Chapter 23

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Lyla spent the day trying to focus on work. She had a lot that needed to get done, and she felt like she needed to make good on her company letting her work remotely, so she needed to make sure they didn't regret their decision to let her.

TJ was far less focused at work. His mind kept going to the discrepancies he was sure existed, but could find any trace of, and was worried about Lyla, so he actually spent very little time actually working on the project that should have been his primary focus at this point.

The next few days were about the same. Lyla was trying to get as much done as possible, with few breaks, and TJ was trying to focus, but was not accomplishing much. By Thursday, they both felt burned out and stir crazy, so they went down the street to the bar to say hi to Travis, and get out of the house.

"TJ, Lyla!" Travis said, as he saw the two enter the building.

"Hi Travis" Lyla said cheerfully.

"You don't call, you don't write... what have you two been up to? I've barely heard from you in days?" Travis continued, happy to see his friends.

"We've both been pretty busy with work" TJ said, as he and Lyla sat down on stools at the bar.

"TJ, the usual?" Travis asked "Lyla, what can I get for you?" he continued, turning his head toward her as he spoke.

"I'll just have Sprite" she responded.

TJ and Lyla enjoyed a nice evening, ate some bar food, enjoyed some beverages, and relaxed. Getting out of the condo was exactly what they needed, and they both felt much butter after spending time ina lively atmosphere.

"Things look really good between you two." Travis said to TJ, almost as a question, when Lyla had excused herself to the restroom.

"Yeah" TJ responded with a smile "we're actually kind of dating now, I guess. I mean, I don't really know how else to put it. I think I'm really falling for her" he babbled, the words continuing to flow. "I mean, we're married, duh, but it's not like we're really married, but we actually like each other it seems. And, I mean, she's great! Obviously gorgeous, but totally fun to be around too."

"That all sounds great, man" Travis said, when TJ finally paused long enough for him to speak.

"So, you guys consummate that marriage yet?" Travis teased, while raising eyes eyebrows suggestively.

"Dude, get your head out of the gutter" TJ responded quickly, with a huff.

"So, that's a 'no' then" Travis smiled at him and gave him a wink, and turned to other customers at the bar, as Lyla was returning to her seat.

"I'm really glad we're here" Lyla said, sitting back down. "I've just been thinking, I've spent so much time afraid, and this recent... setback" she said, struggling to find the right word, "just triggered so much fear that I have worked really hard to get away from, and I don't want it consuming me anymore. I don't want to stay cooped up in the condo, like we have been."

"I agree" said TJ, feeling in full agreement about not being stuck in the condo all the time. He obviously didn't feel the same fear that Lyla was going through, but understood her need to feel safe, so he hadn't wanted to push her to leave. "It's a great city, tons of fun stuff we should be doing and enjoying. No more hiding" he said as he put an arm around her and gave her a light side-hug squeeze.

TJ and Lyla left the bar a bit later, and walked out chatting happily, hand in hand, and slowly strolled home. JT casually put his arm around Lyla's shoulders as they walked, and she enjoyed the comfort she felt when he would pull her close. Lyla hadn't felt this carefree in a long time. Even with the fear of James lingering in the back of her mind, for the first time since she had left him, she didn't feel alone. She could feel how she was beginning to really trust JT and a way she hadn't expected to ever trust a man again. She was feeling a closeness to JT that she had never felt before.

They were content and optimistic about their future, glad to have enjoyed what was essentially their first date since having communicated to each other that they wanted to pursue a real relationship, and neither of them noticed the sinister eyes across the street, watching the two of them as they entered the building of the condo. They didn't see him watch what floor their elevator stopped at, and they definitely didn't notice him hovering around the corner when they unlocked the door and went inside. 

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