The Love Potion[Spellbound]

By Phamous

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Christina accidentally spills a powerful love potion on Kevin. The real problem is, because of what she did a... More

The Love Potion.
The Love Potion
The Love Potion
The Love Potion.
The Love Potion
The Love Potion
The Love Potion
The Love Potion - A Broken Heart
The Love Potion - The Jinx
The Love Potion - How To Kill A Witch
The Love Potion - Don't Die
The Love Potion - Possession
The Love Potion - The Wiccan Leader
The Love Potion - Decisions Decisions
The Love Potion - Confrontations
The Love Potion - Mom
The Love Potion - Kevin's Tale
The Love Potion - The Last Wiccan

The Love Potion - Fighting Back

2.8K 33 11
By Phamous

Chapter 9 – Fighting Back

To fight a witch I needed another witch to tell me how to fight a witch and win.

I wasn’t sure who to call on at the moment, I had two choices I could go see Zoë, the owner of the magic shop or I could go see the sorceress which Kevin and I had visited a few days ago.

Kevin………thinking about him brought back a throbbing ache into my chest. I had to forget him and concentrate on the task I had set out for myself, I knew it wouldn’t be an easy task trying to forget him but I would do my very best, it was no use crying over spilt milk.

It was 1 am in the morning therefore I couldn’t go to the magic shop to make enquiries; it would have to wait till the next morning. I climbed back up the stairs to rest, the minute my head touched the soft pillows I was out like a light bulb.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of Brianna’s hoarse voice singing at the toppest volume she could master, I groaned and tried to bury my head in the pillow but I couldn’t block out the irritating noise she was making.

“FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SHUT THE HELL UP BRIE.” I couldn’t help but yell.

My bedroom door opened ten seconds later, “Hmm look who’s up; I heard you had your tongue down a boys’ throat last night.” She said deviously, I could tell this conversation was leading somewhere.

“So….” I snapped at her.

“So dad is out for your blood.” She answered with a huge grin. “I think you’re grounded until you turn 60.”

“I don’t care.” I replied dejectedly. I had bigger problems at the moment than this.

She looked astonished at my statement; she moved from the doorway and came to sit on my bed. “Something wrong Christina.” She asked quietly.

“I can’t talk about it.” I replied, suddenly I was so angry I felt my chest would explode, I rolled off the bed and stormed into the bathroom, I heard her say whenever I wanted to talk she would be available.

Humph no one could help me except Kevin but he wanted nothing to do with so I guess I was on my own. I took some more painkillers because my wrist was still hurting, it had now turned purple, I suppose I should let a doctor examine it, but I couldn’t go to my dad’s hospital because he would have questions plus I was in enough trouble as it was, if he saw this it would only raise more hell for me.

Thirty minutes later I was all set to go find Zoë, the owner of the magic shop, I had gotten her home address from a website.

“I should have done this a long time ago.” I scolded myself as I got into my car.

Zoë’s house was an hours’ drive away from my house, according to the directions I had gotten, she lived in an old inn which she had inherited from her parents who were also into magic, most folks avoided her place because they didn’t like witches, but in my case I could really use her help.

I had to go see her quickly before my dad came home, I wasn’t grounded yet but I think if he came home first before I did I would be in more trouble.

I came to a halt in front a large sign board that read “Zoë’s inn”. The inn was a three storey building brick house, it looked like an abandoned house, I say so because the inn was dead and dark, from where I stood I couldn’t see any light coming from any of the eight windows I was staring at.

The front yard had been overrun with sickly over grown weeds and the remnant of a sunflower garden which had withered; it was more like a haunted house. Nevertheless I walked towards the front door, I pushed it open and stepped into an average living room, the room had a large red sofa, a fireplace and a small TV, there was a counter in the extreme corner where the receptionist was supposed to be but no one was occupying it. Nothing in this place suggested there was another living person in this room; it was very quiet and unnerving.

“Hello________is someone here.” I called out, my voice echoed around the room, I waited for a reply but there was none. I then sighed in frustration; I needed to find Zoë and end this problem once and for all. Since no one had answered I went to sit in the sofa, perhaps the receptionist or whoever in charge had stepped out for a second and would return later on.

Bump bump bump bump bump

The minute my butt touched the sofa that bumping sound began, it was coming from upstairs, “Hello is someone there.” I called out again, still no reply but the bumping sound was getting louder, I decided to climb up the staircase to go and check, maybe there was someone here but they couldn’t hear me.

I went up the staircase cautiously, I wasn’t sure why I was feeling uneasy all of a sudden but it looked kind of suspicious that no one seemed to be in this place, no maids, no receptionists, where was everyone?

Bump bump bump bump.

I let the sounds direct me, the second floor of the house had a long empty hallway and rooms with numbers on them, the sound seemed to be coming from room 3.

I walked slowly towards that room, supposing those yellow eyed beasts had beaten me to this place and killed Zoë what then? The door was half closed; I leaned forward to see what was going on.

The first thing I saw was a woman with her back turned to me, it was a fairly normal room, it had a bed, and I could see the bathroom and a dressing mirror.

I spied on her some more, the bumping noise was coming from the hammer she was using to mend a broken chair, I let out a sigh of relief, for a moment there I thought I was going to walk on something gruesome. I was about to call out to her when two things happened instantly which made me change my mind.

First of all a man walked into the bedroom from the bathroom, first thing I noticed was his yellow eyes and disfigured face, it was one of the beasts. “Zoë.” He called.

The woman with the hammer turned and I could see her face.

“Holy mother of crap.” I whispered stunned, it was that yellowed eyed witch; I was in the house of the yellowed eyed witch!!! Zoë, the magic shop owner was the witch who was after me and Kevin.

I spun around and retraced my steps slowly, oh my god, I wasn’t sure what she would do if she found me here, but I don’t think she would like the fact that I knew where she lived now, I got into my car and sped off, I just prayed she didn’t see my license plate and decide to make enquiries.

As frightened as I was, I realized that I now knew where to find her and that might help me get rid of her. My plan was now clear as a day, I would kill her before she tried killed Kevin and I, of course I didn’t know the technicalities involved in killing a witch so I decided to go see the sorceress Kevin and I had visited a few days ago.

I didn’t even knock or announce my presence when I got to Gloria, the sorceress house; I just pushed the front door open and started screaming her name.

“My god Christina, you don’t just burst into someone’s home unannounced and start yelling it’s rude.” She said. She still had those hideous glasses on.

“Whatever……..I need help.” I said and invited myself into her kitchen, I was hungry.

“Go ahead and take whatever you want then.” she said sarcastically.

“How do I kill a Witch?” I asked after I had gulped down several swallows of coke.

“Well you have to be more powerful than the witch you’re fighting in order to kill her, what’s this about.” She asked coming to sit down beside me.

“I found the yellow eyed witch and I need to kill her before she kills us so I need your help.” I said.

She burst out laughing, “Christina this witch is stronger than even me, you can’t kill her, you don’t have the power to do so.”

“Yeah but I can try, I’m not going to sit around doing nothing whiles she terrorizes us.” I replied determinedly.

“Where’s Kevin.” Gloria asked unexpectedly

A frown appeared on my face and I looked away from her, the ache was back again and I wanted to cry again.

“Oh.” She said quietly. I didn’t ask her what she meant by ‘oh’ because it was obvious she knew what had happened.

“Isn’t there another way.” I asked hopefully.

“Hmmm every witch has a weak spot; maybe if you find that weakness you can kill her.” Gloria replied.

“Ok but how do I find her weakness I mean I can’t walk up to her and ask right…wait cant you look through your crystal whatever and find out for me.” I asked very optimistic.

“No I can’t, I told you she’s very powerful and she has this kind of shield around her that prevents people like me from spying on her.” Gloria answered with a frown.

I sat down in silence very disappointed, this day wasn’t going as I had planned it, it seemed I couldn’t do anything but sit and wait till Zoë; the yellowed eyed witch killed me.

“I’m really sorry Christina, but perhaps we could find someone who knows this Zoë witch and they could help us.” Gloria said somberly patting me on the shoulder gently.

A light went on in my head as an idea popped into my head, I had the answer all along and I never realized it. “Gloria I need you to help me do a spell.” I said with a wily smile.

“What spell?” She asked confused at my sudden change of mood.

“A spell to summon the dead.” I answered.

“What for….moreover that is black magic Christina and very dangerous.” Gloria said disapprovingly.

“I know I know….listen the woman I bought the love potion from was killed two days after I purchased the potion, I’m assuming Zoë the witch did it, but why would she kill an innocent employee unless she knew something that might interfere with her plans, so I need you to help me summon her spirit so I can ask her some questions. Maybe she might know Zoë’s weakness.” I explained.

“Yeah that might work……..ok I’ll help you.” Gloria said warming up to the idea.

An hour later

We were at Gloria’s back yard getting ready to perform the summoning spell, of course I didn’t know how to do the spell so I sat back and watched her run up and down getting things ready, she drew several circles and weird symbols, and then she lit several candles and started chanting in Latin I think.

Thunder cracked in the sky suddenly and it started to rain, the air got colder, I wrapped my wet coat to my body tightly but that only made me shiver more.

“IS IT WORKING?” I shouted.

“She’s coming.”

“OK.” I replied, she had better arrive soon or I would freeze to death, the air had gotten so cold and if I didn’t know any better I would have said we were in the North Pole.

“What do you want?” A rude voice said behind us.

I turned around to face the new voice, she looked just as I had seen her days ago when I went into the store to buy the potion, the only difference was her body hadn’t been floating in the air then and her body wasn’t see-through.

“I need your help.” I replied simply.

She floated closer to me until we were only inches apart, “I remember you, you’re that rude girl.” She said wrinkling her nose in disgust.

“Er right…..I was going to come and apologize later.” I said shamefully.

“Right, but I died before you got the chance.” She said bitterly and floated towards Gloria to examine her too. “I know what you want but I can’t help.” She said after she was done scrutinizing Gloria.

“Why not?” I protested.

“Because even in death she can make my life a living hell and she’s got this spell on anyone who knows anything so they can’t utter a word to help you.” She replied.

“Oh great!! Why does she want us in the first place, the potion didn’t work, the boy I accidentally used it on hates me; he doesn’t even want to see my face, so why does she still want us.” I argued.

She sighed, “Listen this is how the love potion works, whoever buys it uses it on another person and instantly that person falls madly in love and they live happily together forever blah blah but in your case its different because you and Kevin were destined to be together before you used the potion on him, so all it did was bring you two together earlier than fate had planned. You were supposed to meet each other later on in life but the love potion made you two fall in love quickly than you should have. So it worked but you two were already destined to fall in love.”

“EXCUSE ME.” I exclaimed what nonsense was she going on about, destiny? Me and Kevin?

“I know you don’t believe me but its true you would have fallen in love with Kevin maybe three or four years from now, it wasn’t supposed to happen now which is why you two are having problems because you were not ready to meet one another and love each other. And also because Kevin knows you used the love potion on him he thinks any feelings he has for you is as a result of the potion, he doesn’t realize they are real feelings.” The ghost explained. I stared at her with my mouth wide open, I was at loss for words, what was she saying?

 “Zoë on the other hand wants you guys because the love potion has fuelled up the love between you and Kevin, your love is stronger than any other couple who have bought her potion, which means you two are her ideal candidate for performing her spell. The stronger the love between the couples is the more powerful the spell would be which is why she wants you two badly.” After she said this she went back to wherever she came from and I stood there dumbfounded.

“So what do you want to do now?” Gloria asked me.

“Er I want to go home, I don’t understand all this.” I said and turned around to leave.

When I got home it was late, my dad was probably back from work and I was in trouble. Destined to be together really? Because right now it didn’t seem like that.

“Christina I think it’s about time you told me what the hell is going on between you and that Kevin boy and why you’re returning to this house at this hour.” My dad questioned the minute I walked into the living room, he came closer until nose to nose, man he looked pissed, but before I answer he collapsed to the ground.

“Dad what's the matter.” I shouted in horror, I turned his stiff body over as he had fallen flat on his face. “My God.” I gasped when I stared into his face, his eyes were no longer blue like mine, it was completely white.

“DAD!” I yelled. What's happening!!

                                                To be continued…………………………………


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