The New Girl From France -S.B

By memberofWeasleyclan

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(Still needs some editing, if you see a mistake feel free to comment!) Started: February 1st, 2021 Finished:... More

About Tatum Miller
1.) And so it begins
2.) the mouse
3.) the fullmoon heartbreak
4.) Sirius
5.) the kitchens
6.) did she hear?
7.) the Hospital wing
8.) Quidditch
9.) The Black Lake
10.) The quidditch game
11.) Hospital wing...... again
12.) the brother
13.) Caspian
14.) The Black dog
15.) her room
16.) remus's talk
17.) The news
18.) Hogsmeade pt. 1
19.) The dare ( sirius's POV)
20.) Hogsmeade pt. 2
21.) potions
22.) there can only be one winner
23.) the final match, and a party
25.) the dance pt.1
26.) the dance pt. 2
27.) The Truth, pt. 1
28.) The Truth, pt. 2
29.)The Final
30.) Paroxysm

24.) The massive hangover

94 2 1
By memberofWeasleyclan

Narrators POV-

"I would love to!" Tatum tried yelling over the song, 'go all the way' that was blasting threw out the common room

"really?" Andreas Hinson, a 7th year Gryffindor said with a very thick Scottish accent  

"sure! why not!" Tatum slurred, getting a little more drunk

but as she agreed to go to the dance with Andreas, Sirius was watching from behind, know he just lost the chance to ask out Tatum to the dance, out of anger and sadness he went up to the nearest girl, that being Athena Feyrer, a 6th year Gryffindor, and asking her to the dance

As most girls in Hogwarts, Athena agreed with giddiness and a bright red face

Lily stood with James, much to his surprise, and they watched the scene  fold out, both feeling horrible for their friends, seeing as they both saw that Sirius and Tatum feelings towards each other 

"ya know, He was going to ask her to the dance"

"really" Lily said, her voice filled with sympathy and sadness for her friend 

"yeah, he even went to get the flowers the other day, he also knew she didn't like all the attention, he was going to ask at the black lake to"

"aww, that would have been so cute, she is head over heels for him, she would have said yes, but do you think Sirius is drunk to?"

"I am sure they will end up together at some point, and no, I mean he loves his fire whisky, but I know he has probably had one cup tonight"

Lily didn't reply, she just stared at her friends with sadness, know that Tatum wouldn't be going to the dance with Sirius and vice versa

"heeey Lils!!" Tatum said 

"hey tay, want to have a sleep over!"


"ok, lets go!"

"right now?" James whispered to Lily

"I just want her to go to bed, but I know sh wouldn't if I just asked if she wanted to"

"ah, I see"

"tay, lets go to your dorm!"

"yes lets, I like my dorm"

"ok" Lily chuckled at Tatum's toddler tendencies 


"Bloody hell" Tatum mumbled and held her head as she sat up from bed

She tried to stand up from her bed, but unsuccessful and fell back

She morphed into a dog, thinking it would help, but she was wrong, matter of fact, it was way worse

"wow" She said, and laid back in her bed

after a good 10 minutes, she felt the urge to go to the bathroom 

"oh boy"

She went to stand up, but her legs felt like jelly and just clasped onto the floor 

with fear of standing up, she just laid on the floor, until she heard a knock on the door 


"can I come in?"

"sure, but I am on the floor"

Tatum heard a laugh and then the door open to revel Remus  

"bloody hell, I thought you were kidding" he laughed 

"no you didn't"

"no, i didn't, but why are you on the floor?"

"results from last night" she motioned to herself, Remus chuckled a bit

"oh, yeah, that would do it, you were so drunk"

"are you here to scold me? or....."

"yeah, sorry, I just came to see if you were ready for classes today, but seeing your condition, I am guessing you are not coming?"

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner" Tatum said sarcastically 

"and, I wanted to see if you remember anything from last night by any chance?"

"ummmm, i remember going to get drinks with Sirius" Remus noticed the blush that creeped onto Tatum's face at the mention of Sirius "and having a couple cups if Fire whiskey, talking to a couple people, that's about it, why? oh Merlin, what did I do?!"

"no no no, you didn't do anything stupid, well I mean you did get drunk, but besides the point, I just wanted to know"

"mhm" Tatum nodded her head, but that only increased her major head ache 

 "want help off the floor?"

"yes please"  She said and put her arms in the air or Remus to pull her up

"be a doll and walk me to the bathroom"

"ok" Remus laughed and walked his friend to the bathroom 

"mhm k, I got it"

"ok, I will go and get lily, just cause I am starving, and dnt want to be here for the puking" He smiled at Tatum and left her dorm

soon enough, Tatum heard the voice of Lily ringing in her head 

"ohhhh, please don't talk, it sounds like a really loud bell" Tatum whined

"do you need me?"

"no? yes? I don't know"

"ok.... I have history of magic in 10 minutes, after that-" Lily started, she knew that Tatum would not be going to classes to day, from what Remus had told her, being the amazing friend Lily is, she was planning on taking notes for Tatum anyway

"mhm" Tatum hummed, not enjoying the bell going off in her head 

Lily chuckled, and let out a sigh, knowing Tatum doesn't remember last nights event, even in the slightest of ways   

"I am going to head out, want me to bring you to bed?"


Lily help Tatum to her bed, once she got settled, Tatum immediately fell asleep


Meanwhile, Sirius had also stayed in bed and deiced not to attend classes, not because he had gotten drunk the night before and ad a massive hangover, but because he was  heart broken, he was planning on asking Tatum today to the dance, but witnessing last night, he just could not brig himself out of bed

"you alright there mate" Remus asked, basically talking to Sirius's back


"look, She was drunk, Tatum probably doesn't even remember what happened"

"that doesn't matter,  I bet that git Andreas wasn't drunk, so he'll remind her, and plus, Athena wasn't drunk, so this whole thing is now screwed up,  and now I know Tatum will never go out with me"

"Padfoot, you just being dramatic, and I know Tatum likes you" James said from across the room


"I was talking with Lily, she said so"


"its tru-" James sentence was cut off by a thud coming from Tatum's dorm

"want me to go check?" Remus said

with no response, Remus left to go check Tatum did not break something

"James, does she really like me?" Sirius said while sitting up from his bed

"yeah, she was next to me when Andreas asked Tatum, she said, and I quote 'she is head over heels for him' "

"bet she was talking about Andreas" 

"nope, how do I know you might ask? well I told her about your plan for asking Tatum to the dance, and Lily said it was a cute idea and that Tatum was head over heels for you and that she would have definitely said yes"

"huh" Sirius said and climbed out of bed, changing his mind about the day

"coming to classes now?"


As Sirius was fixing his tie, Remus came back

"wats up?"

"well, many things actually-"

"does she remember anything?"

"I thought it didn't matter, but no, she remembers nothing" at Remus's words Sirius cracked a small smile 


"when I walked in, she was on the floor, that is probably what caused the noise, anyway, she has a massive hang over and is not coming to classes, but Lily has it covered"

"ok, so she is alright?"

"yes, Sirius, she is just fine, subtract the hangover, and she is just fine"

the words 'just fine' kind of hurt Sirius a little, he wasn't quite sure, but all he wanted at this very moment was to be at Tatum's side, ever since the Hogsmeade trip, he felt his feelings towards Tatum grow even more.   

Remus noticed his friends change in mood, he knew Sirius was falling fast for Tatum, he also knew that if Sirius fell fast, he would be on the edge of falling in love with her.

Even in the short amount Sirius had known Tatum, he knew it to, he knew he was on thin ice, once he fell, he would be in love with the new girl from France.


1,351 words 

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