BAD BOY SAVED (male pov)

By guiltypleasure20

381K 17.5K 4.2K

Sequal to Bad Boy Abused and She Saved me. This book is written in Liams POV. In his short life Liam has suf... More

Inner battles.
Caught up in Lies.
Two Girls.
Non-Consensual Kisses.
The whole picture.
Sometimes foes are friends.
Late Night Chats.
Filmmaker Luke.
Its too dark
Deeper into the darkness.
Bad Decisions
Lake house.
Underwater world.
Truth or dare?
A midnight dip.
Things that matter to me.
Just some fun
I need you.
Distract me.
I'm lost but I know where I'm going.
He is funny.
I want him dead.
Sharing Truths
Shower with me.
Is it in?
Are you sure?
Under the influence
My Journal
No place like home.
Close your eyes
My Fantasy.
I don't believe her.
Bedside Manner
You're on my mind.
Suppressing Urges
I don't want to.
Good Memories
Release and Breathe.
See what you think.
Baby talk.
He guessed.
Strawberry Milkshake.
Find Olive-ve-ya.
Dead to me.
Losing control.
Its my fault.
The trial
Epilouge pt 1
Epilogue pt 2.
Epilogue pt 3

They Slept Together

4.7K 229 15
By guiltypleasure20

They were not lying when they said that this place was fancy. We looked around in awe, they had marble floors with a high shine gloss effect and I half expected a cleaner to sneak up behind us and clean in the exact place we stepped because everything just looked that immaculate. Huge chandeliers hung over our heads and were obviously a main focus point of the foyer.

"I'm here to pick up the key for room 504, Jordan Peers." I said to a snobby looking man in a tailed jacket, he jumped to work instantly, first typing into his high end computer and then scurrying into the back for the key card.

I tapped my foot impatiently against the floor but it made no sound. I heard Lola release a flirty laugh from behind me and when I turned around she was talking to a group of guys who were eating up her every word.

"Mr Peers?" The snobby man returned.

"Maines, actually." I corrected.

He handed me over a slick piece of card with the room number engraved into the plastic and then he waved me off towards the elevators. I ignored his direction and walked towards Lola.

"You coming?" I asked, ignoring her posse of men.

"Who is this?" The ring leader instantly got defensive, puffing out his chest like an ape and a scowl grew on his lips.

"Oh nobody." Lola sighed, placing her hand out to wave me off. She didn't break eye contact with the man to look at me. "I'll come find you later." She followed it up with. I rolled my eyes at her choice of companions and then headed towards the elevators pressing for the fifth floor.

I pressed the card into the small slit and waited for the two magic beeps, then I pushed the door open and was hit in the face with a stale stench of alcohol and vomit. The room was in almost darkness and as I walked down the small hallway I passed Jordan's jeans and shoes messily thrown around the floor.

I turned the corner to be in the main bedroom, the only light available was the smallest sign of daylight slithering in from the sides of the blackout blind. I thought about pulling the blinds open and letting in the blinding sun to wake him up but as I glanced over at the bed my blood ran cold.

"What the fuck is this?" I shouted.

Eyeing up a vision of Jordan and Olivia, looking like the perfect couple, sleeping soundly in bed. Her arms draped lovingly over his bare chested body.

I felt like someone had tied an elastic band around my heart too tightly and it had broken and pinged back with the unwelcome thrust. I couldn't find the words to speak and I didn't want to see the sight of that was lying in front of me but for some reason my eyes wouldn't look away.

Jordan jumped out of bed and started heading towards me, his face looked apologetic and guilty all at the same time. My eyes floated down his body, the only slither of thin material concealing him was his boxer shorts and my stomach felt instantly sick.

He had no idea of the battles I go through just to sleep next to her. The demons in my head that I continuously need to fight because in my subconscious state they are telling me that it's him. He had no idea how long it took me to come around to the idea of sharing a bed with her, accepting her touch. He had no idea how hard everything is for me.

Yet here he is, in a single night he accomplished everything I had been fighting for the past year and he didn't even think twice about it. He didn't appreciate it, he took it for granted.

I hate him.

I hate him!

Before I could think about what I was doing my clenched fists collided with his face and he coiled over gripping his left cheek.

He fucking deserved that.

"Fuck! Liam! What the fuck!" He shouted.

I turned away from the situation and walked towards the door, throwing his key card across the room before I left. I could hear Jordan calling my name but I ignored him because I knew if I walked back he would end up with two black eyes and a fat lip instead of just a tender cheekbone.

I don't know where I was going but my feet carried me back the way that I had came and I found myself in the hotel bar ordering an old fashioned and an ice pack. I eyed Lola in one of the dark corners, she was sitting on the ape-guys lap but I didn't bother to acknowledge her. She was clearly busy.

"Your drink, your ice pack." The bar tender said as he placed both items in front of me. I rested the ice pack against my swelling knuckles which felt beautifully cold since my knuckles burnt and then I tipped the drink to the back of my throat relishing in that warming smoky flavor that lingered against my insides.

How can I go from feeling on top of the world one second to feeling this intense rage and anger the next?

"What happened? What's up?" Lola slotted onto a bar stool next to me and I shot a glance back to her 'friend' who was looking equally as enraged as me except his was directed at me. I saluted him in solidarity.

"I think he wants you to go back." I pointed out but she didn't even bother to turn her head, her intense grey eyes just stared at me waiting for an answer.

"She was in bed with Jordan." I told her straightly, taking another sip of my drink. Lola's mouth dropped open and her eyes almost bulged out of their sockets.

"Shit, I wasn't expecting that." She muttered quietly under her breath. I nodded, sipping the last bits of liquid remaining in my glass. "What did you do?" She asked with interest. I waved the bar tender over for a refill and he jumped right on it.

"I punched him and then left." I told her, again with a straight tone.

"Damn Liam, he got off lightly. He had sex with your girl and you just punched him." My head darted to face her so fast I almost gave myself whiplash.

"They didn't have sex!" I exclaimed. Her brows knitted together with confusion.

"You just said-" She began.

"They slept together as in they slept in the same bed together." I explained it like she was the idiot but saying it out loud made me feel like the idiot.

"Oh." She said, her lips forming a perfect circle. She still looked confused, she didn't understand. It wasn't the same for her as it was for me. I didn't bother to explain further, I just sunk my lips into my glass and drank more.

"Well I'm going to go check out the damage to his face and laugh, they're in the suite, yes?" She stood up and placed her hands on her hips.

"504." I muttered before waving the bar tender over for a third time. He looked a tad annoyed but I was basically the only one in here so he had no room to complain when I was keeping him in business right now.

Fucking Jordan.

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