Chapter 15

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TJ gave Lyla plenty of space. He really wanted to snuggle up with her on the couch and cuddle. He couldn't help himself, but he was starting to like her, more than he had intended to allow himself. But he knew she wasn't looking for anything personal out of this arrangement. He was just glad she decided to not lock herself in her room again, so he didn't want to press his luck.

They enjoyed watching the movie, quoting the more amusing lines back and forth to each other.

"Thanks for hanging out," TJ said, when the movie was over.

"It was fun, we'll have to find more things to watch together," she said smiling. "Have a good night." She said, and went to her room.

The next morning, Lyla was at the kitchen table, working on her laptop and drinking coffee when TJ came out of his room.

"Good morning" she said pleasantly.

"Good morning" he responded. "I didn't really expect to see you here? You're usually gone when I get up."

"I'm sorry, do you want me to go? Do you need the space?" she asked, a little concerned that she was going to quickly overstay her welcome.

"No, no, not at all!" he reassured her. "It's nice to see you. A pleasant surprise" he said as he smiled at her warmly.

"How formal is the gala this weekend?" she asked, changing the subject. "I'm sure I'll need to find a dress. I definitely don't currently have anything gala-worthy to wear here."

"It's pretty formal. I guess it's considered black-tie." He responded. "I'm not looking forward to it" he sighed.

Lyla went shopping that afternoon to find a dress. She called Katie and sent her some pictures, trying to get help on picking just the right dress.

"So, how are things going there?" asked Katie.

"It's strained" responded Lyla. "I think he's starting to like me, or at least getting used to me being around. I'm not sure that's a good thing."

"Why not?" asked Katie. "He's super cute, and you're already married. Would it be such a bad thing if you guys made it work?" she continued, teasingly.

"It just feels so much more complicated than that." Lyla said, hesitating before she continued. "I mean, it's bad enough that James is roaming the streets, probably wanting me dead. But I've got work there, and my apartment. Plus, I just don't think I'm ready for anything beyond just surface interaction."

"Those just sound like silly excuses" responded Katie. "Ok, maybe the James thing is valid. The police apparently don't have any idea where he is, and he's obviously super crazy and dangerous. But the other things are just minor hurdles. For the right guy, I think you'll be able to figure things out."

"In any case, I'm going to need to head back soon, even if just for a few days. Work needs me to complete some paperwork and meet with HR in person, plus I need an updated laptop if I'm going to keep working remotely. The one I have was just intended for the occasionally logging in from home. It really isn't sufficient for me to get done everything I need to do long-term."

"Well, let me know when you're coming back" said Katie, you can stay with me if you want, and I'll get you from the airport.

"Thank you, Katie" Lyla responded. "I really appreciate everything you've done for me."

"Of course! Any time!" Katie responded emphatically. "Now, let me see the red dress again."

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