Say You'll Stay | Tom Holland

By booksforme171

468K 9.6K 13.8K

It all started with a cookie (Y/n) is taking a trip with her best friend around the United States to celebrat... More



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By booksforme171

Your POV

Something was licking you. You scrunched up your face and opened one eye. Tessa. You gently pushed her away and gave her some love. Tom was still sound asleep on his side of the bed.

Slowly, you stood up and went outside. Harry was snoring with one arm hanging off the couch. You quickly took a picture and looked in the fridge. Normally you would still be asleep at this hour, but your nerves were already eating you alive. You knew you were going to be all over social media. You have been before, but it was as the unknown girl who was spotted hanging out with Haz and Tom in California. Now it was going to be the unknown girl as the date to a movie premiere of the movie's lead role. If people actually care, which they do, they will probably be able to tell you're the same person. The thought made you feel weird, having thousands of people know who you are. Granted, they're going to be more concerned with Tom than you, but you knew since you're going with him you'll be seen as the "possible girlfriend".

You needed food. The love of your life. A distraction to get your mind off things. Sadly, since you've been eating out or doing take-out, there was no food in the fridge. Okay then, going out to grab coffees and donuts it is. A nice little good morning to start the day off right.

Quietly, you snuck back into the bedroom and put some clothes on. Leggings and Tom's sweatshirt. Can't blame a girl, the smell was intoxicating. If he asks why you're wearing it, you'll come up with a lie saying something.

The walk to the donut shop wasn't far from the hotel. In all, it only took about ten minutes to get there. The wait time is what took the longest. Who knew so many people would be up this early. Do people not like to sleep? I mean, you're up early but it's a Thursday. Get donuts on a happy day like Friday, or a bad day like Monday to make it happy. You were called up next. You ordered a dozen different donuts and everyone's favorite drinks. You weren't sure what Dom liked so you got him what Tom drinks. If he didn't like it he could have yours or go down to the breakfast buffet the hotel serves.

You swiped the key card to unlock the door. Harry was still passed out, Tom was nowhere to be seen, so guessing still asleep.

Are you awake?

Yes. Why are you awake?

Couldn't sleep
Come over I bought donuts. I'm going to wake Tom and Harry

You grabbed a donut and walked over to the sleeping boy on the couch. You pushed the dessert close to his nose, but not so close that it was touching. Harry's eyes shot open. He looked at you confused but grabbed the donut out of your hand and started eating it. Tom's turn. You put Tessa on the ground and she ran out into the living room.

Two options have presented themselves. Be nice, be mean.

You grabbed your headphones and hooked them up to your phone. Carefully, you placed them over Tom's ears, turning up the volume to its max. Tom jolted out of bed letting out a yelp, swatting your headphones off of him. He looked so confused and worried until he saw you grinning.

"Fuck you."

"Wait wait wait. I have a peace offering."



He glared at you. "You are evil. I've been nice to you this whole week, trying so hard to let you sleep. I'm plotting my revenge."

Tom walked past you and headed into the kitchen where you followed.

"(Y/n) did you scream?" Harry asked from the couch.

You immediately let out a laugh. "That wasn't me who screamed."

Tom's glare returned. "I did not scream."

"No? Then what was that girly high-pitched noise?" Dom was grabbing his drink from the tray and tasting it. "Thank you (y/n)."

"You're welcome."

"Evil over here decided to scare me awake. I let out a short noise that indicated I was alarmed."

"You screamed." Haz replied bluntly.

You grabbed your items and sat on the floor facing the couch. "The fact that Harry thought it was me though. It's okay Tom, puberty will hit you soon. It's just taking more time than we thought."

"You think you're so funny. Just wait."

Harry gave you a cautious look. "(Y/n) you're in trouble. Tom does petty pranks, but it's still effective. He took my air freshener, cut off the logo, and replaced it with shrimp spray."

Dom started laughing. "I remember that. Your room smelled like seafood for days." His face fell. "But then we used it in the living room."

You couldn't help but chuckle. "Oh no. Well, Tom I formally apologize for waking you up to loud music." You raised one arm in the air and crossed your heart with the other. "I promise to never do it again."

"It's too late for an apology now darling." Tom was smirking. You liked pranks, even petty ones, but you did not like being the recipient to them.

The premiere started at five. We decided to leave forty minutes before to get there on time even with traffic. Serene was coming at twelve. An hour and a half on Tom, an hour and a half on you. She said Tom wouldn't need all that time to get ready, but it was for precaution. Make sure there were no wardrobe malfunctions or anything. This would give you all an hour and twenty minutes to do anything you needed to do before heading off.

Serene came walking through the door with open arms. She hugged you tightly before cupping your chin in her hand. She moved your face to the side to look at your cut. "See I told you it would probably be gone. Can't even see a thing."

"How are you Serene?" You asked. Her affection towards you was weird. You've only met her once, but you weren't going to mention it.

"I'm doing good now that I'm here. I'm ready to play dress-up. I'm going to start with Tom first, that way I can have some extra time with you. I can't wait for you to see what I picked."

You had a huge grin on your face. You were excited to see how everyone was going to look. Serene made you and Tom separate. You were told to go into the other hotel room as she worked her magic. She said her protégés must wait to see the final look together when she's done.

Haz walked out into the living room stopping in his tracks when he saw you on the couch. "What are you doing in here? Were you waiting for me?"

"No. I was told to come in here since I'm not allowed to see Tom until we're both done. Why aren't you getting ready?"

"Sweetheart I naturally look good. I don't need makeup like some others." He was directing his jab at Tom. "I'm kidding. I'll start getting ready in an hour or two. I don't need three." He came and sat by you on the couch.

"I feel weird." You kept your look straight ahead, staring at the black tv screen.

"Why would you say that?"

"Because I'm having a professional stylist give me clothes, do my hair, my makeup. I'm going to a movie premiere instead of waiting for it to come out in theaters to see it for the first time. I'm going to an after party. I don't do after parties. I just go to normal parties, before parties."

"Before parties." Haz let out a small laugh. "(Y/n) you're going to be fine. Nothing to feel weird about. Once we actually get there you'll calm down a bit and you'll see it's actually a lot of fun. Plus Harry, Dom, and I will be there as well."

"I can still come to you if Tom gets pulled away right?"

"Yeah of course." He wrapped you in a side hug. He let go to turn on the tv so you two could waste time before getting ready.

About an hour later Serene was walking in with all her stuff. Your eyes immediately landed on the closed long bag that must have your dress in it.

She saw you staring and patted the bag. "Nope. You get to see this last. Harrison get out. It's girl time and I don't need you ruining the feel."

"But I have to get dressed."

"Get dressed in there." She pointed to the adjoining door. Haz was mumbling on his way out about how unfair it was being kicked out of his own room. He shut the door behind him to give you two privacy.

You sat down on a high chair and Serene started playing with your hair. The way her hands moved so swiftly without hurting or pulling any of your hair was amazing. You could fall asleep. You were kept away from mirrors because it goes with the rules of not seeing anything until she's completely done. She grabbed a Bluetooth speaker while asking you to hold a strand of your hair to make sure it didn't fall out of place. The song Truth Hurts by Lizzo was playing from her 'Songs That Get Me Hyped' playlist.

You were both singing along. Pretty sure all the guys could hear you in the other room, but who cared. "You tried to break my heart, oh that breaks my heart. That you thought you ever had it. No, you ain't from the start. Hey, I'm glad you're back with your bitch. I mean who would wanna hide this? I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever be your side chick."

Serene got a hairbrush and started acting like it was a microphone. "I put the sing in single. Ain't worried bout a ring on my finger. So you can tell your friend shoot your shot when you see him. It's okay he already in my DM."

The both of you were laughing at how loud you were being goofing around. Your phone buzzed in your lap so you looked down.

I knew you sounded like a walrus when you sang;)

You're a duck

Interesting new take on duck duck goose. Better version I think

Shut up. Go away

"That's a big smile you've got there." Serene was in front of you grabbing star-looking hair clips.

"Uh, it's just a joke from a long time ago. Kinda funny he even remembered."

"Who, Tom?" You nodded your head as she stepped behind you again. "He's a good one. Not many guys like him."

"Yeah, he's pretty cool." Serene didn't respond. You couldn't see, but she was smiling.

"Alright time for makeup then you can get changed." You closed your eyes as she moved different brushes all over your face. You only opened up your eyes when she started putting mascara on. You felt so pampered right now. You were trying so hard not to sing and dramatically act out as if you were on stage performing. You really needed to ask her for this playlist later.

"All done. You, my girl, are stunning." Serene smiled proudly at her work. You've been sitting in that chair for so long, you were happy to finally be able to stand.

She handed you the dress bag and you walked into the bathroom. You hung the hanger poking out of the bag on the towel rack on the door. Slowly, you unzipped the bag to reveal a long deep blue dress. It was beautiful. You carefully stripped out of your clothing trying not to disturb your hair or makeup. When you stepped into the dress and lifted it up, you finally looked into the mirror. The dress was a v-neck, but it wasn't plunging. The sleeves fell to the side, the waist area was form-fitting, but below the hips, it started to flow out. Your hair was curled with a side part. The front pieces were in a loose braid combined into one braid in the back. Shiny silver star clips were placed throughout the braid. Your makeup wasn't over the top, which you liked. Had a nude lip and blue-winged eyeliner that matched your dress.

Damn. You looked good.

You excitedly exited the bathroom giving Serene a twirl. "You did amazingly. I feel like fancy fancy. Like, go out to eat and eat a small square of food fancy. My only concern is that it's February and I have nothing covering my arms."

"They have heaters, you'll be fine. Here are your heels." She handed you silver heels that matched your clips. "Trust me you can and will want to take them off during the movie. For the after party, I slipped a pair of flats in your bag which your feet with thank me for later. The heels are mainly for pictures anyway."

"Thank you for everything. Really. I know this was last minute for you, but still thank you."

"Anytime. I had so much fun getting to create a look for you. Tell Tom to invite you to more things so I can do it again."

You gave her a big smile. "I will."

Serene started pushing you to the door. "Okay, I'm going to go tell everyone to close their eyes. Come in when I tell you to." You nodded and she walked through the adjoining doors. You could hear her telling everyone to stop what they were doing and close their eyes. Nerves were coming into your stomach again, but they were excited nerves. "(Y/n) walk in please." You did as you were asked. "Alright boys, and sir, open your eyes."

All at once, everyone opened their eyes. You gave a twirl and laughed at how ridiculous this felt. You liked looking and feeling fancy, but it was different. Kind of a weird feeling having everyone looking at you. "So what do you think?"

"You- you look beautiful." Tom's mouth was was open astonished at the girl in front of him. You started to blush at his staring.

"(Y/n), you look great." Dom complimented and you thanked him back.

Haz whistled at you. "Can I get your number?"

Harry grabbed his camera and snapped a picture of you laughing when you weren't looking.

"Harrison get dressed already!" Serene was clapping her hands after each word. "You have an hour before you all leave. I need to make sure everyone looks good. Let's go."

"Yes ma'am." Haz walked away to put his suit on.

Your attention never left Tom. He was still looking at you as you were still looking at him. He had the classic black suit on, but his undid tie was the same color as your dress.

"Is that how you're going to wear the tie this evening?"

He looked down. "No. I was actually struggling. I was going to ask Serene for help after she got done with you."

"Here, I can do it." You walked over and started tying his tie.

He watched you move and loop it around. "How did you learn how to do this?"

"My dad." Neither of you said anything else. He knew you haven't seen your dad since seventh grade, but you never said anything else about him. "There."

"Thank you." He met your eyes, and you took a step back.


At exactly 4:20, everyone was escorted to the premiere in a limo. You were told Tom would get out first, then he would help you get out, followed by Harrison, Harry, and Dom. As the limo approached the building, you could see the lines of screaming fans waiting to catch a look at their favorite celebrities. The sound only grew louder when the door opened up. Tom got out and reached a hand out for you to grab. As you stepped out of the limo, you were met with screams and flashes of lights. It threw you off for a second, but Tom held onto your hand tightly walking through the crowd. Harry was following closely taking pictures of everything. Documenting the whole event.

When you all made it to the red carpet, Tom guided you to where you were supposed to stand next to him. He wrapped an arm around your waist and both of you posed for pictures. Your mind was running miles. You were trying to figure out who to look at, were you having a wardrobe malfunction without realizing it, how cold it was even with the heaters.

Tom looked down at you. "You okay?"

You met his eyes and smiled. "Yeah, I'm great."

"Good." He smiled and kissed your forehead.

You closed your eyes and froze. You knew from all the flashes of white behind your eyelids reporters were taking millions of pictures of the affection Tom was showing you. People were shouting out questions and you turned your head to look over at Haz. He gave you a thumbs up and you continued walking with Tom. Every now and then he would go sign something or take a selfie with a fan, or he would stop and answer a few questions from a reporter. You stood there awkwardly not knowing what to do. You turned your head when you heard the name Olivia being shouted repeatedly. She had her long blonde hair in a slick back ponytail. She had on a pale pink, strapless dress not showing an ounce of being cold.

Tom nudged your side and you snapped back to the reporter in front of you. "I'm sorry, what?"

The reporter gave you a nice smile. "I asked how you felt about being here."

This was the first time someone asked you a question here. "I feel great. It's overwhelming, to say the least, but I have Tom here to help guide me."

"That's sweet. You two make a nice couple."

You couldn't even deny it or get another word in because she started yelling at Olivia to get her attention.

Finally, you made it inside where there were no cameras, screaming, and it was warm. The five of you went inside to your arranged seating. You could see only the cast, crew, and their guests were in here. Tom grabbed sweetart ropes for the two of you to share during the movie. You grabbed one out of the bag when the director walked to the front. He gave a speech about the time spent developing his vision for the film and how great of an honor it was to have such an amazing crew. You smiled and applauded the man as he sat back down. The lights started to dim so you kicked off your heels. Your feet were starting to hurt from standing on them.

"Very ladylike." Harry leaned over and whispered.

"Shove it. You try walking in those contraptions. See how great they feel."

"I bet I could pull them off better than you."

"I would like to join in this bet." He gave you a smirk and you both got quiet as the movie started.

During the movie, Tom's character kisses Olivias. Your face scrunched up and Tom laughed at you. Very quietly he whispered in your ear, "Jealous?"

"You wish." You playfully rolled your eyes at him.

When the movie reached its end, everyone applauded. All their hard work paid off to a fantastic movie. People started standing, still cheering and whistling. You looked at Tom who was smiling like a child on Christmas morning.

Everyone was filtering out, heading to the after party. Only specific people were invited. Cast, crew, their guests, and A-listers. It was at a venue only a couple of blocks away. Everyone got back into the limo and headed in that direction.

Inside, Tom was introducing you to everyone. You became so starstruck by some of the people you admired that words did not want to leave your mouth. The last thing you wanted to do was ask them for photos because this was supposed to be a fan free area. A place to relax, but you were a fan.

"(Y/n)." Tom snapped his fingers.

You snapped your attention towards him. "Yeah?"

He laughed at you. "Do you want something to drink?"

"More like want something to eat."

"Are you hungry?"

"Honestly yes." You ate a small early lunch before Serene got to the hotel, but that's was the last time unless you count the candy at the movie.

"Why don't we go get something then?"

"And what. Just leave the party?"


You were dumbfounded. "We can't just leave."

"Why not?" Why not? Are you insane?

You thought for a minute. "Your dad, Harry, and Haz will all be worried that we just disappeared."

"Dad already headed back to the room. Harry and Haz are having the time of their lives right now. They won't even notice we're gone. But if it makes you feel better, I'll text them. Any more objections?"

"You're not going to get in trouble for leaving?"

"No. It's a party. I showed up, mingled, and now I get to leave. I'm hungry, you're hungry, let's go get something to eat."

He held a hand out for you to take. You grabbed onto it and he led you outside. The two of you ignored the car, leaving it for Haz and Harry, and just walked. He never let go of your hand the whole time. You started to shiver now that it was getting late and dark making the temperature drop even more than it was earlier. Your bare arms, besides the straps that fell on your shoulders, were covered in goosebumps.

"Do you want my jacket?" Tom started to shrug his jacket off.

You shook your head. "No, because then you'll be cold." You looked around and spotted a tiny shirt shop open. You pulled him inside and smirked. "You still owe me a tacky shirt to walk around in."

He chucked. "How about a sweatshirt instead?"

"That works." Both of you were looking around for a sweatshirt when you pulled two off a rack. "These. We need to get these two." You held up two red sweatshirts. One said 'Thing 1' and the other said 'Thing 2'.

"I have to wear this? I'm not the one who is cold."

"It's only fair. Plus it's weird if I'm walking around with a sweatshirt without its matching pair."

He rolled his eyes at you and bought them anyway. You both looked ridiculous. You had a red sweatshirt with a deep blue dress flowing from under it. Tom had his red sweatshirt with his black suit pants and leather shoes.

"This is so bad." He was laughing.

"But so worth it."

The two of you were still in the search for food, but you were enjoying just walking side by side talking. Your hands kept brushing up against each other that you locked pinky fingers. It was a small gesture, but your stomach was igniting with butterflies. When you ended up in Madison Square Park, you saw stringed lights lighting up a small area. The closer you got you could see it was an outside eating area with a store called Shake Shack. It was a burger place. Tom ended up buying both of your meals and you sat on one of the picnic benches enjoying a burger and fries.

"Would you rather go back in time or the future?" Tom asked you. You're not sure how this game started, but it was fun playing while eating.

"Do I get to interact with anyone or anything?"

"Just watch."

"That's boring."

Tom gave you a look. "Answer the question."

"Back in time."


"Because I don't want to ruin what happens in the future for me. What if I see something I don't like? I already know what happens in the past. Plus I could see how empires were built, what really happened behind closed doors that weren't documented. It would be a cool adventure."

"I don't know. I think I would go into the future." Tom started to stand up. "I'm going to get a refill. Want me to get you one?" You shook your cup and handed it to him.

When he wasn't looking, you stole a few of his fries because you had already finished yours. He came back and handed you your cup. "Thank you. I hope you know I'm not going to be able to walk all the way back to the hotel. I left the flats in the car. I've been walking in heels all night and my feet are killing me."

"We can take the subway."

"Do you even know how to get back to the room?"

"No, but we can figure it out."

You shrugged your shoulders. Wasn't going to argue about it. Subway meant you could sit down at least for a little bit.

The two you stood staring at a map of the subway trains trying to figure out which one to get on. If it wasn't for some kind stranger who helped you out, you would've probably been there all night. You both made it to the platform, there was no one around but you could hear a voice echoing on the walls. They were singing La Vie En Rose.

Tom slid back, bowed, and held a hand out for you to take. "Care to dance?"

You chucked. You didn't want to stand anymore, but he was being too cute to say no to. You took his hand and he held you close to him. You rested your head on his shoulder and he hummed as the two of you swayed back and forth. This was the moment you knew you were falling for him. Not just a crush and silly butterflies anymore.

The voice was gone and the subway came rushing past making your hair and dress fly. You both got in and finally got to sit again. A comfortable silence surrounded you two as you both kept replaying that song in your heads.

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