Train Wreck

By LizzyPeltonWrites

12K 1.7K 823

Two people, heading toward the unknown. Tragedy brings them together, unearthing secrets and guilt that coul... More

twenty one
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171 33 16
By LizzyPeltonWrites


The sweetest sounds I'll ever hear

Are still inside my head

The kindest words I'll ever know

Are waiting to be said

The most and entrancing side of all

Is yet for me to see

And the dearest love in all the world

Is waiting somewhere for me

Is waiting somewhere, somewhere for me

Her voice carried through the trees even as the chopper landed.

As new voices asked if we were okay and I saw familiar faces from town.  People I grew up knowing, who were part of my childhood, greeted me warmly with tears in their eyes.

Who else was on that train?  I didn't even think to check...

My eyes closed while the stretcher slid into the helicopter, a voice saying, "We've got you, Remington.  You're going to be just fine."

More voices echoed but the medication made it hard to remember much.

"Pressure dropping."

"Okay, got him... How's the girl?"

"Not good..."

"The boy?"

"Seems okay..."

"How did they?"

"No idea..."

I tried to sit up but a hand on my shoulder pushed me down gently.  One of the attendants leaned closer and spoke in a firm voice, "Remington, please stay still. We need a chance to check on you and figure out where you are injured. Alice and Benji also have people doing the exact same thing for them right now. I promise we will take good care of all three of you but I need you to cooperate with us, okay?"

My breath released and the loud beeping was suddenly slower.  Something cold on my arm... something sharp.... Something warm... a mask on my face....


When I thought about my brother and all our times together.

"Remi, what does it feel like when you like a girl? Like... really like.... like when you love a girl...."

Reese was barely thirteen but had his first crush and didn't know how to handle it.  

I remember how quietly he asked me and how shy he was, but more than that I remember how curious he was...

We took a long walk into the woods and skipped stones at the creek while we talked, keeping track of how many skips we got and which type of throw worked best.  Dad taught us how to skip stones but Reese perfected the art with a flick of his wrist.

"Well, it's kinda like the way you feel when you play baseball, buddy. Ya know how it feels when you hit the ball, and you watch it fly, then it keeps going and going?  Everything freezes and it's like you forget what you're supposed to do.  The crowd goes wild and you start to run, just getting yourself around those bases while the ball flies out of the park.  I think that's what it's like when you love someone, Reese.  Just adrenaline and excitement."

He nodded along and smiled at me, "Thanks, Remi!  I think I really do like her!  Maybe when daddy..."


That word snapped me from whatever dream I was experiencing.   I mumbled it over and over, barely able to open my eyes, trying to wake myself from whatever was keeping me sleepy.

"Shhh, Remington.... Shhhh...." His voice was frail but it was definitely him.  "Shhh, you're okay.  You have to have surgery, but you'll be okay."

My eyes opened to see a man in front of me that was a shadow of the one I used to call Daddy.


He nodded, "I'm here.  I'm here."

I took a few breaths to steady myself and tried to focus on the room. My dad was sitting by my side, a comforting smile on his face behind the oxygen cannula.   A nurse came in and asked me a number of questions that I answered as well as I could but in the end, nothing made sense. A doctor entered and explained the surgery I needed to have but my brain could not understand. One person after another was asking questions and having me sign papers but it didn't make sense.

Internal bleeding and needing surgery made sense. The rest would have to be sorted later on.

Another nurse entered but stopped dead in his tracks in the doorway.

"Greg and Remington Lowe?!"  He exclaimed, laughing as he moved closer to my father and me.

"Good to see you again, Jesse," my dad greeted my old soccer pal with a warm wave. He was confined to a wheelchair but Jesse came closer and greeted him with a pat on the back.

I shook my head, amazed to see Jess in person, "What in the world are you doing here, man?"

"Working.  Living the life."  He grinned and began taking my vitals, I assumed to prepare me for surgery.  "Things are good.  I've worked here awhile after getting done with Med school and moving home to help with my folks.  What are you doing back here? I know last time I visited Atlanta a couple years ago you said never again..."

My dad looked away a moment and cleared his throat which was all Jesse needed to hear.

"I'm so sorry."   He gave my shoulder a gentle pat then looked over to my dad.  "No wonder you've been around the hospital so much.  Well, let's get Remi here into surgery so we can get him out of surgery and better. I need some competition back on the soccer field again so we can hear your old man wolf whistle while you pretend to be goalie again."

We shared a smile and I realized I needed to know something before surgery.

"Hey, Jesse?  Can you tell me.... I just... I mean, is Alice okay?  What about Benji?  Are they... are they okay?"  My words felt like they made no sense but his eyes lit up at my question.

He smiled, looking a moment to my dad who had a curious smile on his face.  Jesse replied, "They're okay.  Would you like me to add them to your contact list so they can get your information if they ask about you?  The three of you are the only survivors so I can only imagine..."  His voice trailed off and I could tell he read between the lines.

Jesse could see how deeply I cared.

This should not surprise me.  He's a good guy who I've known since childhood.  One of the only friends from this town that has visited Atlanta and crashed at my apartment.  Jesse is someone I would trust with my life.

He remembered what it was like losing Reese so knew I wouldn't want to lose anyone else.

I paused a moment and grabbed Jesse's arm, "Hey, could you do me a favor?  Maybe... if you don't mind... Alice is the sweetest gal, and Benji is hilarious.  He has the best sense of humor and will probably get you cracking up in no time."

He grinned, "Look, I've got your back.  I'm supposed to be off in about a half hour but I'm happy to stick around until you're out of surgery to be sure you're okay."  Jesse looked at the ceiling a moment while tilting his head back and forth like he was debating something, "You know, they are probably pretty short staffed so I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I hung around and helped out a little."

My dad chuckled at our conversation, "You must really like this girl, Remi."

I blushed, looking down at my hands a moment.  My eyes met his a moment before I could speak and only say quietly, "I can't wait for you to meet her, dad.  She's incredible."

"Well, that's my cue to go meet my new best friends.  Benji sounds awesome so I have a feeling he and I will get along just fine."  Jesse waved and gave me a pointed look, "See you soon, Rem!"


The medication worked quickly and the dream was vivid.  More vibrant and rich and intoxicating than anything I'd ever experienced.

I felt happy.

It was one of those summer afternoons with Reese, reliving our glory days spent playing soccer and baseball before swimming in the lake.  We would barely be inside the house but for moments at a time.

I wanted those days to last, but then I needed to wake up.

I need to see Alice again.


Everything hurt.

Noises were surrounding me on all sides, closing in and suffocating me more than the blankets that covered my body.  I tried to stretch and was unable to move. My mouth opened and a yawn came out, noise escaping along with it.

"Oh, good, you're awake!  How do you feel?"  A female nurse asked me, leaning over to check my pupils. Her name badge smacked my forehead and I winced, dodging slightly and growing annoyed with her complete obliviousness.

"Can I see Alice?"  I felt weak and could tell my voice was much scratchier than I would have expected.  Everything was fuzzy but Alice's name echoed just like her voice did through the woods as she sang right before our rescue.

"Sorry, who?"  Her shrill voice asked annoyingly.

I sighed, trying not to be rude when she was attempting to help me.  "Can I see Jesse?  Or my dad?"

"Oh, your daddy is waiting for you in your room so we will get you up there just as soon as we can, sugar!"  She attempted to be cheerful while fussing around my hospital bed, taking vitals and cooing over everything I did.

My head was pounding.

I shut my eyes and dreamed myself back into the forest with Alice and Benji.

This time was better.  None of us were injured and I saw a cooler nearby that I assumed held cold drinks and food.  I was leaning against a tree with Alice sitting between my legs, cuddling into my arms.  We watched as Benji reenacted an event from school in front of us.  Our laughter echoed through the forest at his dramatics and Alice slid my arms around her body more securely.  I leaned down and kissed the side of her neck then felt her sigh as she leaned back into me.

Everything just felt like it was going to be okay.

When my eyes opened again I was back in my hospital room, but thankful the post op nurse was no longer nearby.  My head still ached but the pain was more like a clicking pen than a banging drum.

"Well, you're not dead yet."  My dad remarked with a dry laugh, slapping my leg.

"Neither are you."  I replied.  He chuckled, "Careful what you wish for!"  We laughed but the dark humor was slightly too close to home at this moment.

It truly would be soon.

Sooner than I want to believe.

"Rem?"  My dad's voice caught me and I met his eyes slowly.  He smiled, "Here's what I want. buddy. I want you to get better. Let's just get you well and take some time to rewatch old baseball games and binge every sports documentary on HBO Max. We can order takeout from wherever you want and just relax for a bit while you heal up, then... "

I nodded and completed his sentence, "Then the rest will work itself out?"

"It always does."  He smiled, "And until then we can just make the best of the time we have.  I'm stuck in this chair and you're going to be stuck in a bed for a bit.  Good thing I have excellent cable and everything set up for our comfort."

My dad's smile faded as he let out a long breath and looked uncomfortable a moment.  I sat up slightly but he waved me off, saying only, "It's okay, it'll pass.  It's just part of this.  And before you ask, there is nothing you can do. Just part of the cancer."  He paused, another long deep breath in and out before continuing, "Son, these are my last days. Please let me spend them with you."

I nodded, blinking back tears, "I think we can manage that. Maybe I'll stick around here for awhile."

His smile became brighter, "Really?"

"I mean, for now we have to just take it a day at a time."

He smiled and it reminded me of how important family truly was.

Then I realized I had no personal information for Alice or Benji. 

This was one instance where living in a small town was a blessing, but I also had a feeling I would be seeing them again soon.

"Hey, you awake now, Remington?"  I heard a voice call from the hallway.

"Yeah!"  I hollered back and watched as Jesse entered while pushing Benji in a wheelchair.  His left leg was elevated and in a boot while his left arm was now in a cast.  The smile on his face showed me he was well fed, had gotten a nap, and was on some decent pain medication.  We may have cheated death less than twenty four hours prior, but this kid seemed to be no worse for the wear.

I noticed Benji had chosen a camouflage pattern cast so naturally I decided to mock his pick immediately.  As they approached I gasped dramatically, "Benji!  I am so so sorry!  I had no idea they would need to amputate your left arm!"

My dad looked at me like I was insane while Jesse burst into laughter and Benji just rolled his eyes.

"Really?  That's all you got, old man?  An invisible joke?"  His mocking tone was so obnoxious that even my dad began laughing at such a sarcastic response.

Jesse wiped his eyes, "Bruh, that was classic," before offering Benji a high five with his right hand.

I shook my head, "Ice cold, dude.  Just Antarctica.  How dare you go back on bro code like that. I thought all those years of Soccer camp meant something.  I made the joke, I should get the high five!"

He shook his head, "Nah, Benji picked the cast for the exact reason that he wanted to play that joke on others.  You stole his punch line so he gets the glory."

Benji burst into laughter, "So wait, Remi tells the joke and I get the credit?  Nice!"

We continued laughing another moment, wiping eyes and shaking our heads at how electric the energy was in the room with our group.  Jesse and I have always been able to tease one another easily so seeing Benji slide into our brotherhood.

My dad cleared his throat, "Well, since we haven't been properly introduced, I'm Gregory Lowe, Remington's father."

Benji laughed, "Yeah, your son is so rude.  Seriously.  You really messed up with him."  My dad's genuine shock turned into a burst of laughter that surprised even Benji but then turned into pride.  "Nice to meet you, Mr. Lowe.  I'm Benjamin Davidson.  My sister, Alice, is poking around here somewhere probably."

He gave me a smirk and I instantly blushed bright red at the unspoken accusation.

"You were right, Benj."  Jesse shook his head.

"Pay up, man."

Jesse took a one dollar bill from his pocket and handed it to Benji.  My dad and I shared a confused look before Jesse let out a groan.  "Benji bet me one dollar that it would take less than ten minutes for you to start staring at the door looking for Alice like a lost puppy."

He paused, looking between my dad and I a moment before continuing, "And now that I've met Alice, may I just say... I get it.  I really do." Jesse gave me an approving nod while Benji turned up his nose and scoffed, "Ew, gross.  She's my sister."

Jesse shrugged, "Yeah.  Your sister is hot."

"Jess, shut up about my sister."  Benji pretended to get out of his wheelchair but was laughing too hard to make it far.  Jesse pushed him down playfully while my dad chuckled at their joking around.

"What about your sister?"

Alice's voice rang through the room and we looked up to see her seated in a wheelchair in the doorway with an older female doctor pushing her right toward me.

Our eyes locked.

My breath caught a moment as she smiled slowly.

In my head, my bat connected with the ball and it was a grand slam. 

The crowd went wild.

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