Damaged Goods

By Brownize1441

30.4K 1.7K 83

Lyla felt like she was damaged goods, and had no interest in a relationship or another marriage, after the la... More

Damaged Goods
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 24

809 47 0
By Brownize1441

"I'm so glad to hear from you!" Katie squealed, as she answered a call from Lyla. "I've been trying to give you your space, since you went back, but your infrequent texts just have me dying to know what's going on!"

"I know, I'm sorry, I suck at the whole 'communication' thing" Lyla said as she laughed at Katie's excitement.

"So, I need details! What is going on with you two? ... Wait, first, are you ok, you're safe and all? I know you had said that the cops thought James was heading there to look for you" she interrupted herself nervously.

"Yeah, I'm ok. No sign of him, and I've pretty much decided I'm not going to live being afraid of him. I spent a few days scared to leave the house, but I can't do that anymore. He's robbed me of so much, and I'm not going to let him take anything else from me."

"Good!" Katie said emphatically. "I'm proud of you, standing up for yourself like this. You're so amazing, just another reason I miss you and wish you were still around" she sighed. "But, you said you told JT more about James and all that, so how did that go?"

"Well, it started out pretty ugly" Lyla told Katie. "There was a lot of disconnect between what we were saying to each other, and I ended up screaming and crying..."

"Oh, Lyla, I'm so sorry, I wish I had been able to be there for you."

"Well, it turned out ok. I think it was actually good for me to kind of express some of what I've been through, and give him an idea where I was coming from. It definitely broke the ice, I guess you could say, between us. At least we've been having real conversations now, not just being roommates, ya know?"

"Well, is that a good thing?" Katie asked, hesitantly "I mean, I know you were bound and determined not to let this whole thing get personal, and we're only a month or two in and it sounds like that plan is completely out the window."

"You're not wrong" Lyla chuckled lightly. "There's nothing businesslike left here. It's gotten very personal, I've cried on his shoulder, we've made out a few times, and I'm actually really starting to like him. Like I swore I wasn't going to do."

"Oh dear" said Katie. "Does he make you happy?" she asked dreamily.

"We're definitely enjoying each other's company, and I'm happy when we're together. But mostly, I genuinely fell cared about and safe with him, in a way I can't really even explain. He's not pressuring me into anything physical past what I'm comfortable with, and I really appreciate that about him. And he's a lot of fun to be around."

"It sounds like you're really starting to care about him. Just promise me you'll be careful, ok? I don't want to see you get hurt. If he breaks your heart, I'll kick his ass" Katie said with conviction.

"Haha, thanks, I appreciate that" Lyla said, smiling as she envisioned Katie's small and delicate 5'2" frame attempting to cause anyone physical damage. "I'm more worried about me hurting him. I really like him, but I'm still wanting to pace myself and not rush into anything."

"Not rush into anything?" Katie asked, laughing sincerely, "You're already married to the guy. If anything, you're way behind the curve, since all you've done is make out."

"Well, that's a fair point, but you know what I mean" Lyla said grudgingly.

They continued their conversation for about another hour, before Lyla realized that she needed to go because she had some work she needed to finish before a deadline, and Katie made her promise to keep in better touch, and to let her know how the relationship progressed.

After the conversation, Lyla felt refreshed. Katie was a great friend and Lyla had really missed having her nearby, so having a chance to have a long chat was just what she needed, especially since she hadn't made any female friends since she had come to stay with TJ. She wasn't really looking for friends at the moment, but the absence of her friend back home had taken a bit of a toll, and Lyla made up her mind to make sure she did better about keeping in touch with Katie.


Lyla had gotten into a good pattern with her long distance working, and made it a habit to go to the library to get work done. She felt like working from the condo made things too easy to be lazy. So she forced herself to get up every day, use the gym in the condo building, get dressed and actually go to the library so she could spend a focused day 'at work' in order to legitimately focus and get done what she need to get done on a daily basis. She also didn't really enjoy being alone in the condo. More than once, she had thought she could hear someone in the hallway, but there was never anyone there when she looked. She assumed it was her imagination, and the fears from her past trying to push themselves forward, but she felt better just leaving and being in a public place during the day, while TJ was at work.

By the time, the next weekend rolled around, TJ had also gotten more comfortable with how things were settling down. He was even feeling more productive at work, now that things with Lyla were moving in a positive direction. He was right on the verge of completing a project he had been working on, and was excited to be able to submit it to the board for review in the coming weeks. He still had a nagging feeling that the company was losing money somewhere, but there had been so much going on, and his searches to find anything had resulted in any findings, so he had mostly given up on that search. He was looking forward to a relaxing weekend, and was trying to think of something fun to do with Lyla.

"Sir?" Chrissy said to him, as she gently knocked on the door and peeked her head through the doorway.

"Yes, Chrissy?" TJ asked, as he was putting away papers and straightening his desk.

"There's a problem with the Cartman contract. They've sent of specs on some of the issues they are running into. It sounds like there's a pretty big glitch that needs to be looked at right away."

"Seriously?" TJ asked, exasperated, as he rubbed his hand down his face. "Is Jerry free to take a look at it? He was the lead on that project."

"Jerry has been going over it for the last hour, and it sounds like he needs your help" she said.

"Ok, tell him to head to the conference room. Is Mike still here?"

"I believe so, Sir."

"Ok, tell Jerry and Mike to meet me in the conference room, and can you get me a number for Cartman's point of contact? I'll call him as soon as we figure out what our plan will be." TJ said to her, as he pulled out his cell phone to text Lyla that he would be home late.

TJ: Lyla, I'm really sorry, but it looks like we've got a bit of an emergency with the software for one of our clients. I might not be back until late.

Lyla: Ok, well thanks for letting me know. Will you let me know when you're on the way home?

TJ: Of course! Talk to you soon.

"Why are you still here?" came Darren's voice as he looked into TJ's office as he walked by.

"A problem with the Cartman software" TJ grumbled, without even looking up from what he was doing.

"That sucks" said Darren, without actually expressing any concern. "Are you going to be here a while."

"Yeah, probably a few hours at least. I don't know, I haven't really had a chance to look at it yet."

"Have fun" said Darren, as he continued toward the exit with a little grin on his face.

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