Say You'll Stay | Tom Holland

By booksforme171

468K 9.6K 13.8K

It all started with a cookie (Y/n) is taking a trip with her best friend around the United States to celebrat... More



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By booksforme171

Your POV

He moved his hands from your face and down to your waist. Breaking out from being utterly shocked, you wrapped your arms around his neck, playing with the ends of his hair. This has been the moment you've been waiting for. You felt it all. The sparks flying, the feeling to kick up one leg, the butterflies going crazy in your stomach.

He broke the kiss and leaned his forehead on yours. "You don't get to say that."


"You can't tell me you have feelings for me when I'm across the country. It's not fair."

The realization hit you and you stepped back. "Tom wait, what are you doing here? You're filming a movie. You're here, not there. You could get fired."

He smiled and pulled you back to him, giving you a quick kiss. "They agreed to give me a few days off. I was too distracted so I convinced them if I had a few days to clear my mind, I would be back to normal when I got back."

"What about Olivia?"

"There's nothing going on between us. I don't know what all she told you, but we're not dating. And trust me, you are not a stressor in my life." He pushed your hair behind your ears. "You're the furthest thing from that. You are what I need. Please don't stop talking to me because I need you." He emphasized the last three words.

You looked into his eyes. His was searching yours, trying to figure out what you were thinking. "You flew across the country for me?" You were whispering.

"(Y/n) I'd do anything for you."

On the inside, everything was doing flips, jumping for joy, squealing with happiness. You were about to kiss him when a disgruntled Andi walked out.

"I see you made it."  She crossed her arms and leaned against the wall.

"Thanks for the address. Wasn't sure if you would actually give it to me or not." Tom let out a nervous chuckle.

"It seemed odd that you would start dating Olivia without mentioning anything to (y/n). Just felt off. But now that you two are finally together and all that lovely jazz, I have to leave in three hours to go to my new job. So please keep it down. You'll have the apartment all to yourselves soon enough when I'm gone."

You snickered at Andi. "Yes ma'am." She spun around on her heel and went back into her room.

Deciding to be a nice roommate, you and Tom went to your room. You two were trying to be as quiet as possible, holding back any laughter that dared to leave your lips as you talked. Felt like there was always something to say even if it felt like you two knew each other better than anyone else. Around seven, Tom was fighting to keep his eyes awake. You both were tangled up in each other, your head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. When his breathing was steady and slow, you knew he fell asleep.

Not wanting to miss saying goodbye to your best friend, you got back up at eight. Quietly, you got out of bed careful enough to not wake up Tom. When he started to move, you completely froze. You gave him a pillow to replace where your body was, hoping he wouldn't notice the temperature difference.

You walked to Andi's room and leaned against the door frame. "Don't forget me when you become famous."

Andi turned around and came up to hug you. "I could never. Don't stop writing either. You can still submit pieces to your boss or other magazines. You're a fact checker now, but you won't always be. I can promise you that."

"Man, you're talking like I'm not going to see you for a year."

"It's only for a few months."

"Why do all the people I know have to be actors?"

She laughed and released you from the hold. "We make life interesting. Plus you're bound to know more now that you have a famous boyfriend." She nodded her head in the direction of your door.

"He's cute, isn't he?"

"Oh yes he is. You got lucky."

A smile formed on your face. "I know." Wanting to redirect the attention back to her, you changed the subject. "I can't believe you're already leaving. You just told me about this gig a few days ago."

"I didn't even know until a few days ago. The girl who had this role had family problems so she backed out. They needed someone fast to replace her."

"Well go show the world how amazing Andrea Grace is for me."

Andi gave your arms a squeeze and grabbed all her bags, walking to the front door. She stopped after opening to door to look at you once more. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do." She gave you a wink and shut the door behind her.

You scurried back to your room and jumped back in bed to a sleeping Tom. You moved his arm up, pushed the pillow away, and curled back into him, falling asleep.

"(Y/n), wake up." Tom's voice was soothing and soft, almost like a whisper.

You pulled the covers over your head. Tom had other plans though. He pulled them back and started kissing your face everywhere saying 'wake up' each time he lifted his head up.

You were giggling, trying to push him away. "Why can't we stay in bed?"

"Because I leave in two days. So." He pecked your lips once. "Wake." Twice. "Up." The third kiss was longer and sweeter. Your whole body feeling jittery again. Were you ever going to get used to this?

"Hm okay. What do you want to do?"

"You're the one who lives here. You should have the plans. You're being a very bad host."

"You're the one who showed up unannounced. You're being a very bad guest."

"I mean I guess I could leave since I'm a bad guest and all." He started to get out the bed so you pulled his arm to pull him back towards you.

"Fine. Fine. I'm getting up, I'm getting dressed." You swung your feet of the bed, slowly starting to rise and taking small steps to your closet.

"My grandmother moves faster than you."

"Just trying to make sure you don't want to change your mind before it's too late."

"I'm not changing my mind."

You tried.

You and Tom were walking hand in hand. You showed him a few of your favorite spots, took him out to eat at your favorite restaurant, and now you were walking downtown. Live music could be heard from the outside bars, a few stars were shining on the black sky, people were chatting away as they passed you. This day was becoming one of your favorite days in all of your life.

Tom had his head tilted up looking at the sky. "You know what would make this better?"


"If all the lights went out, then we could see the stars more clearly."

"If you want to see the stars then we should've gone to the planetarium."

He moved his head back down to look at you. "Where is it at?"

You pointed ahead with your free hand. "Continue straight for another block then take a left."

"We should go. Right now."

"We can't, they're closed. They close at five and it's almost nine."

"And?" He tightened his hold on your hand and started running down the street. When you got the the planetarium, you jerked back your hand after he slowed down to a walk. "What's wrong?"

"Tom we can't go in. They're closed. We just ran over here for nothing."

"I bet we can get one door open."

You laughed in disbelief. "Breaking and entering?"

"Think of it more as an unauthorized visit." He grabbed your hand again and started pulling you towards the back of the building. There was a window with janky hinges. Tom wiggled the window a little before it easily slid up. "Ladies first."

"What if there's a motion sensor and a quiet alarm goes off informing the police we're doing an "unauthorized visit"?"

"That only happens in the movies."

"Are you serious? That happens in real life." You couldn't tell if he was joking or not.

"I'll go first then. I'll check to see if anything happens or if any people are around. I'll open a door for you when I'm done."

Before you could protest, he went through the window. You crossed your arms looking around to make sure no one saw. Over ten minutes passed and he still hasn't came back for you. What if he got caught? What if he's in trouble?

The sound of a squeaky door interrupted your thoughts. You jumped back and tried to hide from whoever was opening the door.

"(Y/n). It's clear, let's go." Tom was looking at you trying to hide behind boxes.

"I still think this is a bad idea." You came out of your so called hiding spot and followed Tom inside.

"Live a little." He wrapped an arm around you. "Hello!" He shouted.

You slapped his arm. "Tom somebody is going to hear you."

"No one is here. It's just you and me. Come on, shout something."

You hesitated. The feeling of being caught scared you, but it also excited you. "Hello!"

"How do you feel?"

"Nervous, excited."

You and Tom continued to walk down hallways, following the signs that led to the projection hall. Walking in, the room was dark. You could make out a projector in the middle of the dome shaped room, and that there were seats surrounding it. Other than that, it was too dark.

You were walking through the rows of seats when the room filled up with pinks, blues, and purples. You looked up to see the galaxy covered in millions of stars. You were admiring the beauty of it when Tom grabbed your hand and you two sat on the ground, ignoring all the chairs in the room.

"How did you get it to turn on?" You asked still not looking away.

"I pressed a bunch of buttons until something happened."

You chuckled at his response. The view changed to a darker view of blues and blacks. "Are you changing it or is it doing that on its own?"

"I found this clicker thing. It controls the projector." He held up a controller.

You pointed a finger, squinting your eye to aim at the right constellation. "That one right there with the three bright stars side by side, it creates the constellation Orion. In Greek mythology, it stands for The Hunter."

"Yeah well if you look over here, that's the Big Dipper, and that one is the Little Dipper." You playfully nudged his shoulder.

Tom clicked a bottom and the scene changed to the northern lights. "I've always wanted to see the northern lights in person. Maybe one day I can go and write about it."

Tom had his arm around your shoulders. He pushed you towards him and he kissed your temple. "I'll take you." He mumbled into your hair. "We can stay as long as you want so you can get as much information as you need for your piece. It going to be published, and everyone will read it." You leaned your head on his shoulder. He was way too good for you, and you knew it.

The scene changed to another view of the galaxy. You were enjoying looking at the stars until a light passed through the small window in the door. "Tom, I think we're not alone."

He turned his head to see the light pass through again. He got up, crouching to be even with chairs. "Come on."

The two of you walked slowly, heading to turn off the projector. Right when the projector turned off, a man opened the door with his flashlight at his head looking around. He was security for the planetarium. "Who's there?"

You and Tom froze in your positions. "Okay when he walks in, we're going to run for the door." Tom was whispering as low as possible but high enough so only you could hear him. The two of you kept your backs facing the wall and kept your eyes on the man. Every time he took a few steps inside, you would inch more closer to the door. "On three. One , two," he grabbed a hold of your hand, "three!"

Both of you shot up and ran outside the door taking off down the hall. The security guy heard the door open and took off after you. He was right behind you so you pulled Tom to turn left down a different hallway.

"(Y/n) this is not the way we came." Tom was now taking the lead, not letting go of your hand to make sure you didn't fall behind.

"I know but we have to get him off our tail first." You turned your head to look behind you. The man was still shouting at you to slow down, but he was starting to lose his pace. He was panting almost coming to a complete stop to put his hands on his knees to take a breather.

You rounded a corner, almost to freedom when another light appeared in front of. Tom opened a random door and pulled you inside after him. He tuned the door handle so that when it shut it wouldn't make a noise. It was a supply closet. There wasn't a lot of space for the two of you, so you were pushed up on one another. How cliche.

You were trying to hide your laughter at the whole scenario. Tom was grinning while trying to slow his breathing. You looked up at him. "Hi."

He let out a small laugh. "Hi." He leaned in as if he was going to kiss you but his arm hit the broom that was beside him making it fall into the shelf. A bottle that was on that shelf fell onto the floor before you could catch making a loud crash.

"Over here." You could hear the man from earlier shouting.

Tom opened the door and you two took off back down the hallway.

"Stop running. We have you." The security guys were so close, but the door was closer.

You pushed the door open finally making it back outside. You followed Tom quickly back out onto the street, slowing your pace down to a walk when you ran into other people who were still out and about. When you knew you were safe, you both started laughing. People were giving you weird stares as they passed you.

"Oh my god we actually made it out." You composed yourself and started walking back to your apartment.

"I knew I was going to make it out, you on the other hand I wasn't so sure of."

"Hey if I were to go down, I was going to take you with me."

"I don't have a very nice girlfriend."

Girlfriend. Girl friend. Girlfriend.

"Girlfriend? Wasn't aware you asked me."

"Who said it was you?" Tom had a smirk on his face. You glared at him and he laughed. "I'm kidding. (Y/n) (y/l/n), will you please be my girlfriend."

You rubbed your chin to act like you were thinking. "No." Payback. "I'm kidding." You mocked in his accent. "Yes."

"Good because then that would've been awkward."

The two of you finished walking home with big smiles like you were back in middle school asking out your school crushes.

The next morning, your alarm went off.

"Turn that piece of crap off." Tom put a pillow over his head.

"I have to go to work." You slid out of bed and started to grab your work clothes.

"What?" Tom threw the pillow off of him and sat up to look at you. "No. Don't leave. Call in sick. Say it's a family emergency."

"I can't. I just started working there. I don't get to work from home until Wednesday." You walked into the bathroom to change, cracking the door so you could still hear anything Tom said.

"What if I went with you?"

"Don't think they would like that. Let me see if I can come beck early or something. I just know I have to go in today."

You could hear Tom let out a sigh. You walked back into the room and kissed him real quick before grabbing your stuff to leave.

Being at work when you knew Tom was at your apartment was driving you insane. It had only been an hour, but you've had enough. Plus he leaves tomorrow.

You walked into your boss's office and mustered up all the courage you could. Without mentioning the real reason you wanted to go home, you explained how today could be a trial run to see if you were ready to be on your own. From his response and attitude, he could honestly care less. He told you if today went well, you could start working from home tomorrow instead of waiting for Wednesday. As long as you met all the deadlines and turned in good work, he was fine with it.

Without showing too much excitement, you grabbed the stack of articles that were due the soonest and headed home.

The rest of the day you continued to show Tom all around your city. The whole idea that this man was your boyfriend was insane. That you could hold his hand, kiss him whenever you wanted. There was no more confusion if he liked you back at all. It was you and him now.

At night when Tom fell asleep, you wiggled out of his arms. Your brain didn't want to shut off so the thought of maybe working a little bit would get it to finally want to turn off.

You were sitting at the kitchen table, your computer in front of you, papers sprawled out everywhere. You tied your hair in a bun. You weren't sure how long you've been working before you heard footsteps approach from behind you.

"You disappeared. I woke up to find you weren't there."

You didn't turn around. You were trying to find the last date for this article. "I'm sorry. I was trying to finish some work since I didn't do any of it today."

The floorboard creaked as he took another step towards you. He leaned down and you could feel his breath on your neck as he whispered, "Come back to bed." You couldn't form another word before he started to kiss your neck.

"You're distracting me. I just need to find this last bit of information and I'll come back."

He took the paper from your hand and placed it down on the table. He shut your laptop, took off your reading glasses, and grabbed your hands leading you back to bed.

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