Pinky Promise

By Licutie269

18.6K 286 28

Not wanting to be just another dead girl Beth asks Daryl to teach her how to survive in this new world. Work... More

Pinky Promise Part 1
Pinky Promise Part 2
Pinky Promise Part 3
Pinky Promise Part 4
Pinky Promise Part 5
Pinky Promise Part 6
Pinky Promise Part 7
Pinky Promise Part 8
Pinky Promise Part 9
Pinky Promise Part 10
Pinky Promise Part 11
Pinky Promise Part 12
Pinky Promise Part 13
Pinky Promise Part 14
Pinky Promise Part 15
Pinky Promise Part 17
Pinky Promise Part 18
Pinky Promise Part 19
Pinky Promise Part 20
Pinky Promise Part 21
Pinky Promise Part 22
Pinky Promise Part 23
Pinky Promise Part 24
Pinky Promise Part 25
Pinky Promise Epilogue

Pinky Promise Part 16

587 9 0
By Licutie269

"Well that town was a bust," Beth commented climbing back into the truck.  "Yeah, someone's been through it already.  Could be someone living close," Daryl surmised as he pulled the truck back onto the road.

"I remember this town.  Only about fifteen minutes from the farm.  We used to play their football team," Beth told him.  "That where you spent your time; at football games?" he asked, smirking at her.  

Flushing she laughed, "Shut up!  For your information I was in the color guard."  Snorting Daryl glanced at her, "The what guard?"

Rolling her eyes she turned in her seat to look at him, "The color guard.  We would perform at half-time twirling either a flag or a rifle.  Ya telling me your school didn't have one?"

Scoffing Daryl shrugged, "Hell if I know; didn't exactly spend my Friday nights at no football games," he answered.  Clutching her chest in mock horror Beth gasped, "Football is like a religion in the south Daryl.  What is wrong with you?"

Shrugging again he told her he didn't have much time for school, "Didn't even finish high school.  Dropped out to follow Merle around," he told her.  Cocking her head Beth grinned, "Well look at that we got something in common.  I didn't graduate either," she told him.

"Not the same.  You didn't have a choice; I did  Was stupid to leave with Merle," he responded.

Sighing she shook her head, "I don't think you had a choice either.  To stay in that house without your brother; you had to go with him.  You can't keep going back there," she told him quietly, "Ya gotta let it go and be the man you are now not the man you were."

Chewing the inside of his cheek he glanced at her, "Maybe I need ya reminding me."

Smiling she leaned over kissing his cheek, "Every damn day for the rest of our lives," she told him.  Laughing when he held his right hand out to her pinky up she linked their fingers together, "Pinky promise."

The moment of happiness was quickly replaced with one of nervousness when they found their way turning down the dirt road to her family's farm, "Well at least the mailbox is still here," she commented looking at the mailbox with Greene written on the side.

Scanning the woods as Daryl drove down the lane Beth didn't see any walkers roaming.  Coming out of the tree line she gazed across the fields with tears in her eyes, "It's still standing," she whispered, smiling at the sight of the large white house with the wraparound porch that had served as her family's home for generations.

Pulling the truck up as close to the back porch as he could get it Daryl looked around the fields noting the dead bodies from when they'd tried to protect the farm, "Couple walkers still roaming but seems quiet," he commented, "Let's clear the house first.  We're losing daylight," he told her as they climbed from the truck.

Walking up the front steps he used his crossbow to bang on the front door, "Door's closed, maybe we'll get luck and nothing's inside," he commented.  Pressing her lips together Beth nodded, "Patricia pulled it closed when we were leaving before she was ripped away from me."

Squinting at her he asked if she was okay.  Smiling she nodded, "Yeah, I just never thought I'd see this place again.  Thank you for bringing me here."  Shrugging he flushed, "Don't need to thank me," he muttered.

Raising his crossbow he told her to open the door.  Sweeping past her he entered the house with Beth following behind him.  They got lucky and other than some broken windows it didn't look as though any walkers made it inside.  After clearing the house top to bottom Beth went back to the truck to grab their bags.

Dropping the bags on the kitchen counter she went to the top of the open door leading to the basement steps, "What are you doing?" she called down.  "Your dad said the generator's down here," he called back.

"You need help?" she asked.  No, try the lights though; think I got it," he told her.  

Flipping the light at the top of the steps Beth smiled when the basement was flooded with light.  "Alright we ain't gonna use a lot of light, don't want to attract anything, but it's there if we need it," he said coming up the steps back into the kitchen.

Contemplating she moved to the kitchen sink turning on the water.  After spitting and sputtering the water ran smooth.  Turning the knobs for hot she squealed, "We've got hot water!  Oh, I'm taking a shower tonight," she declared.  

Glancing outside Daryl went to the back door, "Why don't you go do that?  I'm gonna check out the other barn, see what may be useful out there."

"Are ya sure?  I can help ya outside," she offered.  Shaking his head he smiled at her, "Go on and relax for a bit."

Smiling she nodded, "After I'm done I'll get something going for dinner then too," she told him heading for the hall to go upstairs.

Climbing the steps she headed for her old room.  Stepping inside she sighed looking around.  Everything was just as it was the day they were run off the farm. 

Going to her dresser she pulled it open and blinked back tears when she saw her own underwear, "Crying over underwear," she muttered rolling her eyes as she grabbed a pair out.

After spending way too long in the shower Beth dressed in her own clothes instead of one's stolen from various houses and slipped on a pair of sneakers.  Her boots she decided would be trashed as they were basically falling apart.  Besides being a southern girl she had another pair in the closet.

Stepping out of her room she headed down the hall to the steps pausing as she passed Maggie' room.  Making a decision she pushed the door open and stepped inside.  Going immediately for her sister's nightstand she yanked the bottom drawer open.

Taking everything out she then pulled the false bottom up and smiled when she found her sister's stash of condoms and birth control, "God bless my sneak of a sister," she mumbled, grabbing the box of condoms.  

Replacing everything she stood and headed for the door when the bag and guitar sitting in the corner of Maggie's room caught her attention.  

Hurrying back to her room she threw the condoms into her own nightstand before heading back to Maggie's room.  Picking up Glenn's old bag and guitar she took them with her back down to the dining room.  Placing the items on the dining room table she decided anything on the table would be going back to the prison with them.

Glancing around she sighed.  Right before they had lost the farm Rick's group had started moving their stuff into the house.  The downstairs rooms were littered with various bags, blankets, and Tupperware containers.  It would take awhile to go through everything and then to also go through the upstairs and the food left in the kitchen and basement.

Deciding food was more important in the moment she headed into the kitchen to see what she could throw together for their dinner.

Opening the pantry she searched through pulling various cans and boxes out that they'd be able to use at the prison.  Pulling out a can of premade chili and a can of sliced potatoes she found the hand can opener in a drawer before dumping the cans into two pots.  Turning the burners on she pulled spices out of the cabinet and added some to the potatoes.

She had gone through the kitchen pantry and had set everything to take back with them on the counters when Daryl came through the door with scraps of plywood, "Smells good," he commented, setting the wood down.

Pulling out her mama's reusable grocery bags she set them on the counter, "Chili and potatoes," she told him, "I have them on simmer so we can eat whenever.  Before I pack this stuff how many days do you think we'll be here?  And what are ya doin with the wood?" she asked, pulling out two bowls and plates for their dinner.

"Probably day after tomorrow and I'm gonna use it to board the broken windows," he answered sitting at the kitchen table as she spooned food into their bowls, "Was able to hook your horse trailer to the truck; figured you'd probably wanna bring the whole house back wit ya so we need the room," he said, grinning at her.

Sitting down across from him she gave him a bland look, "I'll try to control myself.  I found Glenn's bag and guitar in Maggie's room so after dinner while you're showering, Mr. Dixon, I'll finish in here and start sorting through the living room.  I pretty much have the kitchen done as far as food and you'll have to get the crates in the basement.  They're too heavy for me," she told him.

"Who said I was showering?" he grumbled.

Scoffing Beth pointed her spoon at him, "If ya wanna sleep in my bed tonight you're gonna be clean," she declared laughing as he rolled his eyes.

Spooning up more chili she swallowed looking around the kitchen, "I can't believe you and Daddy didn't tell me we were coming here," she commented fake glaring at him.  "Talked to him last night, asked him not to, wanted to surprise ya," he told her, concentrating on his bowl.  

Why Mr. Dixon I do believe your sweet side is showing," she teased, grinning at him when he rolled his eyes.  

Swallowing another spoonful of chili Daryl eyed her over his bowl, "I..uh...," clearing his throat before continuing, "Talked to him about," he said gesturing between them with his spoon.

Cocking her head Beth looked at him confused, "What?" she questioned.  Shrugging Daryl mumbled, "You know."

Studying his face she realized he'd gone to talk to her father about them, "Oh," she whispered, "Maybe there's some southern gentlemen in you yet; asking my daddy to date me," she teased.

"Shut up," he mumbled, flushing as she grinned at him.

Once dinner was cleaned up and Daryl stomped up the steps to shower, Beth set some soup and a can of beef stew aside for them for tomorrow and then used the grocery bags to pack up the cans, boxes, containers, and various kitchen utensils to take back to the prison.  Going through the cabinets she pulled out anything she thought could be used to make their lives easier stopping when she got to the coffee mugs.

Blinking she pulled one down and set it aside smiling fondly at her daddy's favorite coffee mug.  Deciding she was done with the kitchen she headed into the living room.

Picking a bag up she set it on the table and opened it realizing it was Carol's when she pulled Sophia's doll out.  Hearing Daryl coming down the stairs she looked up still holding the doll.  

Stopping at the sight of what she held he furrowed his brow, "Where you get that?" he asked.  Putting the doll back inside she rezipped the bag, "Found Carol's bag," she told him, setting it next to Glenn's to take back with them.

Sighing she looked around the room, "You wanna get this done before turning in?" she asked.  Picking up a lantern Daryl lit it to give them better light as the sun was about down, "Two of us it'll go faster," he replied, shrugging, opening the nearest container.

An hour later everything was packed and ready to go back to the prison.  They had an empty plastic container once they sorted through what to take and what to leave behind that Beth used for the rest of the kitchenware.  Together they piled everything on the dining room table.

Yawning she came in from the kitchen holding the coffee cup she'd set aside, "Daryl, I'm going up," she told him tiredly as he was currently nailing the boards he'd brought in from the barn across the broken window and doors.  "I'll be up shortly just finishing this," he told her, nailing another nail in place.

Placing the coffee cup down on her nightstand Beth toed off her sneakers before tugging her jeans off.  Changing into an oversized t-shirt she had just slipped under the sheet when Daryl stopped in the doorway looking unsure.

Smiling she asked if everything was locked up tight.  When he nodded she pulled the sheet down, "Then get comfortable and come to bed," she told him simply, "I'm too tired to jump you tonight," she said playfully flopping back onto the pillow.

Closing the door he slowly approached the bed undoing his belt buckle as he went.  Sitting on the bed he removed his boots before sliding out of his pants and then shrugging out of his leather vest.  Lifting the sheet he slid in next to her.

Laying on her side she reached up kissing him, "Goodnight."  Pulling her closer he wrapped an arm around her kissing her forehead, "Nite."

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