[Matt] I Can Hear The Voices...

By fallen6661

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Matt Shadows from Avenged Sevenfold Story More

[Matt] I Can Hear The Voices Begging You To Stay [Shadows]


173 10 0
By fallen6661

Emz, do you know where Jimmy is I can’t find him and he’s not answering his phone’ Steph said as she jumped on the couch next to me.

‘He’s gone with Matt’

‘Oh, where too?’

‘Well Matts getting his sleeve finished off, so Jimmy has gone with him’

‘But I thought you were his tattoo buddy.’

‘Yeah but they want to plan tonight out remember’

‘OOOOOO yeah’

‘Like you forgot miss’ I laughed.

‘So what we going to do for the day?’

‘Shop’ I grinned, ‘and I was kinda hoping you could sort my hair out for me’ I smiled like a little kid asking for sweeties.

‘Sure of course I can. Let me go have a quick shower then we’ll head out ok?’

‘Hurry up’ I yell after her as she trots back upstairs. I got up from the couch and walked over to the mirror in the hallway and touched up my make up and as usual grabbed a pair of Matts aviators and slipped them on before heading out to the garden.

‘Yo Zack, me and Steph are going out shopping for the day’

‘Yeah no probs, can you do me a favour first though babe. Grab me and syn a beer’ He smiled cheekily at me.

‘Fine, but only this once Mr V, don’t get used to it’

‘You’re a super star’ he said when I passed him the beers.

‘I know. Now I’ll see you later on’

‘Have fun’

‘Sure we will’ I said to him as I walked back into the house to see Steph pulling on her jacket.

‘Lets do this shit’ she laughed as she pulled her shades down over her eyes and we headed out to her car.

‘Where to first?’ I asked.

‘Hot topic, where else’ I rolled my eyes and smiled how could I have forgotten about the store we used to spend hours in trying everything on, only to end up buying a CD or something.

‘Oh Emz, you should so wear this’ Steph pointed out a beautiful red and black halter neck dress rockabilly style.

‘Oh wow, that so pretty’ I said as I took it out of her hands. ‘One to try on’ I smiled walking over towards the shoes. I picked out a pair of black strap up stilettos with cute red skulls on that would do perfect with the dress. I also picked out a few accessories such a jewellery and a pretty handbag, before going to try and find Steph who was still on the other side of the store.

I found her to see that she was busy looking through some of the skirts so I took the chance to head to the changing rooms and try on the dress.

‘Oi Steph!’ I made her look up from the dresses she was trying so hard to make up her mind over. ‘What do you think?’

‘Wow, that suits you so much. Classy yet sexy at the same time. Matt will love it’ I had to grin uncontrollable at the mention of his name. ‘Which do you think Jimmy will like?’ She asked as she held up two dresses, one was a cute fitted short dress with a black printed lace design over red and the other one was a cute little purple number with chains and cuts on it.

‘Erm I vote the black and red one’ I said ‘That would go really nice with those shoes I said pointing over to a a pair of red satin heels.

‘Yeah sweet thanks’ She smiled as she skipped over to take the shoes from the rack. I headed back into the changing room to change back into my jeans and top. When I finished changing I stood outside the changing room where Steph was in. She stepped out in the new outfit.

‘Whitt wooo, Check you out sexy lady. Jimmy aint gonna wanna take his greasy mitts off of ya’ I said pretending to dance with her. She laughed and went back into the changing room to change back into her normal clothes. While I was waiting for her my phone vibrated in my pocket indicating that I had a text message, so I pulled my phone out and opened it up to a text from Matt.

‘Can’t wait for tonight x’ I smiled as I reread the text a few times.

‘Neither can I. Even brought a new outfit x’

‘Do tell…. ;) xx’

‘You’ll have to wait and see xx’

‘As I said I can’t wait for tonight and to just see you. G2g tattoo artist back xx’

Everyone who walked by me must have thought I was a right idiot as I stood there grinning to myself. Steph was soon changed and we headed to the checkout to pay for our purchases.

‘I’m paying’ Steph said as she handed the check out girl a card.

‘Don’t be silly Nienie’

‘Well it’s not really me that’s paying.’ I looked at her confused ‘Well I’ve got my own credit card from the band management for being hairstylist, you know getting all the bits. I think you’ll be getting one too’ She said. The girl handed us our bags and we headed down the street to a nail bar where we both had our nails done, and a facial at the beauty salon.

‘I’m starting to get nervous now’ I said to Steph as we got in the car and headed home.

‘Yeah tell me about it. Well when we get in, we’ll grab some wine and all our bits and head upstairs to my room, I’ll do your hair up there. That way we won’t have to see the guys until we are ready’

‘Yeah good thinking’ I smiled turning up the car radio up as Papa Roach Last Resort came on. Me and Steph both happily sang away trying to forget about the nervous feeling in my stomach.

When we got home, everyone appeared to be down in the music room, so we quickly grabbed a few bottles of wine with some glasses, and legged it up to Stephs room as she had her own en-suite, the only one out of all the rooms to have one.

‘So I was thinking, with your hair, we leave side long at the front then go short with the rest?’ She said as she worked her fingers through my messy locks.

‘Go for it, can you put some colour in too? The red is really fading in the sun’

‘Sure no problems’ She said as she got to work. We put on an Iron Maiden CD and moshed out while she dyed and cut my hair. While I was waiting for the dye to take Steph hopped in the shower. When she came out it was my turn to shower and wash the colour out while she did her own hair. I finished and re joined her.

There was movement from in the hallway so we paused the music to be nosey.

‘Zacky where the hell is my aftershave?’ Matts voiced boomed loudly down the stairs.

‘Ahh sorry dude, check my room’ Matt laughed out a puff as he went into Zackys room, then back into the bathroom.

‘Matt seriously hurry up, I gotta use the shower too’ Jimmy yelled banging on the door.

‘Jeesh, shut up man’

‘Yeah Jimmy Boi!’ Steph yelled laughing.

‘make me’ he said trying to open the bedroom door, which we locked when we got in. ‘aww you two are no fun!’ he said as he went and banged on the bathroom door some more. I pressed resume on the CD player as Steph finished styling her hair, she was wearing it brushed back and the long bit over her shoulder with lose curls. The Purple in her hair really stood out. She then styled mine, with the long bit at the front and messed up the shorter bits.

‘Thanks Nienie’ I smiled as I got up from the chair and started to apply some make up. I went for black and red eye shadow, Steph did the same and we both had a red lipstick.

‘Right I’m gonna get changed in the en-suit, you change in here’ I nod, and when she left the room I slip on my dress and my heels and stood in front of the mirror. The bathroom door opened and Steph walked out.

‘You look stunning’ I said as I gave her a hug.

‘So do you. Now lets go see if these men are ready’ She said as she offered me her arm to link, which I did as we both grabbed our bags and head downstairs. Agghhhhh seriously my stomach was killing from the wave of nerves as we neared the bottom of the flight of stairs.

Again no one was in the front room, so we headed to the music room. Yup correct guess. Matt and Jimmy were standing to the side of the room drinking a beer talking to the other guys who were sat on the couches.

Jimmy was wearing a black and white checked shirt with some torn jeans. He looked very smartly dressed and he had styled his hair too without Stephs assistance. I looked over to see matt wearing a white tee, with a short sleeved red and black shirt which he worn unbuttoned, most probably to show off his now complete sleeve.

Johnny was the first to notice that we were in the doorway. ‘Hot chick alert’ He said causing everyone to look over. Straight away my eyes meet with Matts as his dimpled grin appeared on his face as he put down his beer and walked over to me. Jimmy did the same leaping across the room to sweep Steph off of her feet.

‘Hey’ Matt said

‘Hey you too’ I smiled.

‘You look…well… I’m speechless is that enough’ he chuckled giving me a small hug.

‘And you look hunky, loving the sleeve’ I was trying to think of anything to say. This was the first time I had felt properly nervous around him.

‘You all ready to go?’ Jimmy asked, we all nod. Jimmy leads Steph out to his car, Matt took a hold of my hand as we followed them both. Steph hopped in the front with Jimmy, me and Matt in the back. ’This is going to be funny’ Jimmy said with a pretend evil laugh as we pulled out of the driveway.

‘So what are we doing exactly?’ I asked.

‘Well we are taking you beautiful ladies out for some food then we thought we could go all old fashioned and head to the cinema’ Matt said

‘Aww that sounds perfect’ I smiled as I sat back in the seat as Jimmy drove. ‘You know what I’ve just thought. I’m going to be on a date with a hot man and my two best friends, how wrong does that sound’ Everyone laughed.

We pulled up out side a rather posh looking restaurant. Matt climbed out of the car and ran round to open the door for me helping me out. Even this little gesture had me blushing.

‘Seriously look at this place. Can we even afford to eat here?’ Steph said as Jimmy took hold of her hand.

‘Only the best for our favourite girls’ Jimmy said leading the way again.

‘I can’t believe we are actually on a date’ Steph teased Jimmy.

‘About time if I do say so’ I added.

‘One thing we should mention now, we do have separate tables, we thought it’s be nice and then have the cinema together’ Steph looked at me obviously feeling as nervous as I was right now.

When we entered the place we were lead to two separate tables, luckily they were quite close together so we could lean over and talk to each other if we wanted to. Each table was lit wit candles and really elegantly dressed. I took a seat opposite Matt, the same side as Steph was on, so she was close by. The waiter took our drink and food request before disappearing. He reappeared shortly carrying two bottles of champagne one for our table and one for the other.

‘Seriously this is way too much’ I said nervously.

‘Don’t be silly. I’ve waited long enough for this time, so has Jimmy so we are going to celebrate in style’ He smiled as the waiter poured us both a glass.

‘How long exactly?’

‘Since school. You had me with the Pantera day at school’ I smiled remembering.

‘Hey’ Jimmy said raising his glass ’a toast’ we all raised our glasses ’to bestest friends and long awaited dates’

‘Cheers’ we all say pinging our glasses together. I took a sip and placed the glass back on the table, I did my usual nervous thing an began to play with the hem of my dress.

‘You ok?’ Matt asked.

‘Kinda nervous’

‘Haha, tell me about it. I mean I’m sat here with who I consider to be the prettiest, hottest most beautiful girl I have ever seen’

‘Oh shut up’ I giggled embarrassed.

‘I’m being serious Emz.’ I looked over into his hazel eyes, ‘your amazing’

‘you don’t know how happy I am that we are on this date’ I smiled as he took hold of my hand that was on the table.

We make small talk until the waited came out with our food. I had ordered a simple chicken creaser salad, Matt had steak, potatoes, onions and gravy. I looked over to see Steph tucking into what looked like chicken stir fry and Jimmy had spare ribs making a bit of a mess. Through out the meal we talked about anything and everything.

Once we had finished, we drank the rest of the champagne and decided to skip on desert, we were going to grab something at the cinema. Matt and Jimmy paid as we left the restaurant. I smiled and winked over to Steph as jimmy took hold of her hand. Matt taking mine as we walked to the cinema which was just a few blocks away.

‘What you girls wanna see’ Matt said as he hugged me from behind so I could see what the options were.

‘Well of course it has to be a horror!’ Steph said.

‘im casting my vote on Saw’ I said, everyone else seemed happy enough with this choice. We may have had a little argument over who was paying for the cinema tickets, of which me and Steph blatantly won. So we went and brought the tickets while the guys grabbed some drink and some ice cream.

When we got into the cinema room, we headed straight to the back seats, Jimmy went first followed by Steph, then me, then Matt. We settled into our seats, Matt had his arm wrapped around my shoulder, Jimmy held Steph in the same position as the film began.

‘uuughhh, that’s not gonna do what I think it is, is it?’ Steph asked commenting about the film.

‘Just don’t look then babe’ Jimmy said.

‘Well I have to look, we’re in the cinema to see a film’

‘I could think of something else to keep your mind of it’ then Steph fell silent so I looked over to see them both kissing each other. I smiled as I rested my head on Matts shoulder to watch the movie.

As per usual, when ever I visited the cinema I’d tend to grow a but restless, so I scooped up a handful of popcorn and threw it at Steph and Jimmy. I quickly turned away to look at Matt trying not to laugh. He grinned.

‘Bitch’ Steph laughed.

‘I do not know what you are talking about you mean random person’

‘MMMM’ she said as she turned back to resume kissing Jimmy. I turned back to look at Matt, my head resting on his shoulder. Without saying a word he moved his head closer to mine until his soft lips were touching mine. My hands instinctively moved to his face pulling his lips more into mine, deepening the kiss. I broke away briefly to look at him before pushing my lips back on his. His tongue flickered over my bottom lip, wanting entrance which I gladly allowed, our tongues danced happily together for what seemed like an eternity.

We were rudely interrupted with some selfish individual throwing popcorn at us. I couldn’t help but laugh as I pulled away from matt to throw some more popcorn at Jimmy and Steph. Well the popcorn fight resulted in us being thrown out of the cinema, not that any of us minded it was more funny than anything.

We were still laughing as we drove home. Steph and Jimmy both disappeared into the house near enough as soon as the car stopped. Matt stopped me from going into the house.

‘Wanna come for a walk with me?’

‘Sure that’d be nice’ I smiled as he took my hand. We headed towards the beach which was less than five minutes from the house. When we reached the sand I kicked off my shoes to walk bare foot in the sand, Matt doing the same. We walked down towards the sea which was as black as the night sky. Matt stopped me and turned me to look at him.

‘I had a really good night Emz’

‘So did I Matt. It was the best’

‘Well’ he began as he rubbed the back of his neck a sign he was uneasy or nervous ‘Would it be the wrong time to ask if you’d like to be my girl?’

I stood looking at him smiling. He was so cute when he got nervous. ‘So you want to be my boyfriend?’

‘If you’d like me to be’

‘Yes of course I would’

‘For real?’ He grinned.

‘For real’ I said as he picked my up off of my feet and kissed me passionately.

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