What if we alter? (Buck x Tk...

By SirCanNot_B

19.1K 417 27

Buck is a firefighter for about a year now and when a new firefighter Tyler Kennedy Strand mostly go by TK ar... More

Before you Read
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 19

605 12 2
By SirCanNot_B


"Alright the plan is going smoothly," Carlos said.

"Well, now time for phase 2/last part... Lock Tk and Buck together" Chim replied.

"I and Oliver already called Tk and buck to head to the station," Maddie said.

"So everything okay?" Aaron ask.

"Hope so," Maddie said.


"Chim where do you want to put this empty fire extinguisher?" TK asks while holding 3 empty fire extinguishers.

"Um... in the equipment area" Chim replied and points to a room.

"But this is empty?" TK asks more confuse.

"You know what alright alright," Tk said and head to the room.

Once he got in he place the extinguisher then when he turned he saw Buck who is confused as well. before the two can process what just happened the doors suddenly lock.

"Um...." TK is panicking as he tried to open the door.

"Guys this isn't funny open the door please!" Tk is depressing trying to open the door.

"I think they did it on purpose" Buck replied and sit down.

TK just sits far away from Buck as much as possible.

It's been half an hour and both of them haven't said anything.

Until buck broke that silence.

"So... I'm pretty sure this is a setup so we can be friends again," Buck said and looks at TK who is still looking down.

"Look, just stop Buck... You hate me so just leave me alone" TK replied and he turns away to buck.

"I don't hate you TK. No one does" Buck replied as he tried to walk to him.

"Don't come closer! I hurt you and I deserved it... Just let me feel hurt not comfort, buck" TK replied still not facing him.

"Talk to me Tk," Buck said and place a hand on Tk's shoulder.

"What's the point of talking if it will end the same" TK replied.

Buck suddenly turns TK to look at him, Their eyes now lock into each other.

"I know why you did all that" Buck replied.

"Because you're afraid.. are you? Afraid that if you tried to love again it will be the same" Buck said.

"Isn't it the same? I loved I got hurt I tried to kill myself what's the difference now. I loved again... I got hurt again... just waiting to kill myself again---" Tk got interrupted.

"Why do you always tried to hurt yourself?" Buck said.

"Because I'm unstable buck..... I hate myself for being this person" TK replied tears started falling.

Buck wiped Tk's tears. "We all have something to hate on ourselves. But we can't let that hate consume us" Buck replied and grab TK's hand.

"Yeah but---" Tk was interrupted again when he felt Buck's lips crash into his.

Tk never felt more alive again like buck ignited something in him. After a few seconds, they broke the kiss to have some air.

"I thought you don't like me anymore," Tk said.

"I thought so too... but that kiss on the mountain confuse me. I guess I have always like you... I was just denying it" Buck replied.

"But what about Aaron he loves you," TK asks.

"Aaron and I broke up" Buck replied.

"Why? Is it because of me?" TK asks.

"No, he is going to Japan to work there and he didn't want me to suffer from a long-distance relationship" Buck replied.

"Can you hug me now?" Buck asks and TK smiled and hugs buck.

"So... what now?" Tk asks after the hug.

"Tyler Kenney Strand will I would like to take you on a date, how that sound?" Buck ask.

"I would love that" TK replied.

"It's really hot in here," Buck said as he looks around.

"Yeah, why is that?" Tk ask.


"118, Maddie, Carlos what are you doing there?" Owen asks them who are waiting outside.

"We just lock TK and Buck there so they can talk," Eddie said.

"But The thermostat is broken it's really hot inside that room if you take too long," Owen said.

"What?!" Maddie ask.

"Yeah I told you, Eddie, to fix it yesterday but you said you will do it today," Owen said.

"Oh no, maybe they pass out Chim open the door open the door!!"Maddie panics as Chim finds the keys.

When they open the door they did not expect what they saw.

Buck and TK shirtless and sweating a lot who are making out.

"What on earth are you two doing!!" Owen said and the two stop.

"Um..... " The two don't know what to say.

"Looks like it works," Eddie said.

"Dang you two are gorgeous meat," Oliver said as he examines them.

"I'm your brother Oli shut up" Buck said as they head out.

"Are you trying to make me jealous?" Carlos asks Oliver.

"Yeah, plus we haven't done it in the police station yet" Oliver smirks.

"God you two are stupid" Maddie replied.

"So what now?" Buck ask.

"You two will clean that room once you have a shift here alright... and nobody will have a make-out session inside the firehouse," Owen said.

"Yeah sorry cap" buck replied and Tk nodded.

"That goes for everyone... Now who really has a shift proceed to the firetruck and who doesn't have a shift or just doesn't work here go" Owen said and Chim, Eddie, Buck, Tk, and Hen runs to the Firetruck.

Maddie, Carlos, Oliver walks out of the fire station, and her phone rings.

Maddie: "Hey Aaron"
Aaron: "Hey Maddie how did it go?"
Maddie: "Actually good, They made up and I'm pretty sure they are together now..  but how about you.... how do you feel?"
Aaron: "Fine"
Maddie: "Aaron I know you I know you're kinda sad for leaving my brother"
Aaron: "Yeah... I guest It really does hurt but I did it to prevent both of us hurting more in the long run"
Maddie: " I know Aaron and If you're free we can hang out if you want?"
Aaron: "Sure... It's kinda lonely here in the apartment"
Maddie: "Alright I'll come by once I'm done with my shift"
Aaron: "Alright see you later"
Call ended.

"What did Aaron say?" Oliver asks.

"He was hurt but he understands," Maddie said.

"Yeah I mean to give up your love for someone else" Carlos replied.

"Yeah but it's the only way both of them won't suffer because a long-distance relationship is rarely last if they only just started," Oliver said and grabs Carlos's hand.

"Anyway I have a shift today... have fun at your date Carlos and Oli... Hope your date is as good as Buck and Tk's" Maddie said and gets a cab.

"Alright bye sis take care," Oliver said and waved goodbye.

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