Underlands Madness Unlocked:...

By girl8890

845 39 6

The champion has returned to Underland and is here to stay. The Black Witch who took her is trying everyday t... More

Just Peachy
3 days
Red Roses
Prying Ears and Eyes
I Do
New Feelings
On The Throne
Chess pt. 2
Mallow Marsh pt.2
Loving Lies
A Promise Never Broken
Off to Another Adventure Alice
Book 3 - Final

Run Cold

27 2 0
By girl8890

Emiliza loves me.

She through all her feelings at me, and I dropped them on the floor in front of her. I didn't know what to say, it was just so... sudden! I was able to process enough to run after her though. Sadly these heels, and fluffed out dress don't help with running. Just before I was able to stop her, she shut the door of her room right in my face.

I push my body into it to try to open it, but it won't budge. "Please, Emiliza! Let me talk to you!"

But she doesn't budge either. I slide down the door and land on my bum. Why didn't I just say something to her? Anything would have been better than the alternative. I start to cry just by the thought that I let her down. I let her down by not seeing the clear signs of her affections. I used to think I was so good at reading people, but I can't even read my best friend.

I sit in front of her door for an hour, none stop crying until I see her light go out from under the door. This must be her way of saying to just give up. I stand from my place on the floor and try begging for her one last time. I whisper into the wooden door, "Please, Emili. Talk to me."

But she never comes out. I nod my head in regrettable understanding and walk away. I walk away from that door with incredible regret, and sorrow for my friend. The friend that's never lied to me. The friend that's always protected me. The friend thats loved me all this time.

I once again get no sleep thinking about my best friend. I try one last thing before I close my eyes.

I'm sorry, Emili. Please, forgive me.

But I never hear a reply.

As the next day goes by, I'm not able to concentrate on anything. People try talking to me, but their words go in one ear and out the other. All I can think about is Emiliza, and what I should have said to her. Even during breakfast, when I look at the chair next to me that she always occupies, I think she should be there. Even as I sort through my books in the library to keep busy, I think she should be with me.

As I sit in the back garden and watch Bayard play with his pups, I wonder how did I not know? Everything she said was so correct. Everything I said was so her. All the possible signs she gave over the years before she left were clear as day, but I was too blind to see it.

I broke my friends heart. I feel beyond apologetic about it and she won't let me tell her about it in person. Why do I feel broken too? She is my friend, my best friend, it would make sense for me to feel upset about the situation too. This is different though. I feel Incredibly broken. Like someone just ripped out my own heart and kicked it. Why do I feel like this?

Emiliza has filled my mind all day and all night again. Another day has gone by, and I have not seen her once. I'm not sure if she's personally ignoring me or the castle is just so big I can't find her. I've never wanted to shrink this castle more than right now just to have her in the same room as me. I want to be able to see her face. I want to be able to touch her and not have her be ashamed of what she wishes of me. I want to be able to console my best friend.

"Excuse me your majesty?" Mallymkun wakes me from my daydreams. I'm currently in the kitchen drinking tea that looks to have run cold.

I compose myself enough to straighten my poster and reply to my mouse friend, "Yes Mallymkun. How are you this evening?"

Mallymkun hops onto the table so we can be more eye leveled. "Not so good, your majesty. I was hoping you can tell me how Hatter and Alice are doing."

Oh my lily flowers and bandesnatches! I've completely forgotten about the tortured pair. I have not visited the Hatter since I gave him an opportunity to bring Alice back with Emiliza's help. The help I was hoping I could provide one day soon without any mishaps. Even though the Hatter rejected my offer, I was hoping Emiliza would be more in the light by now so we could present the idea again together. Now, I don't see that happening in the near future.

"I'm sorry Mally, but I have not seen Hatter for over a week now. Last time I saw them though..." Mallymkun leans in for my answer. I should tell her the truth. Even if it means breaking another person's heart, the truth is the best way to go. "They... weren't doing so well. Hatter is beside himself, and Alice still hasn't woken up."

"Is there anything we can do?"

"Sadly, no." But Emiliza can. Even now, she enters my thoughts. Mallymkun nods her understanding. Before she jumps off the table to leave, I stop her. Mallymkun has always been extremely trustworthy, and loyal to a fault. She would be the perfect mouse to answer my questions about Emiliza.

"Mally, I need your advice."

"What is it your majesty?"

"Theres... someone I know-" Emiliza. "-and they have been ignoring another person I know." Me. "There ignoring that person because they told them that they loved them, in a none friendship way."

"In a relationship way?"

"Yes. The person being ignored didn't know what to say at the time, but now they may have lost the chance to. They've been wrapping their brain around the situation for a couple days now about it, and don't know what to do. What should this person do?"

Mallymkun puts her hand to her chin and begins to think. It's a tricky question I know, but I don't know what else to do. "That is a tricky one, miss. I would say for them to just open up and tell them they have feelings back."

"W-what?" I was not expecting that as an answer.

"Well, if they can't get the other person out of their head, maybe they have the same feelings about each other. Usually people don't over think to much about these things, unless they actually feel the same way. Otherwise they would have created a proper thing to say in the first place."

I am completely stunned by Mallymkun's advice. I quietly say my thanks for the advice and then she jumps off the table. Before I can think about what she said, Mallymkun throws one more thing in, "Oh, and miss. If this person doesn't want to lose the other, I would come out and tell them fast."

"Why is that?"

"Let's just say, I know by experience, that when people don't have the muchness to say how they feel they tend to go bonkers." After those final words, Mallymkun leaves the kitchen. She leaves me alone in the kitchen with my thoughts. I'm not so sure how I feel about her advice. It is good advice, I can recognize that, but is that how I truly feel?

Do I have feelings for Emiliza?

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