Chapter 32

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The next day was long and busy. Lyla accompanied TJ to his office and spent all morning with the accounting personnel, going over the documents she had already reviewed, and looking in more detail to additional statements and spreadsheets for the company's cash flow. She spent several hours with them, pouring over the details, documenting the findings and helping to research all involved vendors as well as a timeframe for how long the fraud had been occurring.

It was about time for lunch when TJ showed up to meet Lyla, and she was just finishing her part for the investigation From this point forward, it was up to the accounting department to conclude their investigation and submit to the proper authorities continue process.

"Want to grab something to eat?" TJ asked, coming up to Lyla and leaning against the desk where she was working.

"Yep" she responded nodding, not even looking up from her computer screen. "I just need about 5 more minutes to finish what I'm working on, and then I'll be all set, and the rest of this will be out of my hands."

After she finished what she was working on, she got up and took TJ's hand as they walked out the door.

On the way to lunch, TJ was uncharacteristically quiet, and seemed to be deep in thought.

"Is everything ok?" Lyla asked, once they sat down and had ordered their lunch.

"Yeah," he started. "I've been thinking..."

Lyla got a little nervous. After spending the night together, even though it had been completely G-rated and tame, she was concerned. She felt like it was a good step in the right direction for their relationship, but TJ's preoccupation with whatever he was thinking about had her concerned that he wasn't thinking the same thing, and she was scared that maybe he wanted to take a step back.

"Yes?" she asked timidly, encouraging him to continue.

"Well, we're married, but obviously, it hasn't been a conventional marriage" he said, and paused, searching for the right words to express what he was thinking.

"Right?" she nodded, waiting for him to continue.

"We can't undo that," he faltered. And Lyla stiffened a little at that statement. TJ noticed her change in demeanor, and quickly tried to correct what he was saying. "What I mean is" he continued, "we skipped all the dating, we skipped the getting to know each other, and just jumped into a contract."

"Ok" she said, having no idea where he was going with this conversation, and not sure she wanted to know, if it meant he didn't want to keep moving forward with their relationship.

"Well, I think we've short-changed ourselves." He stated, and Lyla just looked at him with a confused expression on her face.

"I guess what I'm saying, is that we've both agreed that we don't just want a contract anymore, right? That we want to actually get to know each other, we want more, right?" he asked, now feeling a little unsure of himself, based off of Lyla's confused expression.

"Right" she said, questioningly.

"Lyla" he said, "I'm falling for you like a blind roofer. And you're already my wife, but I feel like I still need to really get to know you, and like we kind of need to start over some. So, at risk of sounding stupid and cheesy, Lyla, will you be my girlfriend?"

Lyla was surprised at his words, but it melted her heart. She felt warm and tingly, and couldn't suppress a little giggle.

"TJ" she responded with a smile, as she reached across the table to take one of his hands. "I adore you, and I've never felt like this toward anyone before. You make me feel for complete than I have in a really long time." She paused for a moment and smiled at him. "I appreciate the Hot Shots 'blind roofer' reference, and I would love to be your girl."

TJ smiled, and didn't care that they were in public, or that they were sitting and waiting for their meal, he stood up, walked over to Lyla and pulled her up into his arms, and gave her a kiss, more passionate than any kiss they had shared yet. After the initial shock wore off, Lyla responded in kind, and kissed him back until the waiter arrived, and set their beverages on the table, clearing his throat uncomfortably.

Lyla blushed and pulled away, sitting down quickly. TJ, far less embarrassed and just glad she was as eager to pursue a real relationship as he was, kissed the top of her head and returned to his seat.


That night, after TJ had returned home from work, Lyla had dinner waiting for him. They enjoyed a pleasant meal.

"I could get used to this" TJ said to Lyla.

"Get used to what?" she asked, smiling at him.

"You, being here, smiling at me and not avoiding me all the time."

"Well, we just might make this marriage work after all" she said, as got up and sat on his lap. She wrapped her arms around him and gave him a kiss.

"I could get used to this too" she said.

"Get used to what?" he asked, smiling and staring into her eyes.

"I could get used to feeling loved" she said,and then she kissed him again.

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