By Multie_fandom001

3.7K 106 9

when supergirl is taken by Cadmus Alex will do anything to get her back. even if that means going to another... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13

Chapter 14

150 4 0
By Multie_fandom001

Word count: 5362
Omg this is the longest chapter I haver written for anything!

In the morning Sara woke up to an empty bed, when she rolled over she saw the clock said 7. She slowly got out of bed and went to go find kara. She got into the living room and saw her leaning against the railing on the porch.

“Hey what are you doing out here?” Sara asked wrapping her arms around karas waist from behind and resting her head on karas shoulder.

“Just thinking about some stuff.” kara said leaning back into her.

“Penny for your thought?”

“It’s just I don’t know how we can willingly go down there knowing there’s going to be an attack. It just feels so wrong.”

Sara turned kara around in her arms so she was facing her. 

“I know you don’t want to do it, but this so we end them once and for all. So you can finally live in peace without having to constantly look over your shoulder just waiting for the next attack, and yeah there will always be villains, but now the chance of them being able to kill is going drastically down.”

“But we are willing to put people’s lives at risk, and for what? Me. no I came to this earth to protect everyone. Even if that means I can’t protect myself.”

“Kara we have Barry Allen, the Flash, the fastest man alive on evac. He will evacuate the area while we try to contain it to one area. Just have faith in us. Have faith in yourself.”

“I still don’t know about this.”

“Hey, you stand for hope, so have hope that we can win, and just know that whatever happens out there is destiny.” (I’m sorry I just had to. :)  Sara said with a smirk. “Well, we should probably get going. We have to be at the tower in 15 and I need coffee.”

“Well then let’s go because Sara lance without coffee is just grumpy and painful for all.” kara said with a laugh. And with that to the tower, they went.


“Ok, so let’s go over this one more time. Lena, Olson, and I will be up on stage,” j’onn said.

“Nyssa and I will be waiting once he shows his ugly face we will get you two in the car while Olson helps with evac. In the car, Felicity and Winn will be waiting With all the equipment to shut him down once we get to their base.”

“And once he shows up I will shoot the thing you gave me that will track where the controlling function is coming from,” Alex said.

“Meanwhile, Wally Nia, Maggie, Laurel, Dinah, and Alex will do evac, once done with evac we will join in the fight.” Barry said.

“Thank you for helping out Wally,” Sara said to the other speedster in the room.

“Once the car gets about a mile away I will come back to join the fight. You four sure you can handle yourself against that thing for a while?” J’onn asks thea, Sara, Kara, and Clark.

“Sara and I can cover whatever type of foot soldiers they got.” Thea said.

“Me and kara have air and doomsday control.”

“And I can give the element of surprise.” Ray said growing bigger.

“And I will be there to knock the wind out of the basterds.” Zari said.

“Let’s go!”


“Are you sure you want to do this James? The last time you were involved in something like this you were shot,” Lena asked.

“I didn’t know it was happening last time, Lena trust me I will be fine, I have my shield this time.”

“Ok, but please be careful, we have plenty of people here to take care of this. Just don’t do anything stupid like you usually does.”

“I won’t Lena I will be just fine. Anyways it’s almost time to get up there. At the first sight of danger, you get out of there.”

“James I’m going to be dealing with my mom and brother, there will always be danger wherever I go with them here.” after that, she took a deep breath and walked on to the stage.

As Lena walked into the middle of the stage she couldn’t help but shake a little. She had been up on a stage like this so much. But never was she up here knowing there was going to be an attack. 

“Good afternoon citizens of national city, today I am proud to be giving this year’s Pulitzer prize award to my dear friend Kara Danvers. Now before I have her come out here to get her award and give us a speech, I would like to say a few things about her.” Lena took a deep breath and looked up into the sky and saw the real Kara as Supergirl, and she smiled at her and very faintly under her breath so the audience couldn’t hear said, “this is for you.” and then looked to the audience and started her speech. “I have known Kara Danvers since she started as a reporter, some say I was her first story. I still remember Kara coming in with her cousin Clark kent doing the story on the space shuttle that had crashed. One of the first sentences out of her mouth was she was not a reporter, but I knew that reporting was what she was destined to do. When I first moved to National city it was never my intent to make friends, but somehow she broke down those walls and became one of my best friends, she refused to believe that I was anything but good, even when everyone thought I was just like my brother.  Kara Danvers doesn’t let anything stop her, she always insists on taking the more grousim storys. This is why we are here today, last year she wrote an amazing article about alien discrimination, and after months of hard work, it has finally paid off, I always knew this day was going to happen, and I am so grateful that I can call her my best friend, and that I can give her this award that she so rightfully deserves. So without further ado please welcome this year’s Pulitzer prize winner Kara Danvers!”

When Karas name was called out, J’onn called the real her over the comms. “You two see anything up there?”

“No but because you are really close to being up on stage I would assume he would be here any second.” kara told them.

“Well just keep a lookout.” J'onn said as he walked out on stage looking like Kara. Although as soon as he took one step on stage doomsday dropped right down at their feet.

“Everyone down!” Alex screamed, causing Maggie and James, and herself to start the evacuation process. And while they were working they could see Barry and Wally moving through the crowd grabbing civilians and getting them out of there.

“Go, go, go!” J’onn screamed to Oliver as soon as he and Lena were in the car. and they left with screeching tires. “Kara, Clark I will be there in about a minute, you hold on that long?”

“Yeah, there’s no stopping him right now all we are doing is pissing him off even more,” Clark told J’onn.

“Ok evac is done Maggie I and Barry are joining Sara and Thea on the ground team,” Alex said.

“Ok you guys need to find a way to get the device on him so we can track where the signal is coming from,”  Felicity said.

“Clark and I can’t he’s too busy focusing on us.” kara said. 

“Here im coming when you see me throw it to me, he isn’t expecting me.” J’onn said. Kara was right about to throw it to J’onn but before she could doomsday backhanded J’onn across the city.

“J’onn!” Kara and Alex screamed.

“I’m good im coming back, but he’s expecting all of us. It will have to be someone on-ground team. We will have to keep them distracted.”

“Air team keep him there im on my way!” Sara said.

“How? Where are you?” Kara asked slightly panicked.

“I’m running over to the rooftop behind him. From there I can jump onto his back and plant the device on there.” 

“Yeah well how do expect to get down Sara?!?” laurel screamed.

“Yeah, and what happens when he throws you off his back and you plummet to your death huh what then?” Kara asked.

“Well, no matter who does it we still face the same issue, im the closest. Pluse I have a super who refuses to let me drop to my death.” Sara said.

“That and she’s the most likely to come back from the dead.” Thea said with a smirk.

“Yeah, that too,” Sara said running and jumping over the gap between rooftops.

“Fine but please be careful.” Kara said.

“I will don’t worry,” Sara said. Sara was coming up to the edge of the roof that when she jumped she would land on his back.  “Ok, Kara throw it NOW!” Sara said. Kara threw it and Sara caught it in mid-air, unfourtly when she landed on his back he shifted enough to knock her off balance. She was able to grab onto something with a hand that wasn’t holding the device. 

“SARA!” Kara said as she saw her fall. Sara put the device in her tool belt and grabbed a knife and plunged it into doomsday so she could use it to climb her way back up.

“I’m good. Ok, Winn and Felicity the device is in place.” Sara said as she started running towards the edge of the very large beast. “Ok, Thea now!” right before Sara jumped off doomsday Thea shot a grappling hook arrow towards the far end of a building. As Sara jumped she disconnected her staff and was able to reconnect them on the line and ziplined down the line barreling into a bunch of CADMUS agents. “Well, that worked better than I thought.” 

“Sara, these guys keep coming, it’s like they’re appearing out of nowhere,” Diana said.

“Barry do you think you can speed around and see where there coming from and close it off?” Maggie asked.

“Yeah! come on Wally let’s go.”

“You guys I don’t know how much longer we will be able to fight him off, kara and I are taking heavy damage to the suit,” Clark said.

“If you guys are feeling the effects of the kryptonite you need to get the hell out of here now.” Alex said.

“We are fine for now but we need to get this thing shut down fast. Felicity, what your guys report?” Kara asked.

“We just found the computer. You guys are going to have to hold on for a few moments, we are trying to download the virus that will let us turn doomsday off. Oliver is with us keeping us safe while Nyssa went to go look for the Luthore's.” Felicity said.

“Nyssa does Know this not a kill mission, right?” Sara asked.

“Oh she knows I want to be the one to kill them.” Lena said.

“I thought you wanted to Lex alive?” Alex asked.

“I changed my mind.”

“There nowhere here. This place is empty.” Nyssa said over comms.

“You guys just have to keep him occupied for a couple more minutes,” Winn said.

“Got it! Clark, I think we can use our heat vision to fight it off.” Kara said, and Clark nodded and they both started using it. “It’s working it’s holding him back.” Kara said.

Kara and Clark were using their heat vision for 2 minutes when Clark started feeling dizzy.

“I don’t think I can do this for much longer.” as he said that he passed out and fell. J’onn flew up and caught him and brought him down to the ground.

“I don’t think I can either.” Kara said as her vision started to blur.

“Just one more minute Kara!” Winn said.

Everyone on the ground looked up to the sky where Kara was trying her best to fight them off.

“Come on Kara! You got this!” Alex screamed. When she heard this she was able to find enough energy to push him just a little more.

“Come on babe just a little longer!” Sara said giving Kara a little more strength. And soon enough everyone was chanting for her.

“Come on Kara! Hold on just a little more!” Laurel said.

“Come on superfriend!” Barry said.

“Come on little Danvers! Don’t give up right now!” Maggie said.

“Ok Kara it's shut down you can stop,” Winn said.

Just as Winn said that Kara passed out and started free falling. Barry sped as fast as he could up a building and jumped off catching her in mid-air and laying her on the ground gently. Everyone ran up to her and Sara and Alex were the first there.

“Kara, can you hear me?” Alex asked.

“Did we win?” Kara asked in a faint whisper.

“Not yet, we still have to find the Luthore's, but you did it! You took down doomsday.” Sara said leaning down and kissing her on her forehead. Sara then looked to Barry and nodded telling him to get her back to base. And with that Barry sped off with her and Wally following behind him with an unconscious Clark.

“Everyone back to base. We will continue the search for the luthorsers there.” J’onn said.

As everyone started filing back into the building there were a lot of questions asking how their two Kryptonians were doing.

“Clark is awake and talking, Kara is still out, but that’s expected she overexerted herself more.”

“Alex she will probably solar flair, if she does can kryptonite still affect her then?” Winn asked.

“I never thought about that, we will have to run some more tests.”

“Wait hold up. What’s a solar flare? Can we get an explanation for the new kids in class?” Wally asked.

“Yes I would very much like to know too.” Felicity said.”

“Well, Alex you are the residential doctor. Mind explaining to the class.” J’onn said playing into Wallys inalgey.

“James was with her for most of the day, why can’t he explain it?” Alex asked pointing to James who in turn said ‘not my sister.’ “Fine because clearly, I do everything around here. So basically a solar flair turns her into a human for a few hours, sometimes it can even last a day, anyways what happens is when kara overuses her powers she cant gain the solar energy she needs to get back her powers, and the last time it happens in the middle of an earthquake.”

“Yeah she ended up dislocating her shoulder.” James said.

“Yeah, she also put herself in front of a gunman knowing full danm well she could have been shot and killed,” Alex said. Glaring at James.

“You and me both know there was nothing we could have done to stop her.” he said, and Alex just did a light nodd.

“So if this does happen then anything in the world can kill her. Great, is there anything we can do to stop it from happening?” Sara asked.

“No, we can only hope it doesn’t, but if it does the only thing we can do is keep her under the sunlamps to help with the process of getting her powers back. But even then it’s not a definite solution.”

“Look Diana and laurel we appreciate the help but we still need guys in Star city so if you two could go back and help the rest of the team Arrow please do, I think we have enough people here.” Oliver said.

“Im staying, Sara needs me.” Laurel said.

“That’s fine I will go and help team Arrow Oliver,” Nyssa said.

“Yeah, we should have a speedster in central to Wally.” Barry said.

“Got it, well it was really fun guys hope we can get together for a fun time later that doesn’t involve people trying to kill our favorite aliens, maybe karaoke. Anyway see ya.” Wally said opening a portal, and running through it. Diana and Nyssa followed.

“Ok so now we have a Kryptonian who knows not her limits and isn’t invincible. Great.” Laurel says.

“Well, we need someone out there as Supergirl, if they don’t see her there going to know what happened and come for her here.”

“I can go out there and hopefully they believe it’s her.” J’onn said.

“It’s the only thing we can do.” Kara said coming out into the room. 

“What are you doing out of bed?” Alex said running up to her.

“I might not have my powers but I can still walk and stand.”

“Ok, Winn Felicity and Lena get an address of the Luthore's and I will get out there as Supergirl the rest of us, please try to keep Kara out of trouble.” and with that kara pouted.

“Oh Kara Mrs. Grant wants to see you, she said she saw the news and wanted to make sure YOU were ok,” Nia said. 

“Why did you say you so weird?” Alex asked.

“I don’t know it was the text I got,” Nia said showing her her phone.

“I wanna bet it means she’s not talking about Kara.” Akex said turning around and glaring at her. “Do you honestly not know what the term secret identity means?”

“I never told Mrs. Grant. She probably figured it out on her own as she did with Barry.”

“Wait she knows im the flash? How I only knew her for like 3 seconds.”

“You were very persistent about being named the Flash when she wanted to name you, “the blur” Winn said.

“And you showed up the same time as the Flash did, soo. Im not surprised about this.”

“She also did figure out I was guardian,”

“Wait who Mrs. Grant and how does she know who everyone is already.” Oliver asked.

“Well, the name is acutely Cat Grant A.K.A queen of all media. But all my little pets are still loyal so you know Mrs. Grant just stuck with them.” Cat said standing behind the group. And catching the attention of everyone. “God it's like the racial diversity CW show is having another crossover. Hello, Barry. Good to see you running around again.” 

“Mrs. Grant how did you find this place." Nia asked.

"Well, it was quite simple Kira, Nia installed the app on my phone called snappy chat, snapchatty, Snapchat, yeah that’s it, and tracked her from that.”

“I thought I told you to turn your location off.” Maggie said looking over to Nia.

“I did it must have turned it back on somehow,” Nia said.

“Well, I can help. Kira, I need a coffee first I need caffeine.” 

“Mrs. Grant im not your assent anymore, that and I can’t leave the tower.” Kara said looking sheepishly over at her.

“Well I suppose you would like me to start calling you Kara too,” she said with a smirk.

“I mean it wouldn’t be a bad thing either.”

“How about this. I stay permanently James still has his job as editor chef, but I get my office back and you stay Kira.” Cat said with a smile.

“Wait you’re coming back?” Winn, James, and Kara all said at the same time.

“If it’s alright with Lena that I take my company back, then yes.”

“Take it, if im going to be working more with the D.E.O I don’t think I would be able to take care of L-corp and CatCo too”

“Then it’s settled. Will Eve be there when I get there?”

“Oh no she turned out to be obsessed with Lex,” Alex said.

“Crazy lex girlfriend.” Alex, Kara, and Lena muttered at the same time.

“Why do all my assistants want you dead Kira? I mean you have poor taste in assistants.”

“What do you mean me? I didn’t hire them.” 

“Yes, but you found Eve for replacement.”

“Yeah but you replaced me when I didn’t need to be replaced with Sibion or whatever, her name was some snob name.”

“Fair, what have I all missed?” 

“A lot, there was an evil Kryptonian that inhabited one of our friend’s body, there was an evil me recently. I also fought Nazis on another earth.”

“Said Nazis also kidnapped you for your heart,” Sara said.

“I don’t think we have properly introduced. Cat Grant. You?” she said pointing to Sara.

“Sara Lance, on my earth known as the white canary.”

“Yeah because on your earth everyone thinks your dead,” Alex mentioned.

“Shut it, Danvers.” 

“And how do you all know each other.” 

“The blure brought us together.” Sara said throwing a smirk at Barry.

“Aww come on.”

“It’s sticking Allen get used to it,” Sara said.

"Sorry Barry, I'm with Sara on this one." Oliver said. "Oliver Queen, and if you already know everyone's secret identity, I'm also known as the Green Arrow. he said looking at Cat.

"Nice to meet you too, Oliver."

“I found them!” Felicity screamed.

“Where Felicity?” Alex said coming up behind them.

“Empty highrise building in the center of the city. I sent location to J’onn so he could scope it out and see if they move before we can get there.” Winn said.

“Ok everyone suits up! Kara you stay here.” Alex said getting a move on.

“What no I can still fight! Alex this is my battle I need to be there.” kara said. Alex glanced over Kara to see Sara giving her a slight nod.

“Fine but you are sticking to me and Sara.” 


“Speedy, Sara, Kara, and I will go through the front and stay on the bottom half of the building, the rest of you go through the back and meet J’onn up there, meet in the middle. Clark meets J’onn on top. Let’s go!” 

On the ride there Maggie noticed something on the back of Karas neck.

“Hey, Kara what on the back of your neck?” 

“What do you mean? Sara?”

“Alex takes a look at this, I think we found the real reason why you don’t have your powers.” Sara said.

“It’s a red sunlight chip. How do you feel now?” Alex asked as she removed the chip.

“Energized,” kara said floating and then breaking through the top of the van.”

“Plan didn’t change.”

As the van pulls up they all jump out and heads to their poisons. Alex, Thea, Kara, and Sara make it up to the third floor without a peep from anyone when Oliver comes through the comms.

“We need help up here we ran into Lilian, no sign of Lex though.”

“Sara, Alex go. the girl of steel and I will meet up with you and the rest of the team after we clear these last two floors.” Thea said.

As Sara, and Alex left to help the rest of them Kara and Thea ran up to the fourth floor and into a dark room. As soon as they entered the room the doors behind them shut, and a green light came on.

“Ahhh!” Kara shouted as she fell to the floor.

“Guys Kara and I are trapped in a room on the fourth floor with Kryptonite lights.” Thea said into the comms running to Kara.

“Oliver's trapped in the same thing with Clark.”

“Laurel, maggie, Barry, and Nia are finding a way to open the rooms.”

“There’s no point.” Lex said coming to life on the tv screen, he was in the room with Oliver and Clark.

“You will all be dead before they can save you,” Lillian said coming into the room with Thea and Kara. Thea got up with speed and had an arrow pointed at her within a second. “Ah Ah Ah Ah, you shoot and I drop this, and when it breaks it will release kryptonite in the air killing Kara and Clark. Same for you green boy.” Lex said.

“Now move away from the Kryptonian scum.” Lillian said to Thea.

“Not happening.” Thea growled with her bow still drawn. After that Lillian shot a gun off at the floor next to Thea causing thea to roll out of the way.

“What was that?” Sara yelled into her comms running downstairs to find Thea and Kara. Everyone ignored her comment.

“Lex enough!” Oliver growled.

“Oh, you think you’re the top dog here. Well, your not, I AM!” Lex screamed.

“At least im not bald,” Oliver said.

“Excuse me?”

“It was just a distraction,” Oliver said firing the arrow and having it land in Lexs chest. As Barry sped into the room grabbing the vile.

“NOO!” Lillian screamed as she watched her son die. She turned and shoot at Kara but at the same time, Sara threw her knife into Lillian’s shoulder. Causing the bullet to just miss Kara. Lillian pointed the gun at Sara, but before she could pull the trigger there were two bangs and a wish. Looking over to Lillian there were two bullet holes and arrows sticking out of her chest, she dropped dead to the floor. Before the vile she was holding could fall on the ground Thea dove to grab it. Knowing the arrows came from Thea she looked back to see where the bullets and not to her surprise Alex was standing next to Sara with her gun drawn.

“Well, now you can be with Lex in hell,” Alex said.

“Kara are you ok?” Sara said coming over to where Thea was helping kara off the ground.

“Yeah im fine. Just a little dizzy. Thanks, Thea.” Kara said smiling at Thea.

“Just doing what you would have for me.”


“So Kira do you think I could trust you to find me a new assistant?” Cat asked.

“Again you hired both of them.” 

“Anyway spill.”

“Excuse me Mrs. Grant?”

“Oh please, I know when you have something on your mind.”

“Well I found someone unexpectedly, I mean I have had feelings for them for a while I just didn’t know how to say anything, and I mean now we are together but it’s just complicated.”

“It wouldn’t happen to be complicated because this person is one of these heroes who wheres all white and lives on another earth, would it.” 

“How? Like honestly how do you always know?” 

“It’s my superpower I guess.”

“I mean I love her I do, but we live on two different earths, and she’s the captain of a time ship. I mean how does it work.”

“Well for starters you talk to her. You express your fears to her. And if she truly loves you she will help you figure out a solution to your problem.”

“Yeah but if the only solution is for one of us to leave? I can’t ask her to leave the waverider, it’s her home, it has all of her family there, and the timeline needs her. And god forbid I leave and some monster comes raining down from space and tries to kill you all.”

“Trust me kara if it comes down to you leaving to be with your girlfriend no one is going to blame you, your sister and J’onn wouldn’t mind, and they wouldn’t because they know you will come to visit. And trust me if a big bad monster from space comes down to rain hell you will get a call from me. The only issue we face is I have to try and find someone to replace my best reporter.”

“Thank you Mrs. Grant, but I think by the time I would leave if I do, I think Nia would make a good replacement.” kara said looking over to where Nia and Iris were talking about something, probably reporting related.

“Yes, it seems you have taught her a lot. Im very proud.”

“Well she was a lot like me, the first day she rambled exactly like me.”

“Who rambles just like you?” Sara asked coming to stand next to Kara.

“Oh, we were just talking about how Nia rambled like me when I first met her. Anyway,  where were all you guys?” Kara asked.

“Oh we are doing some fighting competitions in the training room, Barry thought it would be a good idea to challenge Oliver, and now he has two arrows in his back again,” Sara said.

“Right let’s go.” Kara said grabbing her hand and leading her to the training the rest of the guys were in.

“I and laurel are planning on going against Oliver and thea, I figured you would want to watch the queens get their ass kicked by the Lance’s.” 

“Yeah that does sound kinda fun.” Kara said as they walked into the training room seeing Barry run around the room with two arrows in his back screaming ‘NOT AGAIN”.

“Oliver really?” Kara said grabbing Barry and stopping him, then turning him around and pulling the arrows out without warning.

“What? He heals fast.” Oliver said causing everyone to laugh, even Barry who was still rubbing his back.

Kara walked back to where Sara was and grabbed her hand and then placed her head on her shoulder.

“You know I wouldn’t trade this group of friends in for the world.” Kara said.

“I wouldn’t either.”

“HEY SARA! Come on you and Laurel vs me and Thea, let’s go.” Oliver shouted over to them. Sara kissed kara on the head and went into the middle of the mats.

“Ok so for quick reference, everyone in favor of team Lance, raise your hands!” Winn said over the crowded. And everyone raised their hands.

“Felicity! What the heck you’re supposed to be voting for me!” Oliver laughed over to his wife.

“Im sorry hon, but I just like Sara and Laurel more. That and really? They’re gonna win.”

As they started the fight, Alex made her way over to her sister, and just stood off to the side of her with her beer in one hand.

“I vote we go against the winners, turn on the red sun lamps to make it fair,” Alex said.

“They’re not going to let us get away with not doing it.” kara said with a little laugh.

“So, do you and Sara know what your gonna do about the whole different earth’s thing?”

“I don’t know. All I know is that no matter what happens im not going to forget about you guys.”

“I know, if it helps any Sara is always welcome at the D.E.O.” Alex said with a tiny smile.

“I will make sure she knows.” after Kara said this they sat there in silence for a little bit until kara spook again. “But I don’t think we there yet, moving earth with each other I mean, I mean we just started dating.”

“Exactly, take it slow. Maybe alternate earth, one weekend you go there, the next she comes here. We can handle are selves here for a bit.” 

“I know. I love you Alex, and I don’t know what I would do without you for a sister.” kara said hugging her. They pulled away from each other when they heard a bell ring and looked over to see Sara and Laurel won the fight, they were helping Oliver and Thea sit up, and when they were they hugged each other.

“Go celebrate with your girl, im assuming they will be calling us to fight the next,” Alex said with a laugh.

“Oh remember we have my earth birthday next week!”

“I remember.”

Sara met Kara in the middle and pulling her in for a kiss. “What was that about?”

“Just some sister thing we have coming up.”

“Ah, so the girlfriend cannot know. Understood.”

“Yep.” Kara said giving her a shrug. “You do realize they’re probably going to put me and Alex vs you and Laurel.”

“Not unless we run,” Sara said grabbing Kara and pulling her behind her.

As they were running to their room at the tower they could hear the rest of the group calling for them.

All the super friends were looking for them until Laurel brought up a good point.

“You guys there’s no point because if we haven’t found them yet that means they’re probably doing something that we don’t want to find them doing.” 

“True.” Maggie said agreeing with her.

“Well, then that means she can’t hear us,” Alex said.

“Yeah why?” Thea asked.

“I have an idea,” Alex said.


OMG that was the last chapter!😱 We only have the epilogue left. I will save all that thank you stuff for either the end of the epilogue or I will create a whole other chapter for it. Anyway I just want to say sorry for how long it took to get this chapter up, I started this chapter right after I published the last one, but then I hit finals week, and I hit spring break and I was going to work on it then, but unfortunately my uncle passed away before my spring break even started so I decided to take a break so I could focus on my self a little, anyway school started last week and now that I'm back in the swing of it I will hopefully have that epilogue up soon. Until then stay safe and enjoy the time with your family while you still have them. That's a little lesson I learned the hard way.

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