The New Girl From France -S.B

By memberofWeasleyclan

4.6K 138 21

(Still needs some editing, if you see a mistake feel free to comment!) Started: February 1st, 2021 Finished:... More

About Tatum Miller
1.) And so it begins
2.) the mouse
3.) the fullmoon heartbreak
4.) Sirius
5.) the kitchens
6.) did she hear?
7.) the Hospital wing
8.) Quidditch
9.) The Black Lake
10.) The quidditch game
11.) Hospital wing...... again
12.) the brother
13.) Caspian
14.) The Black dog
15.) her room
16.) remus's talk
17.) The news
18.) Hogsmeade pt. 1
19.) The dare ( sirius's POV)
20.) Hogsmeade pt. 2
21.) potions
22.) there can only be one winner
23.) the final match, and a party
24.) The massive hangover
25.) the dance pt.1
26.) the dance pt. 2
28.) The Truth, pt. 2
29.)The Final
30.) Paroxysm

27.) The Truth, pt. 1

87 3 0
By memberofWeasleyclan

Narrators POV-

"what are we doing up here?" Tatum asked, once they had reached the top of the tower

"First place I thought of, and plus people wont come up here"

"mhm" Tatum hummed and walked past Sirius over to the railing to look at the stars

"beautiful, Isn't it" she said when Sirius came next to her

"amazing" Sirius said, but he wasn't looking at the stars, he was looking at Tatum

When Tatum looked up at him, she blushed and a amazing amount of butterflies erupted in her stomach

"can you tell me now?"

"tell you what?"

"who you were going to ask to the dance

"oh, umm" He pretended to think about it "no"

"Sirius" Tatum grounded


"oh Merlin"

"fine" Sirius laughed "How about I will tell you during break"


"aren't you full of questions" Sirius mumbled, the thought of telling Tatum has ran through Sirius mind in the past couple of days, but could he tell her now? ran through it now. "fine"



"ok, tell me who the person you fancy is"

Sirius took a deep breath and tried to choke out 'you', but it never came into words, when Sirius didn't say anything for minutes, Tatum's body filled with guilt

"Oh Merlin! I am so sorry, I didn't mean to pry, you don't have to tell me"

"thanks" he said, but an idea popped into his head, Sirius grabbed Tatum's hand

"I can tell you one thing though" He beamed

"ok" She giggled and followed Sirius down the stairs

They ran down into the corridors, after another 10 minutes, Sirius had brought Tatum down to the black lake

"what are we doing here?"

"you'll see, just wait right here" Sirius said and back away from Tatum, he headed far enough so he could go behind a tree

After a couple seconds, A big, Black, grey eyed dog came strutting back out, right were Sirius had gone

"Sirius?" Tatum said, and 'Sirius' came running her way, tackling her down to the ground

"oh, sorry" Sirius said once back in his human form, now he was on top of Tatum and she blushed hard, but Sirius wasn't to far behind

"wait, so you are a Animagus?"

"yes, and unregistered, please don't tell anyone" Sirius said as he got off from Tatum, offering his hand

"hmm" she hummed

"you don't seem surprised?"

"that my friend is because I am not" Tatum as she walked into the woods

Sirius ran after her, only to be tackled by a white wolf

"what the- Tatum!"

"there you go!" She said, after morphing back to a human



"oooo!! your a Metamorphagus! so Remus was right"

"yes I am but, WHAT!"

"wow, wow, wow, cool your jets woman, I just said Remus was right"

"so Remus did know before"

"before? before what?'

"I showed him"

"you showed him first!"

"now, now, cool your jets man" Tatum smirked, Sirius just rolled his eyes "yes, Remus has known for what? 1 or 2 months, but he doesn't know that I know his secret" at these words Sirius's eyes widened

"his what?'

"oh please Sirius, I am not dumb, I know he is a werewolf"

"huh, oh! your the thing I see on full moons, that mouse, dog, owl thing"

"yup, and it must have been the dog that woke me up, I think on the first full moon"

"oh yeah" Sirius said, but as the 2 were standing infront of the Black lake, the air was quite chilly and he saw Tatum shiver a bit, pulling off his jacket, he put it on Tatum "and when I saw you as a mouse in the common room, and I followed you until you turned into an owl"

"yup, all me, wow, now know it was you, we have been spending way more time with eachother, like that time you wouldn't let me go into the castle, I found it quite annoying, but" tatum said and shrugged her shoulders

"ha ha, don't act like you hated it, the water was refreshing"

"quick question though"


"who is the deer and who is the ra- don't answer that, I just got it"

"did you?' he smirked and turned his full boy towards Tatum, she was still facing the lake

"yeah? James is a deer and well Peter is a rat" she laughed


"I am cold, can we go back to the castle now?"

"sure" Sirius said and put his arm around Tatum's shoulders as they began to start walking

"mmm no" she shrugged his arm off, earning a very questionable look from Sirius who had stopped walking "sorry, that was harsh and normally I wouldn't mind but.... I et I can beat you up to the castle"

Sirius laughed, hiding his nervousness, he thought Tatum had just rejected him

"your on" he said

Tatum turned into an owl and got a head start

"hey!" he called out, not wanting anyone to see him, he bee-lined it towards the castle, but saw Tatum (as an owl) head into one of the open windows in the castle

Sirius made his way up to were the window was, in one of the abandoned corridors, and was soon met with a head of almost white hair

"ya know" Sirius said, startling Tatum, her back was to him, as she wasn't expecting Sirius to get to her this quickly "when you are old, your hair will never change its color"

"ok? random, but ok" she laughed, Sirius started to walk up to her

"want to go back to the common room?" he asked, she nodded


"oh this is so much better than those shitty heels" Tatum groaned as she came back down the stairs, only to be met by one person, everyone else either in the corridors doing...... things, or the sober ones were still in the great hall, the time was well past mid-night, but it was Christmas season and no one gave a damn about the time

"oh you secretly love them"

"how would you know? do you wear heels?" Tatum said and walked over to were Sirius was standing, by the fire

"I could if I wanted to, annnd who says I haven't"

"now I can't get that out of my head, thanks" Tatum laughed, Sirius soon joining in

"oh I got an idea" he said suddenly and turned his back to Tatum

"and what is that Mr. Black?"

"wow there, I thought you were McGonagall" Sirius said, but when he turned around he was met with the cold but caring eyes of McGnagall

"What are you doing here all alone?" She said

"i-" he started, and looked around, in search of were the hell Tatum went

but he was pulled back to the Professor, only to see the person he was looking for

"I swear to Merlin" He said

"what, forget already" She said in between laughs

"kind of, yeah!" He said a little to loud "oh well, now the mood is ruined" he chuckled

"the mood?" Tatum asked whilst wrapping her arms around Sirius's neck, to which he blushed ferociously

"now" She said, sending a flick of her hand towards the record player, it started to play "bring it on home o me" by Sam Cooke "aww, I love this song"

Tatum unwrapped her hands from Sirius's neck, but took his hand instead and led him into the middle of the room, she put her hands back were they were, and he put his around her waist, and then the pair started to sway to the music

"bring your sweet loving, bring it on home to me" it played

Tatum put her head on Sirius's chest and brought her arms around his middle, his head rested on hers as they kept swaying to the music

"That ain't all, that ain't all I'll do for you"

"you know" Sirius began lifting his head, causing Tatum to do the same, when they locked eyes, all Tatum wanted to do was kiss him, but she didn't know if he wanted the same thing, but oh how much he did

Even though Tatum was now in sweatpants and an oversized shirt, she was still the most beautiful woman to ever landed eyes on, not saying she isn't pretty in normal every day clothes or dressed up in a ball gown, even in a pillow case, Tatum would always have Sirius's heart, even if she didn't know it

"what?" she smiled up at him, her eyes glistening from the fire light, his eyes doing the same and Tatum could get lost in them forever

She was in love with Sirius, but no one knew, or so she thought, but she loved how caring, kind, and how he is such a romantic, even though most people don't see that part of Sirius, but Tatum did, and she loves it, when ever she saw Sirius help a 1st or 2nd year find there classes or help them in the halls when very they got lost, Tatum loved it, but she also was found of how brave and outgoing he his, and even though looks don't matter, no one could deny Sirius was quite fit

"its true"

"what is?"

"the line he just sang ' That ain't all, that ain't all I'll do for you', its true"

Tatum's heart nearly exploded of how cute he is being, when his hands went down a little bit more it snapped Tatum out of her trace, but she didn't move

Tatum smiled up at him, and soon enough the song was over, but another started to play

"put your head on my shoulder" by Paul Anka, she loved this one to

But when Sirius started to bring his hands back, and away from her low, really low waist

"where you going?" She asked

"I thought we were done"

She smiled at him, causing him to return it, she grabbed his hands and put them back on her waist, wrapping her own around his shoulders

"Put your lips next to mine, dear, Won't you kiss me once, baby?"

"may I?"




Hello!! so um, yeah, things are going somewhere, that's all I am going to say

to clear of any confusion, when the words went in italic


"Put your lips next to mine, dear, Won't you kiss me once, baby?"

that just means those are lyrics from the song!

thanks for reading! and there will most definitely be a part 2 soon

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