Moral Stories

By NicholaSun

42.1K 224 37

All these stories have morals! More

A True Friend
Cousin Lina
The Naughty Boys
Sick Caroline
Andy and George
The Dark Horse and The White Horse
Student Genius
The Great Race
Savannah and Bethany
Rachel's Best Friend
Helpful Sofia
The Fight with Two Best Friends
The Games Club Races
Matt's Dance Class
The Lazy Student
The School Bully
The Book Competition
Mia Mirabelle
Kathryn and Rachel
Watch Out, Laura!
Is this Appropriate?
My Sister Elena
Bad Temper
The Tallest Sandwich
Kirsten's Puppy
Ian and his Promise
A Bookworm
Tommy and Johnny
Pip's Wish
Study or Socialize
Turn Taking
Special Guests
The New Girl
Cry Babies
Too Little To Go Hiking?
Amber and the Million Dollars
The Head Boy Candidates
Christopher's Bad Deeds
A Dedicated Artist
True Talents
The Necklace
Hannah and The New Student
Animal Sports Day
Shelf Help
Phoebe Helps Out
Cyber Danger!
Too Many Friends?? Part 1

The Singing Contest

582 6 0
By NicholaSun

Macy's school was holding the annual singing contest. She felt very excited about it, because she enters each and every single one. Macy has been singing ever since she was four years old. Macy has always been the winner. She won the singing contest last year and the year before. She really hoped that she will win it again. 

After she heard about it, Macy immediately began listening to a few albums and choose her favourite song. She began writing and remembering the lyrics. 

Macy first practised in front of a mirror. The song she choose was in English and in Cantonese. She choose that song, because she wanted to do even better than the previous years. 

Later on, she heard the doorbell. She immediately ran down the stairs to see who was outside. It was her friends Amelia and Jade. They greeted each other with a hug.

 "We heard about the singing contest. Jade and I are going to sing a duet and we were thinking that you can join us and we can be a trio." Amelia suggested. 

"Thanks for your offer, Amelia. But, I already choose a song myself. If you want to a trio, I guess you have to ask someone else. I am certainly going to win it!" Macy said arrogantly. 

"But, you always win it." Jade said looking down. "You want to win with your friends, right?" 

Macy's mum just greeted Amelia and Jade. 

"Why don't the three of you play a game together?" She suggested. 

"Great idea!" Amelia and Jade smiled. "We can play hide and seek." 

"I am busy, guys. I am in the middle of practising my song for the singing contest. I need to practise more and more otherwise I wouldn't win it." Macy quickly replied. "You two play together while I practise my singing." 

"The singing contest is in three weeks, Macy. You have plenty of time to practise." Jade replied. "So why don't we play hide and seek? I will hide, you and Amelia will count." 

Jade ran into the house while Amelia and Macy counted to ten. Jade was found  under the dining table. After playing for a long time, Macy went into her room to practise singing. There was a knock on her door. It was her mum. 

"Macy, your friends are watching a movie and they were wondering where were you." She said. 

"But, I need to practise my singing or I wouldn't win." Macy said rapidly. 

Up until the singing contest, Macy was always in the music room singing. Nearer to the contest, Macy practised and her voice got softer and softer. 'That wasn't the perfect voice for singing' she thought. Macy practised again and again, but she got even worse. 

Macy even drank plenty of water to have a better voice before the contest, Macy practised again and all of a sudden her voice got very soft and she ended up with no voice. This happened the day before the singing contest. 

Poor Macy! Macy cannot participate in the singing contest. She had no voice and cannot win again. Macy had tears streaming her face and rubbing her eyes really hard. 

Moral: If you practise something, you need some time to rest. 

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