Underlands Madness Unlocked:...

By girl8890

852 39 6

The champion has returned to Underland and is here to stay. The Black Witch who took her is trying everyday t... More

Just Peachy
3 days
Red Roses
Prying Ears and Eyes
I Do
Run Cold
New Feelings
On The Throne
Chess pt. 2
Mallow Marsh pt.2
Loving Lies
A Promise Never Broken
Off to Another Adventure Alice
Book 3 - Final


40 2 0
By girl8890

That night, I thought over many things.

One of those things, is hot and sticky between my legs. I wanted Emiliza so bad that I was fine with her touching me right there in the throne room. I didn't care about the people in passing. I didn't care about my duties as a Queen. All I cared about is Emiliza, and the things she was doing to me. The things she said she would do to me. Overall, I was thinking about her.

I threw all traditions out the window in that throne room tonight. I didn't care about no fornicating until marriage and quiet frantically, I never did. I didn't care about the possibility of never finding another love then, I don't want to find love in another person. Emiliza is the perfect person for me, so why would I want to let that go?

I know Queen's are supposed to worry about having children and having to find a king by now, but I don't care about either of those things. Underland has never cared about those things. I can appoint anyone I want to be next in line to be king or queen just like my father did when he appointed me. Although, I don't know who would be able to be appointed but that's a thought for another day. A worry to worry about in the future.

The future I see with Emiliza is bright and full of love. I want to tell her I love her, but is it to soon? How would I even know? I know, I want her to know, how much I want her. I want her to know I'm in this with her fully and completely. I want her in every way I can. I want her to be my first.

That's when I decide to get out of bed. I will not be told that one day she will take me. I will not be told one day I'll be ready. It's taken me this long to realize my feelings for her, and I won't take twice as long thinking it over. This is happening tonight.

But why am I so nervous?

I shake my head of the thought and tie my robe around me. I'm only wearing my night gown, my drawers, and now a robe. I walk fast down the hallway too make sure no one sees me. At this point though, I don't care.

Maybe it's Emiliza rubbing off on me, or maybe I'm going mad, but I don't care what others think about me in this moment. I'm about to give my virtue to the most amazing, and loving person I've ever met! And, quite frankly, I don't care who knows.

I don't even bothering knocking on Emiliza's door. I open it right up. Luckily, the door isn't locked. When I open her door, I see she's not in her bed. I look around the room to see she's standing on the balcony and facing me, and staring right at me. She has her famous trademark smirk on. I swallow my nervousness and say, "Emiliza... c-can I talk to you."

Emiliza shrugs her shoulders and comes back inside. She shuts the balcony doors behind her and leans onto the front of the bed. "What's got your mind in a frenzy my darling?"

She continues smirking at me and that's how I know, she knows.

Well if she already knows, there's no point in being proper about it.

"I want to have sex."

Emiliza bites her lip to keep herself from laughing. "Oh, do you now?"

She stands from leaning on the bed and comes closer to me. She starts to circle me like a shark waiting for its pray.

I whisper out a, "Yes."

"Can't quite hear you, my dear. Got lots of thoughts swirling around in this head of mine."

I feel her presence against my back. We're not exactly touching, but were one back arch away from it. I clear my throat to keep from stuttering. "I want you to be my first Emiliza." She comes back to being in front of me. "I don't care about 'proper timing' or anything you told me earlier. I want everything I can possibly get from you, and I want to give you everything I'm able to give."

Emiliza's smirk turns into a gentle smile. She almost looks relieved now. She whispers to me, "Are you sure Mirana?"

I answer without any hesitation, "Yes."

Emiliza starts everything slow this time. She pulls me in by my waist to get closer to her, and plays with the strings of my robe. I'm not very sure what to do, so I just let Emiliza take charge with this one. While looking into my eyes, she slowly begins to untie my robe. Once it's untied, Emiliza pushes it off my shoulders to pool at the ground around my feet.

Emiliza then starts to go around me and I watch her with curiosity. I feel her start to kiss my shoulder and I relax against her. She moves my strap down slowly to not rush anything. I feel her hands start to bunch up my night gown and I bite my lip in anticipation. She moves her lips to my ear and begins nibbling on my earlobe. I moan with my mouth closed, trying my best not to disturb her adventure. When she moves her lips to my neck, I arch my back against her.

I want her so bad.

I feel her smile against my neck. Emiliza must of just read my thought because she finally starts to pull up my night gown. I clench my legs together when I feel the cool air against them. I have drawers on, so I'm not fully exposed yet. She stops taking off my gown when my stomach is fully exposed. I open my eyes that closed with the amount of tickling pleasure she's giving me, and turn my head to face hers. She's looking for something in my eyes. Maybe a signal for me to let her continue. I swallow my nervousness again, and nod my head to give her permission.

With one fast pull, my night gown goes over my head and is with my robe on the ground. I feel so exposed I don't even watch to look at Emiliza or my body. I feel Emiliza squeeze my hips and with that I squeeze my eyes shut. Before I can react, I'm picked up bridal style by Emiliza. I finally look back to her and ask, "What are you doing?"

Emiliza scans the top of my body and I physically shrink against her in embarrassment. When Emiliza looks back into my eyes she explains, "I wasn't lying when I said you deserve to be taken care of in a proper bed."

This notion brings a smile to my face. Emiliza places me on her bed, but doesn't come to lay next to me. She stays standing above me and scanning my body from top to bottom. I look away from her and become extremely red in the face. "Hey, hey," Emiliza calls to me and moves my head with her hand to face her again.

I look into her eyes and see nothing but worry. I don't want her to be worried about me. I want this to be perfect in every way, but I can't help my embarrassment for letting someone else see me in the nude.

Emiliza didn't need to ask me what's wrong. She nodded her head then went to start blowing out the lights. I watch her every step of the way, forgetting I'm still bare except for the bottom of me.

When she finally returns to me, there's only a few candles near the bed still lit. Not enough to see completely clearly, but enough so we could at least be able to some parts of us. I whisper to her, "Thank you."

Emiliza crawls up to bed next to me and replies, "No problem, my love." I smile at the nickname. "Do you want me to continue?"

I eagerly nod my head like a child would if asked to go get ice cream. She giggles at my playfulness, then goes back to attacking my neck with kisses. The second her lips touch my skin again, all worries are out of mind. She moves her body so she's half on top of me, and half on the bed.

Emiliza starts to descend her lips downward until she just above my right breast. She bites on the fat of it and I bite down on my lip. I then feel one of her hands begin to defend downward to my drawers. I let her pull my drawers down. I let her take them off completely so I'm bare to her. I let her eyes scan my body as she sits up on her knees, and I love every second of her attention.

Looking at Emiliza, looking at me is it's own type of pleasure. She looks at me like I'm the most beautiful person she's ever laid eyes on. She is the most beautiful I've ever laid my eyes on.

After her eyes snake up my body one last time, her eyes land on mine. I bite my bottom lip to try and contain a smile. I hold out my hand to gesture her to come back to me.

Emiliza crawls forward again and smashes her lips to mine. Our tastes mix, our tongues join, and our souls burn together. I feel her hand travel up my leg and her kisses move down my face. Neither of these advances stop.

Then... I feel it.

Her fingers touch me in a way that's completely mesmerizing. I arch my back and practically scream out a moan. I've never felt so good in my life. Then her mouth latches onto my nipple and I re-think my last thought. Now, is the best feeling I've ever had. I put my fingers in her hair and try my best to keep her doing what she is.

Then, I freeze. Emiliza's finger is slightly in me but not. The tip of her finger is one push away from completing the whole thing. One full swoop into being my first. She pulls away from my breast with a pop. She looks into my eyes and asks, "Ready Mirana?"

Once again without any hesitation I whisper, "Yes."

And there it is. I arch my back and scream out. It's only a slight pain, but nothing like the whispers of others have said. Then again, they always whisper about this act with a man, but after feeling the way her finger moves inside me... I never want to know what a man feels like.

All I want is Emiliza.

Emiliza dives her lips to mine and covers my moans. No amount of pressure from her lips can cover them fully though. Each push of her finger, and rub from her thumb, brings a new shot of pleasure down my spin and into my stomach. She moves to attack my ear and neck. We're both a complete mess with each other. It's when she continues her decent past my breasts that I finish by screaming out, "Emiliza!"

It's not a demand though, it's a name I will praise the entire time she continues to please me. Emiliza stops her decent at my stomach, and looks up my body to stare at me. I'm breathing so heavily I can't say anything.

Emiliza isn't finished though. She continues her decent down and pulls her fingers out of me. I watch her curiously until she moves her kisses to the place her fingers just were. I understand now when now she said, I will make you feel so good, you'll forget what it felt like for me not to be between your legs.

Truth is I never want her to leave. Every lash of her tongue is a new swirl in my stomach. It feels so good, I grip onto the top of the bed to not squirm away.

Every time my hips push up, Emiliza's forearm pushes them down. Her other hand then starts to occupy my breast and I barely realize I'm so filled with want, and need, and everything that I can't control my own body. When I scream out my second completion of the night, my whole body jumps into the air.

When Emiliza backs away from me, and licks her lips, I automatically want her back there. I even whisper in a daze, "Wait, no."

Emiliza giggles at my hazy demand. I'm so out of breath that when she kisses me on the lips again I can barley breath.

Emiliza pulls away from me and combs her hand into my sweaty hair. I watch her eyes examine my face and I wonder what she's thinking. Then she grows her famous smirk and asks, "That good, huh?"

I laugh at her lightness of it all, and nudge her shoulder with my elbow still above my head. I move my body so I'm completely facing her. She wraps her arm around my waist and puts her forehead to mine. I feel completely - complete.

There's no way we're done now though. I look at Emiliza and realize she's still completely dressed. I believe I'm supposed to do her next, to use my finger and tongue on her now, but I don't know how. I decide to be confident enough to ask, "Do I do you next?"

Emiliza's smile falls. She bites the corner of her lip in thought. "If you want to?"

She looks weirdly uncomfortable with this notion.

I nod my head and explain, "I would need you to teach me. I don't know if I'll be as good as you though."

Emiliza smiles then when I boost her ego. She pulls herself away from me and goes onto her knees. "Well... how can I ever deny my beautiful Mirana?"

I giggle at her new found confidence. I watch her peel off her black shirt and gasp when I see she's wearing a black corset underneath. I bite my lip as I watch her begin to untie the ties that crisscross on it.

It's then I start to overthink everything. Emiliza has no problem being bare in front of me, but I wasn't experienced enough to be okay with it at first. She's been with many experienced women, and I've been with none before now.

What if I'm not good enough for her?

The second that thought goes though my mind, Emiliza stops. She stops just before the last few ties. She looks up to me in surprise. "Please tell me, that thought was an accident or from someone else?"

I cover my face in embarrassment with a pillow. Oh Underland, I'm so stupid. It doesn't mean my insecurities aren't true though. I'm way less experienced than all the other women Emiliza has been with.

What if I'm not good enough and she doesn't want me anymore?

"Okay, that's enough of that." Emiliza pulls the pillow right off my face and pins my hands beside my head so I don't try to grab for it again. "You-" She kisses me. "Are-" She kisses me again. "Everything to me, and I will never not want you."

Emiliza smiles a reassuring smile at me, but I'm still not so sure. I decide to voice my insecurities, "What if I'm not good like the others you've been with?"

Emiliza's eyes go wide for a second with surprise. I'm not sure if it's because I know she's been with other women, or that I asked this question out loud. Emiliza breaths in and then lays next to me. I look at her and she's staring at the ceiling. What is she thinking about? Then she admits it, "Mirana... I've never let anyone do me." What? "And I've never let anyone see me naked. I'm alway the one 'doing the do' if you will."

I'm completely in shock. "I-I didn't think... I just assumed..." When Emiliza turns to look at me again I stop my stuttering. I calm my surprise enough to talk properly again. "But, what about the bruises?"

Emiliza looks at me confused. I raise my eyebrows to signal for her to just read my mind, and not make me say it out loud.

When she finally gets it, her eyes go wide. "Ohhhh, now I understand." She moves to face me so were now laying face-to-face. "I have been with some people before Mirana, I won't lie to you. But the only reason I ever persuaded other women, wasn't because I wanted pleasure." I raise my eyebrow to signal for her to explain. "All the women I've ever been with either looked or reminded me of you."


Emiliza nods her head to show she means it. All those women. All those neck bruises. They were all because she didn't believe she could have me one day. That should make me feel better, but it doesn't. All these years Emiliza and me could have been together if I wasn't so blind to my own affections. I scoot myself closer to her. "Do you want me to be your first, well... First person to do it to you?"

Emiliza giggles at my mix up with words and replies, "I would want nothing more."

Emiliza goes back onto her knees and unties the rest of her corset. She shows me everything I've been so eager to learn. She tasted like a beautiful mis of flavors. She felt like perfection and beauty. When she finished with my name on my tongue, I never heard anything more beautiful.

I may have to learn more to make her feel as good as she made me, but I'm so okay with trying for the rest of our lives. I'm also very okay with her pleasing me as much as she wants. She tells me she likes it more when it's me screaming her name, and I'm okay with that as long as she tells me she loves me after.

Emiliza is my first, and she will be my last until my dying breath.

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