I've Got This Friend ( c.h )

By Eri_nnnnnn

8.3K 320 35

Peyton is kinda ashton Irwins sister.Yes Irwin as in drummer for 5sos.They weren't actually related but ashto... More

Full Description
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Important A/N

Chapter 36

151 5 0
By Eri_nnnnnn

Molly's POV

I woke up and groaned, irritated that the only source of light coming from the window was projected onto my face, thus waking me up.

I tried to go back to sleep, but was unsuccessful while left me with my thoughts. Today's thought choice was Peyton and Calum.

If you can't tell, I'm a very opinionated person and if you mess with someone that I love, I have no trouble fucking you up- example A: The fight between Lucy and Peyton.

I want to say that I'm a reasonable person, but this whole relationship made me question what I considered reasonable because I love these two but they are fucked up. I mean, that's just my opinion. I've never been in a situation like this so I can't really pretend like I know what's going on and I love giving advice to people because I love to help people but I couldn't if Peyton didn't want to talk about it.

I haven't even talked to her about it recently because she was hidden away from everyone except for Luke. I don't understand why she was letting Luke in and closing everyone else out. I don't even know if they talked or what they talked about. The two of them just went on runs constantly.

Okay, I lied when I said I never saw Peyton. I saw her, but only when she was leaving to go on a run and even then she had headphones in her ears and had the music loud enough to a point of where no one could talk to her. Luke usually followed a minute after and they both got back around the same time.

Honestly, this whole situation was stupid. If I could just say what I needed to say to make the whole thing better, I would but I'm sure that Peyton or Calum would end up getting mad at me because well, this was a more personal matter and even though I liked helping and getting my say in there, I didn't like to create problems.

The boys assumed that I would take Peyton's side in this whole situation and I kind of did because I hate that bitch Lucy. However, I could see where Calum was coming from. There were so many sides to this story that you couldn't just pick a side easily without trying and weighing in what the other person was going through.

I felt bad for Calum. He was there when Peyton wanted him, but when she didn't want him back (for sure at least) he went with Lucy. I mean, he does have the right to go to Lucy. Him and Peyton weren't dating and weren't officially an item of any sorts. He's a famous teenage boy and if he wanted to get laid, he should be allowed to get laid. And Calum was an attractive guy, not that I was attracted to him, but I could see why so many girls liked him and I don't know why Peyton couldn't just learn how to believe in love. Calum would be a good guy to go through that with.

But, going with Lucy did make Calum seem like an asshole. I feel like he seemed like such a bad guy because he happened to chose the bitchiest girl on the west coast of the United States to try to hook up with, but it was his right. Peyton knows that she loves him, I know she loves him, and I'm sure that the other boys know that she loves him, but Calum doesn't know that she loves him and at this point he is too confused and messed up to realize something so obvious.

Calum can never win.

I glanced over at Mikey who was still sprawled across the bed before slowly getting up and making sure not to wake him up. I stared at his bare arm for a second, admiring his new tattoo and smiling to myself.

Goddamnit. Why does my boyfriend have to be sucha dork?

I walked down the stairs slowly trying to see if I could hear any voices. Depending on who was down there, I would have to decide if I wanted to eat breakfast now or later. If Calum and Ashton were the only two down there, I would definitely avoid the room.

I didn't hear anyone so I continued my walk down the stairs until I saw Luke sitting at the kitchen table alone, eating a bowl of cereal and scrolling through his phone. I sighed in relief before I grabbed a bagel and toasted it.

"Good morning Molly." Luke smiled at me. God, he was such a little kid.

"Morning Luke." I sat next to him.

Wait, Luke and I were alone. This was my moment to talk about Peyton.

"Luke, can I ask you a question?"

"Go for it." He smiled again like that was the only thing he knew how to do.


Luke interrupted, dropping his smile, "please don't ask me about Peyton."

"Why not Luke?"

"It's not my place to talk honestly."

I scrunched my face in anger, "but you're the only one who has talked to her! Why are you the only one she is talking to? I don't get it!" I almost screamed but made sure my voice was hushed because I didn't want to wake everyone else up.

"I don't know." Luke shrugged. "You know we're close. She's like my little sister and I'm like her little brother. That doesn't make sense, but it makes sense to us." He laughed weakly, "I honestly don't know. I just asked her if I could run with her and she said no the first time and then I just figured out her schedule and ran with her."

"So I have to run with her to get her talking about this?" I could feel myself mentally punching my brain for suggesting an idea. I hated running and as much as I wanted to talk to Peyton, I wanted to avoiding running more.

I really am Michael Clifford's girlfriend, aren't I?

"I don't know." Luke's body shrugged agreeing with what he said but his eyes told me probably.

"How long until she gets up to go for a run?"

"Like ten minutes or so? Sometimes she runs late and other times she decides not to until later though. I just wear my workout stuff so I'm ready." Weird. "She kind of expects it now anyways." It had only been a few days but Luke made it seem like it was a routine thing the two of them had been doing since before the tour started. Luke was a quick learner though.

I glanced at his wardrobe and realized that he was in workout clothing. "You know, you sound like some creepy stalker neighbor boy who is in love with her." I joked.

"It's the only way that I can get her to talk to me and I know I'm taller than her and everything but once she gets ahead of me I have trouble catching up."

"I'll be back."

I ran up the stairs, grabbing clothing out of my suitcase and changing while Michael slept soundly on the bed through the whole thing. I walked out of my room and saw that Peyton was walking down the stairs towards the kitchen.

"Hi Lukey."

"Hey Pey. How are you on this lovely morning?"

"I'm exhausted." I heard her yawn as the fridge door opened, "you know, you don't always have to go on runs with me."

"I know. I like running with you though. It's nice. I don't like being in this house. It has bad vibes."

"I'm sorry." She apologized because he was referring to the messy relationship. "You aren't falling in love with me right?"

"Nope." Luke responded quickly.

"Wow, that was actually a really quick response Luke. I'm hurt." She pretended to be offended.

"Don't get me wrong, you're hot and I love you like a sister, but Calum's had dibs on you since like day one and I'm not as dumb as him when it comes to falling in love with another band member's sister."

"Very true. Did you make a bagel?" Shit, I forgot my bagel.

"No." Luke sounded confused.

"I did." I walked into the room to see Luke still where I left him and Peyton in shorts, a tight running shirt, sneakers and her hair up in a ponytail.

"Wow, you're up early." She was genuinely surprised and I didn't blame her. I don't remember the last time I woke up before eight in the morning while on this tour.

"Well, Luke said he was tired and didn't feel well so I decided that I would accompany you on your run this morning," I lied, hoping that Luke would go along with it and that Peyton would believe it.

Peyton raised an eyebrow at Luke before realizing that I was lying but going along with it anyways. She grabbed a water bottle and then looked at me, "well, you ready?"

I nodded, both of us saying goodbye to Luke before we walked out of the house. I followed Peyton as she stretched for a few minutes and then we were off, running around a neighborhood that I barely knew but I'm sure that Peyton knew.

She started at a slow pace but quickly gained speed and Luke wasn't lying when he said that she was fast. It was in that moment that I realized how out of shape I was and Peyton noticed it too as she stopped and waited for me to catch up at the top of the path.

I reached the top, placing my hands on my knees and breathing heavily while Peyton drank from her water bottle. "You know, if you wanted to talk to me, you didn't have to go running with me."

"But you talk to Luke and he goes running with you and he's the only one who has really talked to you recently." I pointed out.

"Luke is the only one who made an effort to talk to me." She explained.


"He was the one who decided to on runs with me just so we could talk for a bit. Everyone else in the house assumes that I'm too angry or fragile to talk to. Like, have you even tried talking to me?"

I thought for a second, realizing that I had watched her walk into her room and come back from runs frequently and I never said anything. I didn't even bother knocking on her door to talk to her. "Well-"



"Why don't we walk back to the house, change and then we can go to breakfast or the beach or something and talk there instead." Peyton suggested and I've never felt more thankful.

"Please?" I begged a little.

"Sure." We started our short walk back to the house.

"I'm really out of shape. I don't get how you do that."


"Running for no reason." Peyton laughed and it was nice to see her laugh. I treated it like a was a rare thing, but I feel like it had gone extinct; I'm sure she smiled while talking to Luke or while she was hidden away so I was exaggerating.

"I have my reasons." She told me.

"Yeah, insanity."

The two of us made it back to the house and Luke was still the only one that was awake. "That was a quick run." He checked the time on his phone and realized we had only been gone for about 15-20 minutes.

"Molly couldn't keep up." Pey laughed at my struggles. "And all she wants to do is talk to me so I don't need to torture her because of that. We're going to change and then go out. Mind calling up a cab?"

"No problem." Luke dialed the ever so familiar number on his phone as the two of us walked towards the stairs.

"Oh and Luke," Luke's fingers stopped moving and he peered up at us, "we're going on a run later." He chuckled and nodded before placing the phone to his ear.

I changed yet again and successfully without waking up the beast. This time when I walked down the stairs, Luke, Peyton and now Ashton were sitting there.

Ashton hadn't gone into complete isolation like I want to say Peyton did, but he still isolated Calum out of his life and was pretty successful at it. He was still the peppy Ashton that everyone knew though; he just didn't interact with Calum.

"Well, this is the first time I've seen you in real clothes in a while." Ashton joked around with his little sister.

"Workout clothes are real clothes you ass." She hit his arm, hard, but he didn't react because he had built up quite the arm muscle from drumming.

"Why are you in real clothes today?"

"I'm going out with Molly."

"Speak of the devil," he noticed me entering the kitchen.

"Cab is here," Luke announced to the room.

"Bye Ashton," Peyton dragged me out of the house before the conversation could go any longer. "So, where do you want to go?" Peyton asked me once the car door was shut behind me.

"Maybe the beach?" The driver nodded and was off. We didn't talk during the car ride, mostly because I was trying to think of how to bring up the situation because I didn't know if she wanted to talk about it.

Peyton paid the cab driver with money Luke had given her when we walked out and we walked close to the water, taking off our flip flops and walking on the sand where the water would reach. I prefered wet sand to the dry sand when it came to walking along the beach.

"So, what did you want to talk about?"

"What?" I shook my head, confused.

"Well, you obviously wanted to talk about something with me, aka why you were willing to punish yourself on a run with me this morning, but you haven't mentioned anything about it."

"I wanted to talk to you about Calum, but at the same time I don't want to because I know you probably don't want to talk about it."

"I do want to talk about it," I was shocked, "but," this made more sense to me, "I want to talk about it with Calum. I've done a lot of thinking and this problem needs to be between Cal and me. I don't want the whole house choosing sides or ignoring other people like Ashton is doing to Cal. It isn't fair for something as temporary as a relationship to get in the way of the opportunities that the boys have."

Peyton was right when she had said that she had done some thinking. "Wow Pey."

"I promise that I'll talk to him soon." I don't know why she told me that. It was like she was promising it to me, not that she needed my approval or anything when it came to this.

"I'm glad to hear that." I smiled, the wind whipping in my face causing my hair to become a mess.

"Can you do me a favor though?"

"Anything Pey."

"If I don't talk to him soon, can you please hit me or something."

"If you insist." I shrugged and pretended to be excited to hit her as she rolled hereyes and laughed at me.     


well this is mollys pov. nice to see what she thinks about the stuation for once in a while <3 hope u enjoyed the chapter :)

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