
By mrsnicky_

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What happens when Kayda Blaire gets sent back home to Mystic Falls after Damon convinced the sheriff to send... More



426 15 2
By mrsnicky_

When I got to the Salvatores Damon was rushing out of the house.

"This is your fault." He mumbled.

"I know. And I'm sorry. Is she ok?"

"That's what I'm going to figure out Kayda. Go home."

"Where? I'm not even supposed to be here because the council is after me! I have no where to go."

"That doesnt seem like my problem now does it." He snapped.

"Damon, I'm sorry. Please just let me stay with you."

"As long as you stop saying sorry." I smiled and we ran to Elena's house.


The next morning she woke up, Stefan was sitting on her bed and Damon was by the window while I was leaned up on the door. She gasped as she sat uo and her eyes fell on me.

"Elena I'm so sorry.." I murmured.

"Its fine Kayda." She as Stefan hugged her.

"Would you like me to grab a blood bag? I'm sure I can find a ring too for Bonnie to spell."

"No-" She responded quickly. "I'm not doing the transition." My eyes quickly flew over to Damon.

"Elena, think reasonably." Damon said. "There is no possible way for you to stay alive without feeding."

"But there might be." Stefan projected.

"Exactly, Bonnie might be able to do something... a spell, or something."

"Whatever. Damon have fun dealing with this. I'll be back later." I said pushing off the door frame with my shoulder. I ran to the Mikaelsons, Rebekah was standing by Klaus's drawings, looking at all of them. I walked behind her and stood next to her.

"I'm sorry." I muttered.

"Its fine. It's not like you could do anything about it." She sniffled, I gave her a small side hug and she gave me a hug back, then I felt a poison inject my shoulder.

"That doesnt feel nice." I ground as I pulled out the dart, I backed up and was hit by five more which sent me unconscious.


I woke up in a van, Caroline and Rebekah were tied down in front of me.

"Caroline?" I asked frantically.

"Hey." She responded weakly.

"I thought you skipped town, why are you here?"

"I didnt want to leave." She responded, then the van flipped over onto its side. Someone broke down the door, it was Tyler. He never really died.

He got Caroline out then came back, sirens were blaring as I heard tires screech. "Keep em busy little sis." He winked at Rebekah then looked over at me. "Love, stay safe." He murmured towards me then left with Caroline.

Me and Rebekah looked at each other with confusion. "Klaus?" I asked as the cops broke us out of the van and injected us with vervain, as if we weren't already toasted.


I woke up in a cell, breathing in vervain. I was in the same cell with Rebekah, Stefan woke up across from us and Elena was just being dragged in by a police officer.

"What the hell." I muttered. "Has she fed?" I asked.

"No." Stefan growled.

"Well this is great." I said standing up and stumbling over to the bars.

"What the hell are you doing?" Rebekah asked.

"I'm thirsty, I want a drink." I said as I slammed my hands on the bars. "Hey!" I yelled trying to get their attention. Some guy came in and stood there impatiently.

"Pipe down or I'll put some more vervain on."

"I couldn't care less." I snapped back. "Give me your wrist." I said sticking my hand out in between the bars, he chuckled and pulled his gun out.

"Wooden bullets, back up." He ordered, I laughed.

"Look, I dont care." I chuckled. "What are you going to do about it?" He loaded the gun and pointed it at me. "Oh so scary, a man with a loaded gun."

He shot the gun at my face and I caught the wooden bullet with no problem. He looked scared as I dropped it, I smiled and swiped my hand to grab his gun, I pointed it and he out his hands up.

"Walk towards me, or I'll shoot. And I bet you damn well you wont be able to catch that bullet like I did." He walked towards me and I took his wrist and put it up to my mouth. He yelled and I pushed him hard up against the bars on Stefans cell. Stefan grabbed his shoulder quickly and snapped his neck, taking his head off along with it.

He dropped his body in front of Elena's cell, she slowly stuck her hand out dipped her fingers in the blood and licked them. I pulled the bar and it broke, I slipped out and turned back to look at Rebekah.

"I need to see Kol." I sighed, she nodded and took off. I looked back at Stefan who was holding Elena, he nodded and I ran off behind Rebekah.

I got inside not long after her and Kol hugged me tightly. He picked me up in the air and spun me around.

"You promised." He whispered in my ear.

"And technically I kept my promise. I came back, I was looking at Klaus's art with her in the other room, then the council shot us."

"I'm just happy your not hurt." He murmured, he pulled away and kissed me. I kissed him with joy, but something felt empty in my life. Like even if I had everything I'd ever want I didn't know if it was enough.

"I never get hurt, I dont know what your talking about." I joked, he laughed and set me down on my feet.

"I got you something." He smiled, he pulled out a phone from his back pocket and handed it to me.

"Oh Kol... I don't need this."

"Yes, you do. From the sounds of it, Elena is a vampire. I'm sure this is just the beginning of all the hell we will go through together."

The word 'together' burned me, like it was a threat and not an option, but I nodded along with him. This was my life, this was my new normal and I'd need to get used to it.

"Well, thank you." I smiled taking it.

"Your welcome darling. Everyone from your last is in there, so... go crazy." He smirked, I nodded and kissed him again.

"Ok... I'll be back first thing in the morning."

"Your leaving?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Just in case."


"I dont know... my safety? Plus it would be good for me to build back up my relationship with the Salvatores, and Caroline, Liz, I mean Elena too. They will keep me safe, whether they dislike me a tad now, I'm their world. From the problems I've heard I wouldnt be surprised if I were more important than Elena."

"You'll be safe with me too. Elijah is here along with the obvious, Rebekah. She also told me about how you had a little run in today with Klaus which explains why none of them died."

"Is he here?"

"Will be soon. Bonnie us doing her spell for him now."

"Then in definitely leaving." I decided walking towards the door. "I don't want to be near him."


"Because he wanted me dead."

"And know he doesnt."

"Fantastic. You know, I'm so happy we got over this so fast. I mean the point is clear, so great! I'm leaving now." I said walking towards the door, he didnt stop me. The closer I got made me realize that he probably wasnt going to stop me, which only made me leave faster.

I got to the door and turned around, he wasnt even standing there anymore. I scowled and slammed the door shut behind me. I ran to the Salvatores, Damom had just settled on the couch with his bourbon.

I quietly shut the door behind myself. "I wont interrupt." I said as silent tears fell from my face, I quickly wiped them away before I thought he couldn't notice.

"Kayda, what's wrong?" He asked as I got to the stairs.

"Nothing you can help with." I slurred.

"Maybe I can try. If anything I can listen."

"Damon, I love your company and you know that. But this really isn't something I want you to help with nor do I think you would want to help."

"To damn bad. Get your ass down here, from the 2 months you were gone in sure you've learned that alcohol is a saint to this stuff. I'll get you a glass, and we can talk."


"I dont want to hear it. That hed will still be there in a few hours. I've got nothing useful to do. So talk." I sighed and sat down on the couch across from him, very stiff and uncomfortable. "You are so god damn stubborn when you dont want to do something." He groaned standing up and handing me a glass of bourbon. He sat down next to me and got comfortable immediately.

He put his hand on my shoulder and softly pulled me back into him, soon I was snuggled up onto his chest with a full glass of bourbon.

"Now talk."

"Its really not a big deal-"

"If your crying it is a big deal."

"Well no technically not, my senses are heighten remember?"

"Even still. Your tough. Of somethings girl you crying then something's not right."

"Well- Kol and I just keep getting into a bunch of fights and when he says things like forever or something I get nervous. Which is insanely weird because I love him, and I know I do because if he leaves me I dont know if I'll be able to survive. But then Kai..."

"Isnt he gone?"

"Yeah." I said in a dull voice. "He is, and maybe that is apart of my problem."

"How do you mean?"

"Well that whole sire thing is broken because I turned it off, now that it's back on and I can understand my feelings, maybe it isn't only Kol that I love... Kol keeps asking me about Kai and I always deny because I dont want to upset him. I dont want to loose him, but I have to find Kai. I feel like I'll fall apart without him."

"So where does that leave you with Kol?"

"I'm not sure... I can't go looking for Kai, and theres no way in hell you guys are going to look for him for me. So I guess I just wait until he comes back."

"You think you can handle that?"

"Well I'll have to, won't I?"

"I suppose."


I am super sorry this chapter is cut extremely short. I have a few ideas for the coming up chapters and in order to do that I have to end it here. I will try and keep the other chapter at or above 3000 words like all the rest.

Thank you guys so much for reading and enjoying this story so far! If you have any ideas please let me know and I might just pop them in :)

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