Loving you

By wannasuckmydick

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Beyoncé and Onika both have a crazy life, what happens when they fall in love and their crazy lives clash tog... More

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By wannasuckmydick


Roman pov:

"Wayne. you are fucking lost" I said and he smacked his lips "I'm not lost man it's this damn location" he said and I rolled my eyes and looked in the back seat. "Solange" I said hitting her to wake her up "Huh" she asked sitting up looking at me confused. "Is wayne going the right way" I asked and she looked around then nodded. "Yea he had us living stranded" she said. "We don't got time for this" I said turning in my seat and running my hands over my face "Just be paitent" wayne said and I sat  back. "You said a hour away this is further than a hour" I said to wayne and he sighed "We went to that restaurant" he said and I rolled my eyes. "We not that far calm down"  he said and I nodded.

We drove for like another hour then he pulled up to a house in a empty area. "We here" he said and I seen the boys car pull up next to ours. "Who you all wanna take in" wayne asked and I thought about it "Me, you, shawn, sheyaa, and trey" I said and he nodded. I grabbed my gun and got out the car "So how we doing this" rih asked coming up next to me and I smirked "Careless" I said and she shrugged "i'm down with that" she said and I smiled at her. "Let's go" I said and we all headed towards the door "Watch out" trey said. We all backed up and he kicked the door down. Two dudes stood up and I shot one of them down while rih shot the other one. Everybody walked in and a lot of dudes started running out shooting, we shot back dominating over them and we quickly cleared them out. "They didn't even hit non of us pussy asses" trey said when we started walking stepping on their dead bodies.

"Solo where's the attic" I asked "We don't have an attic we have a basement" she said. "Well where is it"  I said and she walked took me to the hall. While we was walking some dudes poped out and shot at us, I quickly ducked and pulled solo down with me dodging the bullet and falling on the floor  shooting one of them dead. The other ones started shooting at us and I moved out the way having to drag solo ass with me and grabbed my other gun then shot them all down. "WHEW WHAT A RUSH" I yelled jumping up and smiling out of breathe. I looked down at solo and she had tears in her eyes laying on the floor "Girl get yo bitch ass up and help me find my baby" I said kicking her "Man we almost just died man" she said sniffing and standing up.

"Shut up, we shoulda smoked before this" I said thinking about how much better this would be if I was high. "Hell naw man cookie you on sum" she said and I shrugged "Come on girl before somebody else come trying to kill our stupid ass" I said and she nodded. She took me deeper into the hall way and it was and room full of niggas sitting with the door wide open. They looked over at me and I winked "Shoot" I said to solo then started shooting at them. Some of them shot back and solo fell to the floor. I aimed for their guns shooting them out their hands. They was too slow trying to grab their guns back and I killed all of them.

"That was easy" I said walking into the room and looked around making sure it was nobody left. I looked on the table and seen a big sack of weed. "Oh yessir" I said grabbing it "I'm gone enjoy this on the road fasho, before i'm back cripple and all" I spoke to myself and walked back in the hall seeing solo sitting on the floor hyperventilating. "Girl I got sum that's gone fix all that and get you right, but first get up and take me to bey" I said and she groaned. "This is some crazy shit" she said and I rolled my eyes. "Yo ass ain't even shoot nobody" I said and she got up "I don't see how you suppose to be one of my main man with me and ain't caught not one body, everybody got some but you and kelly ass" I said and she smacked her lips. "Man whatever man the basement is down here" she said pushing pass me and opening a door at the end of the hall.

I walked into it and turned on the flashlight on my phone "it's dark as hell" I mumbled and solo smacked her lips "It's a damn light" she said then a few seconds later the room lit up. "Oh thank you" I said and walked down the stairs. I seen a dude and I raised up my gun about to shoot him "Aye, aye boss what you doing man" he said raising up both his hands. "Nigga, Jermaine" I asked squinting my eyes looking at him and he nodded "Cole nigga, but yea" he said and I rolled my eyes. I looked over in the corner and seen bey laying down sleep in a ball sleep. I rushed over to her and the closer I got I notice how bad she was cut and bruised up. It reminded me of when I first found out about her dad beating her.


"C'mere" i said she sat by me and I pulled her to me she winced in pain and I instantly let go "are you ok what's wrong" I asked she shook her head ."Beyoncé" I said sternly she looked at me then said "h-hurt" she said and i got worried "what hurt baby" I said she looked up with teary eyes and said "E-e-everything" then started crying. "Why does it hurt"I asked she didn't say nothing "let me see baby" I said trying to take off her hoodie "N-NO" she yelled crying harder. It was sad seeing her like this "Why I can't see baby" I asked "g-get trouble" she said " no you won't baby just let me see" I said she looked at me and shook her head not sure "I promise" I said she shook her head again "please" I begged she looked at me for a while then she nodded and let me take her hoodie off.

"BB" I said crouching down and gently touching her. She opened her eyes some then whined and closed them back. "Baby wake up" I said and she rolled over and looked at me "b-bubba" she said lowly and I nodded smiling "Yes baby it's bubba" I said and she sat up. I took off wayne hoodie and put it over her naked body "w-wanna go home" she said she said crying and I nodded. "We are stink right now" I said wiping her tears then stood up and picked her up, she laid her head on my shoulder and instantly fell asleep. "Alright come on, and cole thank God imma need you by my side" I said and he chucked "Sure thang boss" he said the we walked out. "Alright ya'll let's go" I said and they nodded. We all walked back to out cars and I got in with bey in my arms and looked down at her face. Her lip was red and swollen, her eyes was purple and closed shut, on her other eyes she had a long gash under it, and she had small bruises on different parts of her face.

I sighed and a looked down at her sadly feeling bad that this happened to her. I don't even know why I care about her, but I do. I blame onika ass.  "Alright we got bey back thank God now we need to get both ya'll to the hospital" wayne said and I shook my head. "Nahh we need to finish this" I said and he looked at me like I had two heads. "Cookie you need to get in the hospital you don't have enough time for this" he said and I shrugged  "I don't care wayne, text kevin tell him I need a location on matthew" I said and he sighed.  "I don't think you should be doing this" he said and I ignored him. "Text kevin" I said and he shook his head pulling out his phone and texted him.

He started the car then drove off. "Where we going until he get a location" wayne asked "let's stop somewhere and get some food" I said. "Oh thank God" rih said dramaticly and I rolled my eyes at her "Bitch you ain't that hungry" I said turning around and glaring at her.  "Yes I am you is starving a nigga" she said and I smacked my lips then  turned around in my seat. "I wasn't thinking about feeding yo ass" I said and she gasped "Horrible best friend" she said and I shrugged."Man it's gone take a long ass time to get to a food place" kelly said whining and I groaned. "I forgot it took forever to get to this abandoned ass house" I said and solo smacked her lips "Shut up" she said and I rolled my eyes.

---- ------

"Nic we got a location" wayne said to me while I was feeding bey some chicken nuggets "Where" I asked wiping crumbs from off her face. "It's back in Dallas" he said and I smacked my lips "I'm for sure gone be dead before I touch a hospital" I mumbled to myself and bey gasped "N-Nika die" she asked with tears in her eyes and I  shook my head quickly "No baby i'm not gonna die"  I said. "But you said- "I was joking stink" I said cutting her off and kissing her cheek.  "pinky promise" she asked lowly with a pout and I smiled and held out my pinky "Pinky promise" I said. She wrapped her pinky around mine then smiled up at me. "Come on wayne we need to get to the airport" I said and he nodded then started the car driving off.

Bey snuggled into me and closed her eyes "You done eating" I asked her and she nodded. I closed her food and put it in the bag then sat the bag on the floor. Beyonce rearranged herself in my lap then laid her head on me to where her face was close to mine and reached up and started rubbing my cheek. "You sleepy boo" I asked her and she nodded then put her thumb in her mouth closing her eyes and still rubbing my cheek with her other hand. I looked at all the scars on her legs and gently traced them. She didn't react but I know she wasn't sleep cause she was still rubbing my cheek. The longer I looked at her scars the angrier I got. "I'm gonna kill him" I mumbled lowly to myself. I felt beyonce hand drop from y face and I looked down at her hand then sighed. "Simp ass" I said to myself then rubbed my eyes. "How far are we from the plane" I asked wayne looking over at him "Thirty minutes" he said and I nodded.

"Ya'll into kinks" I asked after a while of silence trying to start a conversation and everybody looked at me weirdly. "No ? ok" I said and went back to looking at beyonce leg. "I got a knife kink" I heard rih say and I looked back at her smiling. "Really" I asked she nodded "Lani do too" she said smirking and I laughed. "Nasty hoes" I said jokingly and she shrugged. "Cookie what kink you got" kelly asked me with a raised eyebrow "Nun really, well kinda I just don't know what they called" I said thinking about it. "I like blood, and screaming, and knifes, and crying, and begging, and chains, and guns, and whips, and- "Ooookayy that's umm- wow" kelly said cutting me off while everybody looked at me shocked  and I laughed.

"I don't think beyonce would be into that boss" cole said and I waved him off. "I don't care how in love you and beyonce is she bet not eva let you do some crazy sex shit to her" solo said and I rolled my eyes. "Damn cookie it's supposed to be sex not torture" wayne said and I smacked my lips "Damn all y'all ass got something to say huh" I said. "Cause that's some weird shit" rih said  "Shut up a lot of people like that shit" I said then grabbed bey Mcflurry eating some of it. "She gone kick yo ass" rih said and I shrugged "What's hers is mine" I said eating another spoon of it. By time she wake up it'll be melted anyway.

"I'm gone drop ya'll off at chanel house" I said and cole nodded "Ok" he said and I smacked my lips. "Not you nigga" I said and wayne laughed at him.  "Let me call her" I said to myself then pulled out my phone and dialed chanel number.

Phone convo:

"Bitch is you coming to get yo baby"

"No, i'm coming to drop more people off'

"Cookie I ain't no damn-

"Ok  chanel I really don't care"

"Bitch. Do you got beyonce"



"You sound like a babymomma"

"I feel like a damn babymomma"

"I'll take care of her when I get out the hospital"


I hung up on her cause I didn't feel like explaining all that. "Aye cookie we here" wayne said and I looked up and seen we finally made it to the air port. "Alright, let's go" I said opening my door and carefully getting out with a sleeping beyonce in my hands. "Somebody grab that food imma have the munchies on the plane" I said and solo looked at me upside my head. "That's my sister food hoe" she said and I shrugged "She share with me" I said. "No she don't, she don't even share with me" she said and I laughed "Well what should tell you" I said and she looked at me confused. "What you tryna say" she asked and I shook my head walking pass her.

"I'm tryna say she love me more"


I re wrote this chapter 😭.

Cause at first I killed beyonce but I took it back

Anyways how was y'all day 😌?

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