The Side Wife

By kater1n

210K 6.2K 950

Maybe at the beginning, there was nothing, but so much happened in the span of five years. Feeling were devel... More



4.2K 157 55
By kater1n

Ines had never seen so many people gathered at her home. It had always been small family gatherings that happened, but tonight there were many more people. She didn't even know at least half of the people that were in attendance for her birthday.

"Who even are these people?" Ines asked her husband who was sipping a glass of red wine.

"I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I had Ophelia send out invitations to our contacts and those of the wealthiest families in the city," Alessio replied nonchalantly.

A string in Ines's heart pulled at the mention of his assistant. Although it seemed as if nothing had happened between them, she still felt a touch of jealousy. She was a young and pretty woman.

Ines though knew that she, herself, was beautiful and even Alessio couldn't deny that. Her 5'10 height could intimidate anyone, especially when she added heals. She held a model figure. She knew the power she held, but when it came to Alessio she would shy away. She cursed the feelings that coursed through her body for him. She had also lately been feeling sexually frustrated. Her one night of passion with Richard had restarted a flame that had been dimmed for too long. Every time she laid eyes on Alessio she wanted to rip his clothes and have a taste of what he had to offer.

She had always imagined herself underneath him, countless nights wishing he would take her in his bed.

"You look lovely in that dress," Alessio pointed at her fitted maxi bodycon dress. Alessio loved how red looked on her and that slit that rose almost to her thigh was showcasing her long tan legs.

Ines flushed and turned her head away from him so he wouldn't see her reaction. He had disturbed her sinful daydream.

It was too late to hide her reaction, without her noticing Alessio had already seen her face and body's reaction to his compliment.

For the last few days, he had been spending more time with her; inviting her to join him for lunch on his breaks and arriving earlier from the office to be able to sit down for dinner with her. He was allowing himself to open up to her and to enjoy her company. He was tired of keeping himself away from his wife. She was his and he wanted to make her his in every way possible. He had even planned a lavish dinner date for them that she had yet to know about. Jealousy was a strong force that had flipped his switch.

As of recently, he couldn't even think of another woman in his arms. It had been a while since he took on a mistress since he had tired of his last.

Those women came and went, but Alessio was drained of just the physical. He desired something more. He frightened himself with those desires. He had never been one that needed anything more than intercourse. But when Bianca, his last mistress, would not want to talk and hold conversations with him he knew that his bachelor lifestyle was coming to an end. He was aging and to his luck, he already had a wife, one he had put to the side for too long. Five excruciating years he knew she lived in loneliness. What had he done to the beautiful girl thrown into his arms?

He remembered how lively she was when they first met. Full of energy. He had rejected all of her advances to know each other and as time went by, that light in her eyes perished and he let it slip right through his fingers. Maybe it was the fact that he was growing and observing her from a distance. He was always afraid to act that he took on to the affection of lovers instead of his dear wife. He didn't want to hurt her by taking her and then being bored of her, but he hurt her by ignoring her presence all of those years.

Alessio had never loved anyone in his life. He believed love was for the feeble. That's why he was fearful to let Ines in. What if he enjoyed her at first but then didn't? Or what if she got tired of him? How did people love for so long without boring their partner's company? There was a small part of him that was also afraid of the possibility to love. What if he ended up letting his guard down and letting himself love?

The party went on. Alessio had begun a conversation with some men about their business and a discussion of the new oil fields started. Ines had detached herself from him and began her own exchange with her old friends.

"When will you and Alessio have some little ones?" Esmerelda probed while she caressed her big belly. She was expecting her first child after trying for what felt like an eternity.

"I'm only twenty-six and Alessio thirty-one. We have time to think about if we want kids."

"If?! You must, or you won't have an heir!" Liliana exclaimed. Liliana already had two children of her own. She was a family-oriented woman.

"You are getting old Ines," Esmerelda snickered to Liliana.

Esmerelda and Liliana had been some of Ines's close friends from her college years. They were all wild young ladies that spent countless nights at bars and clubs living their life. Now they had all settled down, left their past behind, and married men. One had a whole family, another a pending one, and the last a nonexistent one.

Ines wanted a family of her own, but she knew that was the last thing Alessio wanted. But did she really know? She had never asked. That conversation never happened between the two.

"Of course, we want a little one," Ines lied through her teeth. "Poor Alessio has just been engulfed with work, we don't get much time for one another."

"For five years?" Lilian raised a brow. She had always had a satirical attitude to her that made Ines fume.

"When the time comes, we will bring another Addonizio into the world." Ines chugged her flute of champagne and excused herself from the two. She realized how much she did not miss them.

"Ines!" Allen called for the beauty.

Ines, in hopes to escape her old friends, took to accompany Allen by the bar.

"Happy Birthday, you don't look a day over twenty." He was always a sweetheart to her. She knew of his fondness for her but never mentioned it.

"You never seem to disappoint with your compliments Allen— I'll take another one." I handed my glass to the bartender.

"I will never run out of compliments to give you," Allen said with a boyish grin. "Don't let Alessio know I said that."

I laughed.

"I doubt he would mind."

Allen shook his head in disagreement.

"No, I believe he would have my head on a platter."

Ines doubted that, but it made her feel content that his friend expressed how Alessio would react.

Speaking of the man himself, Alessio soon joined them at the bar. By the look on his face, he was not too delighted at how close his friend and wife seemed.

He had observed from across the room how Allen was making Ines laugh and he could not stand to see any more of it.

"Ines, I have a surprise for you outside, join me?"

Alessio extended his arm and with compliance, Ines took it and said goodbye to Allen.

Alessio moved her arm to be hooked to his and escorted her out to their garden.

"I know how much you enjoy the garden so with the help of our gardener we redid some things."

Ines's eyes widened at the new rose bushes that had been recently placed and soon trailed off to the rest of it. He had added little lights on the floor illuminating a walking path around the whole place. At the end, she also noticed he had placed a hammock hidden in the midst of the greenery.

"So, this is why you didn't let me come back here for the past week."


For the first time in a long time, she felt bliss consume her. He had never gone out of his way before like this for her birthday.

"Why now?" It was a pressing question she wanted to know. Why after so many years did, he want to change now?

Alessio, himself, was still trying to answer that question. He looked down at the striking woman on his arm and finally let himself open up to her.

"I never did give our marriage a chance. I apologize for that. I know that it will take more than one apology to make up for the past five years. I want you to know that I did pay attention even when it seemed I didn't. I always just thought I would protect you from me if I kept my distance. I don't want to keep my distance anymore."

"Then don't," Ines let out a small whisper.

Her eyes were locked onto his. Alessio inched closer to her letting his lips graze hers.

"Mr. Addonizio," a woman cleared her throat.

Alessio and Ines's eyes landed on Ophelia.

Ines felt irritation seeing her standing a couple of feet away from them. She had interrupted an intimate moment.

"Ophelia, what are you doing here?" Alessio questioned.

"You forgot to sign a couple of these documents last night when you left in a rush. I need to fax them over by tonight, but I cannot do that without your signatures..." she trailed off.

"Of course." He turned back to look at Ines and gave an apologetic look. "I'll meet you back inside?"

She nodded in agreement but before leaving she made sure to get what Ophelia's presence had disturbed.

Ines wrapped her arms around her husband's neck and pulled him close to her interlocking their lips. Her sweetness seeped into his mouth and he eagerly accepted it. Both forgetting about the third party.

Ophelia looked away instantly.

"I'll be waiting inside."

Ines started walking off not before throwing a pleased smirk in Ophelia's direction.

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