Chapter 16

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The night of the gala, TJ was a nervous wreck. He hated these events, and he really didn't want to go. But he knew he had to make an appearance. The only positive thing was that Lyla was going with him, and more importantly, she was excited about it. This was the first time he'd seen her genuinely excited about anything since she had come to stay with him.

TJ paced in the kitchen, waiting for her to emerge from her room. He had been ready early, just wanting it all to be over. When she stepped from her room, he stopped mid-step when he saw her. She was stunning. She had on a long red dress, with sequin appliqué placed appropriately around her narrow waist and down the edges of a high slit that showed a peek of her beautifully toned leg. There was one sequined strap, allowing her feminine shoulders to show, and her hair was piled into cascading curls, starting on top of her head, and trailing down delicately around her neck.

"Uhh, umm, wow!" TJ stuttered his words, not even knowing what to say. "You look amazing" he continued.

"Thank you" she responded. "You look great in a tux."

TJ pulled the vehicle up to the front of the venue for valet, and after getting out of the car, he offered his arm to Lyla, and they walked into the event. They were met almost immediately by TJ's cousin, Darren.

"Wow, what a fox!" he exclaimed, patting TJ's shoulder. "Don't let her out of your sight, I might just steal her away from you" he said to TJ, while winking at Lyla, who was not amused. "Be sure to save me a dance" he followed up, and then walked away to talk to someone else coming in the door.

"I hate that guy" TJ said under his breath. "Like, I seriously can't stand him."

"He's pretty unpleasant" Lyla added.

"That's Bob, over there" TJ said, as he pointed across the room to a large, middle-aged man, with an obvious balding spot he was trying to hide with a sad comb-over.

"Chrissy," he said, walking up to a pleasant looking middle-aged woman, standing by herself at one of the cocktail tables around the outer edge of the room. "Chrissy, this is my wife, Lyla. Lyla, this is my secretary Chrissy. She keeps me on track when there's nothing but chaos going on in the office."

"Nice to meet you, Chrissy" Lyla said, extending her hand.

Chrissy appeared a little surprised to see Lyla, and equally surprised at how candidly TJ introduced her as his wife, but she regained her composure immediately.

"Nice to meet you as well" she said smiling, and shaking Lyla's extended hand.

The room was arranged with numerous standing cocktail tables around the outside of the room, with a dance floor in the center and a live band stage at one end. The musicians were playing a pleasant tune, loud enough for anyone wishing to dance, but not so loud that it prevented conversation. At the other end of the room was an open bar and there were several wait-staff wandering about offering flutes of champagne as well as a variety of hors d'oeuvres.

Lyla and TJ wandered around the room, saying hello to many people as they went, TJ proudly introducing his wife to everyone. She pleasantly played her part as the dutiful wife, making conversation and seeming perfectly at ease.

"I'm going to grab a drink, want anything?" TJ asked after they had been mingling for about 20 minutes.

"No, I'm fine, thank you. I think I'll track down a waiter with some of those crab puff things. Those are delicious!" she said, as TJ headed toward the bar and she walked toward a waiter with the wanted snack.

Just as Lyla put the crab puff into her mouth, a beautiful woman walked up to her.

"You must be TJ's lovely new bride" she said, trying to sound pleasant, but not really succeeding.

Lyla tried to quickly swallow what was in her mouth, and stretched out her hand to meet the woman.
"Yes, I'm Lyla, it's nice to meet you." She said. "How do you know TJ?" Lyla asked trying to be friendly.

"Oh, we go way back. We've got a lot of history, me and TJ. I don't want to bore you with it" the woman said, trying to sound mysterious.

"Do you have much involvement with the foundation?" Lyla asked, not willing to take the bait.

"No, not really. I can't be bothered" she said, waving a dismissive hand. "I mostly come to see everyone. Like TJ, I haven't seen him in ages, and I just knew I had to meet you."

TJ had just received his drink and was scanning the room, looking for Lyla, when he saw her talking to someone. He turned red and immediately made is way over to the two of them.

"Diane" he said as he approached the women. "I didn't expect to see you here."

"TJ, darling!" she said, her voice sounding forced. "I was just saying hello to your blushing bride. I can't believe you haven't brought her to meet me already."

"And why would I do that?" TJ asked, not making any attempt at pleasantness.

"After everything we've been through, I'm hurt that you didn't think I'd want to meet her." Diane said, faking sincerity.

Lyla just looked back and forth between the two of them, aware of the obvious tension, but having no desire to say anything or get involved in the conversation.

"I have no doubt you wanted to meet Lyla, but I can't think of any reason why she would have any interest in meeting you" he added dryly.

"You're such a beast" she said, playfully hitting his arm.

"Please excuse me a moment," Lyla finally said, not wanting to be part of this conversation any longer, and she walked away toward the restroom.

"What are you doing here?" TJ asked.

"Well, I had to meet the woman you replaced me with" Diane responded.

"I'd hardly consider her a replacement" he said, "more of a step up" he smirked.

"You'll come crawling back to me" she said. "I know you still want me."

"Don't count on it" he said, as he turned and walked away.

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