Eternal Temptation

By luringnemesis

44.5K 1.7K 1.1K

. . . ❝Once upon a time, a girl fell in love with her husband and made the stars realise that they'd gotten... More

β₯ introduction
β₯ glossary
β₯ 00| prologue
β₯ 01| heartbreak
β₯ 02| choices
β₯ 04| torment
β₯ 05| a mother's wish
β₯ 06| starstruck
β₯ 07| wrath and elegance
β₯ 08| truce
β₯ 09| bale boroon
β₯ 10| the breakup
β₯ 11| graduation
β₯ 12| a new plan
β₯ 13| invitations
β₯ 14| man and wife
β₯ 15| hades and persephone
β₯ 16| family
β₯ 17| new beginnings
β₯ 18| revelations
β₯19| near accidents
β₯ 20| heaven's kitchen
β₯ 21| moon
β₯ 22| DNA
β₯ 23| a fatal end
β₯ 24| a beautiful distraction
β₯ 25| mistakes
β₯ 26| vulnerability
β₯ 27| contemplations and crime
β₯ 28| shattered glass
β₯ 29| manipulated promises
β₯ 30| golden spells
β₯ 31| beauty and wit
β₯ 32| strawberry red
β₯ 33| veiled cruelty
β₯ 34| love at first sight
β₯ 35| hell-fire and romance
β₯ 36| deception
β₯ 37| midnight wishes
β₯ 38| to soar to the skies
β₯ 39| a child's fear
β₯ 40| fatality
β₯ 41| fragmented ties
β₯ 42| misery
β₯ 43| unrequited longing
β₯ 44| kisses in venus
β₯ 45| royal blue
β₯ 46| a man's regret
β₯ 47| finally, love
β₯ 48| epilogue
β₯ 49| bonus chapter

β₯ 03| infatuation

1.1K 51 9
By luringnemesis

AFTER SAYING GOODBYE TO our parents, I stepped out and immediately ran to my brother's car. I got in when he unlocked it and immediately turned on the heater. It was mid-February and freezing.

One good thing about driving home with Aden was that he was a fast driver. Maybe not the safest at all times, but he drove quickly and it was convenient. The drive usually took half an hour from my parents' house to my flat but with Aden, it took a little over half the time, depending on the traffic.

Traffic was heavy tonight and I sighed, watching rain droplets race down the windows. It would be pouring rain in no time.

"You okay? Not regretting your decision already, are you?" 

"No, idiot. I'm happy with my choice."

"Well, I'm actually impressed. Your lucky stars made sure no guy had to endure the wrath of our mother. No matter who you chose, he wouldn't be good enough for her and she'd use any excuse to criticise and complain about him. But Zayaan's going to end up becoming another son to her; she loves him already. So, at least you got lucky in that department."

I scoffed, although I completely agreed with him. No other guy would match up to her standards and Mum would constantly look down her nose at whoever the poor guy potentially could have ended up being. But since she chose Zayaan, she would be perfectly content with him. Though I still hadn't seen him and had no idea what he looked like, what he did or even how old he was. I opened my mouth to ask Aden if he knew anything about my fiancé when his phone rang.


"Hello?" Pause. "God, you sound completely wasted." Another pause. "Where are you?" Pause again. "Why the hell are you at the park? Did you get lost?" Aden sighed. "Fine, just wait there. I'll be there in five." He hung up and turned to me with an apologetic look. "Do you mind if we–"

I started to shake my head before he even finished his sentence. "I don't mind. We can go. Where is he, anyway?"

"He was at a pub with his friend but she had to leave and so Logan decided to get drunk all on his own. Man thought he could then walk home on his own but ended up wandering into the local park and doesn't have a clear enough head to get home now."

I shuddered. "And now he needs a lift. This is why you shouldn't drink. It's harmful to your body and leaves you disoriented and vulnerable. Why do people willingly do that to themselves?"

"Beats me, Faithe. Ask a person who does drink. Not me."

We drove silently for the rest of the short drive to the local park, where there sat a lone figure on one of the benches, getting drenched in the blistering downpour.

Aden got out and jogged to him, pulling him up by the arm and somewhat easily dragging him into the backseat of the car. 

"Hey, Faithe." He muttered quietly, shivering and rubbing his arms, not looking drunk in the slightest, probably have sobered up in the cold rain. 

I cranked up the heat and gave him a soft smile. "Hi, Logan. Wild night, was it?"

He chuckled. "Not in the slightest. My date ditched me in the middle of our night, going on and on about some emergency, and left me to drown in my sorrows alone."

I tutted and forced myself to look away, reminding myself of how I was kinda engaged now and needed to stop looking at other men — mainly just this one — in less-than-appropriate ways. Aden settled back into the seat and backed out of the spot he parked in.

The car was silent, too silent, and so I switched the radio on, willing to the drive to hurry up and end.

When Aden pulled up to my flat block, I got out quickly and with a quick goodbye to both of them, I was soon inside the comfort of my home, the stairs not even managing to bother me for once.

Sigh. What a long and confusing day.

I leaned against the door after closing it and shut my eyes, wondering how I was supposed to tell my friends I was getting married. To a random, strange man. Ah, the struggles of an arranged marriage.

"You okay there, Faithe? Why do you look like you're about to cry?"

I gasped. "Hana? Oh my God, when did you get here?" I squealed and ran to one of my best friends. "I missed you!"

She laughed and hugged me back with the same sentiment. "I missed you too, Faithe. And I just got here. But what happened to you? Why do you look so upset?"

I sighed and sat down, taking of my coat. "I'll tell you, but it's a bit of a long story. Where's Eve?"

"I'm right here." My other best friend, Evelyn, walked out of the kitchen with a tray of three steaming mugs and handed me one of them as she sat down.

"You are a Godsend, I swear. You had no idea how much I needed this." I took a sip of my chamomile tea and exhaled, already somehow feeling five times better.

"Um, I think I did. You and your tea-fix." Eve shuddered and sipped her own beverage, sitting cross-legged and giving me her full attention. "Okay, so what happened? What's a long story?"

I put my mug down and began to tell them everything. Absolutely everything, including old information I'd been reluctant to tell them before. From the accusations against my parents' company and almost having to shut it down, to the Haidars' aid since they were our family friends, and then to their marriage idea and the "proposal" and how I agreed.

I finished and stared at their wide-eyed expressions, ranging on the same level of shock. It was Eve who broke out of her trance first and shrieked, "You're getting married? To a man you don't even know at all? What the heck?" She paused and frowned at me. "What about Logan?"

Hana answered for me. "What about Logan? They're not together. Faithe can date and marry whoever she wants."

I gawked at her. "You're fine with this? I'm getting married, Hana. Married."

"I know that you getting married is abrupt, and I'm still shocked, trust me. Very shocked. But think about it, Faithe." She leaned closer to me, a smile growing on her face. "This could be great for you. If your parents' description of Zayaan is accurate, then you've actually hit the jackpot, honey. He honestly sounds like a perfect match for you; at least better than that jerk, Logan, anyway. I seriously still don't know what you see in him."

I gave her a dirty look but she just scoffed and shook her head. "This could be a way for you to get over him. And your potential in-laws sound so amazing. It's a great opportunity, Faithe."

"An opportunity for what? To hurt herself and betray her future husband by having feelings for another man, Hana? Think about it logically, Faithe. You don't know anything about this Zayaan guy — forget whatever your parents told you. Do you honestly think you can get married and stay with a man you don't know anything about at all? And Logan? Do you think you'll be able to let him go after having feelings for him almost all your life? Do you seriously want to hurt yourself like that?" Evelyn countered.

I looked back to Hana and saw her grimace. "No offence to you, Faithe, but what you have for Logan is more of a puppy love than anything; getting over him would be more than easy with the right person. And why can't Zayaan be that person? You're obviously not going to get married to him straight away — you'll have to finish university before you get married anyway, right? Graduation is four months away so you have time to get to know one another. If you don't like each other, then fine, just talk to your parents. I'm sure they'll understand. But you have to try. You can't hold onto your infatuation with Logan forever."

She was right. I had time to hopefully get to know him and this could be a way for me to move on from Logan. But the real question was, did I want to move on from him?

Eve clicked her tongue but stayed quiet, understanding that Hana's argument did somewhat have more logic than hers and that there was no point in talking about it anymore since my mind was made up. "Be careful, Faithe. I don't want you getting hurt. Don't get stuck in any of those love triangles that you love reading about. Life isn't a fairytale; it's harsh and painful. So, please, just be careful."

I nodded, yawning. "I'll try. Thank you, guys. I don't know what I'd do without you. Even if you are like two sides of the same coin and make me more confused than I already am sometimes."

Hana grinned at me and patted my shoulder. "You look tired. And like you're going to get sick. Dry up and go to sleep. I'm only leaving tomorrow."

With a grateful smile and a goodnight, I retired — like an old lady — to my bedroom, taking out my phone when I heard it ping.

— Faithe, can you come over to my place tomorrow?
— I need to talk to you about something. 

— OK.
— Is it important? An emergency?

— No, not an emergency.

There was a minute pause, before he started typing again.

— Goodnight.

Okay. That was it. And there went my sleep. Couldn't he have at least clarified or provided more insight on what he wanted to talk to me about?

And why did I have a feeling it was something I wouldn't like?

author's note:

things are going really slowly, aren't they? well, hopefully the next one seems more interesting (i was very excited when i wrote it) and something, like a key event, actually happens! and if any of you are still sticking around after three very plain chapters, i thank you from the bottom of my heart!! ♥️

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