Moral Stories

By NicholaSun

42.1K 224 37

All these stories have morals! More

A True Friend
Cousin Lina
Sick Caroline
Andy and George
The Singing Contest
The Dark Horse and The White Horse
Student Genius
The Great Race
Savannah and Bethany
Rachel's Best Friend
Helpful Sofia
The Fight with Two Best Friends
The Games Club Races
Matt's Dance Class
The Lazy Student
The School Bully
The Book Competition
Mia Mirabelle
Kathryn and Rachel
Watch Out, Laura!
Is this Appropriate?
My Sister Elena
Bad Temper
The Tallest Sandwich
Kirsten's Puppy
Ian and his Promise
A Bookworm
Tommy and Johnny
Pip's Wish
Study or Socialize
Turn Taking
Special Guests
The New Girl
Cry Babies
Too Little To Go Hiking?
Amber and the Million Dollars
The Head Boy Candidates
Christopher's Bad Deeds
A Dedicated Artist
True Talents
The Necklace
Hannah and The New Student
Animal Sports Day
Shelf Help
Phoebe Helps Out
Cyber Danger!
Too Many Friends?? Part 1

The Naughty Boys

2.1K 13 0
By NicholaSun

"Are you sure you want to play here?" Eric asked his best friend anxiously. "We will get into trouble again."

"Yes, we will be fine. Nobody will see us." Hans murmured. "If you see any teacher, remember to hide." 

Eric and Hans were always the naughtiest boys in the class. They break school rules especially where there was one rule that nobody should play in the classroom when it's playtime. The boys were playing downball. 

But, suddenly Hans accidentally boucned the ball and it hit the blue flower vase and it broke with flowers dropped and water was spilled. 

'Oh no!" Hans moaned with guilt, "The flower vase broke, I better tell Mrs. Jones about this." Hans then immediately left the classroom to look for Mrs. Jones. 

"But Hans you will get into trouble if she knows." Eric said stopping his friend. 

Hans had an idea, he will put the blue flowers back into the vase while Eric hides it. Suddenly, he heard a voice. 

"Did you hear that?" Eric murmured. He went to he door and saw Mrs. Jones and even worse she was talking to the school principal Mr. Legsman. "She's with Mr. Legsman. Hide before they see us." 

Hans immediately put the flowers back into the broken vase and hid behind the shelves at the back of the classroom. All of a sudden, there was scream. 

"Did you hear a scream?" Hans whispered, "I really need to tell her that I broke the vase." 

They heard loud steps around the classroom. Eric and Hans will get into serious trouble. All of a sudden, it was the end of playtime as Mrs. Jones realized that she needed to collect the class from the playground. 

Finally the rest of the class arrived. Mrs. Jones was standing with her hand on her hip and there was Mr. Legsman who looked unhappy. 

"There has been a serious issue, when I came into the classroom I realized that someone has broken the vase." She began, "if you know about it, please tell me the story." 

Hans slowly stood up and told the story: "Sorry Mrs. Jones but...." 

"I broke the vase, I was throwing the ball and broken it, I am very sorry, Mrs. Jones." Eric lied. 

"Well, you should be Eric." Mr. Legsman said sternly. "Since you broke the vase and you were supposed to be in the playground, your punishment is that you will stay in my office for the whole day while the rest of the class does art." 

Eric sadly left the classroom and Mr. Legsman asked Mrs. Jones to excuse him from fun. 

"I need to talk to him, Mrs. Jones. I have something really important for him." Hans said quickly as he left the classroom. 

Hans ran up to Eric, "Why did you tell her that you broke the vase and it was really me?" 

Eric ignored him. It was now time for Art. Everyone began drawing except Hans who put his elbows on his table. 

"What's the matter, Hans?" Mrs. Jones questioned, "you don't look happy." 

"I really got to tell you this, it wasn't Eric who broke the vase, it was me. I am really sorry, Mrs. Jones." Hans slowly apoogized. 

Mrs. Jones looked angrier. She asked Hans to leave the classroom too. Later on, at lunchtime Mrs. Jones and Mr. Legsman had a big meeting with them. 

"We are very disappointed in both of you..." Mr. Legsman began. "If you know that there was an accident you got to let a teacher know, even if you did a bad thing." 

The boys finally admitted themselves and helped tidy up Mrs. Jones's classroom. 

Moral: A lie is a lie. If you know that there was an accident, you need to tell an adult. 

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