Daughter of Time

Autorstwa Ding_Dong_Resistance

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One day Celebi returned to the forest she call home, only to find a dead baby at the foot of her shrine. Taki... Więcej

Chapter 1: The Paradox
Chapter 2: Life in the Forest
Chapter 3: The Call of Destiny
Chapter 4: Rescue at Goldenrod City
Chapter 5: Reunited
Chapter 6: Forest 37
Chapter 7: The Sorrowful Life of Maple the Vulpix
Chapter 8: I Kissed a Girl and I Liked It
Chapter 9: Dimensional Scream
Chapter 10: The First Badge
Chapter 11: The Mysterious Ice Princess
Chapter 12: Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 13: Shipwrecked
Chapter 15: The Fire Blast
Chapter 16: Poketopia
Chapter 17: Elliot VS. Luna May the Strongest Win!
Chapter 18: Paradox VS. Wigglytuff's Guild
Chapter 19: The Lady of Hopes and Dreams
Chapter 20: How to Date Your Pokemon

Chapter 14: Morality of Two Worlds

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Autorstwa Ding_Dong_Resistance

Paradox couldn't believe what her friend had just said. ''Why would you try to take away my Pokemon?! Are you trying to turn into a thief?! What would your father think?!''

''Don't you dare mention my father you Pokephile!'' Elliot said angrily and Paradox stared at him blankly.

''Pokephile? What does that even mean?'' She asked and Elliot scoffed in disgust.

''It when bad people like you decide to have sex with their Pokemon it's disgusting and immoral! I saw you kiss your poor Vulpix I can't let you abuse her any longer!''

''Abuse?! Me and Maple are lovers you idiot! I would never hurt Maple!'' She yelled at him her face turning red from anger.

''You can say whatever you want to make you sleep better at night. In the meantime I'm gonna take your Pokemon away from you so you can't hurt them anymore! I thought you were a good person Paradox but clearly I was wrong! Ivy attack!'' Elliot's Eevee looked confused about all this but she made her way in front of the dark haired boy.

Paradox hated to make two sisters fight but she had no choice in the matter. Elliot had lost his mind and she had to defend herself. ''Vivi protect me!'' The brown furred fox made her way in front of her trainer both Eevee looked at each other with unsure expressions.

''Ivy use Quick Attack!'' Elliot cried angrily he couldn't let her get away with this!

''Vivi use Protect!'' Paradox said with an angry scowl she couldn't believe he would suddenly betray her like this over her choice of mate, some friend he was! Ivy slammed headfirst into the shield the impact made her dizzy and she was left looking dazed while trying to remain on her four paws. ''Ok now use Swift on her!'' Paradox ordered but Vivi hesitated and that pause was all Ivy needed to recover from her dizzyness.

Without hesitation the oldest sister tackled Vivi and she was sent on the ground with a betrayed expression. ''Sorry Vivi I know you're just protecting her. But Elliot told me what she has done to her Vulpix, what if she does the same thing to you? Stop protecting her and come with us.'' Vivi scowled at her sister words.

''Paradox is not like that! I saw the way Maple look at Paradox they're clearly in love with each other! It's your trainer that's in the wrong!'' She yelled angrily.

''She broke a law Vivi, your trainer is a criminal is that what you want? Become the Pokemon of an outlaw?'' Ivy replied with disdain.

''You know as well as I do that the Pokephilia law is bullshit! It basically assume that Pokemon are not intelligent enough to form relationship with humans! It's an ancient bigoted law that should have been casted away a long time ago!'' Vivi charged toward her sister and tried to bite her. But Ivy quickly got out of the way and stared back at her with an unimpressed frown.

''Is that really how you're gonna treat your family?'' Ivy asked in a smooth voice that made Vivi growled.

''I won't let you take my trainer away! She's going to make me strong! I won't just be the middle sister anymore I will be admired for being the strongest!'' As soon as she said those words the Eevee was engulfed into a bright light. Everyone stared in shock as the Pokemon began to change form within the light and as suddenly as it came the light disappeared leaving a very pink Pokemon in it's place. She also had gentle blue eyes and ribbon-like appendages that she moved around testily.

''Yes! I evolved into a Sylveon!'' Vivi exlaimed joyfully as she jumped around with a happy smile. But her celebration came to a halt when her sister slammed into her. The newly evolve Sylveon glared back at the Eevee. ''Alright playtime is over! I'm taking you down sis! Fairy Wind!''

A powerful gust of wind was sent toward Ivy but it didn't felt like normal wind. For an instant Ivy felt like she was young and carefree once again and then as soon as it came the feeling of euphoria disappeared and she was snapped back to reality as she hit the trunk of a tree.

Elliot looked at the Eevee with a worried look. ''Are you alright Ivy?!''

''I will not lose here! I can't let this criminal do as she please with my own sister!'' Ivy yelled into the sky and she too was engulfed into a cloak of light. When the light disappeared another pink Pokemon stood before them but it was clearly different. For one this Pokemon didn't have any ribbons and instead she had a gem on her forehead, along with a tail that splitted into two at the end.

Vivi was shocked. ''An Espeon?! I always thought you would turn into a Leafeon because of your name and all.'' Ivy gaved her a deadpan stare.

''And deal with all the weaknesses grass type have just because it fit my name? No thank you a psychic type is much more my style and now I can defeat you!''

Elliot was grinning at his Pokemon, with this new development they had this battles in the bag! ''Alright Ivy use Confusion!'' The Espeon did as oredered and use her psychic ability to slammed Vivi on the ground.

Paradox growled. ''Use Quick Attack!'' The Sylveon sprang up from the ground and disappeared in a cloud of dust. Ivy tried to follow her sister movement but before she could even blink the Sylveon was on her and tackled her on the ground.

With a smirk Vivi lowered her head and kissed her sister on her forehead. At first Ivy was confused about her sister action but then she started feeling her life force being drained away. In a panic she threw her sister away with Confusion but it was too late she had drained too much of her power and she fell unconscious.

Unfortunately Sylveon was sent in the sky and hit her head on a branch before falling on the ground and falling unconscious too. Both trainers looked in shock as both Pokemon had fainted at almost the same time and none of them had any more Pokemon on them.

Paradox sighed sadly and retrieved the Sylveon Pokeball. ''You did a good job Vivi, return.'' But before she could put the Eeveelution in her Pokeball Elliot had ran toward her and tried to take away the ball from her but Paradox had a good grip on it and wouldn't let it go.

''You don't deserve to have Pokemon! You said Maple was your best friend but all you did was brainwash her into thinking she love you!'' Elliot yelled as he tried to pull the Pokeball away from her hand but Paradox had a surprisngly strong grip for a girl.

''You're the one that don't deserve Pokemon! You treat them as if they're dumb animals who can't know anything about romance! You probably think Pokemon can just be used as tools for your entertainment!'' Paradox snarled angrily.

''How dare you!'' Elliot yelled angrily, before he knew what he was doing he punched Paradox right in the face making her release the Pokeball as she fell on the ground in with a surprised look on her face. Elliot looked shocked about what he just did and he looked down on Paradox guiltily. ''I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have hit you like this, here let me help you up.'' Elliot tried to grabbed her arm to help her, but in response Paradox slapped his hand away and glared angrily at the boy.

Elliot hadn't noticed but their battles had attracted the attention of many Pokemon including his and Paradox's and they had all watched in horror as the boy they all considered a friend punched Paradox in a fit of anger. When she saw the look of shock and betrayal on Paradox's face Maple began to tremble in silent rage and before she knew it her eyes were glowing with a dangerous blue energy and her tails began to form a threatening pattern.

But before she could curse the foolish boy another being ran in front of them and gave a powerful shove to the black haired boy. Elliot was sent in the air and landed on the ground with a painful thud. He groaned and looked toward who had attacked him only to feel dread when he saw Luna standing there with a furious scowl as if to say 'What is the meaning of this?!'

''I-I didn't mean to hit her! I was just so angry I acted before my brain could think about it!'' He only got a growl from the blue haired girl in response. Before he could try to explain himself further Luna ran toward him and gave him a powerful slap on the face that resonated in all the jungle.

Elliot put a hand on his cheek in a stunned silence but then Luna's form began to change and before him stood a very angry looking Zoroark. ''Zoroark!'' The Pokemon screamed at the boy.

''Y-you're a Pokemon?! All this time I was feeling a crush for a Pokemon... I even kissed you.'' He realised in horror. With a final growl the Zoroark walked away and took Paradox in her arm, much to the girl's protest.

''Luna! I can walk by myself he only hit my face not my legs!'' But the Zoroark had none of it and continued to walk away. Elliot flinched when he noticed all the Pokemon glaring at him and they all followed Zoroark leaving him alone. Noelle shyly made her way toward the two unconscious Eeveelutions and dragged them with her. Only Chikorita decided to stay with Elliot but she still gaved him a dissapointed look as everyone walked away.

''I-I just thought I was working for justice, was I wrong?'' He asked quietly but he got no response. For the first time in his life Elliot questioned if the laws of his world were just. And that shook him to his core.

- - - - -

Paradox woke up with a feeling of pain. Elliot had punched her hard on her left eyes and she was feeling it right now. She didn't know when she fell asleep but with everything that had happened fatigue had taken over as Luna carried her away. As she opened her eyes she noticed that she was in a cave. Maple was standing close to her sitting protectively in front of her. As if she was ready to attack whoever dared approach the girl.

She noticed Vivi was also close to her. She was still unconscious but it looked like someone had tried to heal her because she looked much more healthier than before. She could also see Espeon had the same treatment and she didn't know what to feel. After all the psychic Eeveelution was fighting her not that long ago. But she decided to let it go, she knew a lot of Pokemon couldn't help to be loyal to their trainers no matter how wrong they were.

She heard someone approached and flinched expecting to see a certain dark haired boy but she relaxed once she saw Luna carrying oran berries in her hands. ''Oh you're awake! I managed to heal Ivy and Vivi. Unfortunately berries doesn't work as well on humans so it might take a while before your bruise go away.''

Bruise? What bruise? Paradox noticed a small puddle of water and she winced her left eyes had a purple circle around it, Paradox never saw a black eye before. As she touched it she recoiled as pain suddenly surged foward. Zoroark growled as she watched this happening. ''I can't believe he would do something like this. Didn't his parent teach him to never hit a girl? And all this over this stupid Pokephilia law. Honestly I thought only old bigotes still cared about that law, but apparently not.''

''Maybe I'm the one in the wrong.'' Paradox said quietly. ''Maybe there is something wrong about a human having a Pokemon as a mate. But since I'm just some stupid girl who lived in a forest all her life I don't know anything.'' She said with a bitter frown.

Luna shook her head. ''No it's humans that are in the wrong. They say humans and Pokemon are equal but it's absolute bullshit. I won't deny that some humans do treat Pokemon like family but as far as the law is concerned we have no rights compared to humans. Pokemon cannot hold jobs without human supervision, we can't vote and we can't train Pokemon to participate in the Pokemon League. I had to pretend to be human to become a Trainer because apparently a Pokemon is too dumb to train their own kind.'' Luna said bitterly.

''Why do you want to be a trainer by the way? You're a good Trainer Luna, don't get me wrong, but I never heard of a Pokemon wanting to be a Trainer before.'' Paradox asked curiously.

''Well... At first it was just because I felt lonely. I thought of getting captured by a human Trainer but most humans who are interested in owning a Zoroark have less than noble ambitions. Our ability to create illusions is the stuff of legends in the criminal underworld. The risk of me becoming a criminal was too high so I decided to make a Pokemon team myself and that's when I met Noelle on a icy mountain. She was so beautiful and elegant I just had to convince her to join my team. Then when I won my first Pokemon battle with her it felt amazing it was a feeling I never wanted to let go. But when I tried to register as a Pokemon Trainer they laughed at my face and said a Pokemon couldn't train other Pokemon at a high enough level to be able to qualify for the League no matter how hard they try. I was so furious I decided to prove them wrong so I created the identity of Luna and I'm going to be the strongest Trainer I can possibly become.''

Paradox hugged the Zoroark once she was finished with her story and the dark type returned the gesture with a sad smile. ''But why the obsession with ice types Pokemon? Wouldn't it be easier to train other dark types?'' The blonde girl asked curiously.

At this Luna shrugged. ''I don't know, I just like Ice type Pokemon they're so pretty and graceful and most of them are pretty shy around crowds just like me, so I feel like we understand each other.''

''Fair enough.'' Paradox shrugged. But then her eyes widened and she gasped.

''What's wrong Paradox?'' Luna asked in a worried tone.

''I just realised I don't have the Time Flute anymore! How am I going to contact my mom?!'' She began to panic but she felt a paw poking her she looked down to see Maple looked at her with a reassuring smile.

''I'm sure we will find a way to stay in contact with her. But wait I just realised something else, do you still have our Pokeballs?'' Pardox sighed sadly and shook her head.

''I only managed to find Vivi's Pokeball I don't know where the rest of them are.'' Paradox said with a frown on her face.

Luna put a hand on Paradox shoulder. ''Don't worry about those, we can easily register your Pokemon to other Pokeballs once we reach a Pokemon Center.'' Maple rose an eyebrow at this.

''Doesn't that make it easy for a thief to steal Pokemon and then pretend they lost their Pokeballs?'' At this Luna shook her head.

''No Pokemon Centers keep a record of every Pokemon they healed and which trainer they belonged to. They would know if that Trainer didn't used to have those Pokemon.''

''What happen if you lose the Pokeball before you ever reached a Pokemon Center?'' Maple asked.

''Technically you don't own a Pokemon until you register them at the Pokemon Center. So you would be able to just toss another Pokeball at it with no problems. Maybe someday they will be able to register your Pokemon the instant you catch them. But we don't have the technology for that yet.'' The Zoroark replied.

Paradox knew that the technology would exist with the invention of the Pokedex one of the few things she knew about the outside world before she left the forest. To be honest Paradox was tempted to travel in time to get one of those. But it would raise too many questions if she had technology that hadn't been invented yet on her.

''Wait Paradox! Do you still have my tail?!'' Maple asked in a worried tone. Paradox smiled and put a hand under her shirt and pulled out her necklace along with the Vulpix's tail on it. Luna was flabbergasted as she saw the tail. ''You took one of Maple's tails?!'' She asked in alarm.

Maple giggled at that which made Paradox want to hug the cute Vulpix. ''I'm the one who gave her the tail for her birthday.'' Luna was still in shock.

''B-but everything I know about Vulpix state that you would rather die rather than damaging your tails! People have died over the fact that they dared to touch Vulpix or Ninetales tails!''

Maple only smiled in reponse. ''Paradox is the most important thing to me. When I gave her my tail it was symbolic, it meant that touching her would be just as deadly as touching one of my tails.'' But then her smile turned into an angry scowl. ''Elliot is lucky you reached him before I did, because he would be a female Luvdisc right now if you didn't stopped him.''

Both Luna and Paradox rose an eyebrow at this. ''Why a female Luvdisc?'' Luna asked with a confused frown.

''Because a male Luvdisc can mate with his female partner for an entire month when spring come around. I would have love to see him deal with that.'' She said with a cackle that sent shiver down their spines.

''Remind me to never piss off Maple.'' Luna said with a gulp and Paradox only nodded in response.

- - - - -

Luna squeaked in embarassment. They had made their way toward a small spring to wash themselves after having spent an entire day in the jungle. But Paradox had taken her clothes off in front of her without hesitation and Luna was now a blushing mess.

Paradox looked at her in confusion. ''Why are you embarassed? When I thought you were human I didn't think it was that weird you were embarassed about nudity since apparently all humans are prudes, but you're a Pokemon you're always naked!''

''Yes but Pokemon have fur that hide their lady bits. You have nothing I can quite clearly see your... things.''

She looked toward the other Pokemon in the group. ''Are the rest of you bothered that I'm naked?'' She asked bluntly and the rest of the group shrugged and shook their head. ''See? You're the only one that care about this.''

''I... Accidently searched porn on one of those computer things and saw humans...Mating with each other and now everytime I see a naked human I can only think about that!'' She said with another embarassed squeak.

Paradox bursted out laughing at that. She remember how embarassed she was when she saw two Butterfree mating with each other the first time. Her mother had teased her saying she shouldn't have snuck on Pokemon during mating season. Seeing a grown Pokemon having the same reaction as her younger self was kind of hilarious to the blonde girl.

''Fine I'll go into the water right away if my body embarass you so much. Just try not to think about what me and Maple will do together once we're officially mate.'' Paradox said with a laugh before jumping into the water leaving behind a Zoroark who looked like she had a tomato for a face.

As soon as she hit the water Pardox began to miss humans shower. ''S-so cold! How do water type stand living in cold water like this all year long?'' She asked Splash, the Marill shrugged with a smile before jumping in the water herself.

''You get use to it.'' She replied with a smile. For obvious reasons Maple decided to not join them in the water. Vivi jumped in the water and watched Luke closely as she tried to teach him how to swim. Paradox found both of them adorable, she could tell both of them care for each other very much.

But then Paradox sighed. ''How long do you think we're going to be stuck on this island?''

Luna shrugged. ''Maybe we should begin to build a raft.''

''How would we even cut the trees to make the raft? None of our Pokemon know the move Cut.'' Luna didn't know how to respond and both of them sighed. But then Paradox smiled as she watched Eve who was trying to sleep further away from the spring. ''So you evolved Eve huh? Look like we all evolved our Eevee on the same day.'' Paradox chuckled but then frowned as she was reminded about Elliot.

Their moment of tranquility was broken once a twig snapped and Paradox grew angry. Without even looking she knew who had made the sound and just as she expected Elliot was standing there with his Chikorita.

Elliot winced when he saw Paradox's face and he immediatly felt guilty. ''What do you want?'' Paradox asked bluntly, clearly displeased at seeing him there. And Maple began to growl savagely toward the boy her eyes flashing blue for a milisecond.

Seeing this Elliot gulped but stood his ground. ''I came to apologize. I never should have hit you it goes against my code of honor as a man.'' Paradox huffed in response.

''Maybe I would consider forgiving you if you find a way to get off this cursed island.'' She replied not really expecting him to find a way for them to leave.

Elliot rubbed the back of his head. ''Well I did see a Lapras in the distance earlier but no matter how hard I yelled it didn't hear me.''

Paradox and Luna looked at each other at this. ''Where was it?'' The blonde girl asked and Elliot motioned them to follow him. Paradox frowned but she reluctantly followed him along with Luna. They made their way to the beach and in the distance they could indeed see a blue Pokemon swimming in the sea.

Paradox had a thoughtful expression on her face and then she turned toward her Vulpix. ''Maple use Flamethrower in the air!'' The fox Pokemon nodded and without hesitation sent out a torrent of flames into the sky unfortunately the column of fire wasn't enough to attract the attention of the long necked Pokemon.

But her companions had understood her intent. Luna turned toward her own Alolan Vulpix. ''Snowbell use Aurora Beam!'' The white fox proceeded to throw a multicolored beam of lights into the sky.

Elliot grinned understanding where they were going with this. ''Mareep use Thunder Shock in the air!''

''Maple use Flamethrower again!'' The three attacks collided and it created a shower of rainbow colored embers to fall all around them. In the distance they could hear the Lapras make a curious sound and she changed direction to swim toward the island. All three trainers smiled brightly as their plan had worked and now rescue was on the way.

Luna turned toward Paradox with a smile. ''That was pretty good you would be good as a coordinator.''

Paradox looked at the Zoroark with a confused expression. ''What's a coordinator?''

''They're Trainers that train their Pokemon to participate in contests and show how cool, cute and beautiful their Pokemon are in front of judges.'' The blonde girl huffed in response.

''I don't need some judges to know that Maple is cute and beautiful.'' Paradox replied, the girl claim made the fox Pokemon blush furiously. Elliot frowned but he didn't dare say anything. He knew he was already on thin ice with everyone here.

Finally the Lapras arrived close to the shore and she looked at them with a curious look. ''Humans? I didn't think any humans lived here.'' The water and ice Pokemon said with a confused look.

Paradox shook her head. ''We don't live here we were caught on a shipwreck and ended up here. Can you please help us reach civilisation?'' Paradox asked with her best baby doll eyes.

Lapras looked at the group. ''That's...A lot of Pokemon you're asking me to carry and I can see you don't have Pokeballs on you.''

''I can swim with no problem you don't need to carry me!'' Splash said proudly.

''And I can float so I wouldn't add any weight.'' Noelle said quietly.

The Lapras sighed. ''Fine I guess most of your Pokemon are pretty small but don't blame me if I need to make some stops to rest along the way.''

Paradox smiled. ''Thank you Lapras, you're a lifesaver.'' The group made their way on the back of the long-necked Pokemon. Everyone breath a sigh of relief at the fact they had finally found a way to leave the island.

A few minutes after leaving the island Luna saw something float in the water and she pointed it out to everyone else. Paradox asked Lapras to go closer and the three trainers all gasped in shock when they saw what the thing was. It was the body of their captain. Elliot looked closer to the body and frowned before shaking his head. ''He's dead, I guess we were lucky to have all landed on the island, but the captain wasn't so lucky.''

Paradox shook in rage. ''Who was that insane man with Lugia? How could a bad person like him tame a Legendary Pokemon? Lugia is supposed to protect the ocean but now she's attacking sailors? It goes against everything she stand for!''

''I think that guy was a member of the Hourglass Church.'' Elliot said with a grim expression.

''The Hourglass Church? What is that?'' Luna asked with a confused expression and Paradox translated for her with great effort. Paradox was still miffed toward Elliot for what he tried to do and the fact he had hit her.

''As far as I can tell they're a bunch of fanatics that worship Dialga and somehow gained the ability to travel in time. They're also the ones who kidnap my father five years ago.'' Elliot said with an angry scowl on his face.

Paradox looked at him with a frown. ''You said your father was killed in a raid, was that a lie?'' She hadn't taken the boy for a liar but then again she had never expected him to betray her so clearly she didn't know him that much.

Elliot shook his head. ''For the longest time I actually thought the report was real. But something happened in the Ecruteak Gym that made me remember that night. At first I thought it was just a vision from the ghost Pokemon to mess with me. But I realised later on that it was a memory I had supressed.''

''Why would a cult dedicated to Dialga be interested in your father?'' Luna asked with a confused expression.

''I don't know but they're clearly dangerous. The night I saw them capture my father I saw a woman with a Mew and now they have Lugia. Which mean this cult is powerful enough to control multiple Legendaries.''

Paradox looked confused at that. ''Wait Mew? That's impossible I know for a fact that Mew was never captured, my mother still meet with her occasionally back in Hall of Legends.''

''Maybe there's more than one Mew?'' Luna suggested.

Paradox shook her head. ''There used to be thousands of Mew in the prehistoric era, but in the modern era Mew is the only one of her species.''

Elliot shook his head with a frown. ''I know what I saw.'' Paradox wanted to tell him he was wrong, but a glare from him silenced her and with a huff she turned around and watched Lapras as she began to swim toward their next destination...

- - - - -

Paradox didn't know why but she liked riding Lapras much more than being on a boat. Maybe it was the cute sound the Pokemon would ocassionally make whem she saw something interesting. Or simply the fact she trusted Pokemon much more than that old rust bucket.

But there was still some awkward silence everytime Elliot and Paradox would look at each other. Every time it happened Elliot would wince as he noticed her black eye and every time she would be remind about his sudden betrayal.

Honestly she didn't know if she still wanted to travel with the boy after this. Maybe once they reached civilisation she would take her Pokemon and walk away from him, she hadn't decided yet.

As they travelled foward something caught the eye of Paradox something that was glowing orange on an a small island. ''Lapras can you go see that thing?'' Paradox asked with a pleading look. The Lapras changed direction with no complaint and Paradox shouted in joy when she saw what the object was.

She didn't know if it was the same one they had bought or if it was a completely different one but there on the sand was a fire stone! Thank Arceus, she thought she had lost her birthday gift for Maple. But now it seemed like she had managed to get it back. With a happy bounce she returned on the back of the Lapras and together they continued their long journey toward civilisation.

Midway throught the journey they had met a Mantis who agreed to lessen the load of Lapras by carying the smaller Pokemon of the group. And after a few more days of travels they reached a small island with human buildings on it. Elliot smiled as he saw it. ''Yes! This is Cianwood City! The first thing we should do is buy some Pokeballs for our Pokemon.''

Luna rose an eyebrow at this. ''With what money? We lost everything in the shipwreck, remember?'' 

Paradox translated for Elliot who gained a sheepish expression. ''Oh, right...''

But Paradox had a plan to remediate the situation. As soon as they landed on the island she made her way toward the nearest trainer a young teen with brown hair and she could see he had two Pokeballs with him.

''Hey you do you want to battle? I lost all my money.'' Elliot and Luna looked confused why would she admit that? On the other hand the trainer looked annoyed.

''Why would I battle you then? It sound like you have everything to win and I have everything to lose.'' At this the blonde girl smiled.

''If you win I'm gonna show you my breasts.'' She replied shamelessly and everyone in the area looked at her as if she had gone insane. The trainer grinned and failed to hide a blush.

''Alright if you insist I guess I could battle you. Go Cyndaquil!'' He yelled as he threw a Pokeball and emerging from it was a small anteater with red spots on it's back.

With a confident smile Paradox chose her first Pokemon. ''Go Splash!'' The Marill jumped in front of her trainer with a large smile on her face.

''Yes! Finally a battle!'' She yelled cheerfully.

''Cyndaquil use Flame Wheel!'' A ring of fire engulfed the fire type before he charged toward the Marill.

''Splash use Defense Curl!'' Paradox ordered, the water mouse followed the order and proceeded to boost her defense when the Cyndaquil hit her the combination of higher defense and her natural resistance to fire meant the attack did almost no damage to the Marill. ''Splash use Rollout!'' The Marill threw a rock from Arceus know where at the fire type who was too close to escape the attack. The Cyndaquil yelled in pain as he was thrown farther away by the chunk of rock.

''Use Rollout again!'' Paradox ordered with a evil smirk and the trainer eyes widened in horror when he realised what the girl was doing.

''Cyndaquil dodge her attack!'' Paradox frowned as the small fire Pokemon easily dodge the attack she used Rollout attack again and once again the Pokemon dodged her attack she sighed realising this strategy wouldn't work.

''Alright change of plan, use Return!'' Paradox yelled but instead of listening to order Splash had another plan. She ran toward the Cyndaquil as her tail began to be enveloped by a coat of water. Once she was closed enough she swung her tail at the fire Pokemon. Paradox looked excited at the new development. ''Alright! You learned Aqua Tail!''

Cyndaquil cried in pain and was sent flying the air before he crashed on the ground with a loud thud. The Pokemon laid on the ground motionlessly after he took the hit. His trainer sighed as he returned the fire Pokemon in his Pokeball. ''Alright well done but I still have one more Pokemon, go Skarmory!'' The second Pokemon looked much more impressive. It was a bird made of metal and his wings looked like they could easily cut you if you tried to touch them with how sharp they were.

''Splash keep it at distance with Bubble Beam!'' The aqua mouse sent out a rapid stream of bubbles toward the steel bird but as the bubble hit him he didn't even seemed fazed.

''Skarmory use Metal Claw!'' The boy ordered, the bird's claw began to glow with a gray energy before he attacked the Marill with the super effective move. Paradox cursed under her breath when she saw that Marill had arleady fainted.

She took the Marill carefully in her arm and gave her to Luna who craddled her carefully in her arms. Then Paradox began to think about what Pokemon she would use next. Maple would be an excellent choice a fact the Vulpix reminded her by giving her a confident grin. But she decided to give the chance to someone who really needed training.

''Luke I choose you!'' The young Riolu seemed surprised she had chosen him but then he smiled joyfully and jumped in front of her.

''I will make mommy proud!'' He yelled loudly, Paradox had to resist the urge to squeal at the young Riolu.

''Skarmory use Peck!'' The Riolu winced when the bird flew toward him and hit him with it's beak.

''Luke use Counter!'' Paradox yelled, botht the Skarmory and the trainer eyes widened in horror before the Steel Flying type was hit with double the damage he had caused to Luke.

''Sharmory are you alright?!'' The brown haired boy yelled in concern. The bird growled in response and tried to rise from the ground.

Paradox decided to finish this before the steel bird could recover. ''Use Quick Attack!'' The young fighting type disappeared in a cloud of dust and slammed into Skarmory. The attack did not do a lot of damage but it was enough to finish the job and the steel bird fell on the ground with closed eyes.

The trainer sighed in disappointment before returning his Pokemon in it's ball and giving a generous amount of money to the blonde girl. But before she could celebrate her victory she had noticed their battle had attracted a crowd and before she knew it another boy had challenged her for the right to see her topless.

It continued like this for the rest of the day everytime she would beat a trainer another one would replace him. She was challenged by many males both young and old and even some females surprisingly. She fought for the entire day with only some pauses to heal her Pokemon at the Pokemon Center.

Finally just before the sun set Paradox finished another battle her Sylveon had used Drain Kiss on the girl's infatuated Furret and the long body Pokemon fell unconscious on the ground with a silly smile on it's face. The green haired girl sighed in dssapointment as she retrieved her Pokemon. But as soon as the battle was done a police officer came toward Paradox with a frown. ''Miss I received complaints that you promised these trainers to show your breasts if they beated you in a Pokemon battle, is this true?''

Paradox looked a bit sheepish as she look at the serious look of the officer. ''Yes... We lost all our money after a shipwreck and I had to find a way to make them accept a battle so we could get some supplies for our journey.''

The old police officer pinched the bridge of his nose. ''I will only give you a warning this time but if I catch you doing this again I will be forced to arrest you for public indecency.'' Paradox sighed in relief and nodded, then the officer proceeded to shoo away everyone that was left.

The boys and girls all groaned in disappointment before they walked away muttering their displeasure under their breaths. Elliot shook his head as he walked toward Paradox. ''I can't believe you did this, what if one of those trainer won?''

Paradox only shrugged in response. ''Then I would have showed him or her my breasts. I don't see what's the big deal is.'' The dark haired boy shook his head at this and he frowned.

''If you continue to pull stunts like this people will think you're a slut.'' Luna glared at the boy for saying that. But Paradox only looked at him in confusion.

''I don't know what that word mean.'' She replied and Elliot facepalmed in response.

''It means that people will think you sleep with everyone you meet.'' Paradox still looked puzzled.

''Why would they think that? I would only show them my breasts I have no intention to mate with anyone except Maple when the time is right.'' Elliot looked disgusted for a second and then walked away with a exasperated expression.

Despite Elliot protests they had benefited greatly from Paradox's many battles. They were able to buy enough Pokeballs to replace all the ones they had lost. They were also able to restock all their supplies of potions, status healers and all three trainers bought new backpacks to carry said items. Even after all that they hadn't even spent half of the money Paradox had made that day.

Once they were done restocking their supplies they made their way to the Pokemon Center and proceeded to register all their Pokemon to their new Pokeballs. At first the Nurse Joy had scolded them for being so careless with their Pokeballs but once she heard they had been on a shipwreck she became more sympatethic.

Once they were done with that Elliot had asked for two rooms one for the girls and one for him. But while he was doing that Luna made her way back toward the docks. In the distance she still could see the Lapras who was watching the town with a wary expression but that expression softened once she saw the disguised Zoroark.

The transport Pokemon made her way back toward the girl and she looked around nervousely. ''I don't like being this close to a town. I'm always afraid someone will try to capture me.''

Luna had an idea at that. ''If you're so afraid maybe I could catch you?''

The Lapras gave her a deadpan expression. ''So your plan for me not getting captured, is getting captured?''

Luna had a sheepish expression had that. ''It sounded better in my head, but think about it! Like this you wouldn't risk being captured by a bad trainer and you would be perfect for my team of ice type Pokemon, come on.'' Lune proceeded to give the water and ice type her best puppy eyes.

Lapras rolled her eyes but then she began to gain a sad expression. ''I guess it does get lonely travelling alone in the sea. My family wanted me to be independent but honestly being independant feel more like a curse than a benefit sometime. Especially since there's so few of my species around this area. And Tentacool don't really make for good company.'' She chuckled dryly at that.

''And?'' Luna asked with a hopeful grin which made the Lapras huffed in annoyance.

''Fine you can capture me. But you better treat me like a Queen after you inevitably use me to cross the ocean again. I expect being fed the most expensive berries you can find and nothing less.''

Luna grinned at that. ''Deal.'' She said before tapping the water and ice type with a Pokeball. The ball shook around for a few seconds and then stopped with a click signaling that the Lapras was officially her Pokemon now. While whistling a happy tune Luna returned at the Pokemon Center and gave her new Pokemon to Nurse Joy who promised to give the Lapras a massage that would make her feel like a new Pokemons after her long journey.

Luna opened the door of her room and squeaked in embarassment once she realised she had walked into Paradox and Maple kissing on the bed. Paradox immediatly stopped the kiss and gave the the disguised Zoroark an embarassed grin.

''Sorry we thought you would be gone for longer.'' Maple on the other hand looked kind of annoyed that their moment had been interrupted. But pretty soon all of them fell asleep wondering what tomorrow would bring...

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