up when realising even if did say no they'll probably find a way anyway. "alright! alright, but if my sleep gets worse this evening I'm so blaming you guys tomorrow"she remarked whilst sorting out her bag that seemed to have fallen off her shoulder."This is not what I imagined when joining this club.. group.. whatever we are." she finished rambling as they then waited for one more person.

Amber sighed out of defat whilst covering her left eye with her hand and the others copied right afterwards "sibuna!" once they'd finished their discussion the five then started to make their way into the student lounge for their official lesson...

****** ******

RUSHING INTO THE DRAMA STUDIO THINKING they were late, Benjamin and Carmela finally showed their faces at school, they've been missing a few days just to go over their newest plan. what amazed them most is finding out about Willow asking their fellow Anubis classmate (they were now avoiding for many reasons but couldn't say why yet) asked if she's seen them lately. "I have not missed this place" he mumbled while walking over to their usual seat whenever it was drama. "it would've been nicer if we got further into this.. y'know making everyone suspicious of us" he lowered his voice when sitting down on one of the spare couches.

Carmela rolled her eyes at his comment, they've only been away for two days. "No because Jenks is already onto us.. I hate how chirpy she is every morning like can't she rest?" she groaned into her hands , she tried having a meeting with Mr sweet about swapping roommates over in Isis but she'd had no luck. "have you heard anything from Rufus? I've sent him messages though he hasn't replied at all" she added while looking across from where they were sitting.

Benjamin said as he unlocked his phone going through his texts."We saw him the other day remember? getting knocked out by Vincent or victor- whatever that guy's name is" he carried on speaking before putting it away "I just hope drama is entertaining" he added right when their teacher waltzed into the room.

"Good Morning everyone!"
Mr Winkler greeted his class yet seemed as if there was important news to share.
"Listen, before we start today's class I'd like to draw your attention to this paper on the wall here."Anyone who's interested in audition for the school play sign your autograph up there" he tells them whilst showing the teens exactly where it is.

Carmela sat up straight when hearing they'll be doing a performance that term. "We're doing a play? how nice.. I can draw some sketches for costumes if you want sir, and Benny will help too" she gave another suggestion whilst nudging his arm though she was far from being nice it's all one huge lie that no one hasn't seen through yet.

"What?" Benjamin questioned whilst frowning "I mean- Yeah, I'd love to help" he says even though he tried to not cringe at his own kindness because they weren't supposed to say anything but hey he can't always keep an eye on his partner 24/7 she'll mess up either way.

"Excellent! thanks guys. I'm sure someone will explain everything later" Mr Winkler spoke then change his attention onto those who were planning things. "Nina, Amber how are you doing with the script?"

"Nina is all over it!" Happily exclaimed Amber before glancing towards her roommate."right Nina?" she asked miss Martin with a pleased grin on her face showing signs she hadn't written anything herself.

Nina shockingly looked at Amber almost like she was saying 'wow thanks for the heads up'.
"I've written some of the early scenes. but I'm not sure if it's perfect yet" she implied since she did start typing last night albeit rather slowly and this is stressing her out just a smidge.

"Don't worry about it. it's all a work in progress, but I would like to start auditions as of next week if that's okay"
Mr Winkler tells her yet his advice might have worried the American girl even more than she already was. from there they began their lessons, he had gotten them to be in groups since some people missed out on some lessons.

"Next week?"
Nina worryingly spoke, they've only just started planning things for their performance but now she'll have to actually finish it. "I'm sure it'll be great" Fabian reinsured her near the other couch "I'm not.i've gone with the whole Sarah theme, I just hope I'm doing the right thing" she quietly said considering there were different students around them.


And so once their drama lesson ended, each resident that didn't live in isis or Hathor separated from their classmates. the clue finding crew made their way home whilst chatting away, though what amazed them most was seeing their housemother cleaning the stairs which certainly boosted Amber and Rhianna's happiness as well as everyone else. ""You're back!" they both squealed thus went over to hug her.

"Oh, careful sweeties! you'll break my ribs" Trudy jokingly spoke through her laugh and the two let go, they were extremely joyful that Mr Campbell had gotten their headteacher to give her job back again.

"Trudy! ,Trudy! Trudy! Trudy! we're so pleased to see you!" Amber said whilst jumping up and down. it really was a nice happy moment that honestly neither of them though she would be retuning today but they're glad things won't be  sad anymore.

"Welcome home Trudy. we've really missed you"Patricia greeted while they all stood in the corridor for some time being.

"You have no idea just how much"Fabian added right afterwards.

"Seriously, we've all lost weight"
Nina says which implied that their recent meals haven't been quit edible. "welcome home!"

"Can I help you dinner tonight? or cleaning? anything, I've missed you so much"
Amber had offered although it was rather surprising because couple weeks ago when they started this term she wouldn't dare to do any washing up for an odd reason being 'makes her hands all wrinkly' it's like they're changing in some sort of way during their little amount of days they've got before another semester begins.

"I'll help too! I haven't been reading at all, I'm sure whatever needs adjusting or wiped we can do it."Rhianna joined into their small discussion then paused for one minute realising she just offered to do some extra work around the house. "...woah..." she breathed out while going over her own words as she removed her blazer.

Trudy was pleased that they'd offered to help her with her job "Thank you sweeties, but no. school work comes first" she tells Amber and Rhianna before their oh so amazing atmosphere changed into a dark cold moment once Victor entered the house not looking very interested in seeing the group standing about.

Victor shortly greeted her as he closed their front door. "Victor" their housemother responded with yet felt a little uneasy about this new situation . "the hall is not a longing area" he warned directly towards the teens while shooing them away.

Departing from their group ; the four girls headed upstairs whilst Fabian turned left into the corridor, it's probably kind of odd for him being an only boy but then again they've grown pretty close so that doesn't completely matter. it was just them until everyone else who stayed behind finished doing spare studying or practicing for training outside arrived before curfew.

**** **** **** ****

When finishing their homework the whole house minus Jerome, all chanted as they walked into the living room area in one group. "for you Trudy!" says Mara while handing a bouquet of flowers that were in different colours. "we're all so pleased to have you back"

"Aw, stop it you guys"
Trudy stated yet sounded as if she were about to cry at their mini gift exchange and warm welcomes. "Don't cry- cook!" Alfie said from behind his other housemates and it brought a lot of chuckles.

"We reckon victor got into some serious trouble from Sweet and Andrews for firing you"
Fabian said but got scolded by Trudy "don't be disrespectful Fabian. I'm sure victor thought he was doing the right thing" Trudy tells them in addition to most of them making faces showing how they didn't quit agree though kept quiet.

"Time to put your feet up Trudy" Patricia
remarked once changing the subject and took the plate coasters."We'll finish this for you won't we Mara?" she asked her roommate who'd also carefully taken the flowers "yep!" replied Mara as she held onto them , however their fellow redhead wasn't finished yet "and Alfie is going to make you a cup of tea" she continued but her words didn't get impressed reactions.

Glancing between them both Rhianna scrunched her nose at the same as Alfie questioned"Am I?" whilst she also said"He is? don't think that's very smart" their voices clashed only for the two pranksters to share a look with one another.

"Does he have to?"Trudy asked with a hint of fear now remembering when he had caused many accident in the kitchen. "hey, it was just a tiny fire last time!" Alfie defended himself clearly not wanting there to be anymore terrible moments.

"I brought you some cake Trudy"
Amber announced while opening the box"it's not as nice as yours" she added onto her sentence then their beloved housemother. That looks lovely sweetheart"Trudy gratefully thanked her "it is good to be back"

**** ****      **** ****

Nina, Amber, Patricia, Rhianna and Fabian were back in the terrifying cellar it was a bit dark due to there not being any light until someone switched on a flip from their point of view they hadn't seen any objects yet but once the room got brighter all those strange things they'd saw somehow had been placed in it's original spot. "surprise surprise"

"It's all back in place" Nina said whilst taking one look around. "He may be creepy but he is good"she continued just as they noticed how most objects were in similar spots whereas others had been moved near different sides.

"Even the stuffed cat" Amber sadly says not being completely over that dark nightmare

"you'll be okay Ambs" Rhianna reassured the girl whilst holding onto her arm knowing how much she hated being there- they'll do it for their friends even if it scares them both.

"Right" Fabian started speaking the girls turn to look at him slightly."We know why we came here. " he carried on making sure they understood their plan and the four girls nodded "let's get searching" he instructed before they'd went into little pairs/ trio wondered the place but just as they did lights flickered off and on then exploded making the room go dark again "it's okay, it's okay. don't worry" he assured them next they continued with their search.

Walking around the place, Rhianna stayed with Amber while keeping her torch light on (she grabbed it incase something tried to attack them) she took ahold of a half empty bottle swirling it but stopped once her arm got slapped by the blonde."Ow! okay geez. I won't touch any other bottles". she grunted and placed it back into the shelf they were looking at. If you asked anyone that hasn't had to keep an eye on her 24/7 people would say it's an easy thing to do- except making sure she doesn't mess up can be like watching a toddler.

"Ssh. do you want Victor to hear us?"
Amber whispered yet didn't get an answer so they looked into more strange places, suddenly there was a loud crash making them jump with fear."What was that?" she asked and those who weren't near the other table turned around.

"Nothing"Fabian told her and faced back to the table where a bunch of gold lifters sat. "Victor's been busy" he says towards Nina as his flashlight shone over it and began talking about which bottle could be the elixir. all of a sudden there was another noise though this time sounded like an extremely high pitched wailing sound like the one they first heard .

"I really hope that was another cat. here puss?..." Amber assumed even though whatever the noise was sounded nothing like a cat cry. within that moment Fabian, Nina and Patricia joined their two club members slowly walking to where this echoing scream came from, while they did the cupboard doors started opening making them wonder what's hiding inside .

"Amber, I don't think that's a cat" informed Patricia when a shadow became more clearer turning into some spiky zombie costumes creeping up to their faces so four out of five screamed not having any clue it was all one huge lie but of course they were far to scared, eventually that lot rushed out of the cellar leaving their fifth team member behind without realising.

Being the only person to tell who's behind those ridiculous outfits scaring the living day light of her other friends , Rhianna waited until two figures were no longer inside that cupboard and crossed her arms rising an eyebrow when they removed their mask and let out two recognisable laughs high fiving one another not noticing she was standing there until she sarcastically clapped at their performance. "Of course it's you guys- who else would plan a prank like this? anyway, I'm too tired to lecture you." she said through her yawn then started going towards the staircase leading upstairs ."I shall yell at you two tomorrow morning"

"Wait! how'd you know it was us? thought you'd be running scared" Alfie questioned her as he held onto his zombie mask surprised at how she didn't scream like the others. "You're always telling us 'switch it off! switch it off! I'm never watching this series again'" he mocked her high pitch voice they often hear when having a movie marathon most days.

"Oh don't forget how she'll curl into a ball or use one of us to shield onto if the movie gets too frighting." Jerome added and Alfie pointed at him meaning it's a regular thing. "why are you out of bed anyway?" he quizzed.

"That's None of your business. fyi I do not use either of you as a human shield" Rhianna denied while holding onto the door knob when she reached top step. "goodnight, I currently hate you both but I need my sleep-" she stopped herself from talking anymore then headed out leaving those two behind as she tip toed all the way upstairs hoping Victor wasn't awake so she wouldn't deal with cleaning toilets tomorrow.



Admin :
we are so close to their play and more mystery moments, I've got everything planned for when the new chapters are ready.

these paragraphs are getting longer than they were already,
it does take ages for me to watch plus updated this so bare with me if nothing has been updated yet ^-^

happy Monday! hope everyone has a splendid day.


New admin note :

Final version edited on : 12th April, 2023.

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