Survive For Me (Subnautica/AO...

By Tom_Boi

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Co-Author: Black___Rose (Cover created by my bff Dot) Levi Ackerman X Reader (Subnautica/Attack on Titan Cro... More

1st Chapter
2nd Chapter
3rd Chapter
4th Chapter
5th Chapter
6th Chapter
7th Chapter
8th Chapter
9th Chapter
10th Chapter
11th Chapter
12th Chapter
13th Chapter
14th Chapter
15th Chapter
16th Chapter
17th Chapter
18th Chapter
19th Chapter
20th Chapter
21st Chapter
22nd Chapter
23rd Chapter
24th Chapter
25th Chapter
26th Chapter
27th Chapter
28th Chapter
Valentine's Special
Author's Note from Tom and Ghastly (Please Read!)
29th Chapter
31st Chapter
32nd Chapter
33rd Chapter
34th Chapter
35th Chapter
36th Chapter
37th Chapter
38th Chapter

30th Chapter

342 10 0
By Tom_Boi

"Hang in there, brat. We got you." Levi said as he and Hange both pulled me towards the Cyclops.  I felt so lightheaded from the loss of blood that I had blacked out before I felt Levi shake me back to consciousness.

"Stay awake. We can't have you sleeping on us right now." 

"I'm trying. It's just so hard to..." Hange opened the hatch and helped Levi haul me up inside. Once we were all in, Hange helped pull my diving helmet off while Levi took his off. Levi then opened his inventory and grabbed one of the several Medkits and cracked it open. He grabbed the bandages and wrapped up the wound.

"We'll dress it properly once we get back. For now, it's just to stop the bleeding." Hange stated, slowly helping me onto my feet and up the ladder. Hange kept me steady so I wouldn't stumble while Levi continuously checked his PDA. 

"I'm sorry! This is all my fault... I shouldn't have been so careless." She exclaimed, eyebrows furrowed in worry. Levi turned off his PDA and stood behind his brunette comrade.

"Keep it down, Four-eyes. There's no need to shout at her." He told her, turning his gaze towards me.

"Can you still pilot this thing? Hange and I have no clue how." With a tired groan, I slowly nodded.

"I- I can... But I don't think I'll be able to stand upright without collapsing. I think I'll need help with that." I stated, my legs shaking from the pain in my arm and side. Levi nodded and carefully helped me over to the cockpit. Once I had grasped the steering wheel, I went to reach for the engine button when the pain in my arm increased suddenly.

"Fuck! That hurt... Ugh, can you turn the engine on for me, please?" I asked, my eyes tightly shut as I tried to will the pain away. Levi tapped the glass where the engine button was and I soon felt the Cyclops tremble as it came to life.

'Engine powering up.'

I waited a moment until the Cyclops was fully functioning before turning it around towards the direction of the base. The entire time, the only thing I felt was the throbbing pain spreading throughout my wounds. I nearly fainted a couple of times from it, but I pushed on with the help of Hange and Levi keeping a close eye on me.


We finally managed to get back to base and without bothering to park correctly, I turned the engine off. I felt my legs tremble as I turned from the wheel and made my way over to the exit. Hange had already climbed down the ladder and was waiting for both Levi and me.

Levi helped me down the ladder before opening the exit hatch. He motioned Hange to go first before I followed suit, him then exiting right after. Both he and Hange grabbed onto me, helping pull me towards the base. I stumbled to the floor once we all made it inside, blood seeping through the bandages Levi tightly wrapped around me.

'Captain (F/n), Levi Ackerman, and Hange Zoe have boarded the habitat.'

I attempted to stand up, almost collapsing again before I felt two arms lift me up. My tired eyes jolted open from the sudden action as I looked up towards Levi. Looking away, my cheeks then flushed in color as I realized how close we were. 'Funny how my mind can still act up when I'm literally almost dying.' I thought, internally rolling my eyes at my behavior.

Levi carried me into the other room where everyone was waiting, already standing out of their seats. Erwin immediately walked over to us when he saw my condition.

"What happened?" He stated sternly, looking at the three of us for answers. Before Levi even had a chance to speak, Hange's voice was heard from behind.

"It's my fault, Erwin. I was too careless. If (F/n) hadn't done anything, I would have died." She said as guilt washed over her, her eyes pointed towards the ground unable to meet Erwin's eyes.

"H-Hange... It's fine. It's not your fault..." I said with a hitch in my breath trying my best to speak clearly. Ultimately, my world went dark, my head tilting back as the last thing I saw was the ceiling.

3rd Person

Erwin checked the unconscious (H/c)'s pulse and sighed when he still felt the beat in her veins. He pressed his hand to her head, checking the girl's temperature.

"She's already got a fever. Her wounds need to be dealt with before it gets any worse and becomes infected." Erwin stated, all the cadets keeping their distance. Hange then looked at him, wanting to be of help after what happened.

"I'll do it. It's the least I can do to make up for it. I am the reason she even got hurt in the first place." She gently took the unconscious female from Levi after Erwin gave her the 'OK' and carried her to the next room. She gently placed (F/n) down on one of the countertops and took off her own helmet, placing her glasses back on.

She grabbed a couple of Medkits from her inventory and quickly got to work on patching up her wounds. She started with her arm and carefully undressed the wound, tearing the sleeve off the suit so she could get a better look at the damage. Hange frowned and grabbed the disinfectant, beginning to clean the wound of any harmful bacteria. She watched it fizz for a few seconds before pulling out a bottle of water. Quickly unscrewing the cap, she used a bit of the water to rinse off the blood around the wound.

"Okay... Now to stitch the wound." She said to herself, grabbing the surgical needle and beginning to stitch the muscle and skin back together. She visibly winced, feeling bad that (F/n) was probably in a lot of pain from this.

"I'm sorry, (F/n)... I should've been more careful." She sighed, stitching it up and placing some ointment on it before wrapping it in clean bandages. 

After repeating the process for the flesh wound in her comrade's side, she cleaned up her mess and went to let Levi and Erwin know that she was done. She walked out and into the main room where everyone was waiting.

"I patched her up to the best of my abilities. With any luck, she should get better. I just don't like that there's not a more comfortable place to put her besides the floor or leave her on the counter." Levi and Erwin exchanged glances for a moment before looking back at Hange.

"If we knew how to use that building tool of hers, we might be able to make a bed for her. But without knowledge on how to work it, I don't think we have a choice." Erwin spoke up.

"What if we just messed around with it until we found out how? I'm sure she wouldn't mind if it's for her benefit." Hange suggested after some thought, to which Erwin questioned.

"And what if she does mind? Then what? We risk getting scolded for touching something we shouldn't have?"

"I don't care, Erwin. I'll screw around with it until I learn how to use it if I have to. I just want her to be comfortable after everything she just went through." Hange stated, a firm tone covering her words. Erwin then sighed and shook his head.

"Fine. But if she wakes up and complains, I'm telling her it was all you."

"Oh well," Hange said with a shrug.

"She walked back into the other room and searched (F/n)'s inventory for that tool. Once she found it, she got to work trying to figure out how to use it.

So"Okay... If I remember correctly, (F/n) switched it on like this, and then she pressed this button to control it. Now just to figure out what to use that makes a bed."

After searching for a while and learning that to work the tool, it had to be connected to a PDA to work, she figured out the materials she needed and searched through all the lockers until she had the items she needed to make the bed.

Going back to the empty room, she placed the bed against the far wall before cheering. "Yahooo! I did it! Hahaha! Levi, grab (F/n) and bring her here! I made the bed!"

After a moment, Levi walked in with the (H/c) haired woman, he placed her on the bed and pulled the thin blanket over her body. Hange watched and stared for a moment, thinking to herself. 

'Now we wait...'


Hey everyone! Welcome back once again and I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I guess you could "somewhat" consider this the end of "Season 1" of our book, lol. I had to throw that in, Tom made a joke out of it when we spoke yesterday. Anyway! I hope you all liked this chapter, and I will see you all again, NEXT Thursday! And don't worry, Tom is still here. She'll be writing an Author's Note again when she feels like she wants to. Bye, my lovelies~! -Ghastly

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