By Bolt--

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-Original Story- After an experiment gone wrong, Syr finds herself forcefully ejected into a strange new insi... More

Chapter Zero - Experimental
Chapter One - Fallen Angel
Chapter Two - Ghost Town
Chapter Three - Town Trip
Chapter Four - Late Night Excursion
Chapter Five - Free Real Estate
Chapter Six - Registration
Chapter Seven - First Taste
Chapter Nine - Gearing Up
Chapter Ten - Cloak and Dagger
Chapter Eleven - A Compound Threat
Chapter Twelve - Slippery When Wet
Chapter Thirteen - Sonic Boom
Chapter Fourteen - A Small Respite
Chapter Fifteen - New Heights
Chapter Sixteen - Resource Compression
Chapter Seventeen - Sci/O;
Chapter Eighteen - Redistribution
Chapter ??? - #̵͙̂̐̀@̵̡̥͍̃̋$̶̢̭͔͋̏̔^̵̯̹̖͆͘*̶̰͕̈́̈́̒&̵̲͌̾́!̷̰̉%̷̛̙̩̩̋͘

Chapter Eight - Confessions

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By Bolt--

Nyr - "Wahoo! Score one for team White Fire!"

Syr - "Ehh, can we just not bring attention to the name.."

Nyr - "Yeahh finee.. Soo, how was it..?!"

Syr - "Hmph, it was a bit intense, but hardly a challenge."

Nyr - "Well, well, now! Next time I suppose I'll grab us something more threatening! Though, I suppose in that case we'll want to improve your armor situation."

Syr - "Oh yeah.. How come we never got me any protective gear..?"

Nyr - "It's not like we could've afforded any!"

Syr - "Fair."

Nyr - "Besides, armor isn't that effective anyway. At least when up against brute force. It's more about the abilities that you mod in. And the best gear is crafted from scavenged monster components you won't find at the markets!"

Syr - "What about yours then?"

Nyr - "Ahhh I haven't had much time or resources to put into this. It's pretty stock as is."

Syr - "Well what about the stuff from this guy?"

She motions to the dead lizard.

Nyr - "Hmm, thanks to your unsavoury stunt earlier, we've got plentyyy of these wind components now. However, for reasons that are probably obvious, the wind element isn't exactly the most popular choice among hunters. It does have its uses though, so we should grab what we can to sell later. And you should carve any extra bits you think would look cool!"

Syr - "What?! Gross!"

Nyr - "C'mon, we went and killed the thing, we may as well use its bits! Wearing the bits of the prey you've killed is a big power move, very intimidating to most monsters."

Syr - "Jeez.."

Nyr - "We better get to it if we want to make it back before dark. Hhhhff, I am starvingg as well. We forgot to get something to eat with how busy we were today.."

Syr - "I hardly noticed, given how we gorged ourselves last night.. I feel gross too after that though, I just want a nice bath to get this disgusting stench off me.."

Nyr - "Yeah, I guess that wind is basically tainted with the stupid lizard's moist, damp, rotting insides.."

Syr makes a face that looks like she's going to hurl, Nyr looks half mischievous, half guilty.

They get to carving up their kill and scavenging what they can.

Nyr deals with 'disassembling' the grotesque fusion of flesh and machinery that was dispelled from the lizard.

Syr reluctantly carves some bits from its body in some dainty motions, as well as a slice of untainted meat that she throws to Biggs, who seems to enjoy it greatly.

Syr - "Hmh, carnivores.."

Biggs - "[Chorrp!]"

Nyr - "Whew, you get everything?"

Syr - "I suppose so.."

Nyr - "Right, then let's get back to the village. We've got some relaxing to do!!"

She shoves all the spoils into her pouch.

Biggs clambers back up to his perch.

And they depart back to the village.

Nyr - "That went fairly well. You're definitely better than the average rookie. Though, our teamwork could use some improvement.."

Syr - "I'm not used to fighting in a team.."

Nyr - "Can't say I am either. But there you go again, saying things you shouldn't remember..!"

Syr - "I- Eghhh.."

Syr raises her hand to her head in pained thought.

Nyr - "Woah, easy there..! It's okay, there's no need to stress yourself again.."

She rubs Syr's shoulders tenderly which calms her down and dispels the thought from her mind.

Though, she makes no indication for Nyr to stop..

Making their way back towards the village, they spot a peculiar object sticking out of the dirt, not belonging to the natural forest.

Syr - "Woah.. What's that..?"

Nyr - "A big sword..?!"

Syr - "It's massive..! ..Check me out!"

She runs up to the tall metallic post sticking out of the ground, signs of wear from being in the elements beginning to take over its finish.

Placing her hands around the hilt she poses as if resting after a tough battle, her expression softening to a curious gaze towards Nyr, clearly trying to impress and clearly having the desired effect.

Nyr ~ H-How can one person look so.. cool..

Nyr - "H-Hey, get away from that thing! It's dangerous..!"

Syr - "Wah?! How's it dangerous..?! I'm just looking!"

Nyr ~ But it might give me a nosebleed..!

Nyr - "Y-You might trip and cut yourself and get tetanus or something..!"

Syr - "..You are ridiculous..!!"

The pair arrive back in the village where more people are out and about, scurrying around working on various fix-up jobs even at this hour.

Nyr - "Mmmm.. Why don't you go back and get cleaned up 'n stuff. I'll handle turning the quest in and get us some tasty food!"

Syr - "Are you sure..?"

Nyr - "Yeah, it's no problem. I didn't get hit with that stank ball, so I don't really need a bath anyways."

Syr - "Right.. Well, alright. Thanks.."

Nyr - "Of course! See ya in a bit!"

The light fades over the village as they part ways, Syr heading to the house they picked just earlier that day, Nyr fast tracking it to the guild post.

Nyr bursts into the guild building somewhat out of breath.

Nyr - "Wheew! You guys still open..?"

Nyr - "Wha- What are you doing here?!"

Brix - "I-"

Lissly - "He's here to make sure the guild has everything it needs. And nothing else."

She casts him a stern look.

Brix - "Y-Yes, of course, ma'am.."

Nyr ~ Do I want to know what this is about..?

Nyr - "Well I guess this works out nicely anyway, I wanted to ask you about furniture for our house!"

A lightbulb illuminates Brix's mind.

Brix - "Hmm, no can do I'm afraid. I've decided I'd rather save such furnishings for my own abode. HmHmh!"

Nyr - "W-What?! You can't do that, you promised you-!"

Brix - "Now now, no need to get so disquieted. The deal was that I give you a residence in this village if you helped me, and by golly gosh you've got your house! Nothing stipulates I furnish such residence for you, not even our informal agreement."

He glares down at her with a smug grin.

Nyr - "Grrr.. You're just mad and jealous because I'm sleeping with the latest girl you've taken a fancy to!!"

Lissly is taken aback by the hostile remark, and with a hint of blush.

Brix merely becomes irritated.

Nyr covers her mouth as her cheeks fill with red, realizing she had spoken before thinking.

Brix - "Tch.. I don't have to sit here and be berated by a petulant child and their ridiculous claims.. Enjoy your empty space.."

He storms out of the building trying and failing to appear unaffected.

Lissly - "Was.. Was that true..?"

Nyr - "Err.. Not in the way you're asking.."

Lissly - "Ahem.. I see. So, you do like this girl then, no..?"

Nyr - "Wha- I mean.. You knoww.. I donno.. I-Imeeean I- She-"

Lissly - "Out with it."

Nyr - "Aaaa I don't knoww.. She.. makes me feel.. things.."'

Lissly - "Oh..!"

She had a bit of a surprised and embarrassed tone.

Nyr - "Not those kinds of things..!!"

Nyr - "Though, also those kinds of things.."

That second line was said with a much weaker voice.

Lissly - "Hff. You need to be more clear with your words."

Nyr - "I-I just.. I want to get to know who she is, beyond that exterior shell. I want to be able to hold her and tell her everything will be okay and actually mean it, whatevers bothering her.. Brush that ridiculous hair out of the way and kiss her wholeheartedly.. Rest in each other's arms after a difficult day.. ..And then maybe some less wholesome things.."

Lissly - "Ahem.."

Nyr - "Aghh, but.. it's so hard to do any of that when even she doesn't know who she is.. It's difficult to start getting close to somebody in a situation like this.."

Lissly - "Hmh.. You really are a hopeless romantic."

Nyr - "H-Hey-!"

Lissly - "..Have you expressed this sentiment to her?"

Nyr - "What?! N-No..! You can't j-just go up to people and tell them things like that!"

Lissly - "[Sighs] But you can profess to them your desire to be more than 'just friends'. Can you not? At least that you want to be closer.."

Nyr - "B-But I.. I mean, we only met a few days ago..! I c-can't just- I don't even know if we're a good fit for each other yet.."

Lissly - "Hmph, such contrivances are no excuse to hide your feelings. Your relationship will grow much faster if you're both on the same page."

Nyr - "Buhhh.. Not everyone can have your confidence, Lissly.."

Lissly - "Confidence is but a discipline like any other. What happened to the confidence you had when you confessed to me?"

Nyr - "It evaporated on the spot when you rejected me.."

Lissly - "Well, take my advice or don't. It's your life, but I think you know what's best for you. Anyway, why did you come here, I want to go home for the day."

Nyr - "I-I just wanted to turn in the quest we did today.."

Lissly - "Very well. All future simple requests and transactions are to be handled by them."

She motions to a counter where a large black monolith resides.

Nyr - "Whaaat is that thing?"

Lissly - "A new receptionist robot."

Nyr - "Uhh.."

Lissly - "Goodnight, Nyrelye. And good luck."

She walks out of the building, leaving Nyr alone, aside from a couple robots.

Nyr - "Uhm, hello..?"

The monolith whirs to life as a thin horizontal bar near the top lights up in rhythm with its speech.

Robot - "Greetings."

Nyr - "W-What are you..?

Robot - "I am receptionist initiative cyber host automaton, code: R1C4. The user may refer to me as RBot."

Nyr - "..I am not going to call you that. Just give me the money for the quest, okay."

RBot - "Deficiency detected: is RBot not personable enough to the user..?"

Nyr - "What?! No, just-!"

RBot - "Suggestion: Would the user like to hear the music I composed? It is very relatable."

Nyr - "Just give me-!"

RBot - "Socialization attempt: I like to skateboard. Perhaps we could grind some rails together sometime?"

Nyr - "Can you even leave that spot..?!"

It processes for a moment before responding.

RBot - "Negative."

Nyr - "Just give me my money!"

RBot - "Very well. Your quest reward, plus urgency bonus."

The robot ejects a bundle of currency from a slot that slides open.

Nyr - "Sheesh.."

She takes it and moves to leave the building.

RBot - "Thank you, please socialize again, valued friend."

Nyr - "Buhhhhhh.."

Nyr - 'Now, just to get some food..'

Syr - "Ahhh~ This really hits the spot.."

She soaks in the hot, soapy water of the bath.

Syr - "So, Biggs, how'd you like your first day as a hunter too?"

Biggs - "[Excited chirping]"

Syr - "Eheh, yeah I thought you looked like you were having fun. You sure enjoyed that lizard meat."

Biggs - "[Inquisitive chirping]"

Syr - "Huh, me? I dunno, it was pretty fun I suppose. Kind of gross though."

Biggs - "[Implicative squeaks]"

Syr - "W-What about Nyr..?"

Her mind instantly returns to her earlier thoughts.

Biggs - "[Explanatory chirping]"

Syr - "What..?! I wasn't acting weird around her earlier..!"

Biggs - "[Cheep Chirp!]"

Syr - "M-My hand just slipped..! Seriously!"

Biggs - "[Insinuating chirps]"

Syr - "I-I do not have a crush on Nyr!! She's the one with a crush on me! That girl is terrible at hiding her feelings.."

Biggs - "[Accusatory chirping]"

The way Biggs spoke in general was oddly sophisticated and refined for such a small and mischievous creature, proper, yet with child-like intent.

Syr - "Wha- I didn't blush!! It just tickled, she was like, breathing into my ear!"

Biggs - "[Teasing squeaks]"

Syr - "How dare you! I can hide my feelings just fine!"

Biggs - "[Condemning chirps]"

Syr - "Ugh, no that's not an admission of guilt you little twerp! Besides.. She's, y'know, a girl.."

Biggs - "[Serious chorps]"

Syr - "I know it doesn't matter but.. It doesn't feel natural, I've never felt anything for a girl before.."

Biggs - "[Recusant chirping]"

These chirps make Syr positively flustered.

Syr - "I am not in gay denial!!! How do you even understand a concept like that with that peanut sized brain of yours?!"

Biggs - "[Chanting squeaks]"

Syr - "Grrr.. Quit saying that! I don't have a crush on her!"

Biggs - "[Repeated chanting]"

Syr - "You little..!"

She aggressively splashes the antagonizing critter.

Biggs - "Screeee!"

He scrambles out of the bath, recognizing his safety is in jeopardy.

Syr - "You're not getting away that easily!"

She gets up and grabs a towel and her clothes, proceeding to chase Biggs around the house, whipping at him with the towel while he chants a teasing string of chirps at her.

The two drip water everywhere.

Syr - "I do not like N-!"

The door to the house swings open.

Nyr - "Heyy Syrr! I got us some-"

Upon entering, her vision is met with a half-naked girl and a soggy scamp both frozen like deer in headlights, though one of them had their arm raised and ready to strike at the other.

Nyr - "Eh..?"

Syr - "Eh..?"

Biggs - "[Chorp..?]"

The two girls blush at each other instantly.

Nyr - "Wh-What is going on in here?! And why do I suddenly feel so left out..?!"

Syr - "U-Uhh I can explain! You see, Biggs, he.. Ehhh.. Ahh, I can't explain this..!"

Nyr - "It's fine.. Just, if you're going to have a towel fight, invite me next time, okay..?"

Syr - "R-Right.."

Nyr - "A-And put some clothes on..!"

Syr - "B-Bwehh! Don't look, y-you pervert!"

Nyr - "O-Ouch.. I-I wasn't the one running around with no clothes.."

Nyr ~ But maybe she has a point though..

She averts her gaze and waddles slowly into the room awkwardly holding the food and trying both to look and not look at the same time, fighting an inner urge.

Syr - "Yeah well, m-maybe you should knock first before barging into a private space..!"

Quickly trying to re-clothe herself in the embarrassing moment, she struggles as things get caught.

Nyr - "It's our house you know.. Besides, you weren't so bothered about it before in the bath.."

Syr - "We were heavily intoxicated..! A-And that was before-! Eghh!"

Nyr - "B-Before what..?!"

Syr - "Nothing! Just get over here with the food, I'm hungry..!"

Syr having finished up dressing herself, Nyr carries the mountain of take-out containers over to the middle of the large empty space.

Nyr - "Soo.. I've got some good news and I've got some bad news."

Syr - "Eh?"

Nyr - "Bad news is, ran into Brix at the guild place, we're not getting any furniture, hahah..!"

Syr - "I told you so.."

Nyr - "Good news is I snagged us a bunch of tastyyy food!"

Syr - "It doesn't count as news if I can see it already!"

Nyr - "Well! You didn't know it was tasty yet, so..!"

Syr - "Hmph..!"

Nyr - "Oh! And I also got a couple of fairly cozy sleeping bags at least."

Syr - "How homely.."

Nyr - "Ohh lighten up, will you! It's not the most lavish, but we do have a feast here! And you know, we might not have any decor at this exact moment, but we can always just buy some, we've got money now!"

Syr - "Yeah, I suppose you're right.."

Nyr - "Hmm.. Unless it's not about that, something else on your mind..?"

Syr - "O-Oh..! No! No it's nothing, it's nothing..!"

Nyr - "Mm, well if you insist.."

Nyr - "Anyway, if you'll notiiice, we do have a rather warm looking fireplace! So let's get ourselves comfortable and have a nice cozy dinner by firelight!"

Syr - "Y-Yeah..! It sounds nice, I am starting to get hungry now.."

They get the fire going and plop themselves down amidst the forest of food containers strewn about the floor.

Syr - "MmmmmmmmmmMMMmmm.."

Nyr - "HmHm, mhmm! Shou can shay phat agaid!"

She didn't bother to finish what was in her mouth before speaking.

They sit among their mess, mostly content, yet still picking the occasional food scrap here or there for an after-dinner snack.

Biggs flops around, unable to rest comfortably due to an enlarged tummy.

Nyr - "Buhhh.."

Syr - "What are we gonna do with all this garbage.."

Nyr - "What'dya mean..?! We've got an incinerator right here!"

She eyes Biggs with a mischievous look, Syr seems to catch on and shares in the mischief.

They gather all the garbage into a large pile.

Syr - "Alright Biggs, light it up."

He hocks up a massive burp of fire that zooms into the trash pile.

It explodes into a bright blaze as every item is vaporized on the spot.

Syr - "Woah!!"

Syr - "Huh, now that I think about it, that was pretty irresponsible."

Nyr - "Hah, naaa. Look it's fine!"

Syr - "Wha- Shouldn't there be like, at least some ashes or something?"

Nyr - "Don't question these things..! Less work for us."

They sit in front of the fire side-by-side, keeping themselves warm.

Nyr - "Mann, even with this fire my toesies are cold somehow..!"

Syr - "Same.."

Nyr - "Ridiculous.."

Nyr - "Say.. Syr..?"

Syr - "Yeah..?"

Nyr - "U-Uhm.. There was something I wanted to talk to you about.."

Syr - "O-Oh..? Well.. what is it?"

Syr ~ I-Is this it? Is she about to confess..? What the hell are you doing?! It's too soon! I-I'm not ready for this! The hell am I gonna say?! I only j-just-!

She starts to get visibly nervous, Nyr was already.

Nyr - "W-Well, you see.. I um.. Y-You-"

Her flustration overwhelms her and she buries her head in her knees.

Nyr - "Ahh, I-I just wanted to ask about you! Get a little c-closer, y-y'know?! B-But like, you know, how's your life outside of- y'know, all this..? A-Anyone around maybe that would know about ya and could help you get your memory back..?"

Nyr ~ God I sound so stupid.. Stammering.. And how many times can I say 'you know' so close together?! She probably thinks I'm a total doofus incapable of having any real conversation..

Syr ~ She totally wanted to say it. Heh, what a dork..

Syr ~ ...

Syr ~ Phew..

Syr - "Uhh.. I-Idunno, I don't really have a life outside of this and.. you.. Kind of been wandering around with you ever since I came to.."

Nyr - "Oh.. Right, hahah.. Guess we kind of have been spending a lot of time here together the past few days.."

Nyr - "S-So uhh.. does that mean you don't have a boyfriend..?"

Syr - "W-Wha-?!"

Even with her anticipation, this question catches Syr off-guard.

Nyr - "..G-Girlfriend.. maybe..?"

Syr is now in a full on blush, though thankfully Nyr is not looking as she is far too embarrassed herself.

Syr - "E-Eh?! Wehh?! Bwha..?! I-!"

Nyr - "Eeeh h-heh, you know i-it's just, if you did, they might've been a good choice for helping you with your memory..! That's all..!"

Nyr - "Though for posterity and to be fair, I'm single as can be over here..! Heh.."

Nyr ~ Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh whyyy ammm I like thissss..?!

Syr - "Ehhhh!? I-I don't know! I wouldn't know even if I did..! They could be out there worried about me or something.. Whatever happened, I don't really have a way to contact anyone I must have known before.."

An awkward moment goes by, the subject of conversation becoming more bleak.

Syr - "Who am I kidding.. Ever since you found me I've been overcome with this feeling that I have nobody anyways.."

Nyr - "B-But.. you've got me, don't you..?"

Syr - "Heh, yeah.. I guess I do.. But-"

Nyr - "No buts please.. I don't mean to discount the people you knew before or anything.. I'd love to help you find them, once you remember.. There's no way they're all gone!"

Syr doesn't respond except to lean into her lightly.

Nyr - "I.. I know it's not really my place to say that you won't lose me too. But-"

Syr - "How come you can but.."

Nyr - "I-It's my but and I'll do what I want with it...!"

Nyr - "Ahem, but, I can at least tell you that I'll-"

Nyr - "Eghh.."

Before she could finish what she wanted to say, she appears to remember something painful.

Nyr - "I-I'm sorry.. I probably just shouldn't make any promises.."

Syr ~ Damn.. Even her..?

Syr - "..Either way.. I'm not really concerned about what you do.."

Nyr - "H-Huh..?"

She sighs before continuing, curling into a ball with her legs tucked in.

Syr - "U-Uhm.. Earlier today, I remembered something.. When I fainted, or whatever.."

Nyr - "R-Really..?! That's great, isn't it? What was it..?!"

Syr - "When.. W-When I was really young.. maybe six or seven.. my uhh.. my parents died.."

The tone of her voices trembles as she tries to explain.

Nyr - "Oh.. Oh no.."

Nyr's worries subside as she leans herself against Syr, letting her know that she's there, trying to comfort her in what little way she can.

Syr - "I-I don't really know what happened, even to this day.. All I know is that they were attacked somehow.. By who or what I don't know.. Though I have my suspicions, they were pretty high up engineers at a big biotech corporation. Constantly working on controversial advancements or developing technology that some might kill to stop it from getting out.."

Nyr - "I-I'm sorry.."

Syr - "It's fine.. It's been so long.. I.. I had someone else to take care of me.. But.. I can't even remember who they were now.."

Nyr - "It's okay.. Y-You'll get there.. This proves your memory should come back over time..!"

She gently rubs against Syr's arm.

Syr - "Hff.. They were nice parents, I think.. At least from the small fragments I can remember. Obviously I didn't get to know them that well, as well as you can imagine how busy a couple of high ranking engineers might be.."

Syr - "I think.. I was sad at first. Over a few years though.. that emotion changed to anger.. Angry that they couldn't have just fought back, protected themselves, instead of leaving me.."

Even in this moment, a tinge of resentment lingers in her voice as she recounts her memory.

Syr - "I think that's why.. that's why I became a fighter.. It's such a stupid, childish thing, but then again, I was a child.. I thought if I became strong and could beat anyone up, I could make it so what happened to my parents could never happen to me.. And nobody would ever have to go through the pain of losing me, like I lost them.. Even though now, with an adult's hindsight, it was really dumb, eheh.. Whatever happened to my parents I'm sure couldn't have been stopped with a little bit of martial arts.."

Nyr - "Well.. that explains a few things.. It's silly but, admirable.."

Syr - "Hmh.. It's probably not surprising that I stayed away from the technology stuff, I wanted nothing to do with the shit that got my parents killed.. Though, the same couldn't be said for-- wait.. Who..? Ehhh.."

Nyr - "Syr.. I.."

Syr - "Aagh, don't worry about it.. It's in the past now, and for better or worse I'm strong as hell. Lingering anxieties be damned.."

A few awkward moments slink by, unsure how to confront someone else's trauma so directly.

Nyr readjusts her position, holding onto Syr.

Nyr - "I uhm.. When I was younger, I went to a kind of less well off school, and there wasn't a lot of care for the students there.. But anyway, I had a best friend that I would do everything with. We'd play and laugh at the dumbest things. But, one day, a couple of other kids got in trouble for something, and we made fun of them, laughed at them.. Maybe not the nicest thing, but we were just kids, you know? Well, we were in the classroom after school like we always were, hanging out and doing that night's homework together after everyone and the teacher had left. Except this time those other kids also stayed.. We didn't think anything of it because I mean, why would you..? Maybe it was a bit weird, but they were just doing their own thing. Working on whatever, snickering away together. They didn't seem all that different from us.. I stepped out to use the restroom though.. I-"

She stops momentarily as she chokes up, struggling to keep telling the story.

Syr places her arm around Nyr, returning the favor, helping her stay calm.

Nyr - "I-Idonno why they waited until I left.. Maybe she said something to them..? Maybe they just didn't want to deal with both of us at once but.. b-but.. when I came back, they were.. t-they were holding her down, one of them covering her mouth.. Just hitting her.. Over.. And over.."

She buries her face into Syr's shoulder as her tears start to flow.

Nyr - "I-I didn't know what to do..! I just- I just ran.. I hid as fast as I could nearby.. They didn't see me, but I didn't know.. I.. I-I was just so scared, I was weak.. I couldn't do anything to help her.. I couldn't even try to get help, I was frozen in fear.. I just sat there, hiding.. I-I could- I could hear her muffled screams as they.. held her down and beat her.."

Her grip on Syr tightens as she braces from the emotional wave trying to capsize her.

Nyr - "A-At some point, she stopped screaming but.. that didn't stop them.. I don't know how long all of this lasted.. It couldn't have been more than a minute, but it felt like an eternity as I just sat there silently crying my eyes out.. Too afraid to move or make any noise at all.. Eventually, I guess they finally thought she had enough.. Or maybe they thought she was dead.. I-I heard them leave.. but it still took awhile for me to even move at all.. Every muscle in my body was locked in place.."

Nyr - "When.. W-When I finally managed to get back.. She was.. her face was.. covered in blood.. I tried to talk to her.. I-I tried to apologize.. Tried to tell her how sorry I was.. I-I don't know if she heard me.. If she could.. s-she couldn't speak at all.. She was probably unconscious.. I had to call emergency services and somehow explain to them what happened.. B-But I.. couldn't bring myself to say who did it.."

By now, Syr had this girl in a full embrace, just trying to contain her emotions.

Nyr - "After everything was over.. T-They.. They took her away, and I never saw her again.. Thankfully she didn't die but.. t-they had her transfer to a different school.. Figured it would make things easier for her once she healed.."

Nyr - "Those absolute.. fucking bastards.."

Her fists clench tightly.

Nyr - "Nothing even happened to them.. Nobody else saw what happened.. And I- I-I was too god damn weak, and scared to do or say anything..!! Scared they might do something to me.."

She pathetically beats her fist against Syr's arm.

Nyr - "Phhh.. God.. How selfish is that.."

Nyr - "Eventually they were caught and expelled, and hopefully worse.. But not after seriously hurting a few other kids.. After all, scum like that don't just stop with one isolated incident.. especially not after realizing they can get away with it.."

Nyr stiffens up, as her mental state sinks again.

Nyr - "Other people had to suffer immensely because of me.. Because I'm a fucking coward.."

She pushes her face into Syr even harder for a moment.

Nyr - "Aliiz probably wasn't even the first one.. I-I don't know if she blames me for what happened.. But god knows I do.. Maybe I could've seen her in the hospital.. before she left.. But.. I-I couldn't bring myself to do it.. To look at her again, to see her face like that.. because I couldn't do anything.. I couldn't bring myself to confront her after knowing I did nothing.. I should've just taken the beating with her.. I deserve it anyway.."

A few moments go by, Nyr lightly sobbing into Syr's shoulder.

Nyr - "S-So.. That's why.. w-why I decided to just be alone.. If I can't be there for my friends when they really need me.. Then I'd just stay by myself.. That's how weak I am.. I-I'm not strong like you, or how I pretend to be to impress you.. I couldn't use that emotion to get better, and learn to protect my friends or myself.. O-Or even just to move on.. I keep sulking in my own self-pity.."

She sniffles in a futile attempt to lessen the mess she's causing.

Syr is unsure of what to say, or if she even should say anything.

Nonetheless, her hold on Nyr never waivers for even a second.

Nyr - "Then.. T-Then I found the In-Worlds.. A new place I could escape to and.. a-and become a new person.. Someone who doesn't run away.. Someone who can stand up for their friends.. A-At least that's what I hoped.. I thought if I became a hunter here, I could get stronger and better but.. but even here I couldn't escape my fears.. I put so much work into hunting.. It's all I cared about.. But I could only get so far on my own.. Sure I got physically stronger here.. but mentally I wasn't any different beyond the facade I put up.. Every time I would make new friends, start to grow a party together and have people start to confide in me.. My fears would resurface and I'd have a panic attack.. Convince myself everyone was better off without me.. without trusting someone who couldn't actually be there for them when it mattered.. I'd just disappear from them, never talk to them again.. It also made it hard to keep progressing myself, always having to start over somewhere else.. It's so stupid and I know it's stupid.. B-But I- I just can't help it..! I don't know what to do, it's like I don't have any control over myself in those moments.."

Nyr shrinks down, curling up as much as she can, her voice muffled as it makes its way out.

Nyr - "S-So you see.. T-That's why I can't promise I won't leave you.."

Having finally finished, the stagnant air weighs on them heavily.

Syr holds her tight as she tries to process everything.

Syr - "I.. I can't even imagine.. It must have been so hard to be in that position. Then, and now.."

Syr - "I don't blame you."

Nyr shudders and briefly looks up at Syr.

Nyr - "..H-Huh..?"

Syr - "What happened wasn't your fault.. Maybe there's a thousand things you could've done to have made the situation better, or even have prevented it. Or you could also have somehow made it worse, you never know with these things.. But that's true of any situation, and I don't think anyone really expects a kid to deal with that situation very well anyway. What happened, happened the way it did. And you can't change that. It's just a terrible, horrific event. It could've happened to anyone. And it would've traumatized anyone just the same. But now, you need to live the life she would've wanted you to. The one where you move on, living happily and making new friends.. If not for yourself, then for someone else out there struggling with their own issues who need a friend to lean on.."

Nyr - "S-Syr.. I.."

Syr - "A-Anyway, I'm sorry.. It's not my place to say- It's not like anyone likes unsolicited advice when they're just venting.."

Nyr - "N-No.. Syr.. t-thank you.. No, you can't fix me.. Especially not with just a few words.. But.. Just being here for me, to listen.. Caring enough to try anyway.."

She sniffles again trying not to begin another fit of crying.

Nyr - "T-Thank you.."

Hugging her tightly, Nyr forces herself not to cry anymore than she already has.

Syr - "Eghh..!"

Syr - "I-It's no big deal.. I'm glad I could help in any way at all.. But, still.. Even through all of that.. I don't care. I don't think any less of you. We're going to keep hunting together. And if you run away, I don't care! I won't rest again until I find you and cram some sense back into you!"

Nyr - "Syr..!"

She looks up at her, with an almost bittersweet smile as the tears spill over the dam she'd constructed.

Crying both because she's happy that someone would care for her in this way, and because she's afraid that she still might destroy this connection, or that she doesn't deserve it in the first place.

After calming down a bit, Nyr sniffles trying to clear herself up.

Nyr - "I.. I-I really want to tell you that I won't leave you, but.. but I-I swear! It's different this time! I don't know why.. It just feels different.. When I'm with you.."

Syr - "Well, I can't say that's really very assuring.."

Nyr - "I-I know.. I just don't know how to express-"

Syr - "Don't worry about it, okay. Regardless of all that, we can't abandon each other, friends or otherwise. As hunters, we need to be there for each other."

Nyr clings on, given a small bundle of added confidence in their relationship.

Nyr - "Phhheewwwwww.. I'm sorry for dumping my whole life story on you like that.. I-I was never known to be a concise individual.. I just thought.. after what you said.. I thought I should share my story too, so we could be on the same level of trust.."

Syr - "It's okay, I'm- It makes me happy that you'd entrust me with such a difficult memory for you.."

Nyr - "Y-Yeah.. Truth be told, I-I don't think I've ever told anyone else about the whole thing.. I guess that's why.. it was so difficult to say it all.."

Syr - "Pshhh, you did great."

Nyr - "Eheh.."

The mood lightens as they come out of the conversation much closer than before, both in their bond, and physically.

Realizing how they were holding each other, Nyr breaks the tension.

Nyr - "S-Say..! I-It's getting quite late huh..? We should probably get to sleep..!"

Syr - "H-Heh, yeah, I suppose we should.."

They look around, reconfirming how empty their house is.

Nyr - "S-Soo uhm.. Can we j-just.. sleep out here, together..? By the fire..? A-After everything- and the empty rooms- y'know it'd just be weird to sleep.. alone.. in an empty room.."

Syr - "HmmHmh.. Of course, silly.."

Nyr - "Phew.. Thank you..!"

Nyr pulls out their sleeping bags that came in a bizarrely compacted form, similar to the tent before.

They set themselves up by the fire, laying side by side.

Biggs wriggles into Syr's sleeping bag and gets ultra cozy.

Nyr - "Thanks for today.. It was a lot of fun..!"

Syr - "Yeah.. Yeeaah.. Mhmm.."

She was already drifting out of it, as per usual.

Nyr - 'Heh.. Always so quick to sleep with you.. Though, it's a bit weird I guess.. I suppose the system just logs her out anyway when she falls asleep here.. Why am I talking out loud..?'

Nyr - 'Eheh.. Now who's the weird one..? ..I'm sure she won't mind if I just..'

She wriggles around and scoots her sleeping bag closer to Syr's, so that they're snug up against each other.

Nyr - "HmHmh..! Goodnight, Syr.."

Nyr - "I-I think I'm.. starting to fall.. in love with you.."

After technically confessing that out loud, she quickly gets embarrassed.

Nyr ~ Ahhhh..! What if she heard that somehow, maybe she wasn't fully zonked out yet.. I didn't see the log out effect..

Nyr ~ Well.. At least I only said I was falling in love with her.. Not that I was in love with her.. There's a big difference!

Nyr - 'Bweeee!!'

She scrambles to log out as fast as she can, creating the usual fanfare and lightshow.

And the room was silent, Syr none the wiser as she slept like a rock.

End of chapter eight

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